So, I'm fully aware that if I changed 'Shinso' to 'Shoto', this story would probably get a lot more attention. But you know what? I don't care! The purple haired brainwasher needs some love too!

Disclaimer: I don't own My Hero Academia. Obviously. If I did Mineta would have already been kicked out of the Hero Course in exchange for Shinso!

*** Bold print is when Izuku is talking, but it comes out as meows to people.


Oh, To Be A Cat

Chapter 1

Midoriya was walking down the streets, caught up in his own thoughts. He'd finally finished moving into the dorms at UA, excited to begin another semester as so much calamity had befallen their first year. It was hard for him to believe that he and his friends had changed so much.

It was because of this distraction, that he didn't notice two lurking figures behind him. One, was Shigaraki, the other, an unknown, his face hidden behind his mask.

"Are you sure you can really get him with your quirk? This little brat is fast; he's one of All Might's disciples…" Tomura questioned, his eyes narrowing at the other hooded man.

"Of course, I can… He won't know what hit him…"

"Fine. If you can take him down then you'll get to be part of my Vanguard Action Squad. We've been needing a new member…." Shigaraki chimed, his insanity starting to peak through his bloodshot eyes.

The man nodded and walked a little faster, taking advantage of Midoriya's lack of observation to knock him into the nearest alley, flinging his arm with a twitch of his fingers. Izuku let out a silent scream and felt the whole world go dark around him.

Within minutes, the One For All user's attacker was back at Tomura's side, handing him the boys clothing and wallet, all the items covered in blood.

Shigaraki laughed maniacally, the cloth shaking in his gloved hands. This was everything he had wanted since that brat had first dared to interfere with his plans. "You're in." he giggled creepily, gesturing for the man to follow. "We just need to send this to his mother, All Might, and that stupid school, UA. I wonder how they'll react when they find their up and coming Symbol of Peace dead."

The man nodded again but didn't say anything. Despite being a villain, killing really wasn't his thing…

Izuku woke with a terrible headache, but he couldn't remember anything… about anything. He tried to stand, only to collapse, his face hitting the ground as his arms gave out. So instead, he sat back, and looked down at his… paws… at least he assumed that was right.

"What happened?" he thought, confused about what he was doing in this dark alley, cold, hungry and the stench of his own blood filling his nose.

He used his paw to rub his face, becoming irritated when whiskers tickled his cheeks and his ears twitched. Determined, he got on all fours again, and wobbled out onto the sidewalk, his movements uncoordinated, like he'd never had to do such a thing before.

"Hey there little one… Is everything okay?" a voice asked.

Midoriya huffed, the sound coming out like a hiss instead. Stomping his back paw angrily, he replied: "No I'm not okay! I'm having trouble walking, I'm covered in blood and don't know where it came from, and I just woke up in an alley without any real memories about how I got there and who I am."

The one who'd asked chuckled lightly, making Izuku even more irritated. What part of his little rant had possibly been funny?

"It's okay, I can see you're hurt. If you'll let me, I'll take you home and get you all cleaned up and fed." He responded to the loud meowing, kneeling before the injured kitten and holding out his hand.

Izuku wasn't sure what to make of him. He was tall, with purple hair, and it looked like he hadn't slept in days, but he found the teen incredibly handsome. In fact, even though he couldn't quite place it, the boy seemed oddly familiar. So, not knowing what else to do, and feeling strangely comforted by his presence, Midoriya hesitantly approached the hand and allowed the teen to pick him up.

"I'm going to need to put you in my jacket ok? We aren't allowed to have cats in the dorm rooms."

Kitten Midoriya groaned in annoyance but didn't struggle much as he was slipped beneath the boy's hoodie, finding that it smelled surprisingly nice inside. The teen was warm, and Izuku couldn't help but let out a quiet mewl of contentment.

After several minutes, he heard the jacket unzipping again and was maneuvered out so that he could be set down. Immediately, Izuku began speaking again, determined to get to the bottom of what had happened. He hoped that maybe the boy would help him if he asked nicely.

"Okay, so I don't know what lead to me being left for dead in an alley, but I think I must have been attacked. I'll just go ahead and tell you, I have no idea who I am, but you referred to me as a cat, so I guess that at least answers one of my questions. Now, do you have any idea-"

"Woah there, little guy. You're a talkative one, aren't you? I don't really mind, but if you don't stop meowing so loudly someone is going to hear you… I'll fix us some food while you look around and make yourself more acquainted with your new home…" the boy answered, giving him a small smile.

Izuku was beyond irritated now. Clearly, he heard him, but it was like he didn't understand what he was trying to say. "Oh…" he thought sadly, understanding that his words didn't compute with his 'savior'. He lay down and began crying, his ears lying flat to his skull as he realized he might never find out who he was before waking up in the alley.

The teen was beside him again, picking him back up and placing him on a desk, petting his matted fir softly. The sensation was extremely comforting, and Izuku leaned into the touch, gazing up with tear filled eyes.

