Chapter 25: Hurricane (Part 1)
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the BnHA/MHA Characters. And I am not attempting to say that I do while making this fictional, and fan-made, story. They are owned by Kohei Horikoshi.
Chapter Warning(s): Language
Uraraka rushed through the corridors to the castle. She had received word from Kirishima that he had an answer for her regarding her village's defenses. The mage ran to the courtyards as fast as her legs would carry her. Today was the day that Fire's forces would be heading out to face Shadow one final time. There was no time to waste.
Running out into the open grass fields , Uraraka's eyes landed on not only Kirishima, but Lady Ryukyo as well. The mage slowed her pace to an eager stroll. She had not seen the Queen of Dragons since the woman had caught her in the dragon's secret fortress. Uraraka's stomach twisted into knots, not sure if Lady Ryukyo was still angry with her.
"Good morning Uraraka." Lady Ryukyo finally said.
"Good morning Lady Ryukyo…" Uraraka responded, stopping in front of the massive reptiles.
"Kirishima tells me that you seek my army's aid to liberate your village…your family…" Uraraka's eyes snapped to the ground at the female dragon's words.
"Y-Yes ma'am. I am." The mage said, trying to hide the fear in her voice.
"And why should I?" Lady Ryukyo said flatly. "You have broken my most absolute law, then, scarcely a day later, ask for my assistance."
Uraraka shut her eyes and clenched her fists at her sides. This was not looking good. Uraraka opened her eyes again to see Lady Ryukyo's human sized teeth bared in front of her. The mage stopped her body from shaking against the vibration of the Dragon Queen's growl. Uraraka had to think of something, and fast!
"You wouldn't be helping me…" Uraraka started. "But my people. And if you were to help them then they will most assuredly praise you…worship you even." Uraraka was playing on a tall tale she had heard of as a child. One that stated dragons were extremely prideful and craved the praise of others.
"Not enough." The Dragon Queen snorted. "The people of Fire already care for me in such a way. What will the praise from a handful of villagers I will never see again do?"
Uraraka clenched her jaw. It was a gamble, and the mage clearly had the weaker hand. There was only one more play that she could possibly pull off. She was limited to who knew about her abilities, but her family's lives were on the line, and this was not the time to sit and wait. Her secret seemed much less important given the stakes.
"Help me save my village, and I will bind myself to you and your causes for the remainder of my life…as a celestial mage."
The female dragon's lips pulled upward to a smirk. "Now, that is more like it." Ryukyo said, raising her head away from Uraraka. The dragon's expression unfazed by Uraraka's confession. The mage quickly looked to Kirishima, had he possibly told The Dragon Queen prior to their meeting? She doubted it, considering the red dragon's spiked confused and panicked emotions.
"Do not be angry at him." Ryukyo's voice drew Uraraka's attention back towards the queen. "He did not tell me…Nighteye did…"
Uraraka looked at Lady Ryukyo with questioning eyes. Nighteye was the one who had told her to not tell anyone, and yet he had told another about her?
"He had warned me of his demise and wanted me to look after you. He also said that you had a heart that should be cherished." The Queen of Dragon's then lowered her head again, though this time it was to press her snout against the girl's chest and face. "I believe him to be correct in that fact. My apologies if I had startled you earlier, I simply had to know to what extent you were willing to help your village." Ryukyo then pulled away from Uraraka but stayed close to the girl. "Be mindful in the future to not disobey the laws of a person whom you may need as an ally."
"You are still going to help me?" Uraraka asked.
"I was always going to help you, little mage." Ryukyo rose to her full height. "I will hand select thirty dragons from my army to be led by Kirishima and liberate the Air village of Gravity. Kirishima-" Her silvery blue head snapped to the smaller red dragon next to her. "Meet me in the square during the War Parade and I will introduce you to your fleet."
"Yes Ma'am!" Kirishima responded, snapping his jaws with excitement.
Lady Ryukyo nodded her head and extended her wings outward. "Now, to the both of you, hurry to the parade, do not miss it." With one single swoop of her wings, the dragon was lifted from the ground and was sent soaring over the capital city beyond the castle's walls.
