A/N: Hey guys. So this is my new story about what happened when tony, Steve and Natasha were trying to find thanos and deflate him whilst getting everyone back. I'd love it if you could check it out and tell me what you think in the reviews.

here is the first chapter for you to check it out.

A minute ago I was leaning over Peter Parker, trying to hold in my tears.

A minute ago he was laying on the hard surface of this planet slowly disappearing.

Now, I'm sitting next to where he just was, staring at the ground. The blue lady stood to my right a few meters away.

"We need to get of this planet" she said in a mechanical voice

"I'm sorry but, who even are you?" I asked impatiently

"nebula" she simply answered

"How'd you know quill and the other two?"

"I'm gamora's sister, I also tried to kill them multiple times"

"You tried to kill your sister and her friends?" I tried to make sense of things

"Before we made up" she answered "back to what I was saying, we need to find a way off of this planet"

"I agree with that, but how" I asked, when she came to Titan she crashed her ship so how were we going to get off here

All of this outer space shit was starting to annoy me. Hopefully Bruce will find a way to contact Friday.

"I'm going to look around" Nebula looked around to see where she could explore. She walked away. Once she was a fair distance away from me I surveyed my injuries, mainly the stab I got from thanos. There was a lot of blood on my shirt. I did my best to patch up the stab wound with my suits technology, after I did that I tried to stand again. It hurt but I managed. I looked around, how was I going to get out of here.

Steve's POV

We walked back slowly to the main building in wakanda. We were silent, all that could be heard were our heavy steps as we trudged back during sundown. Bruce, while in the hulk buster suit, carried visions lifeless body. I looked up, to the sky, the sunset was beautiful as it tried to over cast all events of the horrible day.

Today we lost Sam, Wanda, Vision, t'challa and Bucky. Bucky. I just got him back and now he's gone again, for the fourth time. 'How would we get them back?'

Once we reached the building Shuri, the young ,but feisty, princess of wakanda ran up to us and stopped near okoye.

"Where is my brother?" She asked in a worried tone

She stared at okoye before the worrier woman looked down and slowly shook her head.

Shuri covered her mouth with her hands as her eyes grew glassy

Natasha stepped forward and went to Shuri, she put her arm around the scientists back and walked her inside.

We were shown to our own rooms and where the kitchen and lounge room was. We all went to our room to try sleep. The bed was comfortable and I was tired but still I couldn't rest. I couldn't stop thinking that, we just let the entire universe down, we didn't do our job to defend earth, and now half of the galaxy is dead, gone, poof. I closed my eyes, 'maybe that would help me sleep' but no. All I could picture was Bucky, disappearing, turning to ash. I opened my eyes, got up walked out of my room and to the lounge room.

To my surprise Nat and Thor were sitting there talking quietly. They looked back and saw me, they both gave a half smile. I sat down next to Nat.

"Couldn't sleep?" Thor asked, I simply shook my head in return

"Still no answer from Clint" she reported

"He'll call when he can" I didn't want to think that Clint was gone too

"What happened to the avengers while I was gone?" Thor asked suddenly

"The avengers broke apart, we disagreed on some accords and there was a fight" I answered

"Him and tony aren't on speaking terms" Nat finished "What happened with you while we had our own civil war?"

"Well, Loki was alive, my father died and before he did he told me I had a half sister who was the rightful heir to azguards throne, she broke mjolnor, I found Bruce on a planet" he paused when banner walked into the room as if he had been summoned

"Don't let me interrupt" he said

Thor continued "we fought hela back on azguard, got the azguardians onto a ship before we blew up the planet... then we ran into thanos" he finished

"Sounds like a lot more happened with you than us" I said

There was some silence while we all looked down as we sat on the couch

"How are we going to fix this mess guys?" Nat broke the quietness

"We need to find tony" Bruce answered straight away

"Can you do that?" Thor asked

"I can try hack into Friday and locate him" Bruce suggested

"Can you do it now?" I wondered aloud

"If I can find the lab, Yeah"

Natasha POV

The boys followed me to the lab which Shuri was no doubt in. I found the entrance and opened the door, we walked down the steps to find Shuri, working on one of t'challa's black panther suits

"Knock knock" I said as I walked down the flight of stairs.

She jumped and turned around "give me a bit more warning next time"

I smiled, I liked her attitude towards things.

"Sorry, we where just wondering if Bruce could use some of your tech" I addressed

"What for?" She looked puzzled

"To find Tony Stark" Steve answered for me

"Use anything you want" she gestured around her

Bruce went over and started using the advanced computers to hack the multi million dollar suit.

An hour past as we watched Bruce and Shuri decode 3 passwords and enter a system I had no clue about.

"I'm going to get some coffee, Thor? Steve? Want a cup?" I asked

"Why not" Thor answered

"I'll come with you" Steve suggested. I nodded

"Bruce, Shuri want any coffee?" I half shouted

Bruce said yes and Shuri declined the offer, then Steve and I went up to the kitchen to make 4 coffees

I turned on the kettle and we both made 2 cups each. While we waited for the kettle to boil I started a conversation

"Do you think they're gone for good?" He knew what I was talking about

"I hope not" he replied

"If they are what are we going to do with out Sam or Wanda"

"I don't know, let's just find tony first then we can figure out what to do"

The kettle stopped boiling.

We took the hot coffees down to the lab, we had to be extra careful down the stairs, some did spill on my hand and it stung but no major burns. Once we got to where our friends were we noticed they weren't relaxed or focused like they were when we left

Me and Steve put the coffees down on a table

"What's wrong?" I asked

"We did it, I know where tony is!" Bruce exclaimed

"Where is he?" Steve asked

"On a planet called...Titan"