"It's okay, I know you're scared. I don't know what happened, but people can be cruel, especially to defenseless animals. I'll take care of you now… Don't worry…"

Izuku sighed heavily, enjoying the warmth that surrounded him. As it turned out, the boy didn't have any cat food, so he'd gotten a healthy dose of sushi to fill his growling tummy and was now in the process of getting a bath in the familiar strangers sink.

"You know, most cats hate it when I try to bath them at the shelter. Sometimes I think they are trying to tell me, 'Shinso, leave us alone or play with us, but stop trying clean us!'. It's a nice change to have one so content in water."

"Shinso…. That must be his name. It sounds familiar too… But he doesn't seem to recognize me, so it has to just be my imagination. Maybe I remember someone like him… yeah… that's probably it…" Midoriya thought, letting out another contented mewl.

After he was clean and towel dried, he was let loose to go explore again. But, he decided he could do that another time. Instead, he chose to settle himself on Shinso's lap, secretly hoping the boy would pet him again, and maybe give a few more details about himself.

Midoriya was feeling much better, but he still couldn't help but feel sad about having lost so much of his own history. Hearing the boy's voice calmed him and took his mind off of everything else.

"I wish you could talk… I get really lonely sometimes, but I'm not very good with people. You're still a kitten but not a baby so you probably have a name… oh well… I guess I'll need to think of something to call you then…"

Midoriya looked up and tilted his head, the action making Shinso smile fondly and scratch him behind his ears, mumbling about how his fur, eyes, and behavior oddly reminded him of someone. That perked Izuku's interest even more. Maybe he knew the last person that had taken care of him.

'Knock, Knock'

"Shinso… are you in there? All students have been summoned to the cafeteria for an announcement." A voice stated.

The knock at the door prevented Izuku from trying to elicit further information, as Shinso rolled his eyes and got up, telling him to be quiet while he was gone. Izuku did as he was told, worry starting to fill him despite how calm his new friend looked as he left.

When Izuku heard movement from somewhere outside the door, he recognized sniffles and the light sound of crying from more than one person, his stomach sinking in worry. Shinso came back in, his own eyes red-rimmed and filled with pain. Midoriya watched the boy fall back on the pillows of his bed, covering his face with his hands as he tried to control his sobs.

Not knowing what else to do, Midoriya jumped up on the bed and lightly stepped onto the teen's lap, his little front paws braced against the firm chest. "What's wrong, Shinso?"

The boy smiled sadly and ran his hand down Izuku's back. "I guess it's true that animals know when humans are upset… Since I don't have anyone else to tell, and I know you won't say anything, I have something to confess…"

Midoriya tilted his head and but waited patiently for the boy to spill whatever dark secret he was hiding.

"There was this boy I fought in the UA Sports Festival. He was small and timid, but he refused to give up. He wasn't afraid to speak to me despite the nature of my quirk, and he even asked me to hang out a few times after the festival was over… I… I fell pretty hard for him… but I'm so plain and boring compared to who he usually hangs out with that I always rebuffed his offers to spend time together… and n-now…"

Izuku felt his own heart clench when the voice broke into a depressed sob, tears pouring from the boys tired eyes as guilt consumed his face. Midoriya reached his paw up and lightly tapped at the water streaming down his pale cheeks, not knowing what else to do to soothe his hurting friend. "What happened to him? Was that why you were called out to the meeting?"

Shinso's head fell back some, gazing up at the ceiling of his room like he hated it. "And now… they just told us he's been killed… And I… I'll never get to tell him I'm sorry for refusing his offers… I wish I could take it back…"

"I'm so sorry… That's terrible… For the record, I don't even know you but I think he probably felt the same way. You're one of the kindest people I've ever met, so I'm sure he wouldn't want you to be so upset over him…" Izuku mewled, rubbing his head against Shinso's cheek lovingly.

The boy let out another sad laugh, holding him tightly, but with such gentleness at the same time. "You really do remind me of him. It's settled, to honor my friend… the boy I loved so much… I'll call you by his hero name so I never forget… From now on, you're Deku…"

"Deku… Why is that familiar too? Did I belong to him first? No… Shinso would have known me if that was the case. Maybe the last person to take care of me talked about this boy too… I don't know if my little paws can fill his shoes, but at least I can try. Deku it is!"

Izuku felt happy and determined once he settled on doing his best to embody this 'Deku' person Shinso was so in love with. He yelped a little though when an odd vibration came from his throat, making the sound again to see what it was.

"You like that, do you? I'm glad." Shinso sniffled, kicking off his shoes to curl up with the purring kitten. "Let's try to get some sleep…"

Midoriya purred again and snuggled deep into his caretaker's arms, curling into a ball of fluff as the sun began to set, shrouding the room in darkness.


What did you all think so far? Good, bad, alright? I'm thinking next chapter will be more Shinso-centric, as he tries to come to grips with losing Midoriya and shit like that…

Tell me your thoughts! Follow/Review/Favorite please!