Chapter 3: New Beginnings

My eyes followed the line of trees that whizzed by as the car passed on, lazily focusing on their blurred forms as I tried to ignore the uneasiness I felt. The music from my iPod helped somewhat, but even it didn't prove fruitful enough as a distraction.

Sighing, I removed my earbuds and placed the electronic device in my pocket, shifting my gaze toward the front of the car as we made way to what looked like the entrance of a town. I moved to the center of the backseat and leaned forward slightly, inclining my head to get a better view of the picturesque buildings edged along the cobblestone paths.

I turned my attention away from the quaint suburb teeming with pedestrians and quotidian routine to the person sitting in the passenger.

"Are we close?" I asked Rachel.

"Yeah," she answered as she glanced back at me. "According to the directions, it should be over the hill."

I nodded and leaned back, closing my eyes. It seemed all too soon when I reopened them and found that the car was parked, Rachel and Mr. Kimura unbuckling their seatbelts and exiting the vehicle.

I grabbed my duffel bag and opened the door, heading toward the back of the car where Mr. Kimura popped the trunk and grabbed my suitcase.

"Thank you," I told him. We walked around the car and I stopped, taking in the sight before me.

Holy mother of stairs, I thought. In front of me was probably the longest flight of stairs I'd ever seen, leading up to a tall gate that protected an even taller building.

Rachel and her husband were close to the first landing of the impossibly long stairway before I hurriedly climbed up to reach them, my duffel bag hitting against my side as I bypassed them, practically running up the steps. My hurried pace slowed once I was only a few steps away, relief along with a sense of accomplishment flooding through me once I reached the top, having needed a break more than I'd care to admit.

I took in my surroundings, noticing how the stone wall stretched for miles on both sides, then directed my attention toward the gateway several feet in front of me. Standing behind it was a boy with—was that silver hair? As I walked closer I could make out more of his distinctive appearance. Lavender eyes framed by thick lashes observed me as I approached. He was wearing the school uniform along with a white armband bearing the mark of a red rose, the school's logo, on his upper arm. What caught my eye though, was the ornate tattoo decorating the left side of his neck. The dark ink stood out clearly against his pale complexion, the fine detail preventing my eyes from wandering and meeting the sharp ones that I could feel were scanning my own face. By my guess he was a student here sent to escort us, unless he was just fond of skipping class and hanging out around the main entrance.

I pulled my gaze away from the intricate design once my parent-figures were behind me. The teen surveyed us all before asking, "Are you here for a meeting with the headmaster?" When we all answered in the affirmative, my suspicion was proved correct when he opened the gate and said, "You can follow me."

I tugged the strap of my duffel higher up on my shoulder and trailed behind the group, contemplative as Rachel and her husband made small conversation in front of me, the aloof escort leading us all to what seemed like the main academy building itself.

It was grand in size and just as impressive on the inside as it was on the outside. We were led to an elevator, thankfully, because I wasn't sure how many more stairs we could take. After stepping out of the elevator and onto what I guessed was the third floor, we kept walking until our escort slowed to a stop in front of a set of doors, opening them before motioning for us to move inside.

We were greeted with the sight of a tall man with ash-blond hair staring out the window, who turned to face us fully once our escort stepped inside and closed the doors behind us. He then walked over to us, a smile adorning his face. "Hello and welcome. My name is Kaien Cross and I am the headmaster of this academy." He bowed and began to shake each of our hands as we all returned his greeting. "Thank you all for coming. The trip here was an easy one I hope?"

"Yes," Rachel answered as she finished shaking his hand. "Thankfully we were able to get here without any problems."

"I am glad to hear that," the headmaster said before turning to me. He shook my hand and addressed me, "Konnichiwa. You must be Cassidy Kimura. Are you excited to be attending Cross Academy, Kimura-san?"

Excited isn't exactly what I'm feeling right now, I thought. Nonetheless, I responded to his warm welcome with a polite smile of my own. "Yes, and please," I said and bowed my head, "call me Cassidy." I was afraid I'd fail to answer anyone who didn't; I still wasn't used to my adopted surname yet.

"Of course, Cassidy-san." He clasped his hands and walked behind his desk. "Now, feel free to have a seat and we may begin."

With that we all situated ourselves and began going over the school's rules, regulations, and expectations. None of it was very new to me as I was familiar with the strict nature of private school, already knowing a dress code violation or a spotted cell phone during class would lead to a detention. However, my ears perked at the mention of a curfew and a 'no interaction' policy with the Night Class.

