"Severus Snape, Sinner or Saint? Death Eater or Hero?" The dozenth headline in as many days flashed up at Severus from the Headmistress' desk. Noticing the direction of his gaze, Minerva plucked the paper up and removed it to a drawer of the broad oak desk, behind which she sat.

"Really Severus, that tripe is not even worth looking at. Rita Skeeter is a vulture and always will be," she said, to which he replied, "Indeed."

Minerva sighed. Ever since realizing she had misjudged the brooding Potions Master, who had remained loyal to the Light despite all appearance to the contrary, she had gone out of her way to make amends - as well as seek his forgiveness. Not that Severus Snape knew how to accept such friendship, let alone to forgive. No, Minerva though, he is still impossible. But I won't give up on him this time. Albus and I may have turned a blind eye when he was young, but he will have a chance at the life he deserves this time around, Merlin help me. I've managed to shield him at Hogwarts since his trial concluded, but I will need to find a better solution and soon.

Severus, who had been tracking his own scowling image on the Prophet's front page, as Minerva moved it from view, missed her momentarily softened expression. This was their third such meeting, and frankly he expected to get no further than they had previously. The situation he found himself in simply could not be helped. At the very least he was not in Azkaban, though having the Trace on him again, as if he were nothing more than an errant school boy, rather than a grown man, did weigh heavily on him.

"Minerva, this is a ludicrous waste of time - yours and mine. You will not manage to smuggle me out of Hogwarts using an Auror guard without attracting the attention of reporters, present or not. All I need is for one dunderheaded Auror to leak information to the press, or elsewhere in the Ministry, and all and sundry will be able to locate me."

"But if Potter- "

"Absolutely not. I have no wish to see…Potter," he sneered. No, seeing Potter rush to his defence at his trial and expose all of his deepest humiliations for the entire Wizarding World to see had been bad enough. He had no desire to be babysat by the Boy-Who-Lived-To-Be-A-Pain-In-His-Arse, let alone be in his debt anymore than he already was.

"Well then, what do you suggest Severus?" Minerva asked crisply. "Allow a few of us Order members to help you escape the castle, create a diversion, whatever is necessary for you to slip out-"

"To go where Minerva? Though I have been found not-guilty in Albus' death - which does not imply innocence in the public court of opinion, must I remind you- and escaped Azkaban for my other actions during the war, the Ministry is still tracking my magic through my Mark. I cannot apparate, even through Side-Along, the Floos are monitored more so than ever, and even if I were to take Muggle means, there will be Aurors or reporters at all airports and stations to make what remains of my private life an absolute hell. I will have to stay confined to Spinner's End. At least the wards there were set before the trace was put on me and should remain impenetrable, or here hiding in Hogwarts, which I refuse to do any longer."

Minerva, knowing the man in front of her wished to escape the memories of his tenure as Headmaster in the castle, opened her mouth in reply, but was cut off by a knock at the door and the appearance of a bushy-haired young woman that Severus could have gone the rest of his life without seeing again.

"Hello Professor McG- Oh, I'm sorry to interrupt Professor Snape, I'll just wait outside," Hermione said as she made to retract herself from the doorway.

"Nonsense Miss Granger," McGonagall said, "Come in. I was not expecting you so early, so I was still wrapping up with Severus here, but no matter. Perhaps you can share your perspective on the problem we are sifting through," Minerva replied warmly to her favourite student.

"Absolutely, NOT," Severus said. "My private life is no longer up for discussion with every passerby or guest to this office. Least of all her." He noticed from the corner of his eye that the chit did not flinch at his words, and thought that perhaps he really was losing his touch. But then again, not only had she already seen him in his weakest state, bleeding out in the Shrieking Shack, but she had administered the anti-venin and performed the healing charms that saved his life after the battle. It seemed she had become too familiar with him, another development that he did not like in the least. "I think we are done here Minerva. There is no way around the issue. I will simply have to stay in England until…I will simply have to stay. So long as I can obtain what I need through owl order, I will manage. Good night," he said abruptly.

And with that, Severus rose and swept from the room without so much as a glance at his third most hated student. Hermione, sidled out of the way as he billowed past her, regretting again that he did not look at her even once.

