"I'll go up first Professor!"

Blake closed her notes and looked up when Jaune Arc volunteered. Let it never be said 'no one could get Professor Goodwitch to smile'. She always looked so pleased when Jaune would always volunteer first. It was also a blessing in disguise. The Professor was so much nicer for the rest of the day's rounds. It's too bad most students would never volunteer to fight against Jaune given that bout of charity. The man was a walking tank. Even the hardest blows were chips of damage against his aura meter. He had fought a number of people since the start of school but every match ended after the full duration if he didn't outright win. It did not matter if he had the shield or didn't. He took nearly no damage so long as he was looking at his opponent. It was frustratingly annoying.

Blake sighed at the thought of the boy. Jaune was a nice guy if you ignore the fact that he really did bring out the worst in her teammate Weiss. Blake closed her eyes and groaned. She was not going there again. The two's last fight ended in a silent contest between the two. They had not spoken to each other in nearly a week. Weirdly though…

Blake looked over at Ruby. The last time this happened Ruby had interfered within the next day. Blake wondered why Ruby was so OK with this fight. Blake shook her head and did not want to look this gift horse in the mouth. As much as she liked her team, the fights and the inevitable rants Weiss would rave on well into the night were things she did not miss. Maybe Yang was right. Maybe Weiss needs to find a boyfriend to keep herself busy?


Weiss watched her boyfriend as he walked to the center of the ring. Like usual, Jaune had volunteered to fight first. He said it was to repay the Professors for giving him a chance. But Weiss had a feeling he liked being lazy after his match was over. The professor called his next opponent. Next to her, Pyrrha and Ruby both hissed.

Cardin Winchester.

"Well, this will last the whole five minutes," Ruby called as she leaned back in her chair.

"And if Cardin blows up it won't be pretty." Pyrrha sighed aloud. "You would think either one of them would have ranked up by now."

Weiss silently agreed. The two found themselves in a weird limbo in the middle of the class. Cardin's fight style was the polar opposite of Jaune's. Where Jaune emphasized defense, Cardin's fighting style was all offense. The two had fought twice already but it was always a war of attrition. Jaune won one by having more aura and lost barely by having slightly less.

The clang of his mace against Jaunes' shield rang loudly across the arena. Like always, Jaune looked nearly bored as he blocked the attack. It seemed to anger Cardin more as the man roared with his next swing. It didn't help that Jaune absently smiled at his opponent. Weiss really wished her boyfriend would focus on the fight. He had that look as if he's thinking of something else again. "Come on Jaune. Focus."


Jaune could have passed it off as just a one-time thing. He honestly could. Team Juniper wanted to start being more of a team. He would be the first to admit Weiss had been taking up more of his time than she probably should for the newly formed team. So Weiss volunteered to cut back on their time together so they both could focus on the chemistry for their respective teams.

Jaune refocused on the fight for the briefest of moments and used his sword to parry the attack, it was more of a brush of metal to push himself away than a full parry. Cardin grunted and scowled before he backed up and adjusted his grip to try again. Cardin looked at the clock briefly. Jaune used the time to move closer and used his shield to slam against his opponent's handle to loosen the grip before he stabbed forward. Cardin nearly swore aloud before he caught himself. He got a severe reprimand for the language in his last fight courtesy of Professor Goodwitch.

Jaune went back to his thoughts when Cardin seemed happy to pace and strategize. The team exercises were going well too. Juniper seemed to come together nicely for as little time as they had to practice together against the training dummies. So, Yeah. He could ignore the first time. But the second time? And the time's afterword right in front of Weiss during lunch?

No. Pyrrha was definitely hitting on him.

Jaune had to be clueless to not notice when she leaned against him. Or the lingering touches on his shoulder as she walked by that sent layers of panic in him he never experienced before. Jaune felt like he had to acknowledge that she was doing it if only because he wished it was Weiss.

Jaune pushed back his shield against Cardin's mace and raised his sword to telegraph a thrust forward. Cardin tried to respond only for Jaune to push with his shield instead. Cardin's mace was brushed upwards. Jaune then thrust forward until he could feel the feedback from his hit against his sword arm and back. Cardin stumbled further but Jaune sighed as he couldn't capitalize on it. He was just too slow to pull off a move like that. Instead, he reset his posture and kept his shield leveled at his opponent.

Pyrrha was a problem and as much as he cared for her as a friend, he was afraid to talk to her about it and possibly destroy the team dynamic. Ah, Cardin is charging at me again. Jaune dropped the shield and gripped his sword with two hands and slashed to meet the other man's mace midway. Jaune felt his aura flush his arms and feet. Cardin's mace nearly bounced off Jaunes weapon when it made contact. Jaune pushed the sword forward as soon as the mace gave a slight lead of pulling back. He pushed both weapons into the ground and then kicked Cardin's wrist effectively disarming him. Jaune kept one foot firmly on Cardin's weapon and the sword pointed at Cardin. "Do you wish to continue?"

