The End of an Era

It was an allout brawl the moment the trio launched into their attack against Hela. The woman seemed eager for the fight, not at all concerned with the three of them trying to take her on alone. She seemed almost menacing in the way she looked at them, lifting her arms to manifest black weapons all around her to attack them with. Athena knew almost instantly this was not going to be a fast fight to the death, Hela was not going to be attacking them just to finish them off and continue with her conquest of the Nine Realms. This was going to be a fight to hurt, to make them suffer and to prove her power. Hela was going to want them battered and beaten long before she actually tried to kill them.

And, in a sad way, it would be an advantage to them. Because they were NOT going to be fighting to hurt her but to stop her, in any way necessary.

Athena lifted her shield, blocking the weapons Hela launched, the Valkyrie managed to knock the attacks away with her sword. Thor reacted instantly, using his newfound power and strength to launch bolts of lightning back at Hela, matching her attack for attack in speed and ferocity. It wasn't watching from a balcony any longer, it was being on the bridge, it was facing her, it was putting himself into the line of fire and the last line of defense between Hela and the ship behind him. This was their last chance, to give the ship time to get away, for the Asgardians to get onto the ship in general.

"Guard the ship!" Thor called back to the Valkyrie and Athena, "Hela is mine!"

Athena grit her teeth as she and the Valkyrie took a defensive stance. Hela's power seemed to have surged, a darkness spreading from her feet down the Rainbow Bridge, covering the spaces Athena had broken off with a black energy, allowing what remained of her undead army to race across it. She glanced over at the Valkyrie, the woman giving her a firm nod at her look. They both turned back to the fray, lifting their swords and swinging at the soldiers that swarmed them.

It was both easier and harder for Athena to face the soldiers a second time around. On the one hand, she had another soldier beside her, it wasn't just her fighting, they could take out twice as many of the undead than she had before. She could see an end in sight as well, the army had been thinned out between her fighting and Thor's arrival. But it was harder, she had to be more aware of the Valkyrie fighting beside her, they were spaced out more and there was a greater risk that one of the undead soldiers could get past them to the ship. And it was harder for her to get back into the mindset she had been when she'd fought the soldiers before.

While she had been facing them the first round, it had taken some time to be able to let herself go enough into her instincts, to fight and use just her raw power and strength to face them. But once she had, she had been 'in the zone' as she'd heard a few humans call it. It was like her world had narrowed to the soldiers ahead of her, blurring out around the edges so she could focus more, the sounds around her dimming so she wouldn't be as distracted. Her heart had been pounding, her body reacting, adrenaline rushing through her. She hadn't realized how much it was taking out of her, she hadn't even noticed that she was injured, hadn't been aware of the warriors who gathered behind her ready to help. All she'd known was the enemy coming at her and the fact that she needed to stop them, that she had the power to do it.

But when Thor had taken hold of her wrist, had stopped her, it was a jarring experience. It was like a bucket of cold water had been doused on her and the world came back into focus. Now, not only was she more aware of the strain she was feeling in her muscles, the exhaustion she could feel creeping into her, but there was also a reluctance. It didn't make her feel good to slip into that mindset, she didn't like being in a place where she wasn't thinking but just reacting, where she was feeling more than being in control of herself. Because she hadn't noticed how far she'd gone until Thor pulled her out, she didn't want that to happen again.

It was hard to stand there and fight, knowing she'd fight better on pure instinct, but resisting it.

She let out a vicious cry and sliced the head of an approaching soldier off its body, using her shield to knock it off the Rainbow Bridge. She spun around, hearing a cry of pain to see Hela had stabbed Thor in the shoulder with a sword of her own, before kicking him away.

"No," the Valkyrie shouted, at Athena and not the injury going on before her. She shook her head as Athena shot her a glare, "Leave this to me, please," she almost begged, "This is my fight too."

Athena looked between the warrior and Hela when Thor rushed at his sister again. She felt like she was being torn in half, SHE wanted to be the one to help Thor, to rush to his side, to fight next to him. He wanted to face Hela, because she was his sister and he felt like it was his responsibility to deal with her. She understood that, as much as she didn't agree with facing the woman down alone. But the Valkyrie, from what she'd said of her last battle with the woman, the loss she'd suffered at the monster's hand, she deserved to face Hela as well. This was more Thor and the Valkyrie's battle than hers, they were both personally connected to this.

