

Hermione had not seen Draco since his release from Azkaban. She had not in truth expected to see him ever again. He seemed to avoid her at all cost. She was sure that the worst of it was over now that the first encounter with him was out of the way. Now she had seen his face again and heard his voice. Now she had seen him walk away apparently unaffected by seeing her. "He would have looked back" she told herself, " if he still cared, he would have looked back." What a fool she had been to wait for him. But then again, it wasn't that she hadn't had other choices, she had, it was just when it came down to it she couldn't move on from loving him.

Draco exited Flourish & Blotts with Granger's new book in hand. Absently he flicked to the dedication.

To the boy I should never have dared to love,

'Never' is a very longtime.

With love


He read it again carefully. He wasn't sure exactly what she meant but he could hazard a guess. Reading between the lines she was telling him that what he thought could never be might in fact be possible. He remembered a conversation they had once had about her fictional hero. She had told him:

'He always had the choice, he was a rich and powerful man.'

He recalled thinking back then that he didn't have a choice but if he had had one he would never ever have left her side. She was right 'never' was a very long time and he did have a choice now. He could continue his lonely seclusion until age and infirmity robed him of his memory of her or he could take a chance.

For once in his life Draco decided to take a gamble on an outcome where the odds were at best 50/50. He reasoned that if he lost she would at least let him down gently and what was a moments humiliation weighed against a life time of loneliness. He turned around and headed back into the store.

Hermione had just begun to pack her bag. Harry was at the back of the store trying to get away from an over enthusiastic 'fan'.

"Oh" she said clearly startled to see him again so soon "did you forget something."

"No" I remember everything, every moment that we shared he continued silently.

"Oh" she repeated clearly uncertain what to say next.

"Will you have dinner with me this evening?" He asked hastily.

"Oh" she said again before after a moments hesitation she added "I'm sorry I can't."

Draco's nerve failed him he had tried but perhaps he had misinterpreted her dedication after all.

"Well perhaps some other time." He concluded backing out towards the door a slight tinge of colour on his pale alabaster checks.

Hermione panicked, she couldn't let him leave.

"Draco" she called urgently. He stopped his hand on the door handle, she took a deep breath to calm herself. "I'm dinning with Harry and Ginny tonight but tomorrow..." she trailed off unsure of herself whilst at the same time begging every deity she knew of not to let his pride get in the way. She hadn't intended to reject him a moment ago. Please, please God she pleaded.

He still didn't turn around.

"7pm, I'll owl you".

Yes inwardly Hermione celebrated.

Draco didn't turn around. He left the store already think of ways he could woo her, ways he could prove she was justified in believing that he was a better man. Passers by must have thought him mad as he walked back down Diagon Alley his smirk slowing turning to a huge grin.

The world has gone mad he thought I'm going on a date with Hermione Granger.

The End

Author's note

So now we know why Draco and Hermione might have a relationship. Nicely poised for a sequel what do you think?

Please review.