A/N: Here is the first chapter of Farther Away, my new Avengers Omegaverse fanfic centered on a triad relationship between Bucky (Alpha), Steve (Beta), and FemOc (Omega). As always with my stories I would Really appreciate it if you told me what you think of this first chapter down below! I have five chapters written, so if you follow you can get a feel of the story as it unfolds as I do plan on posting all that I have written before I declare it a Miss if it doesn't get any replies. Thank you so much for checking this story out and I hope you enjoy! :)

It was dark in the team's assigned quarters where they were hidden in Wakanda and most everyone was asleep except for Bucky and Steve and Wanda, who Bucky could hear rustling around in the small kitchenette.

They had been there for three weeks and it had been a long three weeks.

He had originally wanted to be put back under- put on ice as Scott had joked- but that had not been well received by his soulmate and even though he had no doubt he could convince Steve to let him do it, Bucky couldn't bring himself to put him through that.

They had just gotten each other back and Steve had been chasing him for almost two years since the Triskelion fell- Bucky couldn't do that to him.

Steve was his beta, and as such it near pained him to be away from Bucky- his bonded alpha.

A part of him wished he hadn't reaffirmed the bond when they'd been given sanctuary in Wakanda, being bonded meant that the two of them would always be uncomfortable if separated and Bucky should know- when he'd fallen from the train he'd suffered from withdrawals caused by the bond. And then he'd been told of Steve crashing in the Atlantic and he'd thought for sure that what he had felt then was the pain one felt when their mate was gone.

And then they had wiped him for the first time and he learned to live with the pain to the point where he almost couldn't feel it at all.

And after each wipe he underwent his memory of the bond faded to near nothingness and with it, the last connection he had to his past.

But Pierce had undone virtually everything that Zola had accomplished with him when he'd ordered that Bucky kill his own mate.

He'd only properly realized after he had near beaten Steve to death- "I'm with you til the end of the line."- that phrase had struck him harder than any fist could and as the helicarrier began to collapse into the Potomac he had followed his instincts and dived after him.

It might have all been instinctual, it might have been the alpha in him that felt compelled to save a member of his pack, but whatever it had been- he thanked God that he followed through.

It had been too much for him to handle though- too many old memories bubbling to the surface, too many feelings rushing through his veins, it was just too much.

He had left Steve on the riverside and fell back on his Hydra training, disappearing until he could think straight and then searching for all that he could to try and get a grasp on who he was- he was James Buchanan Barnes, Bucky. He was not the Asset.

He still had to remind himself of it every day- on bad days, several times a day.

It was part of the reason he had wanted to go back under- he felt out of control all the time, even when he wasn't being controlled with the HYDRA codes.

But when he had brought it up to Steve and he'd seen the way Steve had turned crestfallen- trying hard to maintain his composure but ultimately failing- he knew he couldn't go through with it.

Steve needed him by his side- no, they needed each other. Bucky had just had to come to terms with the fact that he'd just have to trust Steve to keep him from hurting others if he was triggered again.

He blew out a breath and stretched out his legs, taking a pull from a water bottle as Steve sat with perfect posture beside him, sketching out a feminine figure on his sketch pad.

They were quiet and after a few minutes Steve laid aside the sketch pad and glanced at him with a relaxed smile, weariness from a hard day training with the rest of the team glinting out from his baby blues.

"Going to bed?" Bucky asked and Steve nodded.

"You should too."

Bucky nodded, but they both knew he would be up for a few more hours- if only to avoid the nightmares that made sleeping difficult if not impossible most nights.

Steve sighed and squeezed his right hand before heading for their shared room, squeezing past Wanda who was standing in the door with a fond smile.

Steve had taken to the Scarlet Witch more heavily as they were all squeezed into tighter quarters with one another.

She was slender and delicately built but her eyes spoke of hidden strength and firm beliefs- something Bucky recognized so clearly in his mate.

Bucky had barely spoken to her however- they didn't appear to have anything against one another, but it seemed to be that they were both on the quieter side.

He hadn't been that way before, but now it was natural for him to keep silent. Wanda though- it seemed as if she was only equipped to talk with maybe two people at most.

Introverted by nature, he supposed.

Wanda settled herself into a leather armchair and tucked into a mass-market paperback book- some bland romance or another in her native Sokovian.

He eventually turned on the radio to classical music and closed his eyes for a time.

Soon after that he broke the invisible tension.

"You either read incredibly slowly or you have something on your mind…" He sighed, his hearing not once having picked up the sound of a page turning in the past twenty minutes.

She blushed, "Ah, yes."

She dog eared her page and sat the book down in her lap.

She was dressed for bed but she had been another one of them to put off going to bed until she was dead on her feet to avoid nightmares.

It was a rare night when they were all asleep peacefully- when no one was awakened by another's wail.

Of all of them only Scott and Sam seemed to get any sleep, Clint was iffy, and Steve was anal about not revealing his own problems to everyone else. Bucky and Wanda had the most trouble, both of them regularly waking in distress.

"What's bothering you?" He asked her and she blew out a long breath.

"While I was with Stryker with my brother I came across a picture of a woman. Stryker gave it to me and spun tales of her being a role model for me to follow- lies I already knew then…" She shook her head as if to summon herself back to the point she was attempting to make.

He cocked a brow, "And?"

"When you sleep," She said slowly, begrudgingly.

He had stilled at her words but forced himself to relax- she was a telepath, of course she would be able to sense him when he was unconscious.

"When you sleep you project your memories." She continued.

She bit hard into her lip, "I saw her in them."