Near a small home on the top of Mount Paozu, a young Half-Saiyan boy is seen meditating near a river. This boy was Gohan, the son of one of Universe 7's most powerful warrior, the Saiyan Son Goku.

Gohan looked young, but despite that he himself was a very powerful warrior, and one who had been through a lot since he was a little boy, just a toddler in fact. Having trained since the age of four, he has grown to be a very powerful warrior. It has been 6 years and he's become the second strongest on the planet, surpassed by only his father. Then again, he might have even surpassed his father.

Gohan preferred his academics over fighting, in fact he never really liked fighting at all. Despite this he never stopped trying, he always fought hard and was ready for any challenge that came his way.

As he sat, meditating the way Piccolo taught him how, a young woman approached him. This woman was very beautiful, especially as far as Gohan was concerned, and she was very powerful herself.

"Gohan, you should be getting back home now," she said.

Gohan opened his eyes and turned to the woman with a polite smile, "Sure thing Eighteen." The young boy stood up and made his way toward the young girl, the two walking really closely together towards Gohan's house.

The home itself had really started to get bigger. In addition to the family that already lived there, that being Goku who's lived there since he landed on Earth, then his wife and eventually his son, soon Eighteen along with her brother Seventeen began to stay at their home.

Gohan was happy to have the android siblings around, they made for good friends and were always a pleasure to be around, well mostly Eighteen. Seventeen was like an older brother that loved to goof around with him, and the two occasionally sparred. Eighteen seemed like an older sister, but Gohan liked her a lot more than that, which she was very aware off.

Gohan spent his time differently with the Androids. Aside from sparring, he and Seventeen also did random fun stuff, though most of it involved Seventeen driving around in a fast car with Gohan joining him. It wasn't easy since Seventeen did some crazy tricks with the car. One would think that with Gohan's ability to fly this would be nothing for him, unfortunately that wasn't the case for the young Saiyan half-breed.

With Eighteen though, Gohan had a lot of extra time with the female cyborg, the two really enjoying each other's company. The main reason for this being that Gohan had fallen for Eighteen, and in a way, with Eighteen feeling very flattered by the affection.

Despite Gohan being younger, Eighteen has imagined what it would be like to be in a relationship with him knowing that he's not that far from being fully mature. She imagines he'll be a very handsome man as he gets bigger, and she's glad she got to him first before the other girls. Even now he seems so mature that she forgets how young he is, though if she wants to be fair, she's still pretty young herself. She is a cyborg after all, so her aging itself was slowed down, she didn't feel that much older than Gohan. Plus what guy is more mature than he is? This boy had been in major battles the moment he knew how to walk and had the intelligence of anyone twice his age, he was more of a man than any of his father's friends.

For now she would eagerly wait and see how well Gohan would grow, and be ready to fully nab him when the time comes.

As the two approached the door to the house, Eighteen had started to speak. "So what does meditating even do for you?"

"Meditating?" Gohan asked. "Well it allows me to focus my energy, fighting isn't always strength but also mind as well. It even helps for mental and image training."

"I remember hearing about that image training thing, training using your mind, sounds interesting," Eighteen said.

"It's good, plus training my mind also helps me focus, whether it's a fight or for the studies my mom gives me," Gohan said.

"Ah, studies, I remember Seventeen complaining when your mom tried getting him to study," Eighteen said.

"I think she still is, she wants both of you to broaden your intelligence," Gohan said.

"That's not something me and Seventeen really cared about for a while, though considering we have a second chance to enjoy our lives, I personally don't mind. It's nice that your mother cares like that," Eighteen said. "That's another thing we're not used to, having someone to care about us."

"I'm sure Seventeen is probably happy that my mom cares too, he's just a little stubborn I guess," Gohan said.

"A little? You're being too nice," Eighteen said. "I will admit your mother's been a little too moody lately."

"Well she is pregnant with my little brother, so I guess it makes sense," Gohan said.

Eighteen's eyes widened, almost forgetting that fact,"Right, you're gonna be a big brother, are you excited?"

"Yeah, very excited, kinda worried though, being an older sibling," Gohan said.

