The Arlesburgh Branch Line is a beautiful place to be on the Island of Sodor, right by the sea. It connects with the Harwick Line and Duck's Branch Line, creating a very useful and busy part of the Island of Sodor. Duck, Oliver, Donald and Douglas are the main engines who run this part of the island, taking passengers, holidaymakers and all sorts of goods all over the island every day. Ryan and Daisy sometimes help too, being the main engine stock of Harwick.

But even on useful, busy branch lines, trouble is not completely avoidable, as poor Douglas found out. One evening, he had been taking a heavy load of troublesome trucks to Harwick, and the trucks' mischief was too much for him, bumping him too fast to a sharp turn and hurling him off the rails. Donald and Douglas had both earned quite a reputation upon the trucks for being able to manage most of them on the island without fuss. This mostly stemmed from when Douglas destroyed the Spiteful Brakevan, which had only been an accident, but the trucks still thought to this day that Douglas had destroyed the Brakevan on purpose, so they didn't usually try to play any tricks on the twins in case the same would happen to them. But this time the trucks took a risk and were now reaping the benefits. The damage cost Douglas a wheel, one of his side rods, a dented boiler and a bent buffer beam.

The morning after this event, the Fat Controller came to Tidmouth Sheds to explain the news and make other arrangements for Duck's Branch Line.

"Douglas has had an accident and has been sent for repairs," said the Fat Controller. "I will need Emily to help Donald on Duck's Branch Line to cover Douglas' work. Douglas' repairs will take some time, so you'll have to spend the nights with Donald, Emily."

"Thank you, sir. That will be a nice change," she said. But Thomas suddenly remembered what had happened that previous winter.

"But Emily?" he said. "Will you be alright with Donald? Remember what happened to you with both of them last winter?"

Emily smiled at Thomas. "It's just me and him, Thomas. I said never to come between TWO arguing brothers, not one."

"Please sir, could I visit Emily, just one or twice while she works with Donald?" asked Thomas.

"Well," said the Fat Controller. "Some deliveries that come to your Branch Line are from Arlesburgh. Perhaps you'll see her then, Thomas."

"Very well," agreed Thomas. "Either way, I hope you really enjoy yourself, Emily."

"Thank you, Thomas," said Emily. And so, she set off to Arlesburgh. Emily was excited. She'd be working at Arlesburgh again, and she could now get to know Donald the same way she got to know Douglas. This would be quite good for her and Donald. She had not had much interaction with him and now she could strengthen what acquaintance they had formed already.

Meanwhile, at Arlesburgh, Donald was feeling bad for his brother's accident. He did not like being separated from his brother, and something else was bothering him inside. Something Emily would find out soon during her stay. Duck tried to comfort Donald.

"Don't fret, Donald," said Duck. "Douglas will be alright in good time."

"But Duck, he's my brother," said Donald. "We cannae stand to be apart!" But at that moment, Donald and Duck heard a familiar whistle. There was Emily huffing happily into Arlesburgh and toward the two engines.

"Emily, what are you doing here?" asked Donald.

"Hello, Donald. Hello, Duck. The Fat Controller sent be to cover work here until Douglas is repaired," explained Emily.

"Well, this is a delight. So lovely to see you again, Emily," said Donald. "Now you and I can enjoy each other's company properly, with no arguing from Douggie!"

"Exactly," said Emily. "One at a time works best for me." At that moment, a manager for Arlesburgh arrived and saw Emily.

"Ahh, good. You made it in time, Emily," he said. "The Harwick Branch Line and Duck's Branch Line are very busy right now, so we need you to help us run the line until Douglas comes back. Douglas was supposed to do a passenger run today, but without him, you're the one to do it. The passengers will be arriving soon."

"Yes sir," said Emily. "I'm ready to work right now."

"Brilliant, Emily!" said Donald. "Come with me and I'll find you Douggie's coaches." Emily followed Douglas down the line. As she did, she looked all around. She really liked the atmosphere around her. Everywhere there were fine stone walls and houses perching on top in small living areas. It was one close community where everyone could be together.

Soon, she and Donald came to a siding and she saw three express coaches with red lining.

"There ye are, Emily," said Donald. "I have some time to spare; why don't I help you on this passenger run? I'll whistle for each station for you."

