The Monster Within
A/N: This will be a much darker Frozen fic. It won't be as long as well. I estimate ten chapters at the most. Enjoy!
In the past few months, the kingdom of Arendelle had been plagued by a series of unexplained rapes. The victims, young women, typically were attacked at night, while out on the streets. The news of such crimes came as a shock to Elsa. As queen of Arendelle she vowed to do whatever it took to catch the rapist, and bring him to justice. Her guards interrogated each of the victims to collect as much information they could on the rapist, only to discover that the assailant was wearing a mask during each attack. They gave them a detailed description of what the man looked like. Despite this, and even after a thorough search of the entire kingdom, they couldn't find a trace of the rapist. It was as if he vanished as soon as he committed one of his crimes. Then, shortly after a young woman was raped, the guards found a man wandering the streets dazed and confused. When they started talking to him, he didn't respond, which rose suspicion. The guards quickly arrested the man, and brought him back for questioning. Elsa was relieved to hear that a suspect had been brought in. She was eager to hear what the man had to say. After several hours of questioning by the head of the guards, she was disappointed to learn that the suspect had barely said anything. All they learned was his name, and that he was married with children. Elsa decided to take it upon herself to question the man. Maybe if she approached him on a different level, he might open up to her. As the next few hours went on, Anna and Kristoff sat in the parlor, anxiously awaiting for Elsa to return from her interrogation with any news.
"Do you think he's the one?" Anna asked.
"I'm not sure. From what one of the guards told me, he sounds guilty as hell, but we don't know for sure," Kristoff answered. "Well, if anyone can get anything out of him, it's Elsa. I have a feeling that she'll be able to tell if he's truly guilty or not," Anna said. Anna had much confidence in her sister. She believed that Elsa was a kind, benevolent, and fair ruler, one who would do anything for her kingdom. If this man was truly the rapist, she could be the one to get him to confess. Elsa had a certain way with people, that not many had.
Another hour went on, and still there was no word from Elsa. When Anna went to talk with one of the guards to see if there had been any progress, he told her that he hadn't heard anything out of the dungeons in over three hours. Anna suggested that they go down to the dungeons to check on Elsa, to see if she needed anything.
The guards, along with Anna and Kristoff, went down to the dungeons where Elsa was interrogating the suspect. When they entered, they came upon a gruesome sight.
There lying in the middle of the dungeion floor, was the suspect with a large icicle jammed in his chest. Blood poured out of his wound onto the floor, surrounding his body. Their attention to the body was distracted by the sound of crying. When they looked up, they saw Elsa huddled in a corner, crying profusely. Tears drenched her face as she stared in horror at the body.
"Oh, God, Oh, God, what have I done?" she cried.
A/N: As you can see, this will be a much darker Frozen tale. I kind of consider this to be a bit of an AU, but still set in the mid 19th century. The next chapters will be a series of flashbacks leading up to the event, showing why Elsa killed this man. This story will be a deep look into the psyche of Elsa.