I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians, OR Heroes of Olympus. ALL of the bold lines in the story will be DIRECTLY TAKEN FROM Rick Riordan's amazing books. I do not own any of the characters, except for Luna and especially do not own the story of Percy Jackson.
This story takes place after Son of Neptune in Heroes of Olympus.
Spoilers. (Derp)

(Please no copyright me/sue me D: or take down my story)

"Come and meet my other family."

Percy saw the hull of the Argo II slowly descending in all its glory. A plank settled down as Reyna called the Romans to stand down. Many demigods came out of the ship, a blonde, tall, and lean boy with one of his arms draped around a girl with a bronze dagger strapped to her belt, and has choppy uneven brown hair, but it shimmered in the light and changed appearance to Percy's preferences, which made her look beautiful.

Then he spotted a blonde girl with her hair in a pony tail, but bits of hair framed her face. She wore an orange Camp Half-Blood and blue jean shorts.

"Annabeth!" Percy cried out in relief.

She also found Percy, and they both rushed towards each other. Despite the sudden tension from the movement, Percy felt like the rest of the world didn't matter, and time stopped as they took in each other's frame and kissed.

"Seaweed brain," Annabeth muttered. Then Percy felt a spot on his wrist being pushed upwards, as he saw the world spinning and he landed on the ground with a thump! He felt a bone push into his chest and an arm wrapped around his neck. "Gah—" he said, trying to breathe.

"Never— scare me like that again, disappearing for months!" Annabeth whispered, even though he had broke that "promise" several times.

-Time Skip to when Leo got possessed and starts shooting the Romans-

"Everybody get on board!" Annabeth shouted.

"Get them!" Octavian pointed his dagger, pilum, whatever at them.

Suddenly, everything stopped. Eagles stopped in mid-air, Frank and Hazel were stuck in a running position up the plankboard, and the Romans stood still in a panic. Only Annabeth knew she was aware of everything going on, so did everyone else.

A bright light that looked like darkness at the same time flashed in the air, and no one looked at it directly in the moment of frozen time, thankfully, so nobody melted into ashes.

"Who— are you?" Annabeth asked suspiciously, even though they were basically frozen in time, she could still move her eyes and talk... apparently.

The—Annabeth assumed was a goddess— sighed. "Not a surprise you don't recognize me," she said. "I am Luna, goddess of protection.

Annabeth raked her head for anything about a goddess of protection, or a goddess named Luna.

"Greek or Roman?"

Luna scowled at her. "Greek," she answered.

"Why are you here, greaca goddess?" Octavian asked suspiciously, with obvious distaste.

She scowled at him. "I am here to bring a group of demigods into the past, to read about the past, present, and future, and stop Gaea so the world doesn't crumble."

Annabeth thought she was being too blunt. But before she could react or anybody else, all she remembered was fading into nothing but darkness.

"Ugh, where are we?" Annabeth muttered groggily, rubbing her head as she sat up. She was in a room— Mount Olympus! she realized.

She looked around her, and she recognized everyone. Percy, Jason, Piper, Leo, the guy and gal she met on the ship, Frank and Hazel, Annabeth remembered, and Thalia, Grover, Nico di Angelo, and... Will Solace? Annabeth didn't know much about him, except he was head of Apollo or something.

"Is everybody okay?" Percy mumbled to the right of Annabeth. Percy! Annabeth thought. Thank the gods he didn't disappear on her again! She wrapped her arms around him in a big bear hug, nearly squeezing him to death. "Can't— breathe— gods, Annabeth," he choked out.

As everybody stood up, a blazing hot white light shone at the thrones of the gods, so bright that even Apollo would be jealous. They all averted their eyes and popped all the gods and goddess. Annabeth recognized all of them, and her mom, and some—other gods— that she wasn't so pleased to see.

Zeus, Poseidon, Dionysus, Ares, Hephaestus, Apollo, Hermes, Artemis, Athena, Aphrodite, Demeter, and Hera. Her least favorite goddess, you could say. "What are you doing here?" Zeus thundered. "And what are we doing here?"

Another flash of light so quick it didn't hurt them, and the same goddess, Luna, appeared, her black silk gown flowing in perfect wind harmony. "You," Annabeth said, and tried to control her distaste for this goddess.

"Yes, me," she snickered. "You may wonder why I've brought you all here. Well, actually, I brought you all here to read these books," she said, and waved her hand over two stacks of books near the hearth.

"We've been brought here to... read?" Frank said, obviously confused.