"Thank you, Donald," said Emily. Soon they reached the first station where the passengers began to arrive. After they boarded the train, Emily set off again with Donald by her side. Donald decided to start a proper conversation with his sister figure.

"So Emily, how have you and Thomas been doing?" he asked. "Comfy? Lovely?"

"We are both doing well, Donald," said Emily. "But it's not just Thomas. Percy and I have been having plenty of time together too. You see, Thomas and I are the two engines in love, but Percy looks upon me as if I'm his mother. He really loves me as his engine mother."

"The cute little chap," smiled Donald. "That is a bonnie-good thing for him to love you."

"Oh, Donald, I do like being a mother for him when he needs me," said Emily. "Anyway, I know you miss Douglas…but how has Arlesburgh been?"

"Well, as you heard before," said Donald. "We are all rather busy at this time of year, Emily. Lots of work to be done and passengers to attend to. And between you and me…to see you come help us made me feel so much better after Douggie's accident. I've always wanted a sister…and I'm sure Douggie did too."

Emily blushed lightly. "You are sweet, Donald. Quarrelsome, but sweet," she replied.

"Thank ye, Emily," smiled Donald. "You and I will have a divine time together, I promise."

After Emily managed all the passengers, she and Donald went separate ways to help with the goods trains. Donald had to gather some ballast and deliver it to Thomas' Branch Line. A small area of that line had been damaged and needed the ballast for repairs. Emily stayed at Arlesburgh and gathered a shipment of goods from a small ship. She then delivered those goods to Harwick where Daisy took them on to deliver across that Branch Line.

When evening came, Emily and Donald met back at Arlesburgh Junction. They both felt quite proud of themselves after being so useful on Emily's first day of her work here.

Donald then escorted Emily to the shed where he and Douglas always slept. But now instead of two brothers, it would be brother and sister.

"Here's our shed, Emily," said Donald. "Make yourself at home." Emily smiled and backed in with her No. 9 brother figure.

"Thank you, Donald," she said before she sighed calmly. "So…are you happy to have me back once again?"

"Aye, Emily. And…with Douggie at the Steamworks, at least you won't be caught between us with arguments…just the two of us," said Donald.

"Very true," said Emily. "And you and I can now form a stronger bond."

"Aye, that's right," said Donald. "Well, goodnight, Emily. I look forward to working with you again tomorrow."

"Goodnight, Donald," replied Emily. Then she and Donald went to sleep together.

The next morning, the pinkish-red sun rose over Arlesburgh and Emily woke up first, remembering where she was. She then looked to her right and saw Donald, just waking up.

"Good morning, big brother," Emily smiled.

"Good morning, sis," Donald replied. "How did you sleep?"

"Quite well," said Emily. "You?"

"Aye, just having you here kept me warm," winked Donald, making Emily laugh.

"Well, Emily," said Donald. "I did the job yesterday, but I think you should know this. Thomas' Branch Line needs some repairs done on it. Douglas and I were supposed to take loads of ballast there to help with the repairs. I was hoping the two of us could do a pattern. I take a load one day, he takes the next load the next day…would you do that for him today please?"

Emily agreed. "Of course, Donald," she said. "That could give me a chance to see Thomas."

"Lovely!" beamed Donald. "Douggie's ballast should be ready for you to take." Then he and Emily left the shed to start the day's work.

Emily collected the ballast while Donald took the passenger run.

"See you later, Donald!" whistled Emily.

"Aye, lassie!" whistled Donald.

Emily was soon huffing along to Thomas' Branch Line to deliver the ballast. As she went on her way, she saw plenty of clouds in the sky, making her wonder what the weather would bring. Little did she know that she was in for quite an experience that very afternoon to be brave. When she arrived at the branch line, she met Thomas, who was ready to collect the ballast and bring it to the repair site for his line.

"Hello, Thomas," called Emily.

"Hello, Emily," replied Thomas. "How are you getting on with Donald?"

Emily knew what Thomas meant and was all-too ready to answer. "We are doing quite well, Thomas. It's my turn today to bring the ballast here. Donald explained the pattern. These ballast trips will be switching between me and him each day until Douglas returns."

"Hmm. I just hope you don't have to do any ballast runs in today's weather," said Thomas.

"Why? The weather's alright," said Emily.