Jaune knew he wouldn't. Cardin had been like that the last time he fought someone. As soon as he knew he could not recover he surrendered. Which was actually the correct move in a real fight.

Cardin gave him an even glare before he looked away. "No."

The buzz resounded above them. Jaune relaxed his foot and stepped away from the other man's weapon. "Good fight Cardin. I still can't catch up to you though."

The other teen scowled and looked like he would rather say anything than, "It didn't stop you from winning." Cardin took his weapon and matched Jaune's attention stance as Professor Goodwitch reviewed their match.

Now the problem was, does he bring this up with Weiss?


Jaune never understood how women thought. Sure he had so many sisters that his family could fill a bus, but that did not really give any insight into how any girl would think it was acceptable to chase after a guy who was already attached. It was even harder to wrap his thoughts around the fact that Pyrrha would be that kind of person.

He spent the last two days really thinking about it.

"What are you doing now Jaune?" Jaune was so focused on his own thoughts he nearly screamed as Pyrrha sat next to him on his bed. She had not quite pressed her body against his but she leaned close. Jaune could feel her body heat as it burned like an ember next to him. Jaune nearly snapped his scroll shut and just exhaled to calm himself.

"Nothing. I was just thinking about what to do with a problem that popped up. You know. Leader stuff."

Pyrrha smiled genially. "You could always ask Ruby for another leader meeting."

Jaune snorted. He doubted Ruby had any pearls of wisdom for his current predicament. "Maybe. Welcome back by the way, how was training?"

Pyrrha stretched and laid back on his bed. "Good. It was nice to stretch out and do some fights alone again."

Jaune smiled. She was so used to fighting by herself that he had to find a few ways to make sure she was aware of her team when she was fighting. She nearly hit Ren when he went to help her the first time they practiced. She simply lost track of people who were her allies. He had never thought of it being an issue before, but if you are tournament champion, was there ever a time where you would fight along with other people?

"Good to hear. I think I may step out. Just to run a few things past Ruby. Or maybe Weiss. She usually has a few solid opinions."

"Or four," Pyrrha muttered to herself as he stood up. Jaune was about to grab and put on his hoodie when she hugged him from behind. "You know I am your partner. You can share anything with me. I don't feel like we are really close sometimes."

Jaune's back stood ramrod straight. Her whole body seemed to lean flush against his back. He nearly squeaked out, "I-I know. Maybe you are right but this is more of an overall thing that effects the team. Maybe when its something personal? I am sorry Pyrrha."

Pyrrha sighed into his ear. "I understand. But my door is always open." Jaune simply nodded too scared to be in the room alone with her any longer. If she would only let me go! Which she finally did as the dorm door clicked unlocked. He was saved from saying anything else as Nora and Ren walked in. Walked being a strong term as Nora giggled while Ren was carried on her back piggy-back style.

"Nora, where are you two heading off to now?"

"We're going to hunt for grape soda in the cafeteria. We were going to ask if you wanted to come along."

Jaune looked at the clock. The mess hall had been closed for hours. "Nora, why do you want to break into the kitchens for grape soda?"

Ren sat relaxed on her back like a cat laying in his favorite sunny spot. He opened his one eye that was not buried in Nora's hair. "She hasn't had one in nearly a month and only realized it now. Clearly, this is a wrong that needs to be corrected."

Jaune looked over to Pyrrha and smiled at her. He grabbed her shoulder, "Sorry I am calling in a pinch hitter. Pyrrha, go with Nora. I got an idea and I need to speak to Ren." Jaune did have the awareness to give Pyrrha an apologetic look at the betrayal of turning down her offer to help and also seemingly sacrificing her to Nora.

Ren grunted in disappointment as he got off Nora's back. Even when Ren would send quiet looks for help, he would always feel disappointed when his leader interrupted Ren & Nora time. "Sorry guys, this is kinda important. If you get caught, tell them I sent you. But don't get caught on purpose."

Nora perked up immediately. "Well, I can't go against the captain's orders. Come on Pyrrha, we are going to raid the eatery!"

Pyrrha waved a nervous goodbye.

"You know Nora is going to tear apart the kitchens now that you gave her carte blanche for having team leaders orders?"

"It was worth it. If-" Ren crossed his arms and gave that look that said don't lie. "When they get caught. They will have to report the incident to the professors. Plenty of time to be out of our hair."