Logically, she knew that Thor would need a warrior who wasn't feeling the brunt of the battle the way she was. She hadn't let any soldier past her, had taken on as many as she could before he'd joined them. The Valkyrie had been resting, ready to brawl, but not facing such trouble. The woman would be more energized and able to fight, being less injured. If there was one thing she would never ever wish, it would be for Thor to be injured or in danger because of her.

"Go," she nodded to the Valkyrie, taking a few steps back to brace herself in the middle of the Bridge, ready to fight the last of the soldiers.

The Valkyrie gave her another nod and launched herself into the fray with Thor. The two Asgardians teamed up quickly enough, forcing Hela to take the two of them on at the same time. They seemed to divide their attacks, Thor's being the more offensive, striking at Hela, fighting her in earnest, while the Valkyrie worked on defending him, guarding him from her various attempts to injure him. She was successful enough that Hela was unable to land any fatal blows against the to-be-king of Asgard, but that hadn't stopped the woman from being able to cut into him and slash at his skin and armor. The goddess seemed to also be pushing at them, driving them back more and more towards the ship.

Athena hissed as a swipe caught her in the side, having jumped back to avoid it but not fast enough. She dropped down and swung out her leg to take the soldier down, stabbing it in the chest with her flaming sword. She could see only a handful of soldiers left, and chanced a look behind her at the ship. It seemed like the last of the Asgardians were making it onboard. Heimdall, Korg, and Miek were at the base of the plank, ushering the remaining refugees up.

She looked at Thor and the Valkyrie fighting, and back, making a decision she hoped Thor would approve of, "GO!" she shouted at them, "Go now!"

Heimdall stared her down for a long moment, before he nodded and hurried into the ship after his people, knowing this was the entire reason behind Thor's battle, to protect his people and save them. If they lingered, if Hela caught them, it would all be for nothing.

Athena spun back around, hearing a soldier hissing as it lunged for her and resumed her battle. She could hear the sounds of the ship's engines powering up behind her and did her best to ignore the other wounds of the fighting around her. She couldn't risk distraction until every last soldier was finished.

The ground beneath her rumbled suddenly, nearly sending her stumbling to her knees but she caught herself, using the move to cut the legs off of a passing soldier. She looked over her shoulder to see that a large spike had shot up from the ground, through the Rainbow Bridge itself, and had impaled into the ship, locking it to Asgard and preventing it from leaving. From how black in color the rock was, she could only guess that Hela had been the cause of it, her dark magic at work. She looked back at the soldiers and stood, pulling her shield off her arm.

She sent a prayer to Apollo and Artemis that her aim would be as true as theirs and, in a move she was sure Captain America would have appreciated, flung her shield out like a discus, knocking the last row of dead soldiers back and off their feet. She barely waited long enough for her shield to return to her arm before she was turning and running at the ship as it struggled to rise. She ran up it, pulling her sword above her head and leapt up at the very end, bringing her sword down in a powerful stab that cracked the spike away, breaking the piece off as the ship was freed.

She turned, stabbing her sword into the side of the spike as she fell back towards the Rainbow Bridge, using it to slow her descent. She hit the Rainbow Bridge with a grunt, quickly rolling onto her knees and pushing herself to her feet. There were only a few of the soldiers left, if she could just take them out, she would be able to help Thor and the Valkyrie with Hela.

She could hear Hela letting out a snarling screech and looked over to see the goddess slam the Valkyrie away from her, seeming absolutely furious with the ship now escaping. She could see the goddess gathering her power once more, but Thor had gotten to his feet, gathering his own might. Athena tightened her grip on her sword, just a few more soldiers left…

"Hela!" Thor shouted, "Enough!" he was panting as he faced down his sister, waiting till she turned to face him before speaking again. He threw down the last weapon she'd thrown at him, a spear of sorts. Now that his people were safe, he just needed to distract her a little longer, till they were out of range of her magic, "You want Asgard? It's yours."

His gaze flickered behind her to see Athena kick the last of the soldiers off the side of the Bridge, panting as she made her way over to the Valkyrie's side, helping her up. He quickly returned his attention back to Hela.

"Whatever game you're playing," the woman sneered, "It won't work. You can't defeat me."

Thor nodded, a smirk growing on his face, "No," he agreed, jerking a thumb behind him and towards the palace, "But HE can."

