I have been inspired by few SI-OC in One Piece characters from the stories. xD Hehe!

So, I have read the SI-Luffy and SI-Usopp and I think there's others? I can't remember what characters it was... *feeling old all of the sudden*

Anyways~! This story is about SI-Nami and I've been wanting to try this for a while~

Warning: unbeta. English is my second. ASL (American Sign Language) is my first. I'm Deaf. *peace*

I don't own One Piece. *sigh*

Enjoy~ :3

Between the Wind


"Reborn as Nami"

'What's...going on?' is all she can think about it. All she can hear is the loud explosion, screaming, and guns? She can't even open her eyes because her eyelids are heavy for some odd reason. And she is in some kind of trapped in a fuzzy blanket that she can't move. Don't get her started with a damn lack of voice.

She. Has. No. Idea. What. Is. Happening.

She remembered the last time; was that she was in her bedroom. She took a break from her study for the exam and decided to check on her little cousin. She was babysitting her little cousin, she remembered that as she was going to the living room and...and... and then...

Damn it.

She can't remember what happened after that.

Suddenly, she heard soft footsteps and whisper. A whisper sounded like a child. And this child is coming closer to her. Then she felt her entire body lifted up in a child's arms. But wait, she could've sworn that there's no way a child can carry her!

She knows that she's not that light-weight. Hell, she an average weight person and plus, she's five feet and seven inches tall! How can a child possibly carrying her?! She felt herself being carried outside of the smell full of smokes, gunpowders, and death. It was foul nasty disgusting smell she has ever smelt.

Then there's another voice. It sounded like a woman voice to her. Then, she realized that the woman and the child spoke in a completely different language that she has absolutely no idea what the hell they were saying. However, she recognizes that language.


'Why though?' she doesn't understand this. Then she felt shifted into different arms and she felt baffled. How can a woman carry her?! She's twenty-three for God sake!

Finally, she finally is able to open her eyes.

Damn it.

It's too blurry for her. All she can see the colors. Blue, white, and pink? 'Great... now I can't see very well. Jeez, I get that my eyesights are poor but this is ridiculous! Why am I here? Where am I?! Just what the hell is going on!?' if only she has her vocal so she can scream...




Maybe it's a good thing that vocal hasn't active because she realized she is in deep shit.


Because after many days to finally be able to see (thankfully). She just stared with a blank face at the woman who is sitting front of her with a baby food and a tiny spoon. The woman is very familiar that she recognized it. All thanks to her little cousin who forced her to watch the television show with him. This woman had long fuchsia hair tied in a ponytail, grey eyes, and a unique hairstyle similar to a mohawk, she wore a green checkered shirt with the word "MACE" on it, indigo trousers and brown sandals. She also uses a cigarette without any lit.

She recognized this woman right away.

Bellemere; ex-Marine and foster mother of two orphans daughters. A very brave and badass woman. Also, a fictional character from a fictional anime show slash manga book known as fictional One Piece by Eiichiro Oda.

Bellemere grinned at her with a spoon with baby food in it, "...good...Nami..." she said.

Oh, did she forget to mention that she, herself, is one of the most important characters from One Piece?

Cat fucking Bulger fucking Nami.

That's right, she, somehow got spits into Nami's baby body and is now living her life as Nami!

Damn it!

She doesn't want to be in One Piece because this world is insane!

Not only she has to deal with the fishmen, stealing treasures from pirates, dangerous adventures with a famous crew, deal with perverts, kidnapping, dealing with weathers and devil oceans, devil fruits users, and motherfucking World Government!


Why is she even here in One Piece?

She was sure she wasn't dead in her other life so... what's happening exactly?

Then she noticed Bellemere is frozen. Behind the woman, there's a tall figure in a black robe with hood covered its face and...nunchucks.

Yeah, a reaper is carrying nunchucks.

She stared at the reaper with a face, 'Why are you carrying nunchucks? I thought reapers carrying a scythe?'

The reaper twitched and crossed its arms; sulking, "Okay. In my defense. When I died, my soul demanded nunchucks! My soul hates scythe! Okay! Give me a break already!" his voice was very deep and unmistakenly a male. And he is sulking.

The woman in Nami's body blinked at the reaper, 'You can read my mind?'

"Of course I can read your mind. I'm a Reaper! And... your Guardian."

'My guardian? I thought the angel is supposed to be that job... not reaper.' she raised her eyebrow at the reaper in confused.

"Well... I'm not exactly full reaper. It's a long story and I would tell you about it. However, now that it's not the time. Right now, we're talking about you." the somewhat reaper explained as the grey throne suddenly appeared out of nowhere and he sat down.

