A.N. – Welcome to this little series of slightly-mature 100-word drabbles. I've been reading a ton of Sakura-centric fics lately, and I wanted to try my hand at a pre-Shippuden, but still badass, Sakura. All she really has to work with at that point is her mind and chakra control. The original idea was to have each drabble be a lesson in which Sakura exhibits some talent while her cohorts suck at it, but to encapsulate that in the 100 word limit is tough. So, this will probably end up being slice-of-life as much as anything. I'm posting three drabbles to start with; updates will be hopefully at least once a week. Lastly, I don't own Naruto nor do I profit monetarily from this work in any way.
Lesson No. 1
"Sakura, your nipples match your hair!" Naruto breathes out in awe.
"They're not the same shade, idiot," Sakura starts before cutting herself off, blushing. Not just due to the topic – in her anger she'd risen out of the water, inadvertently giving Naruto more to gawk at.
"You match…" Naruto manages, mouth hanging open.
Sakura takes a painfully long moment to realize what Naruto is referencing. When she does, Sakura's whole body takes on a rosy hue.
"How'd you even see that? It's barely started…" Once again, Sakura's mouth slammed shut, mortified. Apparently, she can't self-censor when Inner's running her mouth.