A moment later there was a loud boom, the palace exploding with flames as Surtur grew within them. Athena could already see this reborn enemy was already more powerful than ever before. He had grown far larger than she'd seen him last, with a massive flaming sword that grew as he did. The ground began to shake, so powerfully that fissures began to break in the ground around him. Buildings began to fall, the Rainbow Bridge, the edge connected to the land began to crack.

"No…NO!" Hela screamed, her attention on Surtur instead of the fleeing ship. The palace was collapsing around him, fires rising with each blow he dealt with his sword to the city.

The Valkyrie ran at the distracted woman, leaping into the air at her and diving down, slamming into her and stabbing her with her sword, pinning her to the Rainbow Bridge and rolling away. Thor summoned his strength and brought down bolts of lightning onto the bridge, breaking off the section she was on and sending it falling into the waters, which were in turmoil from the destruction. It was boiling and swishing so much that it was almost like the bedrock was opening into a pit for her to fall into.

Athena stepped back quickly, avoiding the fractured bridge, before stepping forward to watch the woman fall. She looked up at Thor and the Valkyrie across the way and moved back, running towards them and jumping over the crack to their side. She made her way right to Thor, standing beside him as the two Asgardians were left to stand there, staring at Surtur raining down his destruction on their home.

"Tremble before me Asgard!" the creature was growling, swinging his sword to destroy everything in his path, "For I am your reckoning!"

"The people are safe," Athena spoke quietly to them, reaching out to take Thor's hand in comfort.

The Valkyrie nodded, though her gaze didn't stray from the home she'd left so long ago, only to return to witness its destruction, "That's all that matters."

Thor swallowed hard, squeezing Athena's hand, needing her strength, "We're fulfilling the prophecy," he said, as though trying to convince himself this couldn't be helped or stopped, that it was the right thing to do.

"I hate this prophecy."

"So do I, but we have no choice. Surtur destroys Asgard, he destroys Hela so that our people can live. We need to let him finish..."

Athena had just opened her mouth to speak her agreement, when something shot into the sky above them from behind. They all looked on in shock as the Hulk launched himself at Surtur.

"No!" Thor shouted.

"Hulk, stop!" Athena cried.

But it was too late, the green man was already nearing Surtur, both his fists raised and ready to smash into the creature's face. He pounded away, using the force of his blows to go higher and higher, till he'd landed on top of Surtur's one horn and began to jab at it, trying to break it off.

"Stop it you moron!" Thor ordered.

Hulk's blows weren't doing much damage, but they were distracting the creature from his objective to finish Asgard. It reached up and grabbed Hulk off its horn, flinging him away to land hard on the Rainbow Bridge before them. The green man wasn't down long before he was rolling onto his feet and ready to throw himself back at Surtur.

"HULK!" Athena called, managing to get his attention.

"Just for once in your life, don't smash!" Thor agreed.

Hulk frowned at them, "But...big monster!"

The Valkyrie shook her head, "Hulk! Let's go!"

Hulk looked between them and Surtur, before pouting and rushing at them. He grabbed the three warriors in his arms and leapt up into the air with all his might, aiming for the fleeing ship that was a safe distance away from Surtur's rage and Hela's magic. He landed on the edge of the ship with more gentleness than they'd thought him capable of, setting them down carefully. The trio, now that they'd had just a moment to rest, nearly collapsed, exhausted, where they were placed.

But they could still see what was going on, the total carnage and damage being done to Asgard at Surtur's hands. Thor and the Valkyrie were forced to watch their home torn apart, Thor leaning on Athena both for strength to watch and a need for support, a handful of other Asgardians and Sakaarian gladiators gathered with them.

A moment later, a massive black spike shot out from the waters by the Rainbow Bridge, flying into Surtur's chest. Many more spikes arose from the depths, Hela standing on one. The goddess hurled spike after spike at Surtur, but it was no use, the creature just lifted his sword, holding it above his head for the final blow.

"I am Asgard's doom!" the beast roared, driving the sword into the land, through Hela, stabbing right into the heart of Asgard itself.

"The damage is not too bad," Korg spoke from the middle of the Asgardians, trying to make things better, to ease the obvious pain they were feeling to witness their home being turned into ruins, "As long as the foundations are strong, we can rebuild this place. It will become a haven for all people and aliens of the universe..."