"What was so important that you needed to speak to me privately?"

"It's about Pyrrha."

Ren's eyes widened now suddenly interested. "I had wondered if you had been ignoring it on purpose. She has been dropping hints for a while now."

Jaune felt like he would pull his hair out. "I know! I need to make it stop!"

Ren paused what he was going to say next. "Why stop?"

"What do you mean why stop? I like Weiss!"


Ren felt his world tilt and sat down. His face paled as he repeated. "You like Weiss…"

Ren felt flummoxed by the revelation. Jaune and Weiss were together a lot during classes, but he never got the hint that Jaune was interested in the high strung girl for as much as they sniped at each other and some of their arguments could be downright vicious if you listened in when they went in on each other's' love lives. But if that was the case he could understand why Jaune felt so out of sorts with Pyrrha's attempts to get his attention. He felt bad now that he knew Jaune liked the surly-girl.

Pyrrha had not been sure how to get Jaune's attention at first. After the first two weeks, she simply wanted to have her partner talk to her. Ren was not surprised when she developed a crush on their team leader. If he was honest with himself, Ren knew that Nora seemed to encourage for Pyrrha to try and pursue Jaune.

Ren was snapped out of his thoughts when Jaune gave him the most of annoyed glare. "Yes! Of course I like Weiss. We are practically attached at the hip. I thought the whole asking me to train as a group was to help me focus on the team rather than her."

Ren scratched his head. That did make a lot of sense now that he thought about it. He had started to sit next to them and talk to them between classes more often. "You could always just talk to her and say you're not interested Jaune."

Jaune really did pull his hair. "You make it sound so easy. She took nearly two weeks to have the courage to come and share anything about herself to the team. She doesn't look it, but she really is sensitive about building any kind of friendships. Which is why I'm confused why she thought getting my attention was a good idea."

Ren flinched. It was something Jaune picked up immediately. "Ren, what is it?"

Ren looked around and knew he had nowhere to go and said. "Nora may have encouraged her at the start of the term to break out of her shell and be more forward with everyone." He said as diplomatically as possible. It wasn't technically a lie. And Pyrrha had been more open and befriended Ruby from Team RWBY. "Nora picked up right away that Pyrrha was a private person that wanted to have friends."


Jaune calmed down and took some comfort in the idea Pyrrha was encouraged from the start. "Right, that sounds like Nora. That was probably before I asked Weiss out." So long as Jaune was able to timetable everything he could almost rationalize that Pyrrha wasn't trying to meddle in his relationship.

Who am I kidding? Jaune whimpered. It still doesn't explain it.

Ren looked up. His eyes were wide and he looked genuinely surprised. "When did you first ask Weiss out?"

Jaune puffed out a breath of hot air and sighed at Ren's sudden tangent. "Come on man. You heard Yang talk about it for half a week. It was her favorite story when I was rejected and thrown into a crater. It was during initiation. But that is beside the point. What can I do about it now?"

Ren just looked at his leader. "Have you thought about accepting Pyrrha's feelings?"

Jaune was looking out the window and saw his own reflection. His face was horrified. "Accept her feelings? Are you insane?"

Ren blinked and leaned back. "Would it be that bad of an idea?" He ventured.

"Ren, I don't understand how you and Nora, much less Pyrrha are weirdly ok with this? No! It's an awful Idea." Jaune's voice was hysteric as he sat down on his bed. Hands firmly on his head.


Ren fidgeted as he realized that Jaune had no romantic feelings for his partner. "I'm sorry Jaune I thought I saw something that would lead me to that conclusion." Ren thought back to the times where Jaune seemed to enjoy spending time with Pyrrha. They both seemed really happy when he carried her to the dorm after a particularly hard training session where she fell asleep when the rest of them had tried to do a few duels.

He saw none of that contented smile from Jaune. Ren licked his lips as he tried to think how it came to this. Ren just laughed as he ruefully suggested. "You could always friend zone her."


Jaune hissed as he gave his teammate a sympathetic look. It somehow happened that both Ren and Nora had friend zoned each other. And Jaune knew that was a topic neither Ren or Nora wanted to touch. "I'm sorry Ren. But you are right that is an idea."

"Just call her buddy and friend and try and keep your physical distance. Maybe she will eventually take the hint?"

Jaune sighed. "I hope so. This is going to drive me insane if it doesn't."

The next few days Jaune had followed Ren's advice and simply kept his physical distance from Pyrrha. Jaune almost felt sorry for the looks of confusion and hurt she gave him whenever he walked away from her outreached hand. That only lasted until he reminded himself that he was perfectly happy with Weiss.

Jaune spotted his girlfriend as he waved her over at the start of class. "There's the girl I missed."