"Night Class?" I questioned when the headmaster left an opening in his speech.

"Ah yes, the Night Class," he answered. "They are an elite group of students who attend class after hours and reside in the Moon Dormitory on campus. They are kept separated from the Day Class," Why? I thought, "made sure by the members of the Disciplinary Committee."

As I was about to inquire the reason for this separation, the headmaster continued, "You have already met one member of the Committee, my son Zero who escorted you all here today, right Kiryu-kun?" the headmaster addressed the teen who had stationed himself by the doors.

I had been aware of the silver-haired boy's presence the whole time. From where I was seated, I had a good view of him in my peripheral vision, and throughout the entire meeting his whole demeanor showed that of disinterest. His arms were crossed as he leaned against the wall, and the frown he was wearing seemed to deepen when the headmaster referred to him as his son. The fact he was a member of this Disciplinary Committee explained the armband, but I never would have thought he shared any relation with the headmaster. They were different in their appearances—I've never met anyone with silver hair and lavender eyes—as well as their personalities. The headmaster seemed warm and friendly, whereas he came off as cool and distant.

Perhaps he was adopted, I thought. Kind of like you.

I mentally shook my head. I didn't look like my father, my actual, biological father that is, and it didn't matter whether or not he was adopted.

When I came out of my musings I realized the headmaster had moved on to my schedule. It seemed since I was entering school in the beginning of the final term of my second year, I had to take exams for each of the classes to see if I was caught up, which, apparently I was. I reasoned this to be so I was able to transition smoothly into the school year without having to do extra work and pick up where lessons left off along with everyone else.

As I was given my schedule I looked on to see what my classes were. I was annoyed at having to repeat science and math classes that I had already completed, but soothed myself in realizing that I already knew the material. However, I internally groaned as I saw that I had to take Japanese history and literature classes; I knew they wouldn't be as easy. I had never taken a Japanese history class in my life! And speaking Japanese was one thing, but writing it…

I sighed. Even though I wished to leave this place as soon as possible, I understood that while I was here, I was going to take school seriously because I knew how I was. I always wanted to do my best. And anyway, I couldn't be that hopeless. I supposedly passed the exams for those classes along with the others.

As the meeting was coming to an end, my parent-figures and I were required to sign our consent, Rachel even having filled out my medical and emergency contact forms.

I stood up along with everyone else as we made our way for the doors, shifting the strap of my duffel bag to make sure it wouldn't slip off my shoulder.

I faced the headmaster again as we all were saying our goodbyes, shaking his hand and bowing my head in our departure.

"Cassidy-san, you can now take a tour of the school grounds with Zero as your guide. It's up to you whether or not you'd like to tour the campus or the dormitory first, whichever you prefer."

"I guess I'd like to see the dorm first and be able to put my stuff down," I smiled. "Thank you, Headmaster."

We followed Zero to the elevator and were brought back down to the first floor. It was here I said my goodbyes to Rachel and her husband, as we were going in different directions. Mr. Kimura kissed my forehead and passed off my suitcase to me while Rachel hugged me until her husband had to pull her away, who told her that traffic on the way back would only get worse if they waited any longer. With a kiss to my cheek and a promise to call, I watched as my adoptive parents headed back the way we came.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. The Kimuras were the thread to my life back home. Their familiar faces comforted me when everything felt foreign. Now that they were gone, I felt the brunt of my situation hit me full force. This was the place Brooke was supposed to be. Here was where I was supposed to find her.

Thinking about Brooklyn only increased the weight on my shoulders. As I turned around and made a move to grab my suitcase, I registered that the handle was already in the grasp of another pale hand.

Looking up into the eyes of my now tour guide, I gave a light "Thank you" and walked so I was standing in front of him.

Raising my hand in between us as a gesture to shake his own, I declared, "I'm Cassidy Kimura."

Although I was positive he already knew who I was as I knew who he was, I decided that a proper introduction was needed to break the ice.

After a few moments when he still hadn't taken my hand I was regretting my decision, thinking I might've committed a faux pas I was about to bring my arm back to my side, until he raised his hand up to finally meet my own.

"Zero Kiryu," he stated as he shook my hand.

"Well, uh, Kiryu-kun," I said after we dropped our hands to our sides. "Lead the way."

