Another small tag to 13x23. I wanted to explore Dean's POV a tiny bit more. So I wrote this :)

Again not beta'd. All the mistakes are mine.

Hope you enjoy!

"Holy crap."

His mind is spinning. The power of the archangel within him rushes through his body. The foreign energy fills up every fiber of his being. Lucifer is lying on the ground. Dead. He can hardly believe it, but when he looks up, it's the look on Sam's face that says it all. Makes it feel real. His brother's close to tears, Dean can tell.

Faintly, above the loud pounding of his heart, he hears Sam's rush of words.

"You did it."

No, Sam, we did this. Together.

"No. No, we did it!"

And it's Sam's wobbly and relieved smile that brings it home to him. Lucifer is really dead. Gone. He feels the corners of his mouth tug up in a smile of his own. His heart feels like it's about to burst from happiness, and for a moment, everything is alright.

Then he doubles over, gasping. His heart is nearly bursting. Not from happiness, but from a pressure from within.

"We had a deal!"

It hurts, and it feels like he's being crushed. He fights against it with all his strength, but he knows; it's over. He has lost. And not that he didn't see this coming. No. He knew it from the moment the idea popped up in his head. It would go down like this. Deal or no deal. But that doesn't matter anymore. All that matters—the one who always matters—is Sam. And Sam is alive and safe. Safe from Lucifer.

The world begins to fade. He hears nothing else but the uncontrolled pounding of his heart. He feels nothing else but the power that runs through him. It consumes him—takes over his mind and body.

His world explodes in a bright blue flash, the stars dancing before his eyes.

Then everything fades to black.