Some of the gods agreed. "How absurd!" "Reading hasn't really been my— thing."

"Silence!" Luna bellowed, and her voice amplified and shook the whole temple. The gods and demigods immediately quieted. "Oh, ya, where's Hades? I thought I brought him here..." she muttered, then snapped her fingers and a sleeping Hades in a comfortable position appeared in the sky and fell right on top of Zeus and his throne with a large THUMP! "Ow," he moaned.

"Gerroff me!" Zeus thundered at his brother.

Thankfully, Hades wore his usual black cloak with death woven in the fabric, so it wasn't all that awkward.

Some gods groaned in seeing Hades for the occasion. "Why is he here?" So did some of the demigods, but Nico perked up in seeing his dad here.

Luna snapped her fingers again, and all the male god thrones moved to make space for another throne, which popped up through the ground. The throne was made of obsidian with silver linings, and a skull at the top. For Hades, obviously.

Luna gestured to Hades to sit in his new throne, and Hades sat down, wearing a smug look on his pale face.

"I have brought you all here to read these— books, to help you prepare for the upcoming battles ahead." The gods tensed at her words. "You must trust one another and work together to rid of Kronos, the Titans, and defeat Gaea!" she shouted, raising the ceiling roof. The gods immediately noticed she said their worst enemies. They started to worry and a few demigods bit their nails nervously about reading in front of the gods.

"How exactly did you get a hold of the past and future and these— books?" Athena regarded coldly.

Luna smirked. "Do you not recognize me? Maybe all these years in the Underworld made me absent from everything. No matter, we will all introduce ourselves."

Even though she didn't answer Athena's question, everybody waited to hear from this mysterious new, goddess, who radiated so much power in her aura that Annabeth could not imagine how she didn't notice before. As Annabeth looked closer, she could see Luna's features more clearly. Her eyes were different colors, one icy blue and one bright yellow, like a serpent's or Hades'.

Don't know why, but she swore Hades got a shocked expression on his face from realizing something for at least a second, but it soon quickly dissappeared.

"I'm Luna, goddess of protection. Which includes dreams, darkness, the night, relations, and guardians," she spoke softly. "I'm a minor goddess, *cough cough* and I'm the daughter of..."

Everybody leaned in.

"Wait, isn't Aphrodite the goddess of love?" Piper butted in. "How are you the goddess of relations—"

Luna cleared her throat. "Protection," she says, as that clears it all up. "Protecting relations, protecting dreams, Aphrodite makes love happen and causes it to break up."

"Oh," Piper understood.

Then she scoffed. "Seriously, is it that hard to imagine?" Suddenly Nico perked up. "Luna?" He said softly. "Is it really you?"

"Of course it's me! Ugh, how many years do I have to spend with you, wrap my arms around you and sleep with you for you to even recognize me?"

Suddenly the air went cold. Did she say sleep with him—?

"It's not that, I just... was shock—" he tries to explain, but gets cut off.

"Daughter of Athena and Hades, seriously, how can you not see anything?"

Some mouths fell open, as they looked between Athena and Hades. Athena flushed a bit but didn't look too surprised, but Hades smug look looked even bigger for some reason, and he puffed out his chest slightly.

"Whatever, I'm also the goddess of the past, present, and future, and I can foresee your fate, blah blah blah," she spoke without enthusiasm. "Let's get started with the demigod introduction, shall we? All of you fellow shortians—" Annabeth swore that wasn't a real word, "—should know each other, so let us amuse the gods, shall we?"

All the demigods stood up and faced the gods, and went in turns.

"I'm Percy Jackson, er, son of Poseidon."

"WHAT! You broke the oath?!" Zeus thundered at Poseidon this time.

Poseidon looked shocked but surprisingly proud and calm. "Says the one who broke it before me and did so several times," he muttered under his breath, where Zeus only heard a faint sentence.

Zeus looked beyond angry, both at the reveal of Percy and that Poseidon knew he couldn't argue, and looked about ready to explode when Jason cut in front of him.

"I'm Jason Jason Grace, son of Jupiter, I mean, Zeus Zeus," he said, clearly not noticing he said his name two times.

A couple of snickers can be heard from the group behind him, and so did Athena as a smile escaped from the corner of her mouth. But then she noticed how Jason had said Jupiter then quickly corrected it. She narrowed her eyes, and watched in satisfaction as he broke into a sweat.

"See," Poseidon summed up.

