I'm back! Sorry it's been so long in the making but most of this story is drafted out now so hopefully, updates will be coming thick and fast! (Heh!)

This picks up from the end of His Obsession, part 2 if you will. I'm thinking it will be a three-part series.

I don't own any of the Xmen or The Rock (boo). I'm just playing with them for my own entertainment (and hopefully yours.) Contains strong language, sexual scenes and a whole lotta naked, growly Logan.

Hope you guys enjoy and as always please leave me a review if you can :D (Constructive criticism only please, no hate!)

Chapter 1

The smoke from Logan's cigar swilled in the humid air that was still heavy with the smell of sex. A few weeks had gone by since they had first slept together and a normal night for them consisted of Marie sneaking to his room after lights out and leaving again just before the mansion woke up.

"Do you have to do that in here, it's gross." The faint scent of smoke that lingered in his clothes and hair was usually comforting to Marie. It was the essence of Logan, his defining characteristic. That mixed with worn leather, whiskey and something she couldn't physically define. Like he'd been out in the woods and the breeze had permeated him; it was fresh and entirely Logan.

All this but she still hated when he smoked inside; the concentration was too strong. It made her cough and her eyes go all watery. She felt like mentioning that her lungs couldn't heal from all that abuse but he agreed with her for once.

He shrugged then got up and staked over to the balcony window, butt naked in the glow of the moonlight. Marie had always admired his attitude, how he didn't care what anyone thought of him. They were in many ways opposites; she was shy and sweet, never wanting to make a fuss and blend into the background. He was bold and fearless. A leader. A predator.

Logan turned around to face her, leaning back on the balcony rail, a smug grin making its way across his lip. She couldn't help but notice his growing arousal as his eyes roamed over her half covered form in his bed.

Only Logan fully understood what was turning him on so much. It was her submission to his wanting. Her being here with him when she was so scared of being caught out of her own room. Students weren't allowed out of their rooms past ten thirty and here she was, looking every inch the goddess he envisioned.

Marie's lips were reddened and raw from the intensity of their kissing and his biting. He'd done some damage to them. The rest of her body bore marks that only he could bestow upon her and that made him almost proud. Nobody could touch her as he could. Nobody would ever be able to touch her the in the way he did. If only they all knew that she belonged to him.

Logan finished his cigar, stubbing it out on the balcony and throwing it over the rail into the pond below. Storm had repeatedly asked him not to do this, patiently informing him it 'damaged the aquatic life' but he never listened. Many similar cigar butts bobbed on the rippling surface like deadly fishing floats just waiting for a bite.

He got back into bed, sitting up to watch a re-run of the hockey game on TV while Marie snuggled back into his side. He felt tense; his muscular form hard like corded steel but hotter. His skin radiated heat that she was sure she would be able to feel from across the room. Logan's mouth was set in a hard line, as was his jaw and brow. He looked fierce, almost intimidating to somebody who didn't know him as well as she did.

This wasn't the first time he'd been like this; in fact, it was becoming the norm. Each time Marie had asked him what was wrong he'd replied in the same way. "Nothing, I'm fine." Not knowing what else to say, she would go back to doing whatever it was she was doing.


"Mmm." His eyes didn't leave the screen.

"Please tell me what's bothering you."

"Nothing babe." He tried to smile; half managed it for a few seconds before kissing her temple. His scowl was back almost instantly, furious gaze fixed at a point just past the TV.

"Don't do that, don't shut me out. Tell me so we can fix it." She whispered.

He exhaled loudly before standing up and pulling a pair of underpants on. He took up the 'arms folded' stance Marie knew only too well and she drew in a long breath for the imminent confrontation.

"I hate keeping us a secret." He growled.

They had both agreed it would be best if know nobody knew about their relationship. Marie was still only seventeen and Logan was god knows how old and her teacher. But both the man and the beast inside him were struggling to not show dominance in front of the pack.

"I know you do but we can't let anybody know, at least until I'm eighteen."

"That's almost 8 months away!" Logan tried his hardest to keep his voice down, not to pace, not to let the Wolverine out.

"Please Logan, just think about what shit that would churn up."

"I don't care!" the heavy set of his jaw told her he was going to be stubborn. Him ignoring the swearing that he so hated hearing coming from her delicate lips slipping out of her mouth. He may not like it but there was a great deal of him in her head.

"Please, please! Don't be stupid." Marie begged him.

He eyed her angrily, blazing fire hidden inside barely contained before heading into the bathroom and slamming the door. Marie listened to the shower start up and sighed in frustration, tears stinging being her eyes but knowing better than to let them fall. Knowing Logan would smell them and he would misinterpret the situation, give him more fuel for his rage. They weren't the best at communicating.

Marie was almost dressed when Logan grabbed the bathroom door open, naked except for a towel, his hair almost black when wet and slicked back.

"Where are you going?" His voice was calmer after he had thought about it. He knew she was right but had too much pride to apologize. Men like him didn't say they were sorry, didn't acknowledge their wrongdoings. That was something he had still to work on but it was going to have to be one small step at a time.

"I thought you were angry with me? I was going to go.."

"No." he sat on his side of the bed and turned off the lamp, casting the room in darkness.

"Get in." Marie stripped off her jeans before climbing back in. they both lay on their sides, facing opposite walls. She pulled the blanket higher over her mouth, silent tears running down the side of her cheek, tried to lay still.

He steadied his breathing, listening to the small hitches in hers which gave her away as well as the salty tang in the air. He was too annoyed to comfort her right now.