"Yeah, it's not easy. Granted it's a little different for me since me and Seventeen are twins and only minutes apart in age, but I'm sure you can handle being a big brother. Someone who's as smart as you are and capable of great strength shouldn't have that much of a problem," Eighteen reassured.

"That's the thing, I only know books and fighting, I'm barely good at other stuff. I couldn't even make many friends, I mean aside from Dende, you and Seventeen are the only friends that are close to my age," Gohan said.

"And you're a great friend Gohan as well Gohan. You're a caring boy, so you better not forget that," Eighteen said, playfully aggressive. "Besides didn't you meet him in The Future? You told me his name is Goten."

"Yeah, I met Goten already, but this one might turn out differently. Look at Trunks, in one future he's arrogant and kind of bratty, but in another he's more well mannered and serious. That's because they were both raised differently, one in peace, and one constantly fighting," Gohan said.

"We're in peace now though right? Like the Goten of The Future?" Eighteen asked. "So he shouldn't be that different."

"Probably not," Gohan said. "Still, I'm not too sure."

Eighteen rubbed his head a bit, "Don't worry about it too much, you'll do a great job as a big brother. Me and Seventeen will help as well." Eighteen then tapped her chin, "Though maybe me more than him."

Gohan chuckled a bit, "Seventeen needs some credit, he's a great guy to be around, even if he is a little immature."

"Again, you're too nice," Eighteen said, then lowered down to kiss Gohan's head. "That's what I really like about you."

Gohan blushed at the affection, turning away shyly, "Come on Eighteen, that's kind of embarrassing."

"You should be used to it by now, weren't you the one who wanted to be with me?" Eighteen said with a playful grin as she ruffled Gohan's hair to make him feel a little more awkward.

Gohan shook his hair out of this face, "Well yeah..."

"This is only the start too, the older you get, the more I will do with you," Eighteen said, grinning a bit more sinisterly.

Gohan nervously chuckled, "Let's not think that far ahead, I'm not sure how easy it would even be, I never told anyone I have a crush on you."

"I'm surprised you didn't even tell Seventeen yet," Eighteen said.

"I don't think he'll be too happy if he finds out, I'm worried he'll get mad," Gohan said.

"Why would he? Seventeen's very fond of you after all," Eighteen said.

"I'll still feel weird telling him, he sees me as a little brother, it might be weird for him if I tell him I liked you the way I did," Gohan said.

"He probably won't take it seriously, he might even find some humor in it," Eighteen said.

"Or he'll kick my butt for thinking about you like that," Gohan said, getting a roll of the eyes from Eighteen. "Look I'll tell him, just not yet, I want to be ready."

"It's your choice, I can understand you being a bit nervous, I'm sure all of your friends will be jealous though," Eighteen said. "You can brag about it too."

Gohan looked a bit unhappy at hearing about this friends, already feeling a little selfish for his decision to confess to Eighteen, "Yeah, I think I know at least one who'll be really unhappy."

"You mean Krillin?" Eighteen asked, getting a nod from Gohan. "He doesn't seem that interested. He sees me as another cute girl I'm sure, but he doesn't seem to be trying in this timeline. Maybe you should have asked how we got together."

"I didn't know how to ask without it causing some curiosity, they'll probably think I'm trying to get you two together so they'll expect that," Gohan said. "I can only imagine what would happen if they not only saw I didn't get you two together, but I got you instead."

"It's not really important anyway, if Krillin asks to date me I'll just turn him down, I already turned down Yamcha the other day," Eighteen said.

Gohan looked curious, and somewhat jealous. "Yamcha? Wait why would he ask you out? I thought he was still a bit afraid of you two."

"Guess he got some courage, especially since we're living with you and Goku, so I guess they got used to us," Eighteen said.

"Well it's normal, you'd be surprised how many of my dad's friends used to not like him, in fact almost all of them were his enemies at some point, including Mr. Piccolo," Gohan said.

"At least they're warming up to us," Eighteen said, then furrowed her brows. "Aside from a certain Prince."

"Vegeta's like that to everyone," Gohan said. "Especially anyone who's beaten him in a fight."

"Guess he can't take a loss," Eighteen said. "Anyway let's go inside."

Before they could enter, Chi-Chi, who was seen putting clothes to dry outside, had turned to see the two. "Oh good, you're both home."

