It had been another full day since Sam administered the donated grace and there was still absolutely no change in Cas other than that of a regular human healing up with modern medicine practices.
Dean was feeling more, like himself, but preferred to stay in the infirmary with Castiel. Besides, Michael ran him hard and burned the candle at both ends for three days straight. No to mention the cuts from the whipping hurt like a bitch and Dean preferred the pain meds that came in IV form.
Jack slept mostly, still in the infirmary as well. He would wake up every few hours to tell Dean that Cas was going to be okay. He would never admit it but he thoroughly enjoyed being cared for by his family. Little did they know, his secret but he would tell them soon enough.
Later that same day when it was late in the evening, Cas, for the first time, squeezed back while Dean clutched his hand. Dean was just drifting off to sleep but Cas' tiny movement jolted him awake.
"Cas?" Dean asked with hope. "Hey, Cas, c'mon buddy. Please, wake up and be okay. Please tell me you're okay!"
No reply.
Dean jumped up to stand next to his angel and prayed, again holding Cas' cold hand in between his two warm ones. Dean focused all his energy into the same repetitive prayer. 'Please, be okay. Please, be okay.' Soon, Cas moaned in the back of his throat and his brow furrowed.
Dean looked up to see the movement.
"Cas, hey Cas, everything's alright, I'm right here." Dean chidded as he gripped one of Cas' hands close to his heart while the other stroked his fluffy dark hair back off his face. He leaned in closer and waited impatiently.
Cas took a long deep breath through his nose ending in another grone before his eyes fluttered open to find the face he knew matched the voice he had been hearing all this time.
"Hello, Dean." He managed to whisper.
Dean couldn't stiffel his happiness for a second longer and he planted a quick kiss on Cas' lips.
"Ahhhh! I… I'm sorry! I just…" Dean stammered and took a step back feeling like he just took advantage of the situation.
"Dean, it's okay."
"Really? Hey, umm…" Dean stepped back closer but at a more respectable distance before he just blurted everything out in one breath. "Listen, I've kinda been totally in love…with...you for awhile now and I'm very sorry."
"No, wait, let me finish… You are just plain awesome in every fuckin' way and I'm so not. And this isn't fair to you and-"
"No no no no. And if you don't want something…between us…to happen after all this shit that I've put you through then just pull a Han Solo when I say 'I love you.' and you can just say 'I know.' and then just walk away and we can still be friends. Please still be my friend. Cas, I'm so sorry, please forgive me!" Dean stood there. Hands at his sides waiting for the verdict and ready to accept whatever fate Cas decided.
"Dean Winchester…" Cas sat himself up on his elbows so he could look at Dean properly. "I love you, too. And know that there is nothing, in any world it reality, that you could do to make me stop."
They beamed smiles at one another but right as Dean took another step in hopes he could kiss his angel again they were interrupted.
"I KNEW IT!!!" Jack finally yelled out unable to contain himself any longer. He sat up with his legs crossed like a schoolgirl, knees bouncing, hands holding his ankles, and his smile threatening to stretch past his ears.
"Jack? The hell?" Dean exclaimed while Cas rolled his eyes with the fed up attitude of a mom getting the midday call that her child left his lunch on the bus, for the fourth time this month.
"I knew it! I knew it! I knew!" Jack didn't care how pissed they were. "Can I call you my dad's now? Or is that taking things too fast. Pop? Papa? Abba? Daddy? I'll have to get back to you. Would you be willing to complete a survey so that I might-"
Dean cut him off. "How long have you been awake?"
"Pretty much the whole time! I slept when you slept but I only stayed so I could watch you fawn over Castiel this whole time and finally witness THIS!"
"Go to your room!" Dean yelled and pointed to the door.
"Sir, yes, sir!" He happily leapt off the cot with ease and skipped out of the infirmary just as gleeful as ever.
"That little spy! I can't believe him!"
"Mmhmm." Cas agreed without expending to much more energy before a muscle cramp spasmed though back.
"Cas! Hang in there, okay? Hey, you gotta tell me you're gonna be okay, pal."
"Yes, but I will need significant recovery time to fully heal. Perhaps about a month or so should do it."
"A month?! Shit, man. It's that bad huh…? I'm worth all of this to you??"
"You have no idea."
Dean's ears turned red with a grin. "Shut up, Cas." He spoke this just before kissing Cas fiercely.