"Well, you heard her. Better get going, or it will be both of our heads." Kirishima crouched low, so to allow Uraraka to climb onto his shoulders. As the mage seated herself promptly in place, she leaned forward and hugged the back of Kirishima's neck.
"Thank you…again…" she said against his red scales.
He curled his neck, so that his head was pressed against her shoulder. "Like I said yesterday, it's what family does." He quickly turned his head forward, his body an energetic ball of nerves. "Let's get going! I know everyone in the pre-celebration is probably waiting."
"Right." Uraraka said loudly, patting the side of Kirishima's neck, signaling her readiness to fly. The red dragon crouched low and took off into the sky with one powerful leap. The city passed by underneath them in what seemed like a flash as they headed toward the gathering point of the War Parade.
Touching down at the base of Ryukyo's mountain, tents, stands, and podiums were already being erected for the ceremony; a traditional ritual in Fire before their troops go off to war. It was to be a good luck and potentially final farewell for some.
Uraraka shuttered at the thought. She was bound to so many people now, what if one of them died in the next few days? Would she be able to handle another loss?
Sliding off Kirishima's back she pushed the thought to the farthest part of her mind. Better to not think about such thoughts before battle as they may bring bad luck.
"Uraraka!" Came a yell. The mage and Kirishima turned to see Deku running towards them.
"I'll catch up with you later." Kirishima's muzzle pressed against Uraraka's shoulder. "Watch after that violent idiot, ok? Make sure you both come back!"
Uraraka smiled up to him and touched her hand to the side of his face. "I will. But only if you come back as well."
Kirishima chuckled, "Deal."
He raised himself up into his full height before taking off into the sky once more.
"Did I interrupt something?" Deku asked, stopping next to Uraraka.
"Oh no, not at all." The mage responded. "He was just leaving."
"Well that's a relief, s-so do you mind if we talk for a minute?" Uraraka felt the change in his emotions, which she assumed was from the upcoming war. His nervousness spiking to such a degree she was worried that his heart might give out.
"Of course, what's wrong?" Uraraka did not try to hide her concern for Deku or the situation. Deku was one of her closest friends in this country. Sure they may not have spent too much time together after his coronation, but that did not change the way she cared for him.
Deku then began to walk, beckoning Uraraka to follow. The mage did so and the two were set into a forward moving conversation. "So what is the matter?" Uraraka asked again.
"Well…y-you see…I-" Deku began to fiddle with his hands. Mumbling, he was hard to understand, and the movement of their walk did not help the situation. But Uraraka focused hard on nothing else but him, so that she may not miss the reasoning to his chaotic anxiety.
"W-Would you stay here…with me. A-After the war - that is."
Uraraka stopped dead in her tracks, brown eyes going wide. Deku also stopped, once he had noticed that he was now walking alone. His green eyes looked upon her, but she did not register his gaze. The mage was too wrapped up in her own thoughts to comply with anything else.
First there was nothing, her body a cold and empty shell as she tried to process what he was saying…what he was asking. Then came the guilt. She did care for Deku. However, that feeling only went as far as a sibling or close friend. She did admit that she once thought it might be something more, though with all of the events regarding Bakugou, she knew where her heart resides. After that, came the dread. How was she going to tell him? To explain what she felt for Bakugou and what she felt for the young king? To differentiate between the two of them out loud may be the death of her.
"Uraraka?" Deku question, snapping the girl out of her trance.
"I…I…" Uraraka fumbled her words. Going tongue-tide at the mere thought of what she needed to say.
"It's alright." Deku suddenly said, his face cheerful and unphased. "The stress of the war is really high right now, hu? I should have waited until afterwards to ask you. I-I'm sorry." Uraraka stared at the King of Fire dumb-founded. Deku took her hands in his as his green eyes pierced through hers. "But what is said, is said. Find me afterwards with your answer."
Then, he stepped away from her, releasing her hands in the process. Uraraka blinked her eyes and lunged after his retreating body. She had to tell him now, waiting any longer for this response would be cruel.