Weiss sat next to him before she looked around to see no one was paying attention. She reached under the desk to squeeze his hand. The gesture and the blush that accompanied it was so cute Jaune laughed and kept her hand in his longer than she had intended. He let go as she pouted. "Sorry. You were being incredibly charming."

Weiss exhaled through her nose. "Who's being the charmer now?"

Jaune settled in as the class started.


"No Weiss, I think I figured out what I was doing wrong with the team. How did yours go for the last week?"

Weiss saw someone go down for the count and the students all groaned for the guy that was actually knocked out. "Pretty good actually. Ruby has been a great help in that department. I really didn't do my self any favors when I carried our debates with me into the dorm."

Jaune laughed as he leaned forward as the next pair were called. "That's good to hear. Think you will be free tomorrow night?"

"Sure. What do you have in mind?"

Jaune grinned but said nothing else about it. "You'll see. Just be free after dinner." The couple parted ways. Jaune broke their promise to sit with their teams for the one class to catch up and make sure she was free. It was nearly their anniversary and he was positive she had forgotten. Or was hiding it well.

"No fight this time?" Pyrrha asked.

Jaune could almost pretend that he didn't hear the disappointed tone in his partner's voice. Ok, maybe he was imagining it. Pyrrha wouldn't wish hurt on a fly. "No, I just reminded her I wanted to meet up with her after dinner tomorrow."

"Oh, what for?" Pyrrha asked innocently. She turned to see Nora swing her hammer like a golf club to emphasize some story to Ren and Blake. Jaune smiled at Blake's flat glare. She did not look like she wanted to be a part of that conversation.

Jaune peeked at Pyrrha with a side glance. His partner seemed perfectly happy walking alongside him. At a safe distance. Jaune silently sighed to himself. He didn't want to purposefully hurt the girl and remind her that he was with Weiss for a month. Jaune ran through his mind to find something to spare her feelings. "We had wanted to try something at the start of the school year and tomorrow we are seeing the results." Jaune gave as a half-truth.

Pyrrha seemed satisfied with the answer as Jaune slowed and let her walk slightly ahead of him. Jaune watched as she joined Ren who seemed to have taken an active stance in pulling her along with Nora. Ren gave his leader a patient nod. Jaune sped up to join his team with a smile on his face. It looked like Ruby found and rescued Blake.


Pyrrha watched her leader go the following evening. She wouldn't say she moped but she felt like mopping right now.

"Where is he going?" Nora wondered.

Pyrrha stood from the table and waved team RWBY a good evening. Nora and Ren followed her. "He mentioned that he was settling a bet with Weiss tonight. I don't even know…"

Nora wilted. "So nothing on operation capture-a-captain?"

"If you count patting me on the shoulder as progress."

Nora looked at Ren in alarm. He wisely kept walking straight ahead. "I am sorry Pyrrha. Maybe now just isn't the time for it?"

Pyrrha seemed to have nodded only slightly disappointed at the little progress she had with Jaune. The group slouched on the couch in the lobby. Pyrrha turned on the TV and just flipped through channels when Nora giggled.

Pyrrha laughed aloud, "Oh no. What is it, Nora?"

"What do you think the bet was?"

Ren sat up. "I don't think that is any of our business Nora..."

Pyrrha agreed. "No, it's not. But I am curious."

Nora grinned. "Where do you think they went?" She waved her scroll in her hand. The team tracker was on and blipped at them.

"Nora, please stop." Ren tried one more time. But he knew it was already too late. She was curious.

"Come on Pyrrha, let's go see what they bet on."

Ren reached for his scroll before he was pulled by the sleeve out the door. He fumbled with the scroll but dropped it. Ren looked to Nora who was blissfully unaware of her vice grip on his clothes. Ren lamented the inability to warn his leader.


Jaune felt conscious of the button up shirt and pants. He had not explicitly said to dress up, but he did want to make sure Weiss knew he wanted this to be different from their normal dates. He looked up to see his girlfriend round the corner of the emptied courtyard. It was the perfect spot to meet with her since most people were still eating dinner or calling it the night and sticking to their doors and lounges.

Jaune grinned nervously at Weiss. She had dressed up too. Nothing fancy, but she had forgone the combat skirt to wear a relaxed pair of slacks, and a blouse. Her hair cascaded down her shoulders and back. Her bangs that usually covered her forehead and shadowed her eyes were parted down the middle and framed her face.

Jaune took her hands. "You look beautiful."

Weiss kissed him. "It feels like forever."

Weiss allowed herself to be enveloped in Jaunes' hug before she leaned back. "So other than just missing me, what is the occasion?"