Logan spent a lot of that night contemplating how he didn't even know where to start when it came to being good enough for her, for he knew the beast in him wouldn't let her go. He had already ingrained himself in too deep. Logan's voice of reason was telling him he should at least let her grow up a bit more before he became her everything. But it was too late for that.

They both knew she deserved better than him and he was terrified of the day she would come to realize it.

Marie awoke sometime in the early morning to Logan's arms tight around her, hands roaming over her body and something hard pressing into her lower back. He was always like this after one of their arguments, tenacious in his clinginess to a point boarding on aggression. It was as if he needed to show her there was a good side to him, prove to her there was a reason for her to stay.

"Again? You know I don't heal as fast as you." He was kissing her neck softly, in the way that she liked just behind her ear.

"Give me a few seconds baby and you won't care." He rolled on top of her, his considerable weight pinning her body down to the mattress. Grabbing her chin roughly, he pulled her still tender lips into a brutal kiss she hadn't thought was justified.

She already had enough previous experience to know being angry with her turned him on but after a round or two in the bedroom, he was a lot easier to manage, easier to be around. At least for a little while until the next thing got him riled up.

Logan was right; she didn't care about the aching once he was inside her again. That man could do things to her that she's never imagined she could experience. He touched her in a way that made her stomach quiver and her whole body tremble with anticipation. He moved within her slow and deep until she saw only stars exploding in her vision and afterward her whole body felt limp, thoroughly used and disjointed.

"Are we okay?" she wondered why she felt the need to ask that in such a soft tone, like the question could be angling for another fight if she didn't word it correctly. Why did she have to acknowledge the tension that hung thickly in the air? Was it because deep down she thought they weren't okay, that Logan was becoming quickly unsatisfied with their life here?

"Yeah, I love you, baby." He pulled her closer into his arms and kissed her lips softly, his calloused fingertips tracing invisible patterns on her skin. All doubts of his love quickly left her mind and were replaced with a warm glowing feeling that started deep inside the pit of her stomach as she stared into those familiar hazel eyes.

"I love you too."


Marie could tell Logan was getting restless being at the mansion for so long. It was the way he carried himself, his broad shoulders tight, muscles coiled like a spring. Adrenaline and testosterone almost visibly pounding through his veins, subconsciously looking for a fight and not caring who he got it from.

His rage was usually misdirected at Marie; the smallest thing could set him off. Bobby was a touchy subject, as were her friends. Logan thought she was spending too much time with them and they might figure out something was up. It didn't help he couldn't leave her alone while they were in public.

"Logan, I can't spend all my time with you." He'd come to sit with her while she was studying in the library, sitting inappropriately close, playing with a lock of hair that had come loose from her ponytail.

"Why not?" he was in a strangely playful mood.

"I have exams coming up this year, I need to study." This was a safer answer than the others. This once he couldn't be angry with. Marie pushed his hand away.

"Come out with me? Let's go get a drink and leave the geeks behind for a few hours."

"I can't go to a bar Logan, I'm seventeen!"

"Oh, yeah.." he smirked at her like he did really forget how old she was, despite the constant reminders. Just then Kitty, Jubilee, Bobby, and John entered and sat at a table not too far away, splaying their books over the surface haphazardly. Kitty caught Marie's eye and nudged Jubilee who turned around and waved, a curious look on her face.

"I'll catch you later okay?" Marie whispered, collecting her papers. Logan smelt the kids before they came in but ignored them as he watched his girl pack up her bag and stand. He raised an eyebrow at her inquisitively.

"You go and have a nice time. We can hang out later, maybe go for some food?" Logan nodded, his playful smile gone and replaced with his usual scowl. He stood, scraping the legs of the chair back loudly so those who weren't looking in their direction certainly were now. His angry glare was back and a stared her down a long minute before marching out. Marie didn't miss the poisonous look he gave Bobby.

Marie was sitting in the empty kitchen after dinner with some ice cream and a history textbook when Jubilee and Kitty found her.

"Hey Chica, we've missed you? Where you been?" Jubilee exclaimed and the girls both hugged Marie at the same time.

"Hey guys, sorry I've just been so busy with extra studies and working on my control with the professor." She hated how easy it had become to lie to her friends. Most of her spare time had been spent either with Logan or catching up on sleep she had missed because of Logan. She was falling behind on her studies though so it wasn't a complete lie.

"Hope it's all been worth it?" Kitty nudged her shoulder.

"Yeah, getting there slowly but it's coming." Marie smiled at her friends sadly; she did miss hanging out with them.

"You wanna come to the cinema with us on Friday? We are going to watch that new action movie with The Rock in." Marie bit her lip, thinking. Logan wasn't going to like it but she really wanted to go. She wasn't going to do anything he would disapprove of so she didn't see the harm in it.

"Sure, I'd love too."

"Great, the boys are coming with us too so it will be like a triple date! It's going to be so much fun, Kitty and Piotr, You and Bobby and Me and John."

Marie felt her face drain of color. "Could we just make it us girls?"

"Aw, come on Rouge! Don't ruin our fun!" Jubes pouted.

"Don't you like Bobby anymore?" Kitty asked in a soft voice.

"I do but I feel like I've got too much on my plate right now to be concerned with dating." At least this wasn't a lie.

"Don't worry Chica, I'm sure you'll have a great time." Marie just gave a weak smile and chewed a piece of skin on her nail. What could be the worst that could happen?