He gave a nod. "Follow me."

I admired the scenery on our walk to the Sun Dormitory. The school looked very clean and well kept, and I appreciated the fact that my guide didn't try and entertain me with small talk.

The silence was a comfortable one as I was lost in my thoughts, taking in my surroundings with a mild interest. Zero and I walked side by side as we passed through the dorm gate and made our way to and up the steps of the dorm itself. He opened the entrance doors and I followed him inside.

"The Sun Dorm is split into two buildings, the Boys Dorm and the Girls Dorm," he explained. "The Girls Dorm is this way."

As he led me to my room, I was happy to see that it was located on the first floor of the building, meaning no more steps that needed climbing. That's a relief, I thought.

Zero produced a key from the pocket of his school jacket and unlocked the room door. When the door was opened he turned and handed the key to me.

"Don't lose that," he stated.

"Alright," I replied and gave a perfunctory nod, placing my new room key in my back pocket and making a mental note to get a keychain. I entered the room that would be mine for God knows how long and observed its contents.

The first thing I noticed was the two beds placed on opposite sides of the room. The one on the left had clearly been claimed, as it looked to have been made in a hurry, with multiple throw pillows added to complement the light rose pink spread. The one on the right looked untouched, so I walked over to the side and dropped my duffel bag on top, Zero rolling my suitcase behind me until he stopped to leave it beside the bed.

I crouched down and moved the sheets to reveal a set of drawers underneath the bed. After replacing the linen, I stood up and saw a small dresser with a lamp placed between the other side of the bed and the wall.

Looking around the room, I noticed that the closet was half full and that all the jackets and shoes were positioned on one side. Looking further, I saw that a full-length mirror was attached behind the room door. However, the one thing I was looking for was nowhere to be found.

"The bathroom?" I questioned.

"Down the hall," Zero answered.

"That's what I was afraid of," I muttered. Dammit, I thought. A communal bathroom. That should be an experience.

Putting my hands in my coat pockets, I looked at my guide. "I'm ready for a tour of the school whenever you are."

"Okay," he replied. I imagined him thinking, Let's get this over with.

We walked out of the dorm and across the bridge onto campus. A breeze picked up and blew my hair into my face. Great, I thought sarcastically. I just love the taste of my hair.

Moving the curly strands away from my face, I slowed my pace as we walked through the courtyard on our way into the building, falling into step behind Zero as I admired the beauty the stone paths and pools of water provided. The courtyard was green with trees, and I noticed there was even an outdoor seating area set up for students.

We garnered some looks from students ambling about, probably due to the fact that I wasn't wearing a uniform, and I guessed that it must've been lunch hour with the amount of students outside of class.

When we entered the school Zero first showed me the cafeteria, which was also filled with students, and the gym. He then asked to see my schedule—I had kept it in the inside pocket of my coat—and took me to the classroom where I would have all my lessons. He explained to me the layout of the school and proceeded to show me the nurse's office then the library, with me trying to memorize the paths to each one.

While I was exploring the library, I found myself searching for a head of hair the color of rich chocolate, and just when I thought I found who I was looking for, the face that looked back at me didn't hold the honey brown eyes and button nose I was so familiar with.

Disappointment stabbed at my heart, but I tried not to let it show on our way out of the building. According to Zero, our last stop was the stable, and I perked slightly at the thought of seeing horses.

As we walked, I was fighting with myself on asking Zero whether or not he knew of Brooklyn, to see if she was here. The worst he can say is no, and if that's the case that doesn't mean she's not at this school at all.

Having my decision made, I asked, "Are there any other students from America that attend Cross Academy?"

"Not that I know of," he said. A little dejected, I was about to inquire again giving Brooklyn's name, despite feeling it too specific, when he announced, "We're here."

We stopped in front of the stable and I peered into the entrance since it was opened partway. I looked at Zero, and when he indicated that it was all right to go inside, I went forward to fully open the stable doors.

I entered and looked at the array of different-colored horses, going further into the stable to better look at the beautiful creatures, stopping to pet some along the way. Zero entered after me, going to pet the white horse near the entrance that seemed quite fond of him.

I neared the pair and asked, "May I?"

I halted in my approach when the horse whinnied at me.

"She doesn't really like people," Zero said. "She has a bad temper."