"Deku! Wait!" She called after him, but it was too late. His body had already disappeared into the crowds of the gathering armies. Uraraka clenched her fists and tightened her jaw, she had let him get away!
"What in the hell was that all about?" Uraraka turned to see Bakugou, in human form, walking towards her. His whole posture, not just his emotions, screamed aggression and annoyance.
"What was what about?" She tried to play dumb.
"Don't play stupid with me, that fucking hand holding bullshit!" Damn, he had seen that.
Uraraka closed her eyes, it was better to just come out with the truth rather than try to cover it up. "He asked me to stay here after the war…with him."
She opened her eyes slightly to see Bakugou's body go ridged. He sucked in a sharp breath and did not release it. "And what was your answer?" He dared to ask, his voice slightly above a whisper. His emotions spiking with his own anxiety and panic now.
"I didn't get to say my response, he took off before I could…" She paused as she looked upon his narrowing eyes. The tips of his ears turned the faintest shade of pink as alarm began to slip onto his face. "You don't need to worry…I was, am, going to say 'no' to his request."
Bakugou finally let out the breath he was holding, as well as the restrained frustration and anger he was holding in. "Fucking Deku!" Bakugou snapped. "Never did know how to mind his own damn business!"
Uraraka giggled at the blonde's outburst. But this sudden turn of events did get Uraraka's mind turning. What was she going to do after the war? She had done all of this to save her family and people, but once that was accomplished…then what? She had always assumed that she would simply go back home after all of this was done, but after recent events, she felt herself becoming more and more torn about the upcoming decision. Uraraka did have one idea in mind. Though, she was not sure how the other party involved would receive the offer.
"Ummmm, So Bakugou…I was thinking-" Uraraka stared but was cut off by trumpets beginning to blare, signaling the parade's start.
"Looks like duty calls Round Face. Let's get going." Bakugou said, transforming into his dragon appearance.
"R-Right…" Uraraka said as she tried to hide the unease in her voice. Climbing along his arm, Uraraka took her seat between his shoulders. Raising himself up, it only took the golden dragon a few short leaps to reach their designated spot in the lineup. They were positioned closer to the front with Miriko's ground forces.
Kirishima could be seen a few platoons ahead of them with a small grouping of other dragons. They must have been the extra bodies that Lady Ryukyo had provided towards Uraraka's effort. The mage could feel her heart begin to swell at the sight of them. The aid that she had so desperately sacrificed for was now only a few rows ahead. Tears welled in her brown eyes and she fought to keep them from streaming down her face.
"Hey, don't get all weepy now." Bakugou said. His large head turning so that one red eye was locked onto her.
"I'm sorry…" She said quietly, wiping her face quickly. "It's just, today is finally here. My family is going to be alright."
"They aren't out of the woods yet. Let's end this quick." He turned his head forward as he shifted his body to the side, ready to be in the air.
"Right. Let's give Shadow a fight they will never forget!"
Bakugou made a low rumble in his chest that vibrated down to the pit of his stomach. This caused Miriko's warriors around them start to chant and bang their shields in anticipation.
Trumpets sounded again, and the rows in front of them began to move along in their march. When it came time for them, Bakugou was twitching with eagerness. He was never one to completely sit still, and Uraraka could feel his gratification to move, even if it was to simply walk forward in a dedicated line.
Coming up to the bend for which the capital's citizens would be corralled, Uraraka sat up straight. Her brown eyes focused forward as her body naturally swayed with Bakugou's walking form. His own eyes were focused on the path ahead of them as well. The tension of the upcoming crowds sending tremors rippling through his back muscles. Reaching down, she placed a hand in the blonde tuffs of fur on his shoulders, easing the tension coursing through not only him, but her as well. They were in this together, and they both needed to be encouraged of this.
Turning the mountain's base, the loud crowds of people erupted into a full on roar as they were now in view. People of all ages reached out, mindful to not step in ranks, and touched the shoulders of the men in front of them. Painting their armor in a red stain.
"A blessing." Bakugou said quietly to Uraraka, sensing her confusion and wonder. "Good luck in battle."
"Oh. That is very kind of them…" Uraraka said, looking down to the city's people. Bakugou did not respond, but simply stayed focused and looked ahead once more.
