It looks like replies on this story have stopped, but I figured I'd post this for those who still read it.

Hatred Falls is going on suspension. I'm not stopping it, but I'll be stopping updates for some time. The reasons? A couple. One is that I've somewhat lost my spark for it, the desire to continue it. Maybe it's because I made the mistake of starting it before I knew where it was going. Whatever the case, it will be put on hold until my inspiration for it has returned.

The second, and more important, reason is that I've been planning a book for some time now (nothing to do with StarFox). The planning has reached very intricate levels and takes most of my time. I want to devote all my effort to it.

Thank you to those who have read and given me comments, and I apologize for suddenly cutting it like this. But rest assured it will mean a much better product in the end.