Looking at the way Zero affectionately treated the horse, I advanced slowly from the side, calm and deliberate in my steps as she observed me. When I was close enough I kept my body still, save for raising my arm and fisting my hand to allow the horse to know my scent. She lowered her head and I could feel her breath run across my knuckles. After a few moments I turned my hand and opened my palm, letting the horse sniff me further. When I felt that she was used to my scent, I stepped closer and smiled, petting her under her chin, slowly bringing my other hand up to rub the bridge of her nose.

"Now I wouldn't call you bad-tempered," I kept my voice low and soothing. "Perhaps just a little protective. Isn't that right, pretty girl?" The horse huffed and I gave a light chuckle, scratching her behind the ear.

I looked to Zero to see him watching me. "Do you ride?" he asked.

"No, not really," I responded. "I've only ridden a horse once in my life and that was when I was a kid. However, I do find horses to be especially beautiful and strong, right girl?" I directed my question to the horse. "She's very smart, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with being a little cautious," I cooed and proceeded to run my hand through her mane. "I figured she'd be more comfortable once she knew my scent, letting her know I wouldn't harm her." I looked back at Zero. "Or you," I added.

He nodded and I looked away from his lavender gaze, tucking a curl behind my ear. "I'm guessing we get to ride horses in gym class," I observed. "That's something to look forward to. I hope I'm not completely miserable at it," I joked. After a moment, I asked, "Does she have a name?"


"Ah, Lily," I repeated. "That's perfect."

I stepped away from Lily and faced Zero. "Thank you for the tour, Kiryu-kun," I bowed. "I enjoyed it, but now I guess I should go back to my room and start unpacking. Much fun awaits me," I gave a small smile. More like a much-needed nap.

He stepped in my direction but didn't lose his hold of Lily. "Do you remember how to get back to the dorm, Kimura-san?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "And Cassidy is fine."

He held my gaze for a bit then said, "Alright, Cassidy-san."

I let my smile widen a fraction before going to pet Lily one last time. "I hope to see you again soon, Lily."

I stepped away. "Goodbye, and thank you again, Kiryu-kun."

With that I turned and walked out of the stable.

As much as I wanted to just hop in bed and hibernate for the winter, there was still an hour until school was over and I reasoned that it would be better if I got most of my unpacking done before my roommate got back from classes.

Shrugging out of my coat and kicking off my boots, I took my iPod out of my pocket and turned on my music. I began the process of unfolding and hanging and opening and closing drawers until laziness mixed with fatigue won over and I decided that naptime was inevitable.

I looked over my progress, deeming it satisfactory considering the amount of times I stopped to dance and paused to consider which shirt would go where. I was able to unpack the majority of my suitcase, putting all of my clothes and shoes away, but I didn't get to unpack any toiletries or hair devices, such as my blow dryer and straightener.

Deciding those could wait for later, I turned off my iPod and moved the sheets of my bed, making myself comfortable as I snuggled against my pillow and cocooned myself in the blankets, quickly tuning out the world to enter that of a dreamless sleep.

I could make out the sound of someone humming.

As I faded more into consciousness, the humming got louder and I slowly opened my eyes. A petite figure was sitting atop the bed across from me writing in a notebook in her lap.

A lefty, I noticed.

It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who this person was, as I immediately knew she must've been my roommate. Shifting in my bed, I rubbed at my eyes before I moved to check the time on my phone—my "new" phone that is—and saw that I'd been asleep for about two hours.

It seemed that I had alerted my roommate to my consciousness when she stopped writing and turned her head to look at me. Sitting up, I began to fix my hair and prepared to greet her until she beat me to it.

"Hello," she said. "You're finally awake." She laid her notebook to the side and fully turned her body to me and I followed suit, letting my legs hang off the side of the bed. "You're very pretty, and I must say that I'm glad to see that you don't snore." I grinned at that, and I was happy to see that she offered a smile that mirrored my own.

"Are you a light sleeper?" I asked.

"Nope," she replied. "Total opposite. I could probably sleep through a hurricane. I just prefer it to be quiet when I try and fall asleep, that's all."

"Well it looks like we have something in common then." I got up to bow. "My name is Cassidy Kimura."

She got up and repeated the action. "I'm Keiko Ishihara."

"It is nice to meet you, Ishihara-san."

"Oh, please," she waved off. "We're roommates! No need to be so formal with each other, right Cassidy-chan?"

My grin widened. "Right, Keiko-chan."

