First of all, four considerations:

1. This fanfic is 100% Maui/Adult Moana Ship. If you don't like it, don't read it.
2. Tags have a reason to be; It is explicit content and for an adult audience. I insist upon it; if you don't like it, don't read it.
3. This fic takes place many years after the film timeline.
4. Quotation marks indicate Maui's thoughts.

Thanks to Noa, my priceless betareader.

English is not my first language, I apologize for any misspelling. Moana and all belong to Disney. This fanfic is for entertainment sun rays lazily laid over the small atoll recently turned into a playground by Maui and Moana.

Chapter 1

The innocent chasing game they have been playing turned into a strip one, it all started when Moana stole Maui's teeth necklace. After a few minutes, both of them were candidly running in undies, thanks to years and years of mutual confidence and friendship. After the last unsuccessful intent of catching her and with a contagious laugh from her, Maui loses his leaf underwear.

-¡HEY! –he said red-faced to the tips of his ears. Moana kept playing, running and laughing at the same time. Maui, first astonished by her naivety or boldness, put everything aside and made haste to chaste her with a wolfie smirk on his face.

-¡Ha!-With a quick move the small sarong Moana was wearing as underwear felt to the ground. Maui locked eyes with hers, obvious trying not to lay eyes somewhere he shouldn't. He got no time to process even a word when Moana's top hit straith into his face and the young woman jumped to continue with the weird game with an amused giggle. At least that's what Maui thought. In Moana's mind modesty and determination were at war.-Just at little bit more of time-. She whispered to herself.

-Enough of games, Moana! shouted in annoyance. -Do you have an idea of what are you actually doing?!-he blurted out.
Moana kept his intense glare.-¡YES! answered daringly. Time has come. The very moment she had been secretly waiting for so long.

Maui grunted, as he took seat on the soft grass under the trees. Moana took seat by his right. Now, where should she begin?

-Maui…When we first met you told me you had human parents once. Even being a demigod, human nature is still alive inside of you. You have wishes and dreams, just like us. There's neither wrong nor sinful in that, it's just a part of yourself you have to accept and treasure it-. She took a few seconds to observe the sun's position in the sky; the sun was setting.

-I empathize with you, being a mortal myself but I really think, no, please, let me finish, just listen.-she said raising her hand as Maui was about to interrupt her.

-Listen to me-,she said, looking into his eyes.-I am a mortal, but I think that after all I have been through, all we have been though together, I deserved you give me a little bit of credit. I don't see myself as a weak mortal; I feel we are equal, in every part of ourselves. We are both the same, Maui-.

Maui felt uneasy, struggling to keep his hands in his lap and eyes fixed on the ground. He knew perfectly well where this conversation was heading to. Both longing and scared of.

-What I do want to say is, if there is anything between us, it´s not the Gods, or Humankind, neither the customs nor the Future. Those are our own prejudices.-The color drained from Maui's face.-¿What?-he said almost breathless. Moana turned her gaze to the ground and with a sigh said.-There's no need to pretend, we both know we have cross that line long time ago.-

A few minutes passed by. On the sly Maui dropped both hands to his sides, trying to hide how sweatty they were.

Truth be told, there was no revelation at all, not even unexpected for any of them. Even the Great TE FITI has forseen it. Life follows its course, with or without the will of its protagonists, the feeling was born long time ago and it was pushing further and further.

Maui felt a soft hand caressing his right cheek and the light weight of Moana sitting on his lap. His heart rushed from 40 to 160 beats per nanosecond. But the tender and reassured look she gave helped him relax.

Self-assured of having enraptured his attention , she continued in a quiet voice. - There are things a woman can only share with another woman, and even though I wouldn't have believed it a few years ago, my mother turned to be the best of confidants. She told me about this feeling, what it means and…what happens with our bodies.-she shyly looked at him, though positive to keep going. Maui silently agreed with his eyes, encouraging her to continue. Maybe this talk was way too intimate but Moana was hoping it would wake up more than a slumbering soul.

-When two people love each other, nature follows its path. Their instincts flow to let them find a way to express what they feel.- She stopped to enjoy the heat dancing on her cheeks, also spreading on the demigod's cheeks .-The gentle touch lead to kisses and those deepen; from a shy contact to both tongues dancing …A Preamble of things their bodies are going to share; the desire of two souls, mingling deep into each other. -.

Maui's nails were digging into the soil, but he stood still, completely mesmerized by her, absorbing every word. The view in front of him was like a blurred painting; he could only see her mouth. His restless eyes just following her lips.

-Mom told me that every woman feels different, but the sensations are pretty much the same.…When the man you love caresses your skin or touch certain parts of your body , it feels like, em, em , like a tingling sensation … When the right time comes, both will know. It's not something you think through or a ritual with steps to follow; it's the physical expression of what you and your beloved one feel; … it's giving into each other…make love.-

They were in the point of no return, so she brazed herself from impact. -Hands give away to lips, and those go to their bodies. His lips caressing her sensitive skin arouse pleasure. Even more on her neck, breasts, upper legs…and between them-. Moana closed her eyes to regain courage and l her hands inadvertently landed on Maui's pecs. Then, she feel a ticking sensation in her belly , like little waves washing on the shore, one after the other…until the biggest one makes its way inland, like the Alofaaga blowholes. And it moists the sand, the beach, everywhere.- At this point Maui was more than erect, but Moana's calm features helped him to keep his cool, even though she already had notice it.

Moana spoke as if his mother, Sina, was speaking by her mouth. -The bodies of a man and a woman are so different, but at the same time they perfectly fit into each other. You have a small quite sensitive body cavity and he has a sensitive appendix as well. When you make love, he will penetrate that cavity, which will be moist because of your own pleasure. Then, he will slowly trust in and out until you both find the right pace. At some point, you may feel a little pit of pain because he will rip a skin veil apart, but it's a short lived pain and it only happens the first time. After that, you both will share a total fullfillness-.

Suddenly the world came back to them, when they became aware that no bird was singing its lullaby, the sun has set long ago. Then, they returned to their little universe.

-Maui…that's what I want-. She lifted her face with hesitation to meet his intense amber eyes, eyes craving deep into her soul.

-I want to… make love with you...-. After what it seems to last an eternity, Maui heard his own whispered voice, almost like It was coming from someone else's mouth, like it was carried by the fragrant wind.
-I want you too, Moana-.

Author's notes:

Maui's eyes-I always thought they were amber colored. Yes, on the dark range color but amber for me.
The atoll is not Maui's rocky island.
Sarong-small piece of fabric used to cover the lower torso.
Alofaaga- Volcanic blowholes from the Savai´I Island, in Samoa. They can be seen in the film when Moana runs near the shore and in the Blueray's extra clip Gone Fishing.