Jaune kissed the top of her head. "I just wanted to have some real time with you." Jaune led her by the hand around the courtyard to see the skyline below. This area was close to the border of the cliffs and the city. The sun was low to the horizon and it gave the two of them to find a place to sit and catch up.


"They are there?" Pyrrha asked. It was in the middle of nowhere. The small dot blipped on Nora's scroll that Jaune and likely Weiss were near the north cliffs.

"Maybe they are training?" Nora asked.

Ren reluctantly followed down the hallway and sighed. "They said they wanted to settle a bet, maybe they just wanted the privacy. You know Jaune likes to keep things close to the chest. Remember our strategy meetings? He sat on those for a week before he shared any of them with us. We can't just wait until he gets back to ask?"

"Come on Ren, this is way more fun than anything we were going to do anyway."

"Strawberry soda Nora." That paused the girl for just a half a step before she kept walking.

She grinned and marched along. "I'm good!"

Ren looked around as they exited the dorms. He looked to try and get some kind of back up and spotted his salvation. Well, the cape of it. Ren broke into a run and slid on the tiles as he came to a stop at the corner and grabbed the red cape that rounded the corner.

Ruby grunted as her cape was tugged backward. Both Ruby and Yang turned to him. Ren panted wide-eyed as he looked at Ruby. "Help me!"

"Re~en!" Nora sang as she caught his sleeve. "Let's go! Excuse us. We are doing some… investigative work."

Ren looked at Ruby. "Ruby wants to come along. She's Jaune's friend."


Ruby inhaled deeply. They are not going to crash Weiss and Jaune's anniversary!

She gave Ren a thumbs up. "Sure, I'll go along. I'll be back later sis!"

Ruby waved bye to her sister. She muttered next to Ren. "How did this even start?"

Ren groaned quietly as he looked over to Pyrrha. Ruby sighed as she rubbed her eyes. Jaune had mentioned he was worried about Pyrrha being a little too friendly… "Well… if it's just a peak. Hey Nora, we are just peaking and running back right?"

Nora nodded as she raised her fist in the air. "Yeah! I want to see if Jaune won his bet."

Ruby snorted. Oh, he won that bet alright. Weiss and Jaune seemed perfectly happy together. Ruby looked over to Pyrrha. Hopefully, she will realize it when she sees it.


Nora was not stupid. Eager sometimes. Willfully ignorant. She grinned thinking of Ren. She was that too. But she realized right away Ren knew something and he was not in a place to say what it was. It started just a little while ago. She had a feeling and she didn't like what it meant. The fact he pulled someone from outside of the team sent alarms in her head like nothing else.

Ren only went for help when he had lost whatever control he thought he had on a situation. Again Nora smiled and motioned for the group to slow and look over the courtyard. The giant square was made of stone paths divided by well-manicured grass. Statues and monuments depicting some old battle littered the area. Nora had never really paid attention to the parks and monuments around the campus. But she was happy to have so much cover. "Ok, we'll split up."

Ruby instantly chirped in, "I'll go with Pyrrha!"

Nora grinned at the suggestion. "Great! I'll take Ren. If you pick anything up just back off. We remain unseen!" Nora waved her arms mysteriously to emphasis her orders.


Pyrrha giggled as Ren nervously followed after his friend.

"Ok, let's go statue hopping," Ruby suggested as they moved from statue base to monument base until they were able to be close enough to try and eavesdrop.

Pyrrha could feel Ruby's eyes on her while they wove through the statues. They stopped with a fair distance to go. Pyrrha finally said what had been on her mind as soon as Ren grabbed the younger girl. "I did want to apologize."

Ruby looked confused. Pyrrha continued heedlessly, "Nora and Ren both like to go and do something. Neither of them likes to sit around for very long unless there are a lot of people around. I think that is usually why Jaune and I get pulled along."

Ruby smiled. "It's fine. Ren wasn't wrong that I would like to come along. But you were curious too?"

Pyrrha felt her cheeks heat and looked down at the stone base. "I was… Now the closer we get to Jaune and Weiss… I am not so sure. What if it's something private?"

Ruby sighed. "It is. It's been a month. So it's their anniversary today."

Pyrrha voice hitched. "Anniversary?"

"Can you believe it? Its already been four weeks." Ruby was looking at the pair on the stone bench.

Pyrrha followed her gaze. Jaune and Weiss sat a fair space apart while they spoke.

Pyrrha leaned back against the stone. "What- Why?" Pyrrha tried to stand and leave. Ruby quickly grabbed her and pulled her back down.

"Don't! They'll see us." Ruby berated the older girl as she looked over the edge of the base to see that Weiss nor Jaune noticed them.

