The Light Fury blinked, her angry blue orbs finally resting on the black, green-eyed dragon.

Toothless watched her in awe. She might look soft and serene on the outside but he knew this feral female Fury was feisty, scary.. and beautiful.

He tried to step closer to her but she narrowed her eyes at him, growling in warning. Toothless immediately deflated. It was obviously going to take some time and effort to win her over.


A young boy with dark, auburn hair and green eyes secretly watched a girl with blue eyes and light, blonde hair throw her mother's axe at some poor trees.

He wasn't sure if he was scared of her or in awe of her beauty. For a moment he entertained the thought of approaching but thought better of it. They were friends, or they used to be.. but ever since the girl's uncle died, she had distanced herself from everyone, including him.

Sometimes when she would smile at him, once in a blue moon, he would feel hope rise again. But it quickly dissipated when reality came crashing down. Hiccup wondered if he would ever come close to her again.


The white Fury hissed every time Toothless stepped closer. He wondered what he had done to elicit such a cold response. He may look different than her, different than what she was used to, and maybe that scared her a little? If that was the case, he wondered what could he possibly do to change that?

Toothless rubbed his paws on the ground, simply watching her drink water from the pond for a moment.

Maybe he should put her in a tree? She was obviously not used to flying, being an aquatic dragon, and he was wearing his auto-tail. If it worked for Hiccup, maybe it could work for him too.


Green eyes had blue eyes pinned underneath them. Both dragon and man had accidentally fallen on top of their mates.

Instead of anger, these oceanic pools now reflected peace and contentment. Whatever ire that had previously existed was now gone, replaced by adoration and respect.

The Light Fury's pale scales contrasted against Toothless' dark skin, like day and night.

Astrid's pale hair was spilled around her like a halo while Hiccup's dark hair touched her forehead, shading her face from the burning sun.

They were a reflection of their surroundings. Rich green forest meeting the glittering blue sea, and both existing in a perfect equilibrium.

AN: Just a stupid oneshot lol

I wanted to write about Hiccup/Astrid & Toothless/Light Fury but this is all I could manage, ugh.