"Did you need something?" Gohan asked, then looked around. "Also where's dad? And Seventeen?"

"I sent them to grab some food for tomorrow, I'm almost done with tonight's dinner though," Chi-Chi said.

"Do you need help though? You shouldn't be doing so much since you're pregnant," Gohan said.

Chi-Chi rubbed her growing stomach, "It's fine Gohan, I can still move around, plus it gets boring doing nothing." Chi-Chi did a thumbs up, "Remember your mother's much tougher than she looks."

"A human carrying a Saiyan child, I would imagine you'd have to be tough," Eighteen said.

"Yeah, Gohan was a bit of a pain to carry, but it was worth it to bring my special little guy into this world," Chi-Chi said, Gohan starting to blush more. At this point his face was nearly entirely red.

"I wish everyone would stop making me feel awkward," Gohan said.

Chi-Chi giggled, "Sorry dear, I'm just really proud of you and how well you've grown."

Gohan bashfully rubbed his head, "Alright, I'll let you continue the laundry, but if you need something you can still ask me."

"I know Gohan, don't worry though, like I said your mother's a lot tougher than she looks after all," Chi-Chi somewhat boasted.

"Shame you never tried doing the stuff your husband and son do," Eighteen said.

"Yeah, I bet you could be even stronger than you are now," Gohan said.

"Maybe, but it's not important, I'm happy just being a wife and mother," Chi-Chi said. "Anyway go inside and get ready for dinner, I'm almost done out here."

"Ok mom," Gohan said, going inside with Eighteen.

Off in the distance, Goku and Seventeen are flying through the air, holding bags of food. Not to Seventeen's surprise, there's a lot of food in these bags. He knows of Goku and Gohan's appetites, and while he had the strength to hold it, it was still a lot to hold and good strength doesn't equal good balance.

"No matter how many times I help you or Gohan carry the food, it still amazes me how much you can eat," Seventeen said.

"What can I say? I have a big appetite," Goku said. "And so does my son."

"Yeah and soon you'll have another kid that's gonna eat this much, I hope you can get enough food," Seventeen said.

"Don't worry, we'll handle it," Goku said very optimistically.

Seventeen sighed, not sure how Chi-Chi manages to cook for a Saiyan family, "Lucky for me I don't need to eat, so less food your wife has to get. Probably why she was ok in letting me and my sister stay."

"It wasn't that," Goku said. "She let you two stay because you really didn't have anywhere else to go. The only place you could probably have gone to is Capsule Corp, but since Vegeta lives there and both you and your sister don't really like him then it wouldn't be the best idea."

"Yeah, can't stand the guy, always with that whole, 'Prince of all Saiyans' thing, gets really annoying," Seventeen said with a bit of a scowl.

"He's just really proud, very confident too. Can't deny that he's strong as well, he really pushed me to my limit the first time we fought," Goku said.

"He is pretty tough, at least the second time I fought him, though that was because of a boost he got," Seventeen said.

"Well I do know that he's getting stronger, helps that he found out about the Hyperbolic Time Chamber," Goku said.

"Ugh, that place," Seventeen said. "Never wanna go in there again, such a boring looking place. Plus it's full of nothing, just an endless world."

"Good for training though, I considered going back but there is a limit to how long you can be in there and you can only go in twice in your entire life, at least for now. The way Gohan made it sound it's gonna get fixed so we can be in longer," Goku said.

"Helps that he knows about the future," Seventeen said. Eventually the two landed and started walking towards the home. "Still kinda worried on what's to come. Gohan said there's still more to worry about."

"Yeah, more strong enemies. Kinda excited about it though," Goku said.

"Seriously?" Seventeen asked. "Wow you really love fighting strong challengers. I guess it can be fun at times."

"It's what I live for," Goku said, entering the home. "Hey Chi-Chi! We're home!"

"In the kitchen Goku! I'm making dinner!" Chi-Chi said.

"Oh sweet, bet it's something good," Goku said.

"Do you even have a preference? You seem to enjoy lots of different types of food," Seventeen said.

"Some I like more than others, but yeah I guess I don't have much of a preference," Goku said with a slight chuckle.