"I'm Thalia—," Thalia said, "—Grace, and I'm a daughter of Zeus," pointedly looked in his direction. "Also hunter of Artemis. Artemis smiled at her future Hunter.

"Again," Poseidon whispered to Hades. He snickered in response, not liking his brother but eager to gang up on Zeus.

"Thalia?" Zeus asked, bewildered. "Aren't you a— weren't you a pine tree?"

"Not anymore," Thalia muttered under her breath, but didn't give any explanation.

"Frank Zhang, son of Mars," Frank growled under his breath, still not happy with that.

"Mars?" Zeus asked. "Who's Mars?"

"Oh, uh, Ares, I mean," he quickly corrected.

"Hazel Levesque, daughter of Plu—Hades," Hazel said, in a much cheerful mood than usual.

Hades' mouth went dry. "Hazel?" He said in disbelief, how can you be al—"

"I'm pretty sure you will find out later," Luna said, probably ready to get up and leave.

"I'm Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite."

"My my, what happened to you, dear? Why are you wearing such... awful clothes?" Aphrodite examined her daughter.

"Mother!" Piper cried.

"Grover Underwood, satyr, at your service," Grover said, bowing to the gods. And— "Artemis," Grover bleated faintly, then collapsed. Percy pulled him away in a haste.

"Nico di Angelo, son of Hades," Nico murmured.

"Then Hades broke it too!" Zeus cried.

"Actually, no, I was born before... the oath," he said. "You should remember me, Uncle. You tried to blow me up," he said, glaring at Zeus.

"Oh, uhm, actually I don't remember—"

"And, Annabeth Chase," Percy said, waving at Annabeth. It broke Annabeth's train of thought, and she was glad he introduced her because she was not paying any attention.

"What? Oh, yeah, daughter of Athena," she said.

"And I'm Leo Valdez!" Leo bounded. "Hephaestus! Fire-wielder! Team Leo!"

"Fire wielder?" Hera asked angrily, looking pointedly at Hephaestus, a son she never liked or wanted, but still managed to become part of the council.

"We'll probably get onto that later," Percy said hastily. He looked up at Luna, who was spread out on top of Hades' throne, chillin' like the world didn't matter.

"And I'm Will Solace, head of Apollo," Will said, and some jumped, clearly didn't remember that he was there.

She yawned. "Yeah, so I'll give you the first book, I've transformed Mount Olympus into a big house, I'll come back when you're done with the first book." She said. "Oh, and time has been stopped for the whole duration of the reading, you guys went to the year before Luke stole the master bolt and darkness helm" she quickly added.

"Wait, WHAT?!" Zeus and Hades shouted. But, in a flash of harmless light, she was gone as quick as she came.

"What does she mean, she turned Mount Olympus into a big house?" Percy wondered aloud.

"WHO STOLE MY MASTER BOLT!" and "WHO TOOK MY DARKNESS HELM!" Zeus and Hades thundered.

"We'll deal with that later."


"For now, let's start reading," Hera said, picking up the book. "Who will read first?"

"I guess I will, Lady Hera," Percy stepped in.

"Wait a minute. How do we know she's telling the truth and these books are complete facts, and she's not a monster trying to trick us and lure us into a trap for—" Annabeth stated.

"—Gaea?" Percy finished for her. She nodded.

"Luna rarely kids, and if you try to question her, well, I wouldn't try," Hades said, and Percy got the feeling he wasn't joking. "Except with her annoying friends, but she sulks so much in the Underworld, I rarely hear anything."

"So, let's get started?"

*Luna's POV*

Phew, finally got the books, got them all together, and everything's set.

I bumped into Paris on the way to the Underworld, which is weird, wait no she's in the Underworld with me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her, not trying to be rude but I really need to get to where I need to be.

"What did you do?" She asks suspiciously. I gave her the power to not be affected by the world's frozen time. "Oh, just y'know, trapped all the important people, sent them around 5 years back, and locked them in their own temple and gave them some books to read.

"What," she said.

"Nothing," I smile innocently. "I'm going to my room," I say, then float through a wall. She doesn't dare follow.


Hey, guys, it's me, Sarah! :D

This series, each book will be its own book (if that makes sense) and will also be posted (the same) on other stories.

Wattpad story/150164648-reading-percy-jackson-the-lightning-thief

Quotev: story/10959296/Reading-Percy-Jackson-The-Lightning-Thief

Archive of our own: /works/14837090/chapters/34340816

Thanks! ;3 -Sarah