Danny threw his head back, lightly banging it on the wall. Energy from the anti-human shield pulsed with every hit. He slowly cranked it forward, then threw it back again. 12,435... 12,436... 12,437… By now the back of his head was a little numb…

"Will you stop that?" Jazz snapped.

"Got something better to do?" he shot back. 12,439... 12,440…

"Well we could try to get out of here."

"Ahh, right. Well, please, by all means. Begin to unscrew the conveniently placed air vent." He looked up, to the left and right. A overdramatized look of surprise came to his face, and he dropped it to level at her. "Wait. It's not here!" He threw his arms up. "There's nothing here! We're in a white box!"

Jazz rolled her eyes. "We are not. There is a door. Right. There." She shoved her hand at the door twice.

12,445, 12,446… "Alright then, bust out the bobby pins."

She crossed her arms. "The guards took them from me."

"Yeah." 12,449… "I know." 12,450… "We've been over this 3 TIMES!" he shouted.

Jazz whipped her head over to face him. "We'd've been out of here three times ago if you tried to help me!"

Danny sighed. 12,452… "Tuck and Sam'll notice I'm gone eventually." 12,453... "Another hour or so."

Jazz ducked her head between her knees and held back a whimper. There was no more sound, except for the dull thunk and fizz of the energy shield as Danny banged his head on the wall. Eventually, she miserably murmured, "What are you at?"

"12,458… 12,459… 12,460…" He stopped counting for her after three, but she could still hear him continue on.

Danny bangs his head about once every 3 seconds. He started about 20 minutes after we were thrown in here. He stops every time he says something, so that's probably 10 minutes of rest total. 12,464 times 3, then divided by 60. That's the same as 12,464 divided by 20. Plus 30, and then divided by 60 again. Jazz groaned audibly.

She dragged herself over to the corner of the room and laid her head so that it was supported by the two walls. "I'm not moving. Not until I hear the door open," she said, shutting her eyes.

12,468… 12,469… 12,470…

"That's right," she continued. "Not moving till I'm rescued. I'll just wait here until Danny Phantom gets here."


"Danny Phantom?"

"Yep. On second thought, I'll also plug my ears. Just so that I can be extra surprised by him tapping me on the shoulder and telling me he's here to break us out. I wouldn't want it to be spoiled by the door opening, after all." She shoved her fingers in her ears and waited. There were no more reverberating pulses through the energy shield from Danny banging his head.

She only had to wait about ten seconds before she was tapped on the shoulder.