After being on his own for so long, it was rather a shock to the system for Keith to suddenly find himself part of a close-knit group like Voltron. Not that he minded the other paladins, in fact he actually found himself growing to like them all quite a bit. It did get too much at times though, which is why he had taken to wandering some of the quieter corridors after training, where he was less likely to run into anyone. It was on one of these wanderings that he stumbled across a small observation deck, with an entire glass wall looking out into the universe. It certainly wasn't the grandest observation deck in the castle, but it suited him just fine.

He regularly returned to the observation deck, and over time he found his thoughts taking an interesting turn. At first he'd just considered his situation in general and the other people he'd found himself stuck in space with, but slowly his mind zeroed in on one person in particular. Lance was everything he wasn't; open, friendly, personable, flirty. An outsider might think that Lance's envy towards him was one-way, but he had a fair amount of envy for the other boy himself. To be able to just be so easily, it wasn't something Keith really knew much about.

He sighed and wrapped his arms around his knees, gazing out into the darkness of space. He certainly wasn't doing himself any favours by hiding away in this room by himself during their downtime. He just didn't know what else to do.


Then one day, out of the blue, the exact person who'd been plaguing his thoughts walked through the door. They stared at each other, Keith keeping his expression nonchalant while Lance opted for the classic "deer caught in the headlights" look. For a minute it looked like Lance would simply turn around and leave. Keith was surprised when, instead of leaving, the other boy slowly and tentatively took a seat on the opposite side of the room.

Keith waited, body tense, for Lance to try drawing him into conversation, (or to start making fun of him), however as the silence dragged on he found himself relaxing. It was disconcerting having another person in his space like this, but as he became accustomed to the other's presence he found the companionable silence somewhat comforting.

Sharing the observation deck became a regular thing. At first they just continued to sit in silence, and eventually Keith stopped tensing up whenever Lance entered the room. The greetings, when they started, came in a quiet, soft voice, his tone gentle and not demanding reciprocation. Hearing a voice in his space, after so many weeks of complete silence, was a bit startling, though eventually it too became a comfort. It took him a while to notice, but Lance was also moving gradually closer to Keith's side of the room. He never pushed too far too quickly, always backing up slowly if Keith became overly uncomfortable. It was completely unexpected behaviour from the oft loud and over-the-top blue paladin, but Keith found himself slowly starting to trust the other boy.

As the weeks turned into months, they eventually found themselves sitting side by side. He wasn't exactly sure what had happened or how, but he felt like he could trust this boy. As he sighed and leaned against Lance's body he knew, he wasn't alone anymore.