Hermione let out a sigh as she watched his retreating back through the doorway. She had counted on him being in McGonagall's office, and had accidentally-on-purpose shown up to her appointment with the new Headmistress early in the hopes of finally speaking to him face to face- the first time, since he had awoken to her covered in his blood and with her lips breathing, murmuring life back into his own. Contrary to his belief, she was already aware of his predicament - McGonagall had relayed to Harry, who had met with the remaining inner circle of Order members (namely herself, McGonagall, Hagrid, Kingsley and the Weasleys, with Sirius refusing to participate) to discuss options for helping Snape escape the country. Though he was not being sent to Azkaban, his freedom was severely limited and he had the Trace put on him, making leaving the country for a quieter life free of reporters, or even a simple vacation, impossible. Harry, along with Kingsley, had offered to escort him out of the country, but the Interim Minister for Magic, a man removed from both sides of the war and previously unheard of, Marius Oswald, had refused to provide a confidential portkey; citing divided public opinion on whether Snape should be let loose into public as reason against helping the former spy so early in his tenuous tenure. Hermione shook her head and took the now vacated seat opposite her former Head of House.

"You know Professor," she broached, "I have actually been thinking about how to help Professor Snape get out of the country."

"Oh? I have also been trying to come up with an acceptable way Miss Granger- that is, acceptable to Severus- of getting him out of England, but alas it does seem as if the walls are closing in on him. If only Kingsley hadn't lost the vote for Interim Minister, we wouldn't be in this mess. An untraceable portkey could have been immediately arranged. That said, I think Severus will choose to stay in Spinner's End and will put up with the harassment of reporters well enough….but, being unable to use his wand freely, or to protect himself and his privacy is going to be quite a blow once he leaves Hogwarts. He is a private man after all," finished Minerva.

"Yes, he is. Only….perhaps we're going about this the wrong way. We've been trying to come up with an untraceable magical means of helping him. Whether through polyjuice or glamours to get him through a Muggle airport without notice, or illegal portkeys to France, but neither of those options will work now that they Ministry has ordered Dark Marks traceable during magical travel. Not to mention a magical signature being left on him with any spell that would alter his appearance, making him detectable to Aurors at the airports."

"Indeed, that sums up the problem Miss Granger. What do you propose instead?"

"Why don't we hide him in plain sight, through entirely Muggle means? I mean most people hear the name 'Professor Snape' and think of a certain image - billowing robes and long black hair. The man has an easily identifiable persona and that's what they will be looking for, in addition to the Trace. What if we change that?" Hermione concluded, and shook her head at the offer of a biscuit as she laced her fingers together in her lap.

Minerva put down the shortbread tin before replying, "Hmm…that is a possibility. But we've already discussed polyjuice and glamours, and they are both out of the question."

"A muggle disguise, Professor. Actually, a semi-permanent muggle makeover, to be exact. I know the idea sounds silly, but it's so mundane that it might just work and get him through Heathrow. He needs a change of wardrobe, hair colour and style and perhaps he could grow a beard. No one would expect Professor Snape of all people to change his natural appearance so drastically. And if anything, doing so might be a good opportunity for him to leave his past behind and start over. It's never seemed that he really cared for his appearance much, perhaps because of self-esteem issues or to play into the 'greasy bat, Death Eater trope,' and I think it could be healthy for him to have a change. You know, to really take care of himself for once," concluded Hermione, looking up from her lap to gauge McGonagall's reaction.

The older woman's eyes crinkled at the corners as she spoke, "I see you've come to care about him too, Hermione. That pleases me, my dear girl. I know you were always vocal about defending Severus among your friends and I'm glad he can count on your support. I'm not sure I ever thanked you for saving him, now I think about it, even if just so that I could apologize to him afterward. You're right, the man does need a second chance at life, not that the Ministry is making it easy for him to do so. As for your idea, it might just work. You really are still the brightest witch of your age, I see, my dear. I can't believe none of us thought of something so simple ourselves. I suggest you plan out exactly how to change his appearance, bringing your supplies and all. It will be easier to convince Severus of its feasibility that way," Minerva nodded at the girl, finally feeling a load off her chest as she saw a glimmer of hope for the brooding man.

Convince Severus Snape, indeed.