He couldn't even finish when a violent explosion detonated, the earth shaking around it. It was almost like the realm was split in two before it was blown to pieces.

And just like that...Asgard was gone.

Their home was gone.

"Nope," Korg winced, "Those foundations are gone. Sorry."

Athena could only tighten her hold on Thor's hand as he breathed out, "What have I done?"

"What you must," Athena murmured beside him, "What is right is not always easy. You have saved the Realms from Hela's destruction…"

"And you saved us from extinction," Heimdall added, stepping up to place a hand on Thor's shoulder, letting him know with just that gesture that none of his people held him to blame for what happened, "Asgard is not a place, it's a people."

Thor just turned away, unable to watch his home continue to burn, and rested his forehead to Athena's temple. She lifted her other hand to half stroke his hair, half touch his cheek in a comforting gesture, taking strength and a moment to grieve.

"I am proud of you," she whispered to him, so soft he knew no other would hear it, "And I know...Odin and Frigga would be too."

He just held onto her tighter.


Thor stood in the captain's quarters of the ship, looking into a mirror fixed to the wall. He smiled softly as he saw Athena in the reflection, behind him, resting on top of a bed, his cloak draped over her like a blanket. She had been exhausted. While he and the Valkyrie had sustained some fearsome injuries that the healers of Asgard had been able to patch up with the limited resources they had kept with them, Athena's trial had taken for more out of her energy-wise. She needed rest. He'd made sure to carry her to the room himself, get her situated, and then called the healers in to tend to him. Being away from Asgard as long as they had been, they had learned to only keep the truly important items on their person in their travels. They had had nothing in the palace worth saving or mourning...not like his people, who had had to leave so suddenly and were now heading somewhere, he didn't know where, they had never been before.

He closed his eyes…eye…a moment at that somber thought and looked at himself in the mirror once more, taking in the obvious change. His wounds had been dressed and bandaged, were well on their way to healing, though he now had a patch over his eye. He looked as clean as could be managed, his armor cleaned, but it all felt out of place. It was his armor, his face, but…not him. He couldn't help his gaze drifting back to his eye, the very same one Odin had lost.

"It suits you," a voice said.

Thor turned to the side to see Loki standing in the doorway of the room. A small smile made its way onto his face at the image of his brother, to know he had survived the destruction too. He had hoped, when Loki managed to steal away in the Commodore to reach the vault while Hela was distracted, that Loki would be able to flee Asgard with the ship as well. He had hoped Loki might rejoin them, but hadn't truly believed he would see his brother again, "Perhaps you're not so bad after all, brother."

"Maybe not."

Thor nodded, "Thank you, Loki," he picked up a small dish resting on a counter top, "And if you were here, I might even give you a hug."

Thor tossed the dish at Loki, fully expecting it to go through the magical illusion of his brother…only for Loki to catch it.

He was really there.

Loki smirked, "Do we have to hug now?"

Thor's smile grew as he let out a soft chuckle, when another soft sound rose behind him. He looked over to see Athena slowly waking and glanced at Loki. The man nodded and left the room as Thor made his way to kneel beside the bed, reaching out to gently touch Athena's hair. He smiled again when her eyes fluttered and locked on his.

"Thor," she breathed, reaching out to touch his cheek with her left hand her thumb tracing below his eye, "Hela…"

He turned his head to press a kiss to her palm, before letting her rest the hand to his cheek again, "Is defeated," he answered, not sure how much she remembered near the end of their fight, she'd been so exhausted, "The people are safe."

Her face scrunched, hoping what she recalled was but a nightmare, "Asgard?"

His smile faltered, "Gone."

"I'm so sorry," she murmured.

He swallowed hard, "My people are safe. Asgard is a people, not a place. So long as we breathe, Asgard lives on."

"Wise words."

"I am just glad I have not lost more," he looked at her intently for his words, and she knew exactly what he meant.

His parents, his hammer, his home, he'd lost everything, if he'd lost her too? She did not want to think of what she would do if she'd lost the same and then him.

"Loss often is the greatest teacher," she remarked softly, stroking his cheek, "To understand your strength, you had to lose your hammer. To appreciate your people, you had to lose your home. To take on the responsibility of the throne, you lost your parents. Just as how, many years ago, you had to lose everything to truly realize the man you were at heart," she looked at him, "I am just sorry you suffered so much,"

He leaned his head slightly to feel her hand pressed more firmly to his face, "My eye too," he remarked, with just a hint of a joke in his voice, trying to make light of it.

