A Star Wars Fan Fiction
By Joshua Wolff & Joseph Bergstrom
All rights to the Star Wars intellectual properties and characters are owned by Lucasfilm, and no infringement is intended. This is a work of fan fiction, written by a few passionate fans.
This piece of fiction takes place in a timeline alternate to that of the new Canon, and to that of the old pre-Disney Legends. However, this timeline draws nearly all inspiration from Legends, and attempts to faithfully recreate the spirit of Legends.
For my friends and family, who don't quite roll their eyes at me.
To start, I really didn't think that this day would come; but finally, after many re-writes and editing, this book is finally ready to be read… maybe. Dedicated to all the weirdos who have the guts to say they know me (much less, related to me).
And to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who makes me who I am.
We would like to thank our families, friends, and loved ones. Without their support, this endeavor never have even gotten off of the ground.
We would also like to thank our editors and proofreaders, who suffered through multiple unfinished versions against their will…
January 2020 Update:
We've Passed 25,000 Views
By Joseph Bergstrom
Whenever I read sections of Crossroads I can't help but cringe. Seriously, there are portions of it that make me shudder with how poorly written they are. So when I see that this story has gotten 25,000 views I can't help but stand back in awe. You guys are awesome, and I wouldn't even still be writing if it weren't for the sheer number of views this story's gotten.
So thank you all for reading Crossroads. It's meant so much to me over this last year and a half. Despite not liking some portions of this story, I'm still proud of it, and even more proud of the ongoing sequel The Killing Grounds.
If anyone is interested in being a beta reader for the sequel, if you want to help edit chapters, or if you have a cool idea for the story you'd like to share, please send me a PM. And please don't hesitate to leave reviews, positive or negative. Useful feedback is golden to an author.
Thank you all again!
February 2019 Update:
We've Passed 7,500 Views, and the Authors' Definitive Edition
By Joseph Bergstrom
In the process of writing The Killing Grounds (that's the sequel to this story, if you were wondering,) the style has departed quite dramatically from the style of Crossroads in some aspects.
The Killing Grounds is undergoing a second draft revision, which is departing in marked ways from the outline, and I'm about 15,000-ish words into this draft. The reason I've been slow, is—put bluntly—that I have quite a few other projects to pursue, as well as a life to live.
But the big news for this update is that Crossroads will be getting slow, gradual updates. The updates and revisions will not be affecting the overall story very much, but instead will be polishing the prose, (it needs it,) more spell checking, fixing typos, adding small scenes, and adding a prologue. There are countless fan fictions written with far less regard to grammar and typos, but I'm a dirty no-good perfectionist, and I couldn't let Crossroads go without at least one last revision. This revision will be called the 'Authors' Definitive Edition,' and I hope it makes it easier on your reading sensibilities. Any suggestions for grammar and spelling are appreciated.
We also passed 7,500 views, which has completely blown myself and my co-author away, and we thank all of you who braved the barely-polished story and left such kind reviews.
The first few revised chapters—and the prologue—should be uploaded soon.
Good reading,
December 2018 Update:
We've Passed 5,000 Views
By Joseph Bergstrom
It's been a while since we updated... And the simple reason is that we have been working.
We've been working on a salable project called Snow—that's an unsubtle and shameless plug, if you were wondering—as well as The Killing Grounds, the sequel to Crossroads. So...yes, a sequel is going to happen.
We are currently 11,000 words into The Killing Grounds, and we expect it to be much larger than Crossroads when it's finished. We may post sample chapters, to get an idea of what people think of it, but we will not be releasing it episodically, as we are not fans of that format. (Edit; we may actually end up releasing it periodically, but we're still not fan's of the format.) The Killing Grounds is going to be a more expansive novel than Crossroads—which, in retrospect, was more of a lead-in than a complete story—and we expect to cover quite a bit of ground in it.
Old friends and enemies shall be returning in The Killing Grounds, alongside new and original characters, and our unique blend of old Expanded Universe material, New Canon, and our own ideas shall, of course, be present.
We've appreciated all the feedback we've received for Crossroads, and we encourage you all to never be shy about sharing what you thought of it in the review section.
Good reading,