"Not entirely. A storm is set to hit the island sometime this afternoon," said Thomas. "Mind how you go, Emily."

"Hmm…thank you for telling me, but don't worry about me, Thomas," said Emily. "Donald, Duck and Oliver can help me if they must. I'll see you later." Emily then left her ballast with Thomas while she made her way back to Arlesburgh to check with Donald again.

When she returned, Donald was still on his passenger run as she came up beside him. By now, the sun was covered by clouds and the temperature was slowly dropping.

"The ballast is delivered, Donald," said Emily.

"Thanks, Emily," said Donald. "There are plenty of passengers to manage today I see." Then Emily and Donald saw Harold hovering by. He looked serious and determined.

"Donald! Emily!" he called. "Bad weather's due later this afternoon. You'll have to finish your work as soon as possible if you want to beat the storm!"

"Thank you, Harold!" called Emily. And Harold flew off.

"Well Donald," said Emily. "With a storm coming, we really should be mindful."

"Aye," said Donald. "Especially with the coastline. That's where people may be the most vulnerable." At that moment, the guards whistle blew and Donald continued on his way. Emily decided to check around Arlesburgh to see what had to be done to prepare for the storm.

As she huffed through the town, she saw Duck and Oliver with passenger trains of their own, rushing to get them delivered before it was too late.

"Quickly, Duck!" whistled Oliver. "The storm is coming fast!"

"Emily, where's Donald?" asked Duck.

"He's still on his passenger run," she said. "I was just checking what needs to be done for the storm."

"We need to get everything delivered and make sure people around here are safe," said Duck. "Skiff is out on the water patrolling for anyone in danger." And Duck huffed on his way with Oliver to finish their deliveries.

Suddenly, a thunderclap rumbled overhead. Emily looked out to sea and could see a dark grey cloud looming slowly towards the harbour. It looked rather frightening, so she hurried around Arlesburgh, seeing what was going on. People were dashing indoors to shelter from the storm and the lighthouse was flashing out to sea.

Then the rain came down. Lightly at first, but then it became slightly heavier. Emily looked around and could see a few goods trains unattended. She was about to gather them and put them somewhere safe when she was stopped.

"Emily," said her driver. "Perhaps we should check on Donald." Emily huffed back down her track and found Donald along Duck's Branch Line.

"I've just delivered the last of my passengers, Emily," said Donald.

"Good," said Emily. "But I think we should help Duck and Oliver clear their goods trains away. This storm looks too strong to deliver the trains now. Better late than never."

"Agreed," said Donald. He and Emily made their way back to Arlesburgh and spent the next little while in the steadily rising wind and rain, clearing the tracks of any stray trucks and putting them in sidings or sheds.

When they were finished, the storm was getting rather rough. Donald was making his way to his shed to hide from the storm, but then there was trouble. Skiff had been out on the bay patrolling to see if anyone was stuck out on the water and had to be returned to safety. Captain Joe turned him around to make for the shores, but the currents were now rippling through the water, and Skiff could not get back to the land.

"Oh dear! Help!" called Skiff. "Anyone! Help!"

Donald heard the shouts and saw Skiff trapped out on the water nearby the lighthouse. Then the rain came falling even harder than ever, reducing the visibility around everyone.

"Help! Help!" wailed Skiff. The wind was becoming stronger and the waves were rolling higher. He was beginning to drift out to the rough sea, doomed to be washed upside down, or even swallowed by the sea!

Donald sprang into action and raced down the rail ramp until he was just behind the wave line. "Skiff, mate!" he whistled. "Hold on! I'll get you to shore!"

"Here, mates! Catch this!" shouted Captain Joe. He uncoiled some rope and threw it as hard as he could to Donald's crew. His driver caught the rope and hitched it to Donald's back coupling. Donald then began pulling Skiff against the rough waves and powerful currents. Donald pulled and hauled as hard as he could. Sometimes he came close to getting Skiff back to shore, but then the currents would pull Skiff out again. Suddenly, a huge wave splashed up to Donald's line…and splashed all over him and into his cab. Donald tried to huff forwards again…but he couldn't!

"Ohh!" panicked Donald. "My fire is out!" Then he began slipping down towards the raging sea, threatened to be swept out with Skiff!

