Set directly after the cultural festival. Let's pretend that whatever happens next in the manga happens later, okay? ;)

Cold. It was cold, much too cold. Bitter winter air nipped at her neck as she shivered, trying not to fidget. "Are we done, Papa?" she pleaded, tugging on his sleeve. It was chilly outside, and Momo wanted to go inside. But Momo was a good girl, so she didn't cry. It was hard to hold in her tears, though, while wearing nothing more than a bathing suit in December. "It's cold."

He hardly spared her a glance. "Quit complaining and stop acting so petulantly, Yaomomo. You're doing this to help others. You want to be a hero, don't you?"

"But Papa—"

"Concentrate on the formulas, darling," he chided.

"...please, Papa?"

"Just a few more, Yaomomo. A few more..."


Momo practically fell out of her seat, jerking upwards and letting out a small gasp. She blinked in surprise, taking in her surroundings before realizing that she was in the classroom. She had stayed after class to clean up, but she must have fallen asleep, for the classroom was only dimly illuminated by the dying rays of light that filtered through the window.

How long had I been sleeping for? Moreover...

Pink dusted her cheeks. "M-my apologies, Todoroki-san," Momo stammered, bowing her head in apology. Self-consciously, she tugged at her ponytail, pursing her lips in annoyance when she realized her disheveled state. "I'm afraid I went to bed rather late last night. Is there something you need?"

The fire and ice user pinned her with a cool stare, tilting his head ever so slightly; she could vaguely detect the concern in his eyes. "Not really," he answered. His voice, calm and steady, was soothing, in a way. "I was returning from training and saw the lights were still on."

He didn't voice his concerns aloud, but Momo read his nonverbal cues well enough. It was a given, considering the months and months she spent sitting alongside her taciturn, laconic seatmate. "I'm fine, Todoroki-san," she reassured him, flashing him a bright smile. "Really. I was helping Jirou with something and stayed up a little too late."

That was true: Momo had explained the day's lesson to Jirou over cups of hot chocolate the night before since Kaminari had distracted the headphones-user during a crucial part of the lecture. They had finally retired to bed around midnight, which was hardly late for Momo, but she was plagued by nightmares (memories) for the rest of a very fitful night.

Todoroki looked somewhat unconvinced, but accepted her appeasement. "Are you heading to the dorms, then?"

"A-ah, I suppose I am."


"Why don't we walk back together?" Momo suggested, giggling nervously to cover up her anxiety. Todoroki was one of the people she admired the most, but it wasn't just for his looks or his insanely powerful Quirk: it was for his decisiveness, his intelligence, and his kindness, which she had been lucky enough to experience herself. Compared to him, I'm…

A hand reached out and touched her shoulder. Momo nearly jumped out of her skin. "T-Todoroki-san?"

"Stop thinking, Yaoyorozu," he ordered.


"Stop thinking," he stressed. She stared at him, bewildered. Something about her gaze must have unnerved him, for Todoroki glanced away. "You always have that look in your eyes when you think of depressing things," he mumbled uncomfortably, averting his eyes. "You're a capable leader and hero, Yaoyorozu. Stop putting yourself down."

A small smile stretched across her face as her eyes softened. This was why Momo admired Todoroki Shouto so much.

"You're much too kind, Todoroki-san," she replied. Suddenly, looking at him was harder than before. It was easy to speak to him about school matters, but compliments? Feelings? Momo still couldn't completely believe that he had voted for her of all people to be vice president.

Todoroki, as always, bluntly expressed himself. "It's the truth."

Momo felt her face flush. Desperately, she glanced out of the window before finding immense interest in packing up her belongings. Todoroki was silent as she grabbed her notebook and quickly stuffed it in her bag.

"I'm always worrying you, aren't I?" she rambled nervously, turning to face him while fiddling with her hands. At this rate, Momo might even accidentally create a few matryoshka dolls considering how jumpy she was. Her shoulders slumped as she mumbled ruefully, "As Class 1-A's vice president, I should be reassuring you, not the other way around…"

She trailed off, unsure of what to say next. Momo usually had no problem conversing with Todoroki: in fact, initial embarrassment and starstruck wonder aside, he was one of the people she enjoyed speaking with the most. Yet, for some reason, her extensive vocabulary abandoned her when her seatmate quirked a questioning, somewhat amused eyebrow at her.

"O-oh! I forgot to mention this yesterday, but the special effects at the concert yesterday were amazing!" she gushed, clapping her hands together in an attempt to hide the way her heart fluttered. was unfair how Todoroki Shouto could throw her off her game with a small change of facial expression. "You and the others truly outdid yourselves. The crowd loved it."

"It was because of everyone's efforts." Todoroki's voice was lined with amusement. He offered her a hand, helping her out of her seat. "You and the band cheered them up, too."

"I'm glad that the audience enjoyed it," she admitted warmly. "Everyone worked so hard to make it special; it'll be hard to beat that next year."

"We'll come up with something," Todoroki stated confidently, sliding open the door and allowing her to pass first. She flashed him a grateful smile, exiting the classroom. They silently walked down the hallway side by side, matching their footsteps in perfect synchronicity. Momo was content with simply basking in the fire and ice user's presence, but to her surprise, he initiated a conversation.

"Yaoyorozu," he said suddenly, drawing her attention. "If there's something bothering you, you can always consult someone. Anyone in the class would be willing to help you."

Momo smiled faintly. "Does that anyone include you, Todoroki-san?"

He blinked, then tilted his head and deadpanned, "Of course."

The sheer straightforwardness of Todoroki's statement had Momo reeling. She stared at him in surprise, which he took as confusion. "I simply considered the fact that you might feel comfortable sharing your troubles with one of your friends, so I didn't want to be upfront and offer my assistance," Todoroki explained, looking assured in his logic.

Momo blinked. Then, she blinked again. Finally, she doubled over, laughter escaping her lips before she could stop it. "'re really something else, aren't you, Todoroki-san?" Momo giggled, her obsidian eyes shining with humor and genuine happiness. She straightened herself. "I...I don't mean to sound presumptuous, but I already consider you as one of my friends. Why did you think I would come along to rescue Bakugou-san?"

Todoroki ducked his head. "I thought it was because of your...obligations as vice president," he mumbled, his voice so quiet that Momo had to lean closer to hear him.

"As vice president, I was concerned about you all," Momo confirmed, bobbing her head. "But if I was just Class 1-A's vice president, then I would have simply warned you and gone to the pro heroes to ensure that they would take every measure to keep you all safe. Instead, I chose to accompany you all. I did that because I consider you, Todoroki-san, and the rest of them as friends."


Some, at first glance, might say that Todoroki Shouto was just like his father; he had inherited the same (ironically enough) icy glare that Endeavor possessed, after all. But throughout their time together, Momo had discovered that Todoroki's cool countenance was nothing more than a result of his frankly pitiable social skills.

...and that was fine with her: she didn't mind filling in the gaps of the conversation.

"You seem surprised," Momo commented, raising an eyebrow at him.

"It's a...pleasant sort of surprised," Todoroki reassured her. "If it means anything at all, Yaoyorozu...I consider you my friend as well."

Warmth surged in her chest as they exchanged miniscule, silly smiles before continuing down the hallway, each highly aware of the other's presence.

And in that moment, Momo could almost completely forget about those chilly years of her youth.