She blinked slowly then nodded her head, 'Okay...then... let me say this... WHY THE FUCK AM I IN NAMI'S BODY?! WHY THE HELL AM I IN ONE PIECE?! I THOUGHT ONE PIECE IS SUPPOSEDLY FICTIONAL WORLD! NOT REALITY!'

The reaper twitched as he leaned back away from the angered woman spirit in a baby body, "Alright, if you must know... your cousin made a wish on your grave-"

'Hold up!' she mentally raised her hand up with a confused face, 'Grave? What grave? Are you saying I'm dead?' she stared at the somewhat reaper in baffled.

The reaper nodded his head, "Yes. You died from a broken neck by falling from the stairs." he blurted it out with a blank voice.

'Oh... that explains why I don't remember when I left my bedroom... I fell down the stairs and died. Super lovely.' she grimaced calmly. Hey, once she's dead, then she's dead. She just weird like that.

"Correct. And unfortunately, your cousin found your dead body. He was traumatic because of your death and when there was your funeral, he made a wish that he wants you to be alive and go on a journey in One Piece world. So, who am I to deny your favorite cousin's wish?"


"Oi, oi... part of your soul was clinging to your cousin. When your cousin was at your gave and made a wish front of me; this reaper, who guards your tomb and your soul... well, I'm just doing my job."

'...I don't understand.'

"My job is to make sure your soul stays at your grave for a year and transfer it to either heaven or hell. However, part of your soul that is alive was holding on to your cousin's soul. When your cousin wants you to be alive in a completely different world... I made it come true because... well, according to the rulebook, if no one from your blood relatives made a wish before your deadline, then I can freely send you to either heaven or hell on my decision. However, it hasn't been a year so when your cousin made a wish. I had to act on it. I'm only doing my job as a reaper and Guardian. Besides, I can't ask for your permission because you were sleeping. It's impossible to wake you up unless you have a place to wake up in. Which is here, this world, your soul has awakened in that body, that belongs to you now."

The woman frowned deeply when the reaper explained the situation, '...is that so... my cousin made a wish for me to end up in this crazy world... damn it. I knew his obsession with One Piece would give me huge headaches...' she mused in grumbling.

"You should be grateful for that though... I've seen my co-workers done crazier wishes. You got lucky... in a way. Before you ask, yes, you are stuck in Nami's body and that body is your body now. Which means you are Nami, not Emma Kingsley. She is dead."

Emma narrowed her eyes at the reaper, 'But... I'm still Emma.'

The reaper hummed, "That's true. You may have her memories, her old life, her goals for the future. But that life as Emma is no longer exist. Your soul is an old soul, a rare soul, if I may add... we, the Reapers called it, 'Ancient Psyche'. That type of soul is full of memories of past lives without any attachment of emotional. You care about yourself as Emma Kingsley which is why you remembered everything in your other life. You carried those memories into this world and reborn into a new body. You didn't get attached to your old life because you accepted to let it go but continues to carry on your memories in your soul. And now, you are reborn as Nami."

Emma understood what the reaper is telling her, 'I think... I understand what you mean. Then, does that mean I have to follow the storylines as Nami?' she mused as she remembered Nami's life in the show.

"That's up to you. You can follow the story or you can change it on your own. This is your life now. That's your body, your mind, your soul, and your life. You can do whatever you want. However, just to warn you, you can never escape from Lady Fate. She has planned for Nami's future which I'm sure you know what I mean. You can change few things in this world but you can never escape few certain destinies that Lady Fate has plans, understand?" Emma nodded her head in understanding, "Good. I believe you are ready to live as Nami now?" the reaper stood up and the throne vanished into grey smokes.

Emma tilted her head, will she ever be ready to live her life as Nami in this world? She eyeing on the reaper who is waiting for her answer then she rolled her eyes, 'Will you do me one favor.'


'Smack my cousin's head for making this insane wish and tell him I loved him.'

The reaper nodded his head then Emma sighed loudly mentally, 'Fine... I'll live my life as Nami... that way I want to.' Emma accepted her fate.

Emma Kingsley is dead.

She is now reborn Nami.







Between the Wind

Chapter One





East Blue, Conomi Islands

Cocoyasi Village

Five Years Later

'I can't help it but learn more about this fascinating weathers in this book. I mean, who knew you can actually figure it out the signs of upcoming storms within miles away? Talk about handy skills! No wonder the original Nami is interested in this.' Nami mused with impressed as she continued reading the pages of the weather book about any types of weather in the entire world from natural phenomenon. 'After I study this, maybe I can study the map? I mean, original Nami is one hell of a navigator. Am I sure I can be like her... maybe even better? If that's possible? Can I ever surpass the original Nami?' she mused silently then shifted her brown eyes up at her foster mother who is cooking for lunch on the stove.

