
DISCLAIMER: I do *not* own DBZ (Hee hee…. Yet… *thinks about plan to take over FUNimation and grins*) or any other licensed stuