Get ready because The Land Before Loud is back and now we'll going to learn how to share our food.
I don't own The Land Before Time or The Loud House
Chapter 1: The mistake
After the opening was closed, the dinosaurs all headed back to The Great Valley. But a fast biter came and pushed the children into The Mysterious Beyond.
(Topps) CERA!
(Mis bigmouth) DUCKY, SPIKE!
(Mama flyer) PETRIE!
(Grandma and Grandpa longneck) LITTLEFOOT!
Lincoln and Lola also got pushed in.
(Littlefoot) Hay. Didn't Bowser say that all carnivors are after us?
(Cera) Look.
A blue fast biter (that Lincoln asumed was a valdoraptor) ran to them.
(Lincoln) Guys, the stone.
Everyone touched the Time Stone to hear what it was saying. We know that it's Screech. And Thud came too
(Screech) Hello kids. My name is Screech. And this is my green brother Thud.
(Cera) I don't care about names. Are you wanting to kill us so you can be the next Walking Terror?
(Thud) No. But our boss does.
Everyone tuned and saw Red Claw coming their way.
(Lincoln) So that's Red Claw.
(Littlefoot) He's going to eat us.
Lincoln grabbed the Time Stone as everyone was holding on to him.
(Lincoln) Time Stone, you gotta get us out of here.
The stone then made a big light on the carnivors eyes and when it cleared, the kids were gone. Petrie's mother saw what happened.
(Mama flyer) Hay. The Time Stone saved the children. But where are they.
(Topps) I know Cera will come back.
(Mis bigmouth) I think Ducky and Spike will be ok.
(Grandpa longneck) As long as Littlefoot is with Lincoln and Lola, he should be fine.
The gang woke up and saw that they were out of danger. But Lincoln and Lola saw that they were home. And they brought the dinosaurs with them.
(Lincoln and Lola) Oh no.
(Littlefoot) Whoa. That cave wall looks so clear you can see out of it.
(Lincoln) Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Spike, Petrie. This is the human world. We're in my bedroom.
(Cera) What? This is your world? Didn't you say all the dinosaurs in this world are dead?
(Lincoln) Well. Yeah.
(Littlefoot) But Rooter said only humans can pass through the portals between the 2 worlds. How did we pass though it?
(Lola) Now is not the time to think about that. We can't let anybody see you.
(Petrie) What we do?
(Lincoln) The rest of my sisters and my parents aren't home. They're all at my aunt's place. Lola and I pretended to be ill so we can come to The Land Before Time.
(Ducky) When will they come back?
Lola looked at the clock.
(Lola) About 1 hour.
(Lincoln) Just enough time to hide you guys someplace safe.
(Lola) What about the garage? Nobody goes there much often.
(Cera) What's a garage?
(Lincoln) Will tell you when we get there.
(Littlefoot) What if other humans are out there?
(Lola) I got it covered.
Lola opened the door.
(Petrie) How you do that?
(Lola) It's a door. Just twist this nob and pull to open it. Or push if you're on the other side.
They all stepped out. The dinosaurs were amazed about how humans can live in such a place like this. Ducky looked at the stairs.
(Ducky) What are those?
(Lincoln) They're called stairs. We use them to go up or down from flour to flour.
Lincoln went down to see if anybody was outside. He saw Mr. Grouse out there.
(Lincoln) Lola. Mr. Grouse is out there.
(Lola) Mr. Grouse? We can't let him see the dinosaurs.
(Littlefoot) Mr. Grouse?
(Lincoln) Our grumpy next door naber. If he sees you he'll call the poliec and all of us will be in big trouble.
(Cera) Well what can we do?
Lincoln runs to the kitchen and gets a black trash bag and opened it.
(Lincoln) In here. No one will be able to see you. Lola and I will carry you to the garogh.
(Littlefoot) Ok.
The dinosaurs got in the bag and Lincoln closed it as he and Lola carried it to the garage. When they were hathway to the garogh, Mr. Grouse saw them.
(Mr. Grouse) Hay, Louds. You taking out the trash?
(Lincoln) Not yet. We still have room in this bag for the trash in the garage.
(Mr. Grouse) I don't care.
Mr. Goruse went back inside his house as Lincoln and Lola went to the garage and opened the door. After setting down the bag, they turned on the light, closed the door, covered all the windows with black paper, and when they were done they let the dinosaurs out.
(Cera) Whoa. It was a little hard to breath in there. So this is the Garage?
(Lola) Yes it is.
(Lincoln) Just stay in here until the Time Stone start's glowing again. It takes 2 or 3 or 4 days before it glows.
(Littlefoot) But you guys come to our world in about a day or 2.
(Lola) Time slowed down in your world so if we come back it might be the same day when we left.
(Cera) Well that's good.
(Ducky) Hay. What is this?
Ducky was looking at the T.V from the time Lori moved in here.
(Lincoln) That's a TelaVshin. We use this for entertament.
(Lola) Lincoln. Only 5 minutes left before the Mom, Dad, and the others get home.
(Lincoln) Uh oh. We better get cleaned up. We'll come back later with some food and water.
(Littlefoot) Ok. See you later.
Lincoln and Lola got back in the house, picked up clean closthe, quickly took a shower together, and got to fill 10 buckets with leaves and water. 5 with leaves, 5 with water. All one for each dinosaur. They carfuly took them to the garogh and got in before anyone saw them.
(Lola) Well, there you go.
They gave the buckets to the dinosaurs.
(Littlefoot) Hay what's that sound?
(Lincoln) It's vanzilla. Our family is home.
They kept quiet until everyone was in the house.
(Lola) We better go.
(Cera) Ok. See you later.