Then her eyes shifted to the window where Nojiko is checking the tangerines from the bushes while humming to herself. 'In two years, if I remember right... the Fishmen will come here and take over this island... and...' she glanced back to Bellemere, '...she'll sacrifice herself for her daughters... because she is that kind of person.' then her eyes narrowed sharply. After five years under the woman's care. Nami has become genuinely cares for Bellemere as a mother figure and there's no way in hell she'll let Bellemere die.

First thing first though, just as she is studying for the weathers, maybe she can learn how to fight? She knew that she can't be strong like the crazy famous Monster Trio in the future, but she can carry her own weight if needed to be. Then she remembered, Bellemere is an ex-marine and seemed to be pretty decent when it comes to pistols and rifles.

Nami bookmark the page in the book she was currently reading. She jumped down from the couch and placed the book on the cushion. She walked up to Bellemere; feeling awkward and nervous. It's awkward to ask a woman who is only like a few years older than her mentally. Nami mentally shook her head and glanced up at the ex-marine woman, "Bellemere..."

Bellemere glanced at Nami from the corner of her eyes as her eyebrows raised, "Yeah?"

"Teach me how to shoot." Nami blurted it out before she lost her nerves.

The woman was taken aback by a little girls' request. She saw that Nami is very serious so she turned down the stove heater low and placed the wooden spoon on the counter. She bent down to Nami's level and took her cigarette out while tilted her head, "Why?"

"I... I want to be strong like Bellemere." Nami said with red tints in her cheeks. She is feeling embarrasses and awkward with this.

The ex-marine blinked slowly then slowly smile, "Is that so? Are you sure?" Nami nodded her head quickly, "...alright. But I warn you, I won't go easy on you." her eyes twinkled with sadism and excitement as her smiles changed to smirks full of promises with evil training.

Nami paled, '...maybe I shouldn't have asked her?'

It was too late. Nami has already made a deal with a devil.




"You called that push-up?! I called that poor excuses of sad-sack piss sea-kings!" Bellemere snapped at her foster daughter who is doing push-ups. Nojiko and Genzo are sitting on the bench as they sweatdropped at Bellemere.

Genzo watched Nami doing her barely forty push-ups, "Bellemere, don't you think you're being a little too harsh on her?" he asked; concerned for the small five-year-old child.

Bellemere jerked her head at the man and glared, "She asked for a training and I'm her mentor. This is nothing! Even a baby is better than you!" she snapped back at Nami who is struggled with pushing her arms.

Nojiko shook her head, "I didn't know that Bellemere is scary." she whispered to Genzo nervously.

"You haven't seen her at her worst yet." Genzo whispered back to the little girl as he watched Bellemere shouting at Nami who is still doing the push-up. "Poor child. She probably regrets asking Bellemere..."




"Ouch!" Nami flinched as she got hit by a tangerine. Believe it or not, it hurts when someone threw a small orange at your face. Nami currently attempts to catch the tangerines when Bellemere is throwing at her face.

"Remember Nami~ If you miss catching any of these tangerines, you will spend your entire week running around the island." Bellemere smirked evilly while Nojiko sweatdropped and pitying her poor little sister. Nojiko doesn't understand why Nami wants to learn how to fight but she decided to support her and have the medical supplies ready.

"Gah!" Nami tripped and fell on her face. Bellemere clicked her tongue in disappointed and shouted at her to get her ass up and catch the damn tangerines.

'Poor, poor Nami.' on the bright side, Nojiko is becoming better with medical supplies skill.




"You are evil sadistic slave-driver demon." Nami declared as she stared at Bellemere with disbelieve.

Bellemere snickered, "And this demon is telling you to go to your training. Now." her eyes twinkle with amused.

Nami twitched, "What kind of training does involve with swimming in the ocean and carrying twenty-five pounds of rocks?! she snapped in shocked. She is at the dock; wearing a one-piece swimsuit while holding two bags that carried fifteen pounds of rocks.

The ex-marine raised her eyebrows, "It's good to have that kind of strength when you're in an ocean, Nami. Let's say... somehow you got in the water and a weapon, like a staff, wouldn't you like to at least learn to fight while you have enough strength? The water will gain weights and you need to be strong enough to carry any weapons you can." Bellemere explained.

"That's... a very good point." Nami grumbled as she lost the argument. Again.

Bellemere smirked widen, "Good. Now get in there!" she kicked Nami into the ocean.

"GYYYAA!" splash heard and Bellemere snickered once again. Oh, how she loves to train miserable poor souls.




