Full Description: Roxanne is taken and chained to a bed in a basement. From there, she is immediately thrusted into a world of captivity where she befriends Seth Rollins, a fellow servant who shows her the ropes and tries his hardest to keep her out of trouble and Alexa Bliss, who is determined to show Roxanne that the servant life isn't so bad. Despite having two amazing people by her side, Roxanne knows that their loyalty lies with their respective owners and that to escape this world and return home safely, she will have to take down the leaders of the entire operation: Stephanie and Hunter Helmsley.
Night 1
I am trapped. Not like metaphorically or anything like that-I am literally trapped. I am laying on a bed and there is a blindfold wrapped tightly around my face. Seriously, the least my captors could do is move it up a little because it is crushing my fucking nose! I deserve that much especially since I let them take me away without making a sound (they did have a knife pointing at my throat so I guess I didn't really have a choice but shit, I still did it). I hate being in the dark; it creeps me out. I know it is sad for a grown woman to be afraid of the dark, but so what? It's fucking scary.
I also have chains circled around my wrists. My wrists itch and I'm pretty sure it is a bad idea to scratch them considering the fact that they are coated with my blood. Maybe I shouldn't have tried to fight my way out of the chains for the past three hours that I've been here. Fuck, I gotta get out of here. I'm hungry...and thirsty...and I really have to pee.
"Hello!" I shout. My voice echoes and I turn my head in every direction as if I can see anything, which I fucking can't.
"Shut up!" A raspy voice shouts back at me causing me to damn near jump out of my skin. I wasn't expecting anyone to answer. The voice came from above me, so I'm guessing I'm in some type of basement? How dare he, whoever he is, expect me to sit here with a full bladder and be quiet about it?
"Oh fuck you, asshole!" Maybe that's not the best way to speak to my kidnapper, but damn it, I have to pee! "I have to pee!"
"Your problem, not mine," Says the voice, chuckling like a fucking school boy. The chuckling is quickly cut off by a deep grunt and an even deeper voice.
"Shut the fuck up, Ambrose. Look, lady-" Lady? This guy sounds like a fucking forty year old trucker that smokes six packs a day, and he's calling me lady? "-it'll be a while before the boss gets back, so you're gonna have to hold it for a few hours, okay?"
"You guys aren't even gonna let me use the bathroom?" I shriek in a voice that I am not too proud of. My throat is so dry and I'm so thirsty...and oh my god I HAVE TO PEE!
Welp. I'm trapped here, blindfolded, chained to a bed, and I've been laying here for so long I don't even know if I have clothes on or not. I have no dignity left so I might as well beg.
"P-please," I stutter. This is so embarrassing. "I really have to pee! If someone doesn't take me to the bathroom or give me a fucking bucket or something, I'm gonna pee on this bed!"
The man, who I am assuming is Ambrose, decides to use this opportunity to taunt and humiliate me by saying, "Aww, look, the new indie has already learned to beg-ha!" Indie? He doesn't stop there, though. He just keeps taunting me. "You know what Indie-?" Why is he calling me that? "-that begging was pathetic. Maybe if you try a little harder, I'll think about giving you a bucket to piss in, huh? Maybe I'll-"
"Shut the fuck up, Ambrose!" The man with the deep voice shouts. "There is no way I'm letting that bitch piss anywhere near those Egyptian cotton sheets. Steph's already going to have my ass for letting her even lay on our bed. She'd cut my dick off if one of the indies pissed in it." Even though I can't see him, I can tell the man turns in my direction, because his voice echoes down at me. "Look, I'll get someone to untie you and take you to the bathroom, alright?"
I let out a sigh of relief and try my hardest to keep my bladder under control.
"ROLLINS!" The man shouts. I hear quick, but soft footsteps move closer to where the man is.
"Yes, sir?" A soft, male voice says.
"Go down there and unchain the new indie. Take her to the bathroom and bring her straight back when she is finished. Don't you dare leave her alone for a second, got it?"
"Yes, sir." The soft voice repeats.
I hear the same quick and soft footsteps move down the steps to where I am. Before I know it, hands are gently unchaining my wrists. The voice hisses and whispers, "Those look really bad." I'm assuming he is talking about my wrist, but I don't respond. All I am focused on is getting to the bathroom before I explode.
Rollins gently grabs right above my bloody wrists and wraps a soft rope around both of my arms so I can't move them. He then tugs me along with him up the stairs, quietly directing me on how far to step and how many more steps we have to take before we get to the top. When we get to the top, Rollins carefully pulls me with him and as we are walking, I get a hard slap on my ass. I yelp in surprise but keep following Rollins. As we continue walking, I hear that fucking schoolboy chuckle. Fucking Ambrose.
Rollins silently guides me through a maze of hallways. I try to memorize every left and right turn, but I realize quickly how impossible it is without the use of my eyes. After what feels like forever, we finally reach a bathroom. He moves me to the toilet, but before I sit down he stops me and tells me to wait.
"What!" I shout in frustration. You know that feeling that people get in their bladder as they get closer to the toilet? That's what I'm feeling now.
"Y-your um," Rollins softly stutters. Why is he whispering? "I-I have to pull your underwear down."
Behind my blindfold, my eyes widen. Oh. At least now I know I have some clothes on.
"Okay," I say.
I feel him squat down in front of me. He hooks his fingers into my panties and he swiftly pulls them down. To my surprise, he moves away from me quickly and clears his throat. I step back and my ass finds the toilet seat. The sound that comes from my mouth as I let my bladder empty itself could probably be mistaken for a sound from a porno. I feel so much relief, that I whisper a thank you to whoever is listening. It is taking an astounding amount of time for me finish, so I decide to at least try to get some answers.
"Where am I," I ask. There is a short pause before Rollins says, "M-Mr. Helmsley doesn't want me to talk to the new indies-"
"Well," I cut him off. "can you at least tell me what the fuck an 'indie' is?"
"Um," He says, "you are indentured." What? "We call the...slaves-uh, abductees...we call them indies-short for indentured."
"And what exactly is that?" My bladder is finally empty as I ask the question. Rollins notices and quickly uses that as a way out of the short conversation we are having.
"I have to-"
"Yeah, I know," I say in embarrassment. "Just do it." I can't even wipe myself!