Luckily for Lucy even without the link activated she has her lessened instincts protecting her. With them she has just enough time to duck out of the way and avoid Laxus landing on top of her. Still, she wasn't fast enough to completely avoid him. He was able to get one arm around her before he himself crashes to the ground.
Now with Lucy laying on her back, Laxus arm over her stomach holding her down, and Laxus kneeling beside her because he was able to intercept his own fall, Lucy's instincts fully kick in.
One moment Laxus was about to fully held her down and stop any movement and the next he already lays on his own back with Lucy once again straddling him.
And with that Laxus, who in reality only wanted to tease the small blonde a little, has to once again fight in a battle of dominance. He can only roll his eyes at himself for forgetting her instincts this easily.
Thinking about it he isn't so sure himself why he decided to act like that, it seems that the blonde knows exactly what to say to rill him up a little, but still this is not how he would normally react to something like that. Not this playful, even though there is nothing playful about this anymore.
While he thinks about his own stupidity, Lucy has trapped his arms and is now looking down at him. She doesn't take any further actions to dominate the male under her since he doesn't fight against her hold, too caught up in his own thoughts.
"So, you finally learned who the Alpha is, little Spark?", she smirks down at him after seconds of him still not reacting to her.
This stops all thoughts, Laxus tenses up before he let's out a low warning growl and his eyes turn to slits, sending her a threatening glare.
No words are spoken. Laxus has lost the control on his own instincts the moment he heard her saying that she is the Alpha. Never before has someone truly tried to take his Alpha position in a group.
Well, he and Gajeel are probably in a fight like situation about who the true Alpha is, that is probably the reason why the two off them always start to fight. Why they behave like Natsu and Gray. They just have to find out which of them will be the Leader or Alpha in this group. But with them it's more like a silent competition, more or less for show because neither of them wants to just give the other the Alpha position.
But Gajeel acknowledges Laxus higher position because of his S-class status inside of the Guild, something it seems the small blonde on top of him doesn't.
She challenges his position. And that is something he can't just ignore. It seems that they have reached the point where they have to clear once and for all who will become the Alpha.
Laxus rears up in her hold, letting his lightning run over his body shocking Lucy in the process.
The moment Lucy felt the shift in Laxus behavior she activated her second link, protecting herself from most of Laxus' lightning. But it still hurt, she growls out in pain and pushes more magic in both her links. Her whole body begins to glow golden with the black scales shimmering under it, adding a dangerous glint to her normally alluring glow.
A battle of strength starts. Laxus with his strong build and Lucy with the added strength from her link, still it's hard for Lucy to hold him down.
It get's harder and harder for the blonde to maintain her hold on him.
They both growl at each other, baring their teeth, or in Laxus case his fangs.
The moment Laxus is able to break out of her hold and throw her off, the door behind them opens with a crash.
The next second, Laxus, who was about to get on top of her to force her into submission, is hit with a fire roar. Swords and ice follow shortly after.
Lucy's attention shifts, she has to protect a member of her pack. She has to protect Laxus.
Laxus being hit with these different attacks and hearing Lucy's old Team screaming at him is finally able to get his instincts under control. Shame flashes trough him, it's been a long time since he lost his control, the last time being Fantasia.
Before the shame can anchor in his heart he is attacked again and has to focus on his defense.
Or he would have to focus on his defense if Lucy hadn't stepped in and stopped the incoming attacks.
Lucy pushes even more of her magic in the link to gain more of the Regulus magic, brightening the light surrounding her and blinding the mages around her in the process.
Her old Team, thanks to Natsu making them believe that Laxus has attacked Lucy, doesn't stop their own attacks. They're to absorbed in their thoughts to protect Lucy, that they don't realize that the one their attacking is the one they want to protect.
Lucy, not being able to fight all three of them at once all the while protecting Laxus, even if he doesn't want her to do so, isn't able to avoid all of the incoming attacks and get's hit by Natsu's fire. Too absorbed in the fight she only hisses in pain and takes out her whip to deflect some of Erza's swords.
But Laxus notices. And even though they were fighting not too long ago for dominance, now, he too wants to protect the small blonde woman. "Stop, you idiots!"
Natsu only growls in respond at the other Slayer, still not realizing that the one he is fighting is Lucy, they are all to blinded by their rage.
Lucy narrowly dodges a sword but is not able to avoid the other one directly behind it and it smashes against her scaled skin. That is too much for them to take, the scales split and a rather deep cut begins to leak blood.
Enough is enough, Laxus growls out in fury and turns into lightning, flashing from first Natsu to Erza and at last to Gray giving the unsuspecting mages a shock. He flies back to Lucy, landing directly in front of her and stops his magic, "Enough! You're fighting Lucy and not me! You've hurt the one, you want to protect!" He glares at them before turning back around to the blonde, holding her injured arm to her chest, behind him. "Are you all right, Blondie?"
He wants to say more, but seeing her expression he stops for now. The rest can wait for later.
"Oh, that's nothing... I got more serious wounds on missions with Team Natsu.", Lucy answers him finally able to control her own instincts again, now that Laxus took the others down.
"Well, that is something we can discuss later.. But lets go and find Wendy to heal you up.", he waits for her to move in front of him, not trusting that her Team is really unconscious and wants to be able to shield her if they decide to attack him again.
But Lucy has other plans, she walks straight up to her old Team, kicking each of them one time to gain their attention.
"Luu..", Natsu starts but Lucy interrupts him.
"No Natsu, you will listen! You all will listen! I don't know why you came out and just attacked Laxus and I don't care! You can't just go around and attack without knowing what is going on!"
"But Luuuce! He was the one attacking you!", the Slayers whines.
"You assume that he attacked me! But he didn't! Yes, we were fighting, but that's because we were training! And I was the one who attacked him first because I don't have my new abilities under control", and with that she turns around, grabs Laxus arms and drags him behind her inside the Guild.
At the door they run into the rest of their Team with Wendy in tow. Gajeel of course heard the most of it but didn't think that they had to step in so he stopped the young Slayer from storming out and instead told he to wait and see if she has to heal someone.
"Lucy-nee, let me see your arm!", and that is what she does, a sigh escaping her lips the moment the cut is closed and no longer hurting.
"Thanks Wendy, do you want to eat lunch together with us? I know you want to know what happend, I or we can tell while eating.", she asks her. Wendy nods and Gajeel and Bickslow bring them over to their table with the already ordered food waiting for them.
They sit down and order a little more for the little Slayer and Carla.
"Uh... Blondie? I'm sorry that I..."
"Stop right there, Sparky! It's me who should apologize, I know that it was only meant playful.. And I wanted to react to it that way too, but sometimes it's just so hard to control these instincts... You already know that. And I know that you Slayers have to control your own instincts too, so it's really not your fault if my actions triggered your instincts.", she stops him before he can apologize to her.
He contemplates this for a moment and then nods, "Alright, Blondie."
"Instincts? You have instincts, Lucy-nee?", Wendy looks questioningly up at her.
"Yeah, I just recently got some. Don't tell anyone else okay?", Wendy nods before Lucy begins to tell her about her new abilities.
"So that means you have now the same instincts as we Slayers?"
"I'm not sure if I have exactly the same instincts as you do, but I know that I want to protect my pack and to be the Alpha in said pack.", hearing her say this leads to both Laxus and Gajeel growling at her and objecting at the same time, "You won't be the Alpha, I'm going to be the Alpha!"
Lucy only growls back and glares at them before she continues eating.
Wendy gazes in wonder at her big sister figure and the big Slayers. She would have thought that they would react more to it, especially after Lucy only glaring and growling back at them. In now way she would have expected them to shut up and continue eating themselves.
Either they're rather good at controlling their instincts or Lucy already is to some degree their Alpha and they're now only challenging her to see if she is worthy of this position. But Wendy isn't too sure with her assumptions, as a female Slayer she has other instincts than them, and don't want to say anything to them about it at the moment.
No, she decides for herself to watch them and see what will happen.
Bickslow is the one to break the silence at their table, "So Cosplayer, boss man, your old Team attacked you once again just like that? Gajeel wouldn't tell me what is going on, I only noticed him going all tense along with little Bluebird here..."
"Ugh... don't ask... I really don't know whats wrong with them. But yes, they attacked Laxus, thinking that he was attacking me. They didn't stop to find out what was really going on, only thinking that they have to rescue me and attacked."
"I can tell you more to that.. The Titania and Icicle were already here sitting with their new Teams when Natsu came in running directly to them and telling them about Laxus attacking you outside. Before I had the chance to say anything to that they were already running outside.", Gajeel explains what he heard.
"Another fight for dominance?", Bickslow cackles.
"In the beginning yes, then it turned into one for the Alpha position in this group and I too lost control over my instincts.", Laxus answers.
"For the Alpha position?", Bickslow turns to Gajeel lolling his tongue out, "And you didn't want in on that fight? Or was it the fear of being dominated from Lucy again that stopped you?"
"I was more focused on Natsu storming to the Guild than joining in on that fight, I knew that there was no way that they were going to be able to finish that one.", Gajeel explains, sounding more like a pretext than an actual explanation.
Four sets of eyebrow's lifts at that, looking at him skeptically but not saying anything to him none the less.
"Oh!", Wendy suddenly jolts up, "Maybe I should go and see if the others need my help? I mean.."
"Nah, Squirt, let them be, they deserve to feel a little pain from Laxus' shock. Maybe then they will finally think a little more about their actions.", Gajeel stops her before she can stand up and run outside.
After finishing with their lunch they continue to sit together and talk about different things.
Wendy tells them that Natsu and Romeo decided to call their new Team 'Team Blaze' because they have two mages who're using fire. Lisanna and herself didn't get a chance to protest against the new name because Natsu ran to tell Master about it immediately. Later Romeo told her that he only suggested the name in fun and that he didn't expect Natsu to instantly make this really their name.
"That sounds like something Natsu does... I mean our old Team was named like that too. We just formed the Team and were already called Team Natsu, something I always found stupid. I mean, who would call a Team after one person of the Team, especially when the person wasn't even the Leader of said Team. He was just the loudest...", Lucy tells them with a sigh.
Before they can speak further about it Natsu shouts from his table with the rest of his new Team. "Wendy, Carla! We're going on a mission, come on!", he waves with a mission paper in front of them, having moved over to their table while shouting.
"We're coming, Natsu-san.", Wendy answers before turning back around to tell the others goodbye. But Natsu, being his impatient-self, grabs her arm and pulls her to the door. Wendy lets him do so and only winks at the others over her shoulder.
"This brat!", Laxus growls annoyed.
"Bye, Wendy! Try to stop the idiot from causing too much destruction...", Lucy calls after them.
Natsu's "Oi!" is drowned out by Wendy's "I will try my best!" and the following laughter while now Lisanna is the one dragging Natsu away before he starts a fight.
After that it's silent at their table for a while, each pondering on their own thoughts' That is until Bickslow begins to speak, "So Cosplayer, you want to meet the rest of our old Team. As we said yesterday, Freed would probably pass out in joy with all the new knowledge if you decide to tell him and I'm sure that Ever would like you too."
"I would love that, I always wanted to get to know you all better. What about you, Gaj-chan?", she turns to the Slayer with a teasing smirk on her lips.
Before answering he lets out an annoyed huff, "And here I hoped that you would stop calling me that, Bunny Girl." At this he only gets a raised eyebrow. "We'll see about that one later... I have to go now, I'm meeting up with Levy at the bookstore."
"Ohh? Again?", Lucy's smirk turns into a fullblown grin, "Well then, say Hello from me and treat her well!" She winks at him and the next second shoves him out of the booth. Instead of arguing with her he just turns around to hide his little blush, too late, and leaves a giggling blonde behind.
Finally the next Chapter is finished!
This one didn't turn out like I thought it would but I hope that you all like it none the less. Originally I didn't want such a fight between Lucy and Laxus, I wanted it to be more playful but somehow it turned out like this after I realized that Lucy just can't control her instincts at the moment. But don't worry there will definitely be more playfulness in the future between all of them.
Love you all,