Passing by, the city's people reached out and stained the side of Bakugou's legs and chest. Though, she was too high, and their red mark did not even make it to her boots. She broke her concentrated stair and looked down to the rotating shoulders below her. She did not mean to take it to heart, it was not her people's custom…but she did. Uraraka could feel herself begin to shake, her mind becoming a dark cloud of overrunning emotions and thoughts. When Bakugou rolled his shoulders to gain her attention.
Looking forward, Uraraka could make out the small form of Tsu in the crowd, a few paces in front of them. As they marched by, the small frog girl jumped high into the air with a bucket clutched in her hands. With a swift fling, the bucket's contents, enough red stain for half of the war parade, was splashed upon Uraraka's side. Wiping the stain free from her eyes, Uraraka could see the liquid had also splashed upon Bakugou and streamed down his side.
The mage turned in her onward moving seat to the tiny girl. Her arms were raised high and waved at the mage. Uraraka raised her hand as well, returning the girl's gesture. A tear in both of their eyes as Tsu disappeared into the sea of faces.
"You see-" Bakugou said quietly again. "There are those who care deeply for you here. Do not let a few bastards make you forget that."
"Right. Thank you." She responded, drive stirring in her chest once more as fire was ablaze in her eyes.
Nearing the end of the parade's route, the troops were corralled off and instructed by Iida to fall into ranks by deployment destination. Bakugou and Uraraka were scheduled to fly into the front lines and made their way over to their faction.
The parade was nearing an end, when a loud, ear piercing roar broke through the sky. Uraraka looked up to see Lady Ryukyo swooping down upon the crowds. The capital's people cheered the Dragon Queen's arrival as she landed aggressively on a cliff overlooking the crowds of civilians and warriors. Her teeth bared; she snarl viciously down to those below her.
Deku could be seen upon her shoulders, his body covered in a heavy, but movable armor. It's dark forest green color was embroidered with a silver emblem of Fire on his chest. He reached across his belt, and pulled his family's sword, displaying it. This erupted another set of cheers, even louder than the last, from the city's people. A low scoff then came from Bakugou.
Lady Ryukyo raised her head to the sky, her mouth opened wide as she took a long, deep breath. She let out a cry unlike anything, she had heard from the Dragon Queen before. It was loud, but low in her chest. The sound was haunting and aroused the emotions of the area. The ground shook beneath Uraraka, and not just from Bakugou's rumbling chest in response to Lady Ryukyo's call.
Uraraka's mouth then draped open at the sight above her. Dragons began to emerge from the clouds; all different colors, shaped and sizes. So many that not only could Uraraka not count them, but their collected mass blocked out the sun and made the day appear as night. The few dragons on the ground roared to their brethren as they flew overhead. Another round of hails and praises from the city's people erupted.
If there was any doubt in Uraraka's mind that they might not overtake Shadow, it was quickly snuffed out. Lady Ryukyo's dragon army really was what the rumors have said, and then more.
Uraraka felt giddy at the sight of the endless dragons, her body light as air. Anything was possible! Nothing could stop them! Nothing could stop her! This was the moment that she had been fighting for, and she decided it was time to break away from her fears and step into courageous territory.
"Hey, Bakugou, do you remember me wanting to ask you something before the parade?" She asked, not taking her eyes off of the dragon army in the sky.
"Yes." He responded.
"Well, if somehow we make it out of this war alive…would you-" She then looked down, focusing her complete attention on Bakugou. "Would you come back to Air with me?"
She felt him go stiff underneath her, his muscles coiling as he processed what she had just asked. His muscles then released as he turned his head to face her. His red eyes serious yet gentle and heartwarming. The red stain Tsu had splashed still on the side of his face.
"Fuck it, why not."
A/N: First of all I would like to say that I am so, so, so, so, so, so, SO, sorry that I disappeared for these past few months. I know it is not an excuse, but COVID-19 hit my workplace hard, and I have been attempting to handle the drama/fall out of it.
I hope you all like this chapter and well all need to have tears ready to go, because there is only two more chapters left of this series. :')