Looking at my new roommate, I guessed she was at least a couple inches shorter than me. She had light brown hair that reached just past her shoulders and, because I was close to her, I was able to see that her eyes were a nice gray.

"I'm glad you're up," she began. "I didn't want to wake you before, but now you can come with me to see the crossover!" she exclaimed.

"The crossover?" I questioned.

"Yes, the crossover!" she repeated. When I didn't say anything and only raised my eyebrow, she explained further, "For the Night Class?"

I only looked at her.

I remembered the headmaster saying that the Night Class went to school after hours, hence the 'Night' Class, but I didn't see why Keiko wanted to be there when they walked over to campus. I explained this to her and she gave me a knowing look.

"You'll understand when we get there," was all she said. She moved the sleeve of her uniform upwards to reveal a delicate wristwatch when she startled. "Oh no! We only have ten minutes!" She looked back at me. "We have to go now."

She rushed to put on and tie her school shoes, prompting me to go grab and zip on my own black boots. I didn't have time for anything else when Keiko grabbed me by the arm, practically dragging me out the door and leaving her excited squeals in our wake to go see the Night Class.

The screams were the first thing I heard.

Keiko still had me by the arm as we neared the gate that led to the Moon Dormitory, my eyes almost unbelieving what was held before them. A giant crowd of girls (and some boys) was clustered around the gate's doors, shrieking in anticipation of seeing the Night Class.

I surveyed the mass with utter disbelief, turning my head to look at Keiko as a determined look settled upon her face. She proceeded to body anyone in our way in order to get through the horde of people, me hanging on for dear life. Damn, I thought partly joking and partly in awe. She doesn't play around.

We caught some looks along the way, some lingering longer on me, but they were soon enough directed back to the gate in their enthusiasm.

As we got closer to the front of the crowd thanks to Keiko's proficient elbows and shoves, I was able to make out a head full of silver hair accompanied by a steely gaze which I knew to be unique to my tour guide from earlier today. I watched as Zero only had to fix a group with an unrelenting glare for them to yield in their hysteria; however, the crowd was far too large to be handled solely by him.

"Where are the members of the Disciplinary Committee?" I asked Keiko, having to raise my voice over the commotion. "I only see Kiryu-kun." I remembered the headmaster mentioning Zero being a part of this committee, saying it was their job to keep the classes separated, but I never imagined it being like this! I simply thought Zero acted as a monitor or something, but here he behaved more along the lines of a bodyguard trying to keep fans in check.

"He and Cross-san are the only members of the Disciplinary Committee," Keiko answered, looking around. "She has to be around here somewhere though. She always is."

"Wait," I couldn't keep the disbelief out of my tone, "Are you telling me there are only two people responsible for keeping all these people under control?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying," she affirmed. "Well, it isn't usually this crazy. There seem to be more girls, and I'm guessing everyone's just antsier to see the Night Class because it's the first day back from break."

"Wasn't winter vacation only, like, ten days?"

"Yup," she said, and then joined in with all the other animated cheers.

When the headmaster said Zero was one member of the Disciplinary Committee, I didn't think that meant one half of the committee. Looking around me, I knew I definitely wouldn't want to control this crowd.

Still not understanding what all the fuss was about, I heard the voice of a girl raise over the screams telling everyone to clear a path for the Night Class. Keiko and I were sectioned off to the right-hand side as the gates began to open, the frenzy quieting and sighs of admiration could be heard instead of spirited shrieks.

I was taken aback at first. They were all beautiful, every single one of them. I looked to Keiko, and she looked back at me with a face that said, 'I told you so.'

My gaze slipped back to the gorgeous group. It seemed like no one in the Night Class possessed a single flaw.

By 'elite,' does that mean they all have to look like they consistently appear on the cover of Vogue?

They were set apart from everyone even by uniform. Although it consisted of the same style of dress, where the Day Class uniforms were mainly black, the Night Class wore predominately white—immaculately clean in their design.

I let my eyes shift from one figure to another, starting with the lively blond that led the group.

"Hello, ladies," he proclaimed. "Still as cute as ever, I see. Did you miss me? Because I certainly missed you all over the long winter vacation."

His response was immediate, drawing out a chorus of yeses and various shouts of "I love you!" and "Idol!" from multiple girls, including Keiko.