"HELP!" shouted Donald. Emily heard the shouts and followed them right to where Donald and Skiff were in great danger. She couldn't believe her eyes. She knew she had to step in and help, or Donald would be doomed to the sea.

"Donald! Skiff! I'm coming!" she yelled. She then rushed down as fast as she could to help Skiff and her big brother figure. She carefully coupled to Donald and began pulling as hard as she could, trying to get him out of the water.

"Oh no!" panicked Donald.

"Hold on, Donald!" Emily strained as she kept pulling back as much as she could. But the rails were becoming slippery against the rain, and with no fire to help him push forward, Donald's weight and the raging sea were both too much for Emily, and she couldn't move them.

"Emily! Let go! Make for safer track! Save yourself!" begged Donald. But Emily didn't leave. She kept trying, even though she still couldn't move with all the weight and waves against Donald and Skiff.

"Emily! Get back to the shed! NOW!" ordered Donald.

"I'm not leaving you, Donald!" cried Emily, still trying to pull back, but her efforts wouldn't prevail. The sea was too strong. But suddenly, she felt someone buffer behind her and couple up. Then she heard the whistle.

"Oliver?" she called above the whistling wind.

"Together, Emily! One, two, three!" called Oliver. On "three," he and Emily pulled back with all their might. Their sanding gears managed to add friction to the rails, and Oliver and Emily managed to haul Donald out of the water, and Skiff was pulled close enough to safety. Captain Joe maneuvered Skiff onto his rail wheels and Oliver and Emily pulled just a little further back to be safe from any more waves.

"Goodness me!" gasped Skiff. "That was frightening! Thank you, Donald."

"Ohh, it wasnae me, Skiff," said Donald. "It was Emily…then Oliver!"

"Wow, that was amazing, Emily!" cheered Skiff. Emily could only sigh with relief and victory while Skiff was hauled away from the water and back up to the harbour.

When Skiff was taken back to his little shed beside the lighthouse, the Fat Controller came rushing down to see what had happened.

"Is everyone alright?" he asked.

"Aye, sir," said Donald. "Skiff was stuck out at sea. I tried to pull him in, but a large wave doused my firebox…and then…Emily here, she tried to save us!"

"Emily?" said the Fat Controller.

"Yes, I did, sir," she said. "I couldn't move them much because of Donald's weight and the slippery rails…and then Oliver came by and helped us all. How did you find us, Oliver?"

"Oh. I had just finished escorting my passengers home and was coming back through the junction," said Oliver. "Then I heard all the shouting and panic and came rushing down to all three of you."

"Well done, Oliver," said the Fat Controller. "And well done, Emily. You were brave indeed. You couldn't move much, but you still tried to haul Donald out of trouble…and you braved the waves!"

"Thank you, sir," sighed Emily. "That was quite exciting."

After Donald's fire was lit up again, he and Emily made their way to safety while Oliver left to return to Duck on his Branch Line. Back in their shed, Emily and Donald were sheltered from the rain and wind. Donald was still feeling jumpy after his rescue.

"Oh, Emily…" he breathed. "You were so brave to try saving me and Skiff. But...why did you try to save us? You didn't need to face such peril just for me."

"I couldn't leave you to be swept out to sea, Donald," said Emily. "You're my brother figure alongside Douglas. Douglas would never want to lose you, and neither would I."

"Well, thank you again, Emily," said Donald. "You are not just a kind sister, but a very caring one too."

Emily smiled, then yawned sleepily. She was tired from all the action and peril in the storm. "Ohh…well, this has been quite an exciting start to my stay here, Donald. I look forward to spending more time with you…my No. 9 brother."

Donald was so touched by Emily's words, he wanted to reply in an equally touching response…then he looked at Emily. Emily had fallen fast asleep.

"Sleep well, Emily," whispered Donald. "My bonnie emerald sister." Then he fell asleep too.

"Sleep well, Donald," Emily whispered in her sleep, feeling like she was making a connection with her No. 9 brother. She was soon to find out something that had been secretly bothering Donald and she would soon make another little discovery for the bank holiday.

This one has been a long time coming, this is where things really begin to get interesting, perhaps not this chapter or the next one, but the third chapter is where the story intensifies and becomes really important. Until then, tell us what you thought of this opening chapter in your reviews and we'll see you with the next chapter.