On The Beat: The Ballad Of Officer Wendy Corduroy

Part 3: The Rift

It had been sixteen long weeks since Wendy Corduroy had entered the Oregon Public Safety Academy. The nineteen year old woman had been pushed to the limit both physically and psychologically, but had overcome it all to find herself at the graduation ceremony. As she took her seat on the stage, she looked out into the sea of spectators that had assembled to watch their loved ones complete the final step in becoming a police officer. A quartet of empty chairs in the second row told Wendy all she had to know; that her family wouldn't be there to share in her moment. It had been far from a shock that they had elected not to attend, but she had still held out the faintest hope that they might just surprise her. She loved her family dearly, but knew that it would take some time for the rift between them to mend itself. Luckily, her friends had shown up and provided her the support she deserved on such an important day. Dipper and Mabel had even flown in for the occasion and were still not quite sure if the whole thing wasn't just an elaborate prank by their good friend. Dipper thought it a bit odd that someone who had held such anti-authoritarian beliefs would become the very thing she despised. After a short conversation with Wendy, however, he had come to understand her change of heart and thought it was great that she had found a purpose in life. Likewise, Mabel was thrilled that Wendy was going to become Gravity Falls' first female officer. The younger woman had always looked up to the auburn haired teen as if she were an older sibling and beamed with pride as she watched her cross the stage. All Wendy could keep thinking about was the absence of her family though as she went through the motions.

The auburn haired woman could almost give a word-by-word transcript from the argument she had with her father when she broke the news that she was going to pursue a career in law enforcement. Some of the things he said had shattered her heart in ways she never thought possible by anyone, let alone her dad. She knew her father had trouble properly expressing his emotions, but couldn't find it in her heart to overlook his shortcomings on that particular day. Wendy had stormed off to avoid saying or doing something that she'd end up regretting for the rest of her life. Upon her return to the modest log cabin, she had found all of her possessions outside in a slew of boxes and bags; a sight that caused her to ignore her instincts and confront the man she called her father. Without a second thought, she balled up her fist and struck him right between the eyes; the act saying more than words could ever convey. Dan was completely shocked by what his daughter had done. Sure, countless people had taken swings at him over the years, but none of them had been his own flesh and blood. What made it all the more surreal for him was the fact that Wendy was spitting image of Kathleen at the same age. Dan was equal parts bewildered and angered by the act as he watched his daughter slam the front door of her childhood home shut.

Wendy remembered the tearful call to Soos she had placed to help her gather her things before a storm rolled in; Dan glaring through the front window as they loaded up their trucks. The portly proprietor of the Mystery Shack had wanted to give the burly man a piece of his mind, but was convinced by Wendy that it would be a foolhardy endeavor that would likely end in a trip to the emergency room. Instead, he had offered her a place to stay while she figured things out for herself. Wendy thought it a bit of poetic justice that the only open room in the house was the one that Mabel and Dipper had called home for the past few summers. The freckled young woman swore she could feel the presence of the Mystery Twins even though they were home in California. While she was eternally grateful to her good friend for his act of compassion, she soon realized that she couldn't live in the Mystery Shack for forever. Soos and Melody had been talking of starting a family and Wendy knew that it would be infinitely easier if she weren't a guest of theirs.

Her first days on the job were tough, but she was determined to work hard and save up for a place of her own. The spunky nineteen year old had jumped at any opportunity to work overtime and while the long days had worn her out, it her bank account showed that it was going to be worth it in the end. As late summer had turned to fall, she had finally made enough to rent a studio apartment in downtown Gravity Falls. It had taken a week to fully move in, but for the first time in a while, Wendy felt she was in a place she belonged. Unpacking the last box, she came upon a set of pictures that caused her to tear up. The first was a photo of her parents on what she would later come to find out was their first date. Dan was just starting out as an apprentice carpenter and didn't have much to his name, but wanted to impress the girl who had captured his heart. Deciding that a day on the lake could be romantic, he spent what little money he had and rented a small rowboat for them. The two had spent the afternoon fishing and had fallen even deeper in love with one another. At one point, another boat had passed by and offered to take their picture. The second picture was of Dan and Wendy on a fishing trip they had taken the previous summer. Wendy remembered the day fondly as she held the framed picture in her hands. She decided to hang them side by side in a place where she'd see them every single day. As the light of the day faded, she hoped to herself that she could one day show them to her father.

Author's Note: So… Instead, of my own playlist for the chapters going forward, it will be what the characters are listening to. Of course, Wendy is in a very turbulent stage of her life and her songs reflect that. I'd been meaning to update this story for a while, but wanted to wait until I had something that really spoke to me. I then remembered that I never fully explained the rift that had formed between Manly Dan and his daughter. It seemed like a perfect opportunity to fill in that gap in the story. I hope you enjoyed this story and encourage you to check out all my other ones. Life's been a bit crazy as of late, so I'm not updating as much as I'd like to, but I promise the wait will be worth it. - iKLOT

Wendy's Playlist For This Chapter:

The Griswolds – "NICE TO MEET YA!"

Papa Roach – "Come Around" (Reminded me of Wendy holding out hope that her father would come around to the fact that she was now a police officer)

All That Remains / Danny Warsnop – "Just Tell Me Something"

Sevendust – "Broken Down"

Fozzy – "Nowhere To Run"

Three Days Grace – "Happiness" (The song reminds me of how Wendy has always turned to alcohol to cope with the feelings she couldn't handle)

Lacuna Coil – "Save Me"

Korn – "You'll Never Find Me"

Red – "Perfect Life"

Green Day – "Father Of All…"

Theory Of A Deadman - "History Of Violence"

The Official Shooting Star Falls AU Reading Order:

Underage Discoveries On A Reckless Night: A Shooting Star Falls Prequel

A Shooting Star Falls

Echoes Of A Nearby Future: A Shooting Star Falls Story

Scarred Summer: A Shooting Star Falls Story

The Dark Days of Candy Chiu: A Shooting Star Falls Story

Forever Memories: A Shooting Star Falls Story

Stable Times Or A Wild Ride?: A Shooting Star Falls Story

Grenda's Confession: A Shooting Star Falls Story

Birthday Weirdness In The Rose City: A Shooting Star Falls Story

The Gift Of Forever: A Shooting Star Falls Story

Wendy & Dipper Vs The Future: A Shooting Star Falls Story

Life In Transit: A Shooting Star Falls Story

Pause The Moment: A Shooting Star Falls Story

Tales Of The Flame & The Axe: A Shooting Star Falls Story