And now... here we are. 24 chapters, 23 episodes, and 1 deleted scene later - here we are. The epilogue of Season 3 AU - Team Up, Speed Up.

Y'all are probably sick of hearing me say this by now since I've said it so much, but I feel obligated to - thank you. Thank you all so much. Not only have you made this my most viewed story ever, you all have made this my BIGGEST story ever. Without you I'd have no hope at all of being here. Seriously. This fic is as much your doing as mine. Thank you all. You all are the absolute BEST!

Now let's have a fluffy picnic to celebrate XD

Epilogue - The Picnic

Barry tossed out the red and white checkered blanket across the table they had selected, and Caitlin set down the food that they had accumulated. Of course, there would be more coming, they had just gotten there first.

"So, how many are we expecting?" asked Barry. "I'm sorry, I keep forgetting."

"You're fine hun!" Caitlin smiled. "We're expecting at least five besides ourselves, and maybe six. Harry and Jesse went back to Earth-2, and Sara rejoined the Legends, so we're probably not gonna be seeing them, sadly. And I think Seth and Amunet are currently getting the lease done on their new house."

"I'm really glad those two turned things around for themselves," Barry smiled. "It really shows anyone can change."

"Exactly! I mean, look at us," Caitlin said happily, showing off her engagement ring. "I've changed more than I ever thought I would... and I'm so happy about it."

"I'm happy about it too," he said. "I remember when you didn't smile much... I rarely see you without a smile anymore."

"How can I not smile when I'm in the room with my future husband?" Caitlin giggled. "Or, in this case, sitting at the same picnic table?"

Barry beamed. "Oh, did you see how they swore in the new Mayor?"

"No, I didn't! Who is it?" asked Caitlin curiously.

"Robert Morrisroe, former President of the City Council," said Barry. "I've already noticed the city seems happier with Bellows gone."

"Why wouldn't they be?" Caitlin asked. "I mean, you look at Robert - he's young, handsome, has a beautiful wife, and seems like an ordinary guy; how could you not like him?"

"I agree with everything you just said," Barry nodded.

Suddenly, Cisco and Becky walked up, carrying a bag with a pitcher of sweet tea and a couple bottles of soda. "We got the drinks!" Becky smiled, holding up the bag.

"I still think we should've brought fruit punch," said Cisco.

"You say that at every event we go to that doesn't have fruit punch," said Becky.

"I know! Because what is an event without fruit punch?" Cisco exclaimed, flabbergasted.

Caitlin giggled at Cisco's antics - it was so refreshing to just have the team be able to relax for once. With Godspeed done and dusted, finally behind bars, they could unwind and have some time to spend together.

"An event?" Becky answered rhetorically.

Cisco just rolled his eyes - at least Becky agreed Swedish Fish were a delicacy. He'd have to get Barry and Caitlin's opinions on that sometime...

Suddenly, two other guests walked up to their picnic table - clad in casual clothes, shades, and caps, and carrying a small vanilla cake, it was Grace and Lenny.

"What's with all the getup? Its not that bright out today," Barry said.

"Oh, we know," Grace said, "we're just not too sure if we're off the FBI watch list just yet."

"They won't react kindly if we send them a letter telling them we've changed," Lenny sighed. "But hey - we've got cake!"

"Damn right," Cisco nodded.

Suddenly, their final guest walked up - Wally West. "Jesse and Harry just left for Earth-2... I had to say goodbye."

"To both of them, or one in particular?" Becky teased.

Wally chuckled. "Uh... more one than the other, let's just say that."

As the team began to dig into their food, Caitlin grasped Barry's hand tightly. "So... how long before our lives are in danger again?"

"Five months, give or take," Barry shrugged. However, he didn't let go - he only held on tighter. "but we'll be ready for whoever it is. They won't be ready for us, though."

"And that's what makes us, us," said Cisco, having listened in to their conversation. "And it seems like this is a solid team for now... to the new Team Flash!"

"Here here!" Grace said, raising her cup of tea.

"I'll get a piece of that action," Wally smiled.

"Let's go!" Becky giggled.

"Mhmm!" Lenny said - his mouth was full of cake.

Barry and Caitlin kissed each other softly as the rest of the team cheered - they were far away and secluded, so no one could hear them talk about their secrets.


There was a bench in earshot.

And on it sat a woman who didn't need to be there - she needed to be resting, recovering.

But to her... that was no longer on her agenda. She'd recover in waiting... planning...

Because underneath her sunglasses, her eyes glowed a deep, hot pink. This only seemed to happen when she was angry, thankfully.

And she had sworn revenge on a scarlet speedster. It wasn't time for it now...

But it would be soon.

She'd make sure of it...

NOW HOW'S THAT FOR AN EPILOGUE?! I felt bad for depriving y'all of the cliffie. XD

Shoutouts go to Write-To-You, Flashraven, and radpineapple for all their help with this story. Seriously... I wouldn't be here without you three. Y'all are the best. I CAN'T TELL YOU HOW THANKFUL I AM FOR THEM! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!

And also: I wanna treat you guys to a few chapter names for the next season! :D They will be for random episodes, the numbers in front don't mean anything, don't worry. ;)

1) Orca Vs. King Shark (totally not inspired by the recent ep lol)
2) Swift Shady
3) Codename: Frost

And another thing: If you wanna know what I picture the new Mayor and his wife looking like, google "Rob Lowe" and "Rashida Jones". I saw them as a couple on a TV show and thought they fit the Mayor and his wife's role PERFECTLY! Seriously, they're two beautiful humans XD

In the meantime... I guess that's that! Next week (maybe), we will begin "Season 4 AU - Run Faster, Run Stronger"! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!