"Ren knew what they were doing out here?" Pyrrha sighed as she started to piece together a few mysteries that had her curious about her male teammates. Jaune had started to keep her at arm's length. The suddenness of it all sounded like something they planned rather than just something Jaune did out of nowhere. Pyrrha instantly thought that they had done so to try and spare her feelings.

Nora had shared that this happened to her and Ren. That girls chat left a small vulnerable pain in Pyrrha's stomach that night.

Ruby sighed at the heartbroken look. "I know they argue a lot. But they are happy. As for Ren? No clue. But if I saw someone follow after a couple who were likely on a date? I would have asked for help too."

Ruby mentioned the two fighting all last week. Weiss and Jaune had argued about the Schnee family and Atlas in general. Weiss family…. Pyrrha gave a nearly silent 'oh' as she saw how the pieces fit together. It was so obvious. Pyrrha looked over to the couple. Even at this distance, she could still see the two of them smiling and laughing.

Pyrrha gave one last look at Jaune and smiled. He is happy.

Pyrrha sighed one more time to herself and looked at Ruby. "Thanks for stopping me from leaving Ruby. You're right, I don't want to ruin that by being noticed." Pyrrha smiled at the girl's relieved face. Pyrrha found she could cheer for them. They had a long road to walk if they wanted to work as a couple. Pyrrha shuddered at some of their fights. This last week had been a godsend of peace. They definitely have a long road ahead of them.

"Come on Ruby. Let's leave them be. I think I figured out what was bothering me."

Ruby looked at the older girl with a smile. "Sure."


Ren watched as Nora led the two of them around several statues before they crouched next to one. Ren kept silent but he stared at his friend. This is too close Nora! He mentally screamed at her. As usual, she never did turn to see him. She is probably doing it on purpose too. Ren thought to himself as he knelt next to a stone that was less than fifteen feet away from the couple.

He smiled as Nora laid down and propped her head with her hands and grinned. This low on to the ground on a slight hill… She actually chose a good spot to observe them. Ren sighed as he realized Nora was not planning on moving any time soon.


"Sometimes I wonder what I see in you, Mr. Arc." Weiss pouted from her space on the bench. She purposely kept her distance feeling put out she had not realized today was their anniversary.

"You would so milk it for all it's worth too if I forgot." Jaune grinned and he leaned back and half turned to her in his seat.

Weiss pressed her finger against his chest and scowled. "I would have had a dead body on my hands is what you mean." She pouted for a moment before she added, "We have been together for a month. How did I forget it?"

"To be fair, the first week you were angry enough to ignore me for the whole resting bitch face comment." Weiss turned her head and glared at him. "That one."

Weiss hit him before he added, "The next week in between classes I kept you distracted with my sisters."

Weiss sighed embarrassed by that whole conversation. She was combative in the best conditions. She touched her stomach thinking of the cramps that led to that uncomfortable conversation. "You have far too many women in your life to be that much of an idiot Jaune. Really? You never heard of the red badge of courage with seven sisters."

Jaune coughed. "I'm still convinced that's either a Schnee or an Atlas thing."

That got Weiss to giggle and she thought about the last week. She sighed out a tone of apology when she said, "I am sorry for bringing up my family. It's a sensitive topic."

Jane smiled as he looked at her. "We'll cross that bridge when we need to. You're the one that has to face seven sisters and be judged." She hit him one more time with a laugh. He caught her hand and pulled her close. "There we go. That's better."

Weiss only gave a token of resistance. "You! Ug- You're impossible."

"We'll work something out. We have so far. Besides. You're worth it."

Weiss sighed as she leaned back against him.


Nora felt her hand on her mouth. She looked around for Pyrrha only to realize that Pyrrha and Ruby were gone. She slowly scooted back and her spine tensed as she realized that Jaune and Weiss were kissing. She slowly got to her knees and leaned against the stone statue she had used as cover. She looked over at Ren who looked just as equally surprised. He moved his hand and took her's and led her away.

Nora was led out of the courtyard and finally was able to stand up completely. She looked around. She still had not seen any sign of Pyrrha. "I messed up." Nora resisted the urge to actually call out to her teammate and fumbled with her scroll. She nearly dropped it. "Pyrrha, come on Pyrrha pick up."

The scroll beeped three times before Pyrrha answered. "You ok Nora? You guys stood there a while."

"Yeah. We got close."

Ren sighed. "Too close."

Pyrrha smiled. "I'm outside by the dorm entrance. Ruby had already gone inside. I said I would wait for you two."

Nora struggled to say anything. "Pyrrha… did…"

Pyrrha smiled. "I saw enough. Come over. I think I figured a few things out. Jaune really does keep it close to the chest." She murmured with a frown.

