"Fishlegs!" Heather shouted, looking furious. "What is this?"

Fishlegs jumped back slightly. "Heather! Wh-What d-do you mean?" he stuttered.

Heather pointed at his face.

"This.. this thing!"

"It's called a mustache, Heather. Geez," Tuffnut chimed in. "Our friend here has been hanging too much around Gobber lately, so much so that he is starting look like him, even sound like him!"

"Yeah, don't be surprised if Fishlegs shows up with missing limbs next time," Ruffnut continued.

Heather growled, unamused. "Everyone get out!"

Ruffnut and Tuffnut exchanged looks. "But-"

"Now!" Heather cut them off.

Fishlegs looked over at her in fear. "What is happening?" he asked nervously.

Heather shook her head. "I should have never left. I can't believe Hiccup and Astrid let you do this to yourself!"

She grabbed his hand and led him up to the washroom on the second floor.

"Woah.. what happened to Fishlegs face?" Tuffnut spoke as the husky man stepped out in broad daylight with the raven haired girl by his side. "He looks like Fishlegs again! Unbelievable!"

Fishlegs ran a conscious hand across his face. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"It's neither," Snotlout chimed in. "I actually liked the whole 'Gobber look'."

Heather shot him a glare just as Hiccup and Astrid walked up to them.

"Told you he needed Heather," Astrid said with a smirk. Hiccup chuckled. "Fishlegs, you look great!"

Fishlegs blushed. "Uh, thanks. I think?"

He felt Heather kiss him on the cheek. "I better never leave you alone again."

Fishlegs chuckled, pulling her in his arms. "I would definitely prefer it if you stayed."

"Aww," the twins echoed in unison.

There will always be a Fishlegs and Heather. Always. You hear me?! Haha! :) Yeah, so this was mah reaction to Fishlegs weirdo 'stache.