I looked on in amusement. The charming blond was basking in all the attention he received, shooting girls a winsome smile every which way. He waved to his admirers, his electric blue gaze looking over the crowd when he paused and gave a wink, earning squeals of glee.

The tall figure at his side wasn't nearly as enthusiastic. He was more apathetic to the fawning adoration than anything, instead trying to rein in the golden-haired personality.

"Hanabusa…" he began, but his friend cut him off.

"Oh, come on, Akatsuki!" he grinned playfully. "Loosen up a bit, will you? These lovely ladies called out for us and I heard them loud and clear. I'm so happy they all came to see us today," he remarked loudly, eliciting another series of cries.

The tallest one of the group only closed his eyes and tilted his face downwards to shake his head. The messy strands of orange hair that fell in front of his face adding to his attractively disheveled appearance, as he walked casually with his hands in his pockets and shirt unbuttoned.

"Wild-senpai!" Keiko called out in his direction. Other girls tried to catch his attention the same way, "Wild" being yelled all throughout the crowd.

My eyes shifted to the lean build of a sunny-haired student behind him who was offering kind smiles to the Day Class girls. I then let them wander to a boy and girl walking together—the most impassive-looking pair I had seen yet. The girl's hair was perfectly straight with a marmalade hue, tied up with black ribbons into high pigtails on the sides of her head, bangs framing her face. This along with her ivory skin gave her a doll-like appearance, the boy at her side just as pale. However, his hair was a shade of burgundy that was kept in a rather unkempt condition, like most of the males in the Night Class.

The pair's expression screamed of boredom, and I looked past them and on to the willowy physique of a girl with long, toffee-colored tresses that fell in waves down her back. She possessed an elegant mien, though looked a bit unimpressed with the adulation surrounding her and her classmates.

My breath caught when my eyes fell upon a tall form in the center of the group. They didn't stray to anyone else as they were captivated by what they saw. His dark brown hair reached his collar, his bangs falling into his pleasant face. The striking young man seemed even more flawless than the other members of his class, and I found myself wishing to see his eyes.

I shook my head when I realized I was in a daze, not liking my train of thought. He was arguably the most handsome among his peers, and it was not lost on me how I was momentarily fascinated by him.

My attention was caught by someone shouting for a cluster of girls to stay back. I was able to pinpoint the voice down the line of girls pushing over each other in order to get a better view of the Night Class. It was the same voice that was telling everyone to clear a path earlier, and I saw the small frame of a girl trying to block off students attempting to force their way closer to the objects of their affection.

I guessed the girl was the other half of the Disciplinary Committee, and if her directions didn't indicate her standing, then her armband certainly did. She had short, chestnut brown hair and looked petite in size, probably half a foot shorter than myself. I worried the group she was trying to hold back was soon going to trample over her, as they became more forceful with each push.

She was looking around when she caught my stare. We stayed like that for several moments until it looked like her mouth opened in a gasp and she appeared to cease in her efforts of blocking the group behind her altogether.

"Cassidy!" was all she yelled before she toppled onto the hard concrete.

Yuki felt drained.

Despite getting a good rest the night before, the day's switchover called for more of her energy than usual, her tolerance wearing thin with each passing minute. The Day Class girls were more aggressive and daring, and she was having particular trouble blocking off a group trying to push their way closer to the Night Class.

Though their pushes increasingly became stronger, Yuki held her ground. She was looking for Zero to see how he was dealing with the crowd when she had to stop and do a double take.

There, standing a good distance away a bit behind the line, was a girl she recognized only through her unexplainable visions. It took her some time to fully process who she was looking at, but when she did she felt her whole body slacken with a quick intake of breath. What? How…?

Yuki was at a loss. Confusion won over as she was overcome by a sense of familiarity. She felt like she knew who she was looking at—not just recognized her, but knew her as a person. She was compelled to put a name to the face, and in a voice that didn't feel like her own, she heard herself yell a name that was unknown to her until now.

Cassidy? Yes, she was Cassidy. Yuki was stuck for an answer as to how she knew that fact, but she didn't have time to mull it over once she perceived herself closing in on the ground beneath her. The concrete felt cold underneath her hands, and her eyes were closed as she tried to make sense of her situation. Surely her mind must have been playing tricks on her. She must have been more tired than she initially realized, and all she needed was a good night's sleep. There was no way that she was here at the school, only several feet away among the throng of Night Class fangirls. It just couldn't have been possible.