Nora closed her scroll and sighed. "Ren. I really messed up, didn't I? I think I hurt Pyrrha by encouraging her. Did I break the team?" Nora gave a sharp gasp as Ren moved one arm around her shoulders.

"It's fine Nora. We didn't know. I had no clue they were actually going out either. But I guess we had some hints." Nora watched as Ren shook his head while he thought of something.

Nora silently started to walk. Ren kept his arm around her as she resisted the urge to sniff. She wanted to be angry. And she was. Unfortunately, she was mad at herself. It just wasn't fair to Pyrrha. The girl had just now started to come around and be open. The redhead had a crush on Jaune. And Nora thought they would have been a good couple. They seemed to like to be around each other.

Nora swallowed the lump in her throat as she remembered Jaune and Weiss laughing and hugging one another. They seemed happy too. Jaune seemed to be happier with the grouchy Weiss than he ever had been with Pyrrha.

Nora was shaken from her thoughts with another pair of arms that wrapped around her. Ren gave an undignified squawk as he was pulled into Pyrrha's strong arms in a group hug. Nora felt the pair of arms wrap around her and she allowed a single sniffle. Nora looked up at both of her friends. Each had a smile for her. Nora gave herself a reproachful scowl. "Why am I more upset at this than you are Pyrrha?"

Pyrrha sighed and tightened her hug around Nora and Ren. "It doesn't feel like it. But I think I understand what happened with those two."

Nora sighed out all the regret and disappointment. The group broke apart and they all took a seat on the steps of the entrance to the dorm. "What's that Pyrrha?"

"Weiss is an heiress."

Nora blinked at that lack of revelation. They already knew that. Ren suddenly caught on. He tugged on Nora's arm, "Jaune's says he's a country boy from here in Vale. Do you think an heiress and a country boy from another continent would work?"

Pyrrha giggled. "I don't think the rich family would agree. They must have been keeping it a secret for a reason. And they did fight over Weiss parents before they started to not talk to each other."

Nora cringed thinking about this last week of silence. Jaune and Weiss did not even go near each other all week. Pyrrha added for their benefit. "Ruby must have known what the fight was about. She let them fight it out instead of trying to get them to be friends again. Remember last time they didn't talk? Ruby was all over that."

Nora sighed defeated. "Pyrrha?"

Pyrrha slumped her shoulders. "I'll get over it."

Ren gave her a sympathetic look before she looked over to Nora who looked just as heartbroken. This was one of the reasons he was friend zoned. "Come on girls, let's go see if they have strawberry soda and ice cream for floats."

He ruefully shook his head as both girls looked up suddenly intrigued.


"Oh no." Ruby sighed around a cookie in her mouth. She looked up at Pyrrha who sighed at the same sight she did.

"Jaune, I think you miss heard me. I said that you must have been mistaken. I had won that bet. You said that all I needed to do was beat your time."

Jaune glared at her. "Not by losing. You did that on purpose."

Ruby looked over at her sister and Blake for help to calm the two. They both seemed to be really focused on their food. Ruby couldn't blame them. It was Friday night. Everyone wanted to be anywhere else but here with the argument that was about to erupt.

"Consider it torture," Weiss said haughtily.

Jaune frowned with a confused look. "What?"

"It was the last match of the week." Weiss announced sweetly, "I am the winner until Monday." Weiss covered her mouth with her hand and released a cackle.

Jaune paused and suddenly smiled as he leaned over the table and was nearly nose to nose with the silver-haired girl. "I'm sorry Weiss, the stress from that loss must have put some gray hairs in that scalp because you are beginning to sound and look like a crone."

"A WHAT!" Weiss' voice echoed across the dining hall. Every head turned to the couple. Yang and Blake immediately stood up and hid their faces behind their hands as they hastily exited the hall.

Pyrrha coughed and tapped Weiss' shoulder. Weiss quickly turned to the taller girl and had the wherewith all to blush. Pyrrha smiled at Jaune's girlfriend. "Weiss. I know you two argue a lot but just think of all the times you guys have fun together to help weather the storm. Ok? We're cheering for you two!" She pumped her fist for emphasis just like Nora taught her.

Weiss looked at Jaunes' other teammates who stood with Pyhrra. They too had pumped their fist in unison and gave her a cheer.

"Do your best Weiss!" Nora added before the three turned to leave the couple alone. Any anger Weiss built up left her as she just processed what they said…

"They have been like that for the last two days," Jaune added as they left.

"Like what?" Weiss asked while she looked at her empty plate. It looked like both teams had the right idea and left.

"Weirdly supportive of our relationship," Jaune answered as he noticed his plate has been empty the entire time. He put it on a stack of other empty plates the two teams made.

