Alright, y'all. This is it. Last chapter. This story has been such rollercoaster for me. I would like to personally thank every person for reading, following, favoriting, and reviewing this fic. Your support means everything to me. I hope you have enjoyed this story and are satisfied with the ending.

All the love,


Come the next fortnight, it will have been one year since I returned to Berk from my misadventures on Yahata.

One year. I can hardly believe it. It feels like its only been a couple months. Everything has passed in such a blur. But things are slowing down now and I have time to right this memoir.

Berk is thriving. The ex-Hunters are now Riders and dragon enthusiasts. Upon first returning home, they were wary of the Berkians learning that they had previously made a living out of killing dragons. But Hiccup called a town meeting and explained to everyone not to throw dangerously sharp things at the new Berkians. Gobber in particular was disappointed by this order, but followed it all the same. The new Riders are all happy, most of whom have settled down with families.

Hiccup, Astrid, and Valka have devoted a great deal of their time training and studying the new Furies. Hiccup and his gang (the usual Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs, Ruffnut, and Tuffnut) returned to Yahata to fully explore and add it to the map. Beathan and I decided not to go. Our lives are here, in Berk.

Toothless and Giselle are officially mates now. Their egg hatched just two months ago (Furies incubation period is uncommonly long). Their baby is absolutely adorable! She was named Rania, a delightful little Light Fury! She has captured the heart of every Berkian.

Swiftwing has become my new dragon. I bonded with her much better than I ever did with Icebreath. Dad told me that while it was uncommon, it was not unheard of for a Rider to switch dragons. I made sure Icebreath had a new Rider before making the transition, of course. She is now with a young boy who adores her more than anything. She loves him too, more than she ever did me. I'm glad it all worked out. Swiftwing and I are the perfect pair, Mom says.

As for Bea and I? Well, we're living our best lives. Together. I'm not sure what we are. I like him and he likes me, but I'm still very young. As is he. We know we're not ready to take our relationship very far. Close friends or lovers, it doesn't really matter. As long as he's in my life, I'm happy.

And that's the end of my story. It ended better than I ever expected. I won't be doing anything drastic like running away to find the Night Furies ever again. I'm content with my life. I have my dragon, I have Bea, I have my parents, and I have my home. That's enough.

— Excerpt from "The Fury of the Night", a memoir by Kiora Astridsdaughter.

~ Fin ~