Tokoyami hates getting up from bed, he groans as his head turns to face his blaring alarm. "ughmm...Dark shadow...turn it off.." Tokoyami mumbles.

Dark Shadow emerges out and grabs the alarm and smashed it on the ground, causing a loud crash which shot Tokoyami up from bed. Tokoyami glared at his quirk," I didn't mean like that!"

"Well, your up anyways." Dark Shadow replies, a grin on his face. Tokoyami groaned and gets up, grabbing his school outfit and went into the bathroom.

After a quick shower and fixing his hair, he grabs his bookpack and an apple and leaves his dorm room. He locks the door and notices an envelope taped on the door, which had his name written with a red marker.

Tokoyami grabs the envelope, opens it then reads it.

Dear Tokoyami Fumikage,

I hope you think of me as much I think about you.

I love how your eyes pierce the air around me.

You're obviously better with words, but that still doesn't mean I won't try to win you over.

-Secret Admirer

Tokoyami could feel himself heat up, who would write this? This was most likely a joke, most definitely. But, he still couldn't help but to think that who ever wrote this wasn't jokingThat made him blush even more, thank god for his dark feathers.

"Woah Tokoyami ! That's pretty cool that you have a secret admirer." Koda says, wide eyed.

"Well, yes I suppose, but who would write this is a mystery. I think this is a joke." Tokoyami replied, looking around at the class.

"I kinda hope it's real though." Koda says quietly, looking at his fingers as he moves them around,"I mean, it would be cute seeing you with someone, instead of always sitting in the dark abyss of your room."

"That was a one time joke Koda." Tokoyami replies, rubbing his neck in embarrassment. Koda just quietly chuckles.

"What's up?" The two look at their muscular, tall, six armed friend, Shouji.

"Don't scare us again." Tokoyami says, putting a hand on his chest. Shouji just slightly laughs,"okay okay, sorry."

Koda gives Tokoyami the 'should we tell him' look, in which Tokoyami nods.

"I got this letter." Tokoyami gives Shouji the same letter he received this morning. He reads it, then looks back at Tokoyami,"I think it's real."

"Whys that?" Tokoyami asks. Shouji shrugs,"I mean, it does sound legit."

Tokoyami just shakes his head slightly, but smiles at his friend anyways,"Okay, sure."