Weiss face nearly scowled as she asked, "What do you mean weirdly?"

Jaune stopped and realized he never did tell Weiss about Pyrrha.

Ruby came to his rescue as she plucked another cookie from the tray in the center of the table. "Since they thought the two of you had broken up."

Jaune looked at his best friend. "What?"

"I kinda had to piece it together with what I got. But that whole week where you two weren't talking? I think all three thought you two had broken up."

Weiss seemed placated after the sudden supportive speech from Pyrrha. "Well, that is nice of them. But should I let them know we never broke up?" Her voice did not convey the sudden anxiety the thought of breaking up with Jaune would have brought. She felt her leg tingle as Jaune's foot touched hers under the table. It was the closest he learned she would accept as a public display of affection.

Ruby got Weiss' attention again as she shook her head. "They figured it out a few nights ago. I think they were just getting mixed messages with how you two argue-"

Jaune teasingly said, "Debate."

Ruby rolled her eyes. "Debate during meals. And rave in our dorm... Weiss."

Weiss blushed and lowered her head. "Sorry."

Ruby smiled as she finished off her cookie. "Well enough of that. Time to close shop and get into pj's! Night you two!"

Ruby got up and waved the couple a good night.


Jaune had realized he had been quiet the whole time as he walked his girlfriend back to the dorm. Weiss seemed content with Ruby's explanation but he realized that there was more to the story. Pyrrha must have seen the two of them fight and thought he had broken up with Weiss. Jaune scratched his head as he saw how that would lead Pyrrha to the wrong conclusion.

When he thought about it, Weiss request to avoid public displays of affection extended to being among their friends too. She just never felt comfortable with anything like that in front of anyone. If Jaune was honest with himself, he could start to see everything from Pyrrha's point of view. Jaune and his girlfriend rarely showed any kind of affection for each other. And they did not sit next to each other at all during the week. The two teams just had to take Jaune and Weiss' words for it that they were dating at all.

Jaune sighed as he realized that he will have to eventually bring this up with Weiss to avoid future problems. But not right now. Not after it had been so close to their anniversary.

"Weiss to Jaune." Weiss' voice chimed into his ear.

Jaune turned and smiled at his girlfriend. "Sorry, I was just thinking about what my team thinks of us."

Weiss smiled but nodded. "I understand. I don't like the idea of others thinking we broke up for any reason." She shuddered.

Jaune looked around and noted no one else was nearby before he placed his arm around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head. Weiss gasped and her back straightened. She immediately relaxed and rested her head on his shoulder. "Don't do that without telling me. That scared me."

Jaune laughed into her hair. "It wouldn't be a surprise if I didn't. I was just thinking that I should have a talk with my team. The misunderstanding was my fault. I should have been more clear on why exactly we were separated. They knew I wanted to focus on our teamwork but maybe they were not so aware of the why we had not been together all the time. Had I been more clear with my intentions and reasoning, they would not have been so confused." And give my partner the chance to terrorize me. Jaune thought to himself.

Weiss nodded into his shoulder. "Mmm."

Jaune looked at the clock on his scroll. They had been walking for a while now. "Let's get back. It's going to be curfew soon and you are already falling asleep."

Weiss grunted and smiled at him. Jaune reflexively smiled back. That stupid smile Weiss had said she loved.

Jaune felt Weiss separate from him as they approached the dorm. All in all, the anniversary was a success. It was even better in that she was happy with just the skyline viewing date rather than an anniversary gift. Although she did say the pictures she took of them together was gift enough.

Jaune looked over at his girlfriend. Ruby did save him from telling her what Pyrrha did. Well for now. He had no doubt she would learn eventually. The only real silver lining of the whole debacle was that Pyrrha was aware that he was still dating Weiss, and his partner seemed to fully support them.

If there was only one real downside to the evening…

"What is it Jaune?" Weiss giggled as Jaune saw she fully prepared herself for some kind of debate. Weiss kept her hands in his now that they were in front of the dorm building.

"I am just thinking you are a beautiful crone."

There it is, Jaune thought. Weiss glared at him and only started to inhaled to scream his name. Jaune beat her to it as his lips claimed hers one last time. She growled a moan into his mouth before he leaned back and caressed her cheek. "Looks like I win."

That did not stop Jaune from laughing as Weiss kept hitting his chest and side with her delicate hands all the way inside.

A/N: I am actually surprised I wrote a follow-up. I had an idea and wanted to roll with it. This took me longer than I really wished to write. Hopefully, I was able to pull off a story that was more comical than angsty. I also wanted to try and write for Ren and Nora since there are not too many examples of those two talking to each other in canon.