Scientists detect antimatter reaction in comet - strange astrological phenomenon, or alien spaceship?

Telescopes detect energy readings similar to that of antimatter annihilation in CERN

Today at 3:00 a.m. Scientists at NASA has detected energy being released by an exocomet, which has arrived in our solar system 2 days ago at high velocity, going past Pluto.

"It's a very strange thing, to see such readings coming from a comet that should be by all means be inert." He commented. Jason Smith was the first to note down the unknown comet's strange properties. "Its almost as if antimatter is being released. It must have been captured by the comet in some unknown reaction. Study of this comet may in fact give us more information on antimatter and how it works in space. "

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This morning at 8:36 AM Pacific time, radio receivers and stations worldwide received a message, repeating in a loop. The contents of the message seem to be pretending to be from an alien asking for a place to land. Whomever made this, must be a fan of science fiction. The message is...Please click to expand

"And now we have here, astrophysicist and astrobiologist Dr. Hartman, who we have invited here today to speak about the incoming spacecraft. Dr. Hartman?"

Applause came out, as a man came walked into the camera view from the side of the studio. He wore a suit, and his greying hair was short and straight. His glasses were clapsed on his shirt, giving him an informal yet dignified air. Someone that people would listen to.

"So Dr Hartman, what do we know about the spaceship?" Asked the newscaster. This would be the best interview of her job. She knew it.

"Well, Miss, from our readings of the Hubble telescope and the assorted satellites we have around the solar system, we have already gotten several photographs and good readings that give us quite a number of details." The newscaster nodded, motioning for him to continue.

"Here is a photograph of the ship, captured by a satellite called SP-01." The screen showed a ship, with a single squarish section at the front, before tapering and then flaring out again, with 4 pods attached to the sides of the segment at the back. Exhaust trailed behind the ship, and the picture seemed surreal, as if from a digital painting or a dream. The fact that it was real and travelling this way, made it seem even more fascinating. Beside the initial photograph, there were other versions, showing the appearance of the ship in terms of infra-red and radiation.

[ sorry, doesn't let me post images here

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"Now look at the ship there. From what we can see, unless they are things that we cannot imagine, are hidden, or are too small to see, the ship has no weapons. It is, as the Trainee Flyer Lafiel said on the radio signal, a supply transport ship with no weapons."

The newscaster down at the list of questions she was supposed to ask, and spoke out loud. "So does that mean that we can be assured that we are safe? That the alien is of no danger to us?"

"Hah, no." Said Dr. Hartman, half chuckling, half laughing. He put up a spectrograph, alongside several other charts and readings showing the radiation released from the ship. He pointed at the exhaust from the ship in the picture. "That? That shows readings that we've only seen a few times in CERN. That shows both the marks of antimatter annihilation and nuclear reactions." He turned to the newscaster, the camera, and in extension, the audience. "It all makes sense. Faster than light travel, and interstellar travel in general, needs lots of energy. And the more mass you have, the harder it is to move. You need something energy-dense. And there's nothing more energy-dense than anti-matter. Antimatter which explodes with the force of nuclear bombs upon contact with normal matter."

"This flyer Lafiel may not have hostile intentions, but I hope like hell that he, she, or it, is a very good flyer. Crashing that ship onto earth would likely kill us all."

"What about the message? The one that said Humankind Empire of the Abh? Do you think this truly is a spaceship from a human race? What do you think of the hypothesis that humans were taken by aliens from ancient times, or the idea that humans originated from the stars and were not on earth originally?"

This Dr. Hartman looked thoughtful. He paused for several moments, deep in thought. Then he looked up, and replied. "I'm not sure. The humankind part is most likely a translation error. After all, it could simply be a mistranslation of a term meant to mean something similar to 'brotherhood' or 'People's'. Something to denote the Empire's wish to be seen as a bastion of unity and put others at ease."

"I'm more worried on how she a managed to learn our language, and learn several in fact. This might not be the first time we have been observed..."

He checked his bag. All clear. He took a cab to the outskirts of the city. There, he took the car he reserved for emergencies like this, and got to the bunker he prepared.

It was an 8 hour drive, and all this while, he was listening to the radio. They were talking about the alien, and whether or not it was hostile. What was it? Was it from a race filled with enlightenment? Energy beings? Green men?


This was obviously a ploy made by the UN. They would gather up people under the pretense of alien contact, and then in one fell swoop, take over the planet.

He would be prepared. He had prepared for this for years.

They would never take him. Not without a fight.

"And thus, behold, the evidence the devil has planted there, to deceive us! To weaken our faith! To turn us from the lord!"

The church was packed, far more than before. The pews were filled, and people were either sitting or standing on the floor. The doors were open, so that the people crowding just outside the doorway could hear his sermon.

Preacher Parkinson hadn't seen such a congregation for a long time. And neither had he felt such passion for his words. It must be God, sending out his power and granting his blessings so that he may warn his dear flock of what is to come.

"An alien? The bible makes no mention of aliens. And the bible is always true. That is no alien, but instead a fallen angel sent out, in order to make us go astray! The presence of aliens defiles and degrades the existence of God's creation. Their very existence goes against the divine nature of man, and his uniqueness amongst the Cosmos! Who here has read aliens in Genesis? There is none. Thus, they are not creations of Jehovah, but instead, of Lucifer."

The congregation here was listening intently, more attentive than ever. The arrival of this menace had them scared and doubtful, with people wondering if this was the beginning of some strange calamity. They had no need to fear. He was here to guide them.

"Do not worry, my fellow Christians. For though this 'alien' may seem dangerous, but our faith and the blessings of our Father in heaven shall shield us. All that is needed, is for us to make sure that it does not serve as a stumbling block for others. It would not be allowed to close people's eyes to God's word."

"My friends. We must kill the alien."

He knew it. He knew it when the radio came alight, when the voice came, that he knew what he had to do. Crouched in the darkness, amongst filth and trash, lit only by the light of a computer screen, he realized the truth of his existence.

He knew he was always being watched, that there were people laughing at him.

The can of coke he bought in the market tasted off. There was a bitter after taste. The sourness tasted sweet instead of the rancidness he liked. He threw it away, and never went there again.

Another time, he received a letter from a government agency, claiming that they found something, that he was go to one of their offices to collect it. As if. After tearing it up and burning it in the trash, he watched his step for people stalking him. A man in the black suit entered his building, and got into the lift with him. That was nerve wracking. It only stopped when the man exited the floor right below his own.

And now, this alien had come. Claiming to be in a damaged ship and asking to land. It all clicked now. The reptiles were invading. This ship was the vanguard and the herald.

He went to his cupboard, and picked up what he was looking for. His father's old gun, a

IMI Desert Eagle. One with powerful enough bullets to kill with one shot. He loaded in hollow point rounds. He would protect the world, no matter what.

Putting it into his back pocket, he opened the door, and for the first time in a few weeks, stepped outside.