Hello, hello, hello, and welcome back to yet another Death Note fanfiction, this time being, not a rewrite of a series, but a slight alteration in the story that led to L not dying, Light and Beyond becoming acquaintances, and Mello getting food poisoning. I was originally going to write a Percy Jackson fanfiction, but changed my mind XD Maybe I'll post it once this one's done.

L watched Light embrace Misa in the lobby, narrowing his eyes. Do normal people often hug for that long? he saw Light turn so his mouth was facing Misa's hair, and away from the cameras. Long enough to whisper something. Misa sprang back, beaming at Light, before skipping off to meet Watari.

He frowned and pressed a button on his keyboard. A Gothic-style F blinked onto his screen. "F, you are still in the Kanto region, correct?"

"That's right," F sounded confused as to why L was contacting him. "Um, L – "

"I need you to tail Misa Amane – I'm sending you her satellite signal right now. A map appeared on his screen, with a blinking red dot moving away from headquarters. "Can you do that?"

"Sure," F said, still confused but sounding more resigned. "I'm on it."

L leaned back in his chair. I wonder. . . Light Yagami, what are you planning?


"Ryuzaki," L looked up to see Aizawa standing in front of him, holding a metal box covered in dirt. "There was a kid here, about twenty or so. He told me to give this to L, and then ran off."

"Ah, thank you," L reached over and took the box.

"Who was that?" Mogi asked. "And how does he know you're here?"

"That's for me to know and you to ponder," L carefully lifted the lid off the box and reached in to procure a Ziploc bag with a folded-up sheet of paper in it. L carefully opened up the bag and slid the paper out. He unfolded it and scanned the words on the page. He narrowed his eyes. Thank you, F.

"What is that?" Soichiro Yagami asked.

L hesitated, before holding the letter up. "See for yourself."

There was a brief silence as the Task Force members read the letter. "No way," Matsuda breathed.

"Is this some sort of sick joke?" Aizawa roared. "What is this?"

"Proof, of course," L spun his chair around.

"Proof of what?" Light asked, walking down the stairs, coffee cup in hand. "What's that?" he asked, looking at the letter.

"Oh, nothing," L said breezily as Light walked to stand next to him. "Just a letter that you wrote to Misa and buried in the woods, commanding her to kill me." his voice hardened.

Light's eyes travelled from the letter in his father's hands to the muddy box on the table. He stiffened.

"Light, tell me this isn't true," Soichiro Yagami's look was pleading. "Please. . ."

Light was still. Then, suddenly, he threw his coffee cup at Mogi and Aizawa, drenching them in scalding liquid. The two spluttered, wiping at their faces, as Light kicked Matsuda's legs out from under him and racing for the exit.

L was on his tail at once. He found that he was much faster than Light, and grabbed his wrist, yanking him to the ground. Light fell with a shout and kicked out at L. L rolled easily out of the way and slammed an elbow into Light's back. He screamed, and elbowed L in the chin. That stunned him enough for Light to get up and run for the exit again.

Soichiro Yagami ran after him. "Light!" he called, Light faltered, which gave L enough time to tackle him and send the pair rolling on the round, shouting insults and exchanging punches.

Suddenly, somehow, L found himself pinned to Light's chest, a penknife at his throat. The rest of the Task Force members faltered. "Stay back," Light hissed. "Stay back!"

The knife began to put pressure on L's windpipe, and he snarled, grabbing Light's wrist and yanking it away, twisting it to jab the knife into Light's shoulder. Light screamed, dropping the knife, and Aizawa ran forwards to cuff his hands behind his back.

L rolled away, standing up. Light, meanwhile, was screaming. "Damn you!" he roared, thrashing around on the ground. "Damn it, L! Jerk! Loser! Bastard!"

L wiped at the cut Light had made on his throat and observed the blood smeared on his palm. "Git," he said simply.