A/N: HELLLLOOOOOOOOO PEOPLLEE! I AM BACK! AND BETTER THAN EVER! i'D LIKE TO THANK YA GUYS SO MUCH FOR CARING ABOUT THIS! But without further ado, here's chapter 2. It's a hell of a lot longer than chapter 1.

Characters in this chapter will mention stuff from Bioshock, Plasmids, Rapture and Splicers. I don't own those either. Bioshock belongs to 2k and Ken Levine.)




The Lady

The Janitor

Cook #1

The Guests

Chapter Two

"Here you guys go." Six said as she handed a pair of guests their food, which were just cuts of meat.

"Thank you, darling. It's always a pleasure to eat at the Geisha's tables." A female guest said.

Six then took the elevator down to the kitchen, where she pulled up a chair and kicked her feet up on the cutting board.

"Oh, my god, I am exhausted."

"You're tellin' me." The cook said from across the room as he wiped some sweat off his deformed face. "Drink?" He offered as he brandished a bottle of Old Crow whiskey.

"No, I'm fourteen." She said.

Around twenty minutes later

"Well, I better get back to work." Six addressed.

"Yeah, you betta." The cook replied.

Six walked back to the elevator and went back to one of the dining rooms, which was now empty of guests and full of dirty plates. Six let out a heaving and disappointed sigh as she picked them up and set them on a cart. She barely noticed Seven silently walk in from upstairs and help her clean up.

"Rough night?" He asked.

Six sighed. "You don't know the half of it."

"You don't know what it's like to work for Roger." Seven scowled.

Six sighed again and for the next few minutes, they cleaned the dining room without saying a word to each other.

"Ya hungry?" Seven asked as he stepped in the elevator.

"Yeah, I could eat."

"The Cooks are probably asleep, so it'll be just me and you."

When the two got to the kitchen, Seven began cooking dinner, which consisted of spaghetti with meat sauce.

As they ate, Six asked the boy, "So…what is it like to work for the Janitor?"

"Well…" He started. "The job is usually easy, but I work for almost every hour of the day. It's the basics: shovel coal, wrap meat in cheese cloth, organize books, drain the water in the sewers and the hardest, moving crates around the Maw."

When they finished eating, Six was the first to stand up. "Well, it was a pleasure to eat with you, Seven…" She said with an almost shy tone of voice.


"Come here for a second." She said before bringing Seven to him and kissed him on the cheek.

While she kept her eyes closed during this short-lived moment, Seven kept his brown eyes wide open and had an astonished glint in them.

She pulled away and gave him a playful slap in the face before going back to the elevator. He just stood there, wide-eyed and unknowing of what she felt.

Seven took the stairs to Roger's hideaway, his eyes almost in tears of joy. He walked past the janitor's work area, where the short man took a sniff of the air.

"Let me guess…"

"She…kissed me, man! Can you believe that?" Seven exclaimed, altogether interrupting Roger's sentence.

The janitor rolled his blind eyes. "How…close did she get to you? You reek of her scent."

The boy shrugged. "I guess we kinda rubbed against each other more than we should have…"

Roger extended out his arms and grabbed Seven, shaking him up and down. "Dammit! You gotta have restraint! If you enter too soon, she'll turn you away!" He then set him down.

"Look, I'm going to sleep. Where're we meeting for work tomorrow?"

"We got crowd control. We gotta get rid of that…thing swimming about in the sewer. Then we gotta take the lowest level and engineer the rudders."

Meanwhile, at the Geisha's Mansion

"I-I just don't know what to do with myself, Geisha! He's just so kind, and loving and it makes me feel funny down there, and I just can't take it anymore!" Six shouted at her mother.

The Lady lit a cigarette by flicking her wrist, creating some sparks. "Six…" She took a drag of her cigarette and exhaled. "Just tell Seven how you feel. That's what I did for your father, and he was so excited to start a family, so he stole parts from an old submarine and built the Maw in his own image. It was so heartbreaking when he was killed in that shootout…" She said, her voice trailing off.

"Wait, what shootout?" Six asked.

"We had to make a stop in the city of Rapture, but when the 'splicers' saw us, they just started shooting. Roger snuck out there to find some supplies but brought back this…red liquid in a needle. I used it on myself, and now I can shoot fire from my hands." She demonstrated by flicking her wrist, firing a tiny bit of fire from her fingertips.

"That looks absloulty wonderful, but I'm gonna go to sleep. See you tomorrow." Six said as she left the Geisha's bedroom.

A/N: Hello again. I'll have chapter three done in about a week or two. And trust me, things'll be a lot more…dangerous next chapter. I'll see you then. But here's a question to keep you going.

Who is T.A Bishop?