Draco's Diary Entry

Dear Diary,
Again, it's been a while. So much had happened. I no longer live at Malfoy Manor with my father and mother. I now live with Severus and I do see my mother from time to time. I am glad I no longer see my father; don't think I should even call him that anymore. He doesn't deserve to be called my father. Severus had been more of a father to me than he will ever be.

It has been a tough few weeks, surprised I made it out alive but I am very glad I did. My school work has improved thanks to Severus. I never would have thought I would become friends with Potter and the other 2. I wouldn't exactly call them friends though… frenemies maybe? When they found out, I expected them to laugh and call me weak but they didn't. They helped me and I am grateful for that.

I am now healing, mentally and physically. I know I will have scars but they are a reminder that I survived. All the professors are being considerate of my situation which I find weird but I'm thankful. I've spent quite a bit of time with Snape recently in his quarters since it's quiet and away from everyone else. It has given me time to think and realise that it's ok to be weak sometimes and it is ok to cry. I do deserve to live and I don't deserve any punishment. There will be times where I do think I need to be punished and I might end up hurting myself but that's alright. I know Snape would be there to help and he has made sure I know that his door is always open. I wish I could repay him for everything he's done for me. Maybe one day I will, I'll show him how good of a student I am and make him proud.

Everything will be ok, believe it or not,
Draco Malfoy.

Why not finish the way we started, with a diary entry. Finally after starting this 2 years ago, I have finished it! Hope you enjoyed