"It is no different than Odin," she countered, "Though you are far more handsome even with such a covering."

"Am I?" he smirked at that.

"And Odin was a remarkable man and great king," she continued, "I have no doubt you will be even more."

His smirk softened into a smile, "Will I?"

She nodded, "I have no doubts," she repeated.

He took a deep breath, feeling something like relief and assurance well in him. He had come a long way from the vain boy he had been, but a streak of it still remained and a part of him had feared Athena would not find him appealing any longer. It was a foolish thought, Athena had been around Odin, was a warrior herself, she understood the scars gotten in battle. He also felt an assurance as well, that she still believed in him after all this, that she still thought he was a worthy king.

"With you by my side," he murmured, "I have no doubts either."

Athena just smiled, lightly patting his cheek, looking down just a moment at her hand as she pulled it away from his face when he moved to stand. Her smile faltered but within the blink of an eye she had the smile back, reaching out to take Thor's hand as he helped her up.


Thor and Athena came to a stop just inside the main deck of the ship to see an assembly of Asgardians and a few Sakaarian gladiators gathered. Athena smiled, unable to help but think about how similar this was to Thor's coronation, before Loki had let the Frost Giants into the realm. She could see the look in the eyes of the Asgardians, all of them looking to the man who would be their king, only this time he truly was their king now.

Thor looked at all of them, allowing himself the brief moment to just…appreciate that they were there, that Asgard's people had survived. HIS people. He looked over at Athena as she turned to him, with a smile on her face. She nodded her head towards them, to the pathway straight through them that led to the captain's chair. He smiled in return, lifting the hand he was still holding to press a kiss to it, and tucking it into the crook of his elbow, walking with her beside him down the path. This was his way of telling all gathered that they did not just have a new king but a new queen as well.

Once they were settled, once they'd found a new home, he would make it official and marry Athena as he had promised her so long ago. Discovering the Mind Stone had set them on a quest to determine what was going on, why the Infinity Stones were starting to be discovered so easily. They had planned to investigate and then return to Asgard to marry, but one clue led to another and another and here they were.

Thor shook himself from his thoughts. He could see in the faces of his people a joy for this moment, an appreciation, a new hope and relief that they were not alone in this world. He nodded his head humbly to them as he passed, grateful, dignified in a way he knew he had not been the last time he had been presented such power. He looked up at the captain's chair, seeing Hulk, Loki, the Valkyrie, and Heimdall standing on either side of it, with Korg and Miek off to the side. He chuckled to himself as he approached the chair, shaking his head as he noticed there was only one chair much like the throne in Asgard.

"Your throne," the Valkyrie offered.

He looked down at it and then to Athena, letting out a small laugh at the situation under his breath. Wherever they ended up, he would have two thrones constructed, a new era of equality. She gave his elbow a reaffirming squeeze before she let go, giving a small nod to the chair…before dropping into teasing curtsy.

He laughed louder at that, pulling her up from her move to lean in and kiss her, the Asgardians cheering and applauding behind him. He couldn't help but smile as he pulled away, resting his forehead to hers, looking into her eyes.

"Go," she whispered to him, a proud smile on her face.

He took a breath and straightened, stepping around the chair and sitting down on it, looking out the wide windshield at the stars beyond. He glanced over his shoulder to see Athena on his right, with Heimdall, with Loki on his left with the Valkyrie.

Athena looked over at the other two and couldn't stop the small smirk on her face, "Trust me then?" she asked the Valkyrie, realizing the woman hadn't objected to Thor's clear statement to the people regarding her place among them, her status as their to-be-Queen. In fact, if she recalled correctly, the woman might have been clapping along with the others just then.

The Valkyrie rolled her eyes, "For now," though the smile she gave Athena in return told the Olympian that it extended far past just that moment. She had proven her worth, dedication, and care for Asgard on the Rainbow Bridge. She had proven herself a Queen worth following.

"So, King of Asgard," Heimdall began, "Where to?"

"I'm not sure," Thor admitted, looking around at those gathered nearest, "Any suggestions? Miek, what's your home planet?"

