Deadly Silence: Resident Evil
Chapter Forty One: Cleansing Fire
Breathing heavily as he carried Chambers into the helicopter, Redfield's own body was starting to collapse as well, making him fall onto the bench next to the wounded girl, while Burton brought Valentine inside a second later. He didn't blame the big man for taking the whole bench on the other side of the vehicle, since he was passed out before the young man had even pulled the door closed, and then with a couple bangs on the metal wall with his fist to signal Vickers that they were ready to go, he settled back into the seat… only to find Valentine leaning on him as she also fell asleep.
Well, the young man thought as he put his arm around her, and then the other around Chambers when she did the same thing on his other side, all things considering, this was a pretty nice way to end this whole… fucked up mission. Leaning his head down on top of Valentine's as well, and watching through the window as the heliport vanished from sight, allowing him a quick aerial view of the entire Spenser Estate, which… actually didn't look that big from the air.
A moment later that was gone from view as well, replaced with the rising sun, as well as the slowly brightening forest canopy of the Arklay Mountains with the tallest buildings of Raccoon City just coming into view as the helicopter flew over the BOOM! Suddenly there was a massive explosion from behind, flashing so brightly that it was the only thing that could be seen through the windows as the helicopter was rocked violently to the side.
Everyone else was jolted awake by this, with Chambers letting out a startled scream as alarms started going off inside the vehicle, while pieces of what looked like wood and stone debris bounced off the hull. For a few seconds the helicopter was spinning, with both the short haired girl, and Valentine holding onto him for dear life… which wasn't so bad until Burton was thrown onto him during the next hard tilt, but thankfully the pilot was able to regain control.
Now that everyone was awake and reenergized temporarily, the four of them waited until the helicopter was completely righted, before turning around to look out the window… and seeing only a smoldering crater, lined with burned trees where the Spencer Estate used to be. The mansion, the courtyard, staff house, underground cave system, and T-Virus laboratory were all just… gone… as if nothing had ever been there in the first place.
Hopefully all of the monsters that had spawned from that horrible place had been taken out in the blast of its amazingly powerful self-destruct system, but… even though the monsters were gone, the Umbrella Corporation was still out there doing who even knew what, while so many good people had died. Dewey, Frost, Sullivan, Speyer, Aiken, Marini… and Wesker had all lost their lives, and for what? So Umbrella could make a few bucks selling things like the Tyrant to terrorists?
So it was settled… after they all got back to the RPD, and Redfield took the longest shower of his life, and an even longer nap, he was going to march right into the Chief's office and… and what exactly was he going to say to him? All of the evidence against Wesker and Umbrella had been destroyed along with the Spencer Estate, but… but when all four of them told the exact same story, that had to be worth at least launching an investigation into Umbrella, right? Vickers couldn't back them up except for the last bit, since he had been flying around all night, but four witnesses couldn't be ignored, right?
Yeah, things were going to start happening right away, the young man thought as he settled into the seat, putting his arms around the exhausted women again while Burton had already fallen back asleep. Umbrella was going to pay for this… all of it… and every single member of STARS was going to be called a hero by Mayor Warren, Redfield was going to see to it personally… yeah, he thought as his eyes got heavy… just a little nap first as the helicopter flew over the mountains toward Raccoon City.
July 24th, 1998 by Ben Bertolucci
This morning at about 6:00 AM, residents on the northern side of Raccoon City were awoken by what was described by witnesses as 'a brilliant flash of light'. This flash was then followed by a rumbling in the ground that made many residents worry that an earthquake was happening. The origin of the blast, although the source of which is currently unknown, appeared to come from high up in the Arklay Mountains, near the edge of the area known by locals as the 'Forest Zone'. Authorities claim that the incident is being investigated, and that details will be made available to the public as they develop.