Genzo and Bellemere sit back as they enjoying their time while drinking their sakes. "How's Nojiko?" he asked with curious to his drinking buddy.

The foster mother smiles with pride, "She's doing wonderful! She is learning the art of tangerines and studying to become a nurse. She asked Nako the doctor to train under. He accepted it and soon, she will be one of the great nurses on this island!" she beamed, feeling proud of Nojiko.

Genzo laughed happily, "That's wonderful! I'm glad she has found something she wants to be in the future. Although, what makes her decision to be a nurse?" he is curious.

Bellemere smirks knowingly, "Oh, that's probably because Nami has been getting hurt a lot during her training. So, Nojiko takes over to treated Nami's wounds and from there, she decided to become a nurse."

Genzo sweatdropped, "I see. Speaking of Nami, do you know why she wants to learn how to fight?"

"Hmm... well, at first... I thought she would give up after the first day of training. But I was wrong, she really wants to learn how to fight for her own weight. I did ask her why, and her response was, 'I don't want to be a damsel in distress waiting for a prince to show up and save me. I want to protect and save myself from any danger'... and..." the amusement appeared in her eyes, "...she wants to become a pirate." Genzo choked on his sake as Bellemere grinned widely, "Navigator pirate to be exact."

Genzo coughed and wheezed, "She wants to become what?!" Bellemere just snickered at his reaction. "Is that a good idea?! I mean, I would understand if she wants to become a marine...but a... a pirate?! Why?! Are you okay with that?!" he stuttered in concerned.

The ex-marine sighed as she circled her sake bottle while her eyes glanced up at the blue sky, "Honestly... I wasn't happy when I first learned that Nami wants to be a pirate..."


Bellemere puffed her cigarette while watching Nami digging the dirt, so far Nami has been digging for two feet and she is already tired. However, Nami is still continuing digging. The ex-marines couldn't help it but asked her foster daughter, "Nami..." Nami paused and glanced at her with confusion, "...what are you going to do in the future? Once you become a strong and independent woman, you will also be a fighter as well. What do you plan to do with your fighting skill?" she asked with wondering.

Nami blinked then half-grinned, "I want to become a pirate! Navigator pirate!" she declared with pride and hope.

The ex-marine blinked owlishly as she took her cigarette from her lips, "You...want... to become a pirate?" her eyes shown disappointed. "Nami, do you know what a pirate means?" she asked her gently.

"Of course! Become a pirate means freedom!" Bellemere snapped her head back in surprise, "It means having adventures and be free on the ocean and challenge the ocean throughout the world!" Nami closed her eyes as she hugged the shovel, "It's in human nature; wanting to be free and enjoy their life through adventures through the sea. The sea is calling my name and challenging me with my navigating skills." her eyes opened that is filled with sparkles of strong determined, "I want to challenge the ocean, the weather, the sea, the islands, and the whole world with my skills." her lips quirked up in a big hopeful grinned that can be mistaken as D's Will that brings Bellemere's speechless, "And I will be serving under one and only a Captain pirate who deserve to be the King of the Pirates, challenge the world with my skills and draw the maps for the entire world! These are my dreams!" Nami said proudly of herself.

Bellemere watches her daughter's emotions with her speech then slowly, her jaw shut then smiles beautifully, "I understand..." she went to her and hugged her, "...I support your dreams, Nami." she is proud of Nami and now, she knew why Nami wants to learn how to fight.

'Guess that means I'll have to step up my training for her.' Bellemere mused.

End of Flashback

"...It's the girls' decision. I'm not going to stop them. I'm going to stay back, watch them grow, and give them my love and support them." Bellemere said with a soft smile on her face.

Genzo stared at her then half smile, "I see." he then drinks his sake peacefully along with his friend in the quiet atmosphere.




It's been few months since Nami has been training under her foster mother's and now she is receiving her first gift. Nami stared at her new gift in shocked then trailed her eyes up at her beaming ex-marine woman.

"You're serious?" Bellemere grinned and Nami glanced back at her gift once again. Nami grabbed the object and examined carefully.

It was beautiful dark red with an old-fashioned pistol, with silver handles and triggers. And there's red-color beautifully engraved into the handle of designate. 'Belle's Wind Nami'

Nami gently stroked the title on the handle as Bellemere leaned over with soft eyes, "I'm proud of you Nami... you are always my proud wind wave." Nami jumped onto her foster mother's arms with grateful tears.

"I love it... mom." Bellemere eyes wide in shock as her heart beating fast. It's the first time she ever heard one of her daughters called her that name. It scares her yet it warms her happily. Bellemere hugged her daughter back lovely.

"I love you too, Wind Nami."