A part of him knew that, if he had asked, Athena would have done all she could to get her father to open up her home to the refugees his people had become. But a larger part of him knew the strain that would cause. The Olympians had closed themselves off from all the realms for a reason, he and Athena were an exception. And he would not push his luck with the tentative approval he'd managed to gather from Zeus to court, and one day wed, his most cherished daughter. It would be a last resort.

Korg looked down at Miek, who he was holding under his arm, the alien out of its protective armor, "Oh, Miek's dead. I accidentally stepped on him on the bridge, I've just felt so guilty I've been carrying him around all day..." he trailed off when Miek began to wiggle in his arm, surprising him, "Miek! You're alive! He's alive everyone! ...what was your question?"

Thor chuckled and shook his head, "Earth it is."

Athena smiled as she looked down at Thor, the man looking over his other shoulder at her a moment before he focused back on the stars. She took a deep breath as she stood tall before the Asgardians, her hands clasped before her, rubbing the palm of her left hand with her right thumb, her only sign of how anxious she was for the journey ahead.


Thor and Loki stood at the large windshield of the ship, gazing out at the stars, their wounds from the battle largely healed. Athena and the Valkyrie were in a training room they'd found, Athena feeling restless from how the healers had ordered her to take it easy, and the Valkyrie wanting to brush up on her skills since she hadn't fought in quite a while. It had been a few days since they had left Asgard. He hadn't wanted to push the ship too quickly to Earth, he wanted to give his people time to grieve and mourn what they had lost before forcing a new land and people on them. There was plenty of food aboard, enough to last them the trip to Earth, but very soon they would have to start flying the ship faster than it was going presently.

"Do you really think it's a good idea to go back to Earth?" Loki asked absently.

"Sure," Thor nodded, having given a lot of thought to if Earth would be a good place. But he kept coming back to Odin and Frigga, to what they'd said about Norway, how it reminded them so much of home, and he knew in his heart it would be a place to settle, a place that would inspire that familiar warmth inside his people, "They love me there. Athena and I have…"

"Let me rephrase," Loki cut in, "Do you really think it's a good idea to bring ME back to Earth?"

Thor smiled and reached out to pat Loki on the shoulder, "Probably not. But don't worry, brother...I've got a feeling that everything's going to work out."

The two men turned to look out the window with smiles on their faces…

Neither could see the massive Warship approaching their sanctuary from behind…

To be continued…in…Cunning!

A/N: It's over, I can't believe it's over! :'( But we still have at least one more Thor story to go before we're all caught up movie-wise :) I feel like, with everything happening in Infinity Wars, some cunning is definitely going to be involved ;)

Speaking of stories to go, I've decided what I'm going to do in terms of uploading the movie-stories. I've been agonizing over it and taking all your suggestions and thoughts into account and what I plan to do is to space things out just a little.

The next story I'll be posting will be Captain America: The First Avenger version of Steve's OC. Once that is completed, I'll be returning to this series and posting Athena's Infinity War version. I do this mostly to get a little more variety, but also to build up at least a little bit of suspense for Infinity War. I plan to try and get the first Steve/OC story up within the next week, 2 weeks at most ;) So I'm going to be aiming for Athena's Infinity War story near the end of June or start of July :)

After that, for anyone interested, I'll be going back and forth between Captain America stories and Star Trek Cora's story, then Loki's Kona works, then back to Star Trek's Victoria story, and finishing up with Sherlock. Captain America will be cut in between them just to shake things up.

And, just to end...I really have to say thank you guys SO much! Really, I give each and every reader/reviewer/favoriter/follower/ko-fi giver/anythinger a virtual hug because you guys are amazing :) I write for all of you guys and I'm just so touched that you all liked the story and am truly thankful that you're enjoying Athena and Thor :) I'll do my very best to keep it up in the future, because you guys most definitely deserve it. I love you all :')

Some notes on reviews...

I'm honestly not sure if it's more fun writing Thor for Ragnarok or not. Mostly because, while I did think Ragnarok was amazing and super funny, it also felt disjointed from the other movies that came before it and I felt like the humor was almost out of place in what had been, to that point, a more serious string of movies. So I tried to balance the humor with more serious moments. Hope it worked :)

I'll definitely be doing Infinity War for Athena and both movies for Kona, no worries ;)

I probably won't put Hela back in Infinity War, mostly because I was happy she'd been defeated and would rather her stay away from hurting Thor or Athena again :) But it would be funny if that had been like a blooper on set, of Hela punching Thanos since she called dibs on Thor lol :)