That was what Yuki kept telling herself in an effort to calm her mind. She would have been successful, too, if it weren't for the soft voice that spoke directly to her.

"Are you all right?" the voice asked, kind with a hint of concern.

Yuki's eyes shot open and she could see a feminine figure kneel down at her side. When they were eye level Yuki tried her best to look as collected as possible, but she was so nonplussed she was sure it showed all over her expression.

"Do you need help getting up?" she asked. Yuki realized she didn't answer her first question, but she could only nod in response to the second because she knew words would only fail her right now.

"Here," she said, grabbing hold of Yuki's hand. She slowly rose as she pulled Yuki, who was using her other hand to try and push herself off the ground. Yuki's legs felt weak, so once they were fully standing and the girl let go of her hand, she shot out to grab her forearm, partly to steady herself and partly to keep a tangible grip on something that was so intangible minutes ago.

This is actually happening, Yuki thought. This is real.

The girl immediately responded and went to grip both of Yuki's forearms. "Whoa there," she said. "That must've been a pretty nasty fall."

Yuki had to look up at the taller girl—Cassidy, a voice in her head reminded, though the voice strangely sounded different—and took this as a chance to drink in her features. The first thing she noticed was her eyes, the midnight green sweater she wore making her ocean eyes look closer to teal, and Yuki could just imagine those eyes lighting up with mirth from laughing over shared antics and inside jokes. Next were her perfectly-arched brows, which Yuki could see being raised in either shock or question, and sometimes amusement. She looked on to her thick, curly hair that was only a shade shy of black, envisioning her twirling a lock around her finger in thought or nervousness. Lastly, she strayed down to her full lips that hid both an endearing smile and a mischievous smirk, when directed at her she could always remember feeling either content or conspiratorial.

Wait, directed at me? But I've never…

Her perplexed thoughts were interrupted when she was asked another question.

"How are you feeling now? Any better?"

Yuki was only able to give Cassidy a kind of half-shrug. She wanted to say something to her, but she didn't know what to say, or what she could say.

"What's your name?" Cassidy offered.

"Yuki Cross," she answered, a bit diffidently.

"Well, Yuki Cross, I'm—wait. Do you happen to be related to the headmaster?" she asked and Yuki nodded. "Cool," she gave a small smile. "I'm Cassidy Kimura."

As if that switched something on inside of Yuki, she tried her best to bow her head while they were still holding on to each other.

"Please forgive me Kimura-san! Before I don't know what…I'm so sorry that…" Yuki apologized for her blunder from earlier, trying to explain the social gaffe, but she didn't know how to explain why she yelled out her name, mainly because she didn't even know herself. She had never met Cassidy before, and seeing her only through visions didn't explain why she felt compelled to do what she did.

"Don't even worry about it." Yuki lifted her head to look at her. "It's totally fine. I prefer to be called Cassidy anyway," she said, eyes gentle.

Yuki let go of one of her forearms to scratch the back of her head and gave a nervous chuckle. She didn't know how much time had passed between her and Cassidy, but as she looked around she saw several pairs of eyes on them, including a pair belonging to Kaname. She sent him a reassuring smile, and in her peripheral she saw Cassidy turn her head to see who caught her attention. Kaname then fixed his stare upon Cassidy and Yuki heard the girl give out a short gasp, Yuki looking between the two.

It stayed this way until Zero decided to come over, breaking their silent bubble.

"What are you all staring at?" he directed toward the crowd. "All of you, hurry up and go back to your dorms! Now!" The Day Class girls shrieked and began to head back to their rooms. Yuki looked over to Kaname to see him send her one of his signature polite smiles before walking back to the school with the rest of the Night Class.

Cassidy asked Yuki once more how she was feeling before letting go of her completely, and Yuki bowed, thanking her. The taller girl just waved her hand to signify there was no need.

"Like I said, don't worry about it." She turned to Zero. "Kiryu-kun," she acknowledged.

He nodded her way then looked at Yuki. "We have to begin patrol," he told her, to which she agreed and looked at Cassidy.

"I'm going to head back to the dorm. Goodbye, Cross-san. Kiryu-kun."

Yuki watched her turn and walk away, wondering where she was supposed to go from here.

A/N: I wish I had updated sooner, but between work and school…you know how it is. Let me know what you think! If you liked it, loved it, even hated it! I don't care; I'm open to feedback. See you soon!