"You're so strange sometimes," Seventeen said as they entered the kitchen. "But in a way, it also makes you kinda cool."

Inside Chi-Chi had already finished up her dishes, which was a huge assortment of foods, something the Android twins have gotten used to by now.

"It's done, help yourself boys," Chi-Chi said.

"Alright!" Goku said and started taking in any food that came in front of him, moving at incredible speeds. Gohan also started taking in the food, though tried not to eat as fast, mainly since Eighteen really didn't care to see Gohan take in that much food in such a way.

Seventeen, as usual, took pleasure in seeing Goku eat. Despite how odd he found the appetites to be, he at least found some entertainment in it. "Man, I wonder if he's trying to finish faster each time?"

"Goku's always been like that, though I'm glad Gohan's not as fast anymore," Chi-Chi said.

"Yes, he's eating like a proper young man," Eighteen said, ruffling Gohan's hair, getting a blush from the young Saiyan.

Goku stopped a moment to take a breath, though took the time to ask Gohan something. "By the way Gohan, have you had any luck with the Supreme Kai about seeing that other kai from the other Universe?"

"You mean Zamasu?" Gohan asked. "Not yet, I'm not that sure if it's even time yet, I don't wanna risk doing it too soon."

"Well I hope you meet him soon, you said he's really strong right? I would love to challenge him to a spar," Goku said.

Gohan looked a little nervous on hearing that, "Easy dad, let me make sure I can get him to join us, I really don't want him hating mortals just yet."

"You sure this is a good idea? You said he causes trouble in the future," Seventeen said.

"Hey you and Eighteen are our friends aren't you? And you caused trouble in the future Trunks is from," Gohan reminded.

Seventeen shrugged it off, "Guess you're right."

"I just wanna see if I can make friends with him or something, that way we don't need to have a fight," Gohan said.

"That sounds kinda boring though," Goku said.

Chi-Chi shook her head, "Honestly Goku, is fighting really all you think about?"

"It's fun, I like fighting strong challengers," Goku said.

Gohan glared half-eyed at his father, "I know you like fighting dad, but wouldn't it be easier if the world wouldn't be in danger?"

Goku thought about that, "Yeah, you're right. Fighting's fun and all, but not if the planet gets endangered."

"Having less danger makes it easier to enjoy the peace, besides you'll still have a chance to fight soon dad, there some things I don't think I can prevent, like when the God of Destruction Beerus comes to our planet," Gohan said.

"Oh right, wait maybe I can train for that now, that way I'll likely be ready," Goku said.

"Maybe you'll be a bit stronger but I don't know if you'll reach that level. Unless you figure out Super Saiyan God, but that might be hard to do now since we'd need five Saiyans with goodness in them to transfer their energy into another Saiyan," Gohan said.

"Five Saiyans huh? That might be a problem if there's almost none of you left," Seventeen said.

"Exactly, besides Vegeta isn't exactly good, at least not" Gohan said, then sighed a bit. "Anyway that should still be about 11 years from now anyway, we'll worry about it later, I highly doubt Beerus will wake up now."

"What if he does?" Goku asked.

Gohan thought a moment, "I'm not sure actually, I mean I heard he likes good food, maybe that would help?" Gohan shrugged it off, "Like I said, let's not worry about it just yet, I'll just hope he doesn't wake up, but even if he does, he does seem reasonable. I think."

"Is your knowledge even good anymore?" Seventeen asked. "There's been so many changes so far, at this point trying to predict anything seems like a waste."

That made Gohan feel incredibly nervous, something Eighteen noticed and glared at her twin brother for, "Way to make everything sound bad."

"I'm just pointing that out so we'd be ready," Seventeen said.

"He does have a point, who knows what else could happen, we might run into enemies that even those in the future timelines haven't seen yet. I mean Majin Buu has shown up early in two different timelines."

"Whatever happens, we'll just work together and send them flying," Seventeen said, extremely confident in his words. Gohan wishes he could have that confidence, but the unpredictability of everything just has him worried.

Goku finished up his food, "Man that was great, thanks Chi-Chi." He stood up and stretched a bit, "I'm gonna go work off this food. Hey Gohan, wanna spar?"

"Maybe later dad, I have some studying to do, I don't wanna fall behind," Gohan said.

"Aw, can't it wait?" Goku asked. "You're already really smart, how much more do you need?"

"Goku!" Chi-Chi shouted. "You know Gohan's work is important! Let him catch up on it, your sparring can wait!"

Goku groaned a bit, but nodded. "Yeah, I guess." He turned to the Androids, "How about you two? Up for a spar?"

"That sounds fun," Seventeen said, standing up. "Who goes first?"

While they decided on that, Gohan had gone into his room to grab his books. Sparring did sound fun, but Gohan also takes pride in his studies, he wants to be a Great Scholar after all, to him that's as important as getting stronger.

He hopes to do both, get stronger and be a good scholar, strengthen his body and his mind. He doesn't wanna be like how he was in that future he went to, a Gohan that became weak due to his lack of training. He doesn't really care much for fighting, but he does want to at least be strong enough to protect his family. His determination became stronger once he realized his feelings for Eighteen. She's a strong girl, he knows that, and he also knows that she can probably handle a lot on her own, but he still wants to make sure he can be strong enough to protect her if she needs someone.

Since his trip to the future, he's only gone back one other time to let them know about his success. While there he did learn many differences, including how Cell and Buu were defeated in that time. He knew the Gohan of that time also defeated Cell, though he also found out about Goku sacrificing himself, which he's glad didn't happen in this timeline. He also heard a little more on how the fight with Buu helped change Vegeta, which worried Gohan seeing that Vegeta lost out on a chance to fully redeem himself. He'll figure out a way to help the Saiyan Prince.

Gohan was told just about everything in that timeline, and he told them of all the changes, but the one thing he never told them about was Eighteen. He did feel a little bad knowing that he essentially took away Krillin's eventual wife, especially since Gohan knew he was getting a wife anyway, but Gohan just fell in love with Eighteen. He does know that how Cell was defeated in his timeline was a reason for him and Videl being together in the future, so perhaps it wouldn't work out in this timeline anyway.

All Gohan cared about at the moment was being strong enough to continue protecting those he loved, wanting to be ready for the eventual arrivals of Beerus, Frieza and Goku Black. Maybe even be in that Universe 6 and 7 tournament, especially after hearing that his adult self didn't even go to watch. He understands that the studies are important, but that was too big of an opportunity to miss.

Though while remembering tournaments, he also remembered one tournament that Goku in the future had mentioned, a tournament with fighters from all 12 Universes. He's very curious as to how that would work, it sounds like it'd be interesting to at least watch. He just hopes that the him in that future at least tried to be part of that one.

Later outside, while Goku is sparring with The Androids, they noticed a machine appear from the air, confusing them.

"Huh? What's that?" Goku asked as the machine started to lower to the ground.

"That thing looks familiar," Seventeen said.

Eighteen tapped her chin a bit, trying to figure it out. "Hey, doesn't that boy from the future have something like that?"

"Huh?" Goku wondered, then looked closely. "Yeah you're right, wait is he coming back?"

"Someone get Gohan, he'll wanna know about this," Seventeen said.

"I'm on it," Eighteen said, flying into the house.

The Time Machine landed with Goku and Seventeen waiting nearby, both not sure what to think.

"So what do you think is going? Think that kai Zamasu is already causing trouble?" Seventeen asked.

"I'm not sure, maybe it's still about you and your sister in the future," Goku said.

"I doubt that, I'm stronger than that version of me, same with Eighteen, that boy should be strong enough to defeat us. Besides it's been like five months or so hasn't it?" Seventeen asked.

"Well he is a time traveler, maybe it's only been a couple of days for him," Goku said.

The pod opened and two had jumped out, much to the confusion of Goku and Seventeen. As guessed, one of them was Trunks, though he looked a bit different than when they last saw him. Next to him was a young girl, one that neither Goku or Seventeen recognized.

Seventeen scratched his head a bit, "You're Trunks right? The boy from the future?"

Trunks nodded, "Yeah, I am." Trunks turned to Goku, "It's great to see you Goku, though I'm sure you're wondering why I'm here."

"Yeah, though something looks different about you, maybe it's the hair," Goku said.

"What's so different about my hair anyway?" Trunks asked.

Seventeen shook his head, "It doesn't really matter I guess. Anyway who's the girl?"

Trunks turned tot he girl, "That's Mai, a friend of mine."

Mai bowed to the two, "Great to see you both."

"So what brings you back so soon Trunks? It's not the Androids right? Is it Zamasu?" Goku asked.

Trunks shook his head, "I'm not that Trunks, I'm from another future."

"What do you mean another future?" Seventeen asked.

"Um, Gohan told you about time travel right? How there's a lot of different futures? I'm from a future that's further into the future, not the future that's this timeline's future, but the other timeline's future, um do you understand what I'm saying?" Trunks asked.

Goku and Seventeen just stood there in confusion, trying to make sense of what Trunks was saying.

"Mind going over that one more time? And try to make a little bit of sense," Seventeen said.

Trunks groaned, "Never mind it for now, where's Gohan?"

Goku turned and pointed, "Here he comes."

Trunks looked to see a curious looking Gohan making his way over. "Oh good, there you are."

"Trunks?" Gohan asked, making his way over with Eighteen. As he got there, he noticed that Mai was next to him, hinting that this Trunks wasn't the one that recently came. "If Mai's with you, that means you're not the Trunks that came to warn about the Androids, you're the Trunks who's machine I used to go to that other future."

"Yeah, that's me. I hope this isn't too confusing though," Trunks said.

"Little too late for that," Seventeen said. "Any chance we can name these timelines or something?"

"Like what?" Eighteen asked.

"I don't know, something so it doesn't confuse anyone," Seventeen suggested.

Gohan groaned a little, "We'll discuss that later." He turned his attention to the time-traveling duo. "Anyway what brings you here Trunks? Nothing we should be worried about right?"

"No, I just wanted to check up on you and this timeline, make sure everything's alright," Trunks said.

"Alright, come inside I guess, first let me tell my mom you're here," Gohan said and rushed inside.

Goku scratched his head, "I'm still kinda confused."

"I'll explain a bit later," Trunks said. "Though from what I see, we don't have to worry about The Androids, they don't seem to be causing trouble."

"Yeah, thank Gohan for that, now they're our friends," Goku said.

"Good," Trunks said, looking at the two Androids. "It still seems weird knowing that they can even be nice at all."

"Wow, thanks, really means a lot to us," Seventeen said, not hiding the sarcasm.

Trunks rubbed his head a bit awkwardly, "Sorry, I know that was a bit rude but-"

"It's understandable," Eighteen interrupted. "I'm sure it's hard for you to see us knowing what happened in your timeline. I'm sorry that version of me and my brother caused you so much pain."

Trunks nodded and bowed a bit, "Don't worry about it, it wasn't you after all. Thank you though, over time I've come to accept that you're both different from the ones in my timeline, I don't hold a grudge to either of you two."

Eighteen returned the bow, "Thank you Trunks."

"Yeah thanks," Seventeen said, while turning away, barely caring about any of this.

Gohan came back outside, "Alright, you can come inside now Trunks, my mom's curious about seeing you and Mai, let's go."

"Right," Trunks said, walking with the others into the Son family home. Aside from The Androids, Trunks couldn't help but notice that Goku was still around, likely not having sacrificed himself. He wonders what else had changed, hoping that everything is turning out alright.

However, off in space, a ship had been seen flying away from some trouble. This ship had led a failed invasion of a planet, and now they were desperate to escape unharmed, which they were lucky enough to do so.

"Another failure, such a shame," an alien said. "We're crumbling without Frieza to lead us, and now there's nowhere in the Universe for us to go. Plus we still have those Saiyan Goku to worry about, as well as Vegeta. If they weren't bad enough, now we really need to worry about his son, I can't believe they could even defeat Majin Buu! I have to figure out something fast, I can't wait this out any longer!"

"Commander Sorbet! We've lost contact with the other ship, and no one at base has yet to find Planet Namek, your orders!" another alien said.

Sorbet groaned, "Take us back to base for now, I have new plans to make."

As the ship went back, Sorbet had to wonder what other chance could he have? Any chance to rebuild what was once the strongest force in The Universe.