When Yukina woke up again it felt like heat was reentering her body. Her cheeks were the only part of her face that still felt warm. She looked over and saw that Hiei was still fast asleep. She got up and walked around the temple until she found Genkai in the kitchen.

"Genkai," she asked, "what kind of illness do I have?"

"Feeling better are you?" Genkai asked, "You have some sort of demon illness."

"Did I say or do anything strange in my delirium?" she asked.

"You slept in Hiei's lap," she answered, "and he didn't seem too upset about it. That's probably how he ended up getting so sick. Do you need something?"

Yukina blushed. I slept on him? she thought, When did that happen? If I don't remember that then he definetly won't remember telling me about Rui and ice world. "I don't need anything, thanks Genkai." She walked back to her room slowly.

What if he was lying? She thought. Then how would he know Rui's name? He mentioned he had a sister. He has to be my brother. There haven't been any other males born there in centuries. He would be the right age. Why didn't I think of this sooner? She opened the door to her room and saw Hiei sitting up in his bed.

"Has it ever been so cold before?" he asked deliriously.

"Yes," she replied as she walked inside, "you mentioned ice world."

Hiei replied, "No, my fire kept me warm in ice world. I wasn't cold. Where's my fire?" He extended his bandaged hand, as if he was trying to summon fire, but nothing happened.

Yukina walked back to her bed and explained, "You're sick with some kind of demon illness." His fire, she thought, Rui said my brother was born in intense flames so hot no one could touch him. "We should go back to sleep. It'll help us recover." No sooner did she say that did both of them fall back to sleep in their beds.

Hiei sat up as he woke up. His cheeks were still warm, but he felt his fire slowly returning to his body. Yukina reentered the room and said, "Good morning Hiei! Are you feeling any better?"

"I got sick?" he asked, "What the hell kind of illness was that? I hardly remember anything." He shook his head and didn't feel dizzy for a change.

Yukina asked nervously, "So you don't remember what you said?"

"No," he replied, "why, what did I say?" I mentioned that I was cold, he thought, and I wondered what was happening. That was it.

"You mentioned ice world," she said slowly, "and that you had a sister. Rui threw you from a cliff. Are you my older brother, Hiei?"

Hiei started to sweat, "Of course not. I'm not an ice demon. Look at me."

"But my brother was born in fire," she said, "you're a fire demon! It all makes sense now. Please, Hiei you must be my brother. Why didn't you say anything?" She sat down and hugged him before he could move.

He froze. "What?" he asked, "I just told you I'm not him." He wanted to push her away, but couldn't bring himself to do it.

She released him and asked, "Where were you born then?"

Hiei hesitated, then answered, "That doesn't matter." He looked away from his sister.

Yukina said sadly, "It's because I'm an ice maiden isn't it? I'm cold as ice, just like all of them that left you for dead."

He turned back to her and said, "That's not true. You're not like them."

"Then why!" she demanded, "Why didn't you say anything! You must have known it was me who was your sister. Didn't you? Don't you want a sister? I want a brother so I can have a family again. My mother's been dead for years...I just want a family and to be normal."

"I do want a sister," he confessed. It was as if the words were coming out of his mouth uncontrolled, he didn't know where they came from. "That's the main reason I got this jagan, so I could watch over you once I found you and the glacial village."

Yukina asked, "Did you find the glacial village?"

Hiei answered, "Yes. I found out what happened to our mother and met Rui again. She's just as miserable as she's always been."

She hugged Hiei again and said, "I wish our mother was alive, Hiei. I wish she could see us now, that we left ice world and are living our own lives. I think she would have liked that."

He pulled her closer and said, "You shouldn't think such thoughts, they hurt more than they help. Believe me, I would know."

"I suppose you're right," she replied, "so why didn't you say anything after all of this time. When did you know I was your sister?" She let go of him and looked him in the eye so he couldn't make excuses. He had to tell her the truth.

She sure is persistent, he thought. He answered, "I got the jagan years ago and went to ice world when I found it. Rui told me our mother killed herself, and you left years ago. She told me your name was Yukina. I sensed you in living world but it still took me years to find you."

"Those cards," she said, "that's what you said." The talasman cards hanging in her cell, no wonder I couldn't find her even with my jagan eye. "You knew it was me the moment we met?"


"And you didn't say anything," she said, "you really didn't want a sister."

Hiei said, "That's not what a meant. I was sure you wouldn't want a brother like me. If you knew what I was like in my past, you wouldn't want me as a brother."

"That's in the past," she said, "now you're a hero for living world if even humans don't know it."

Did she just say hero? he thought. "Don't call me that," he demanded.

"Fine," she said, "'brother' fits much better, don't you think?" She hugged Hiei again. After all of this time, I'm finally reunited with my long lost brother, she thought happily.

Hiei thought, If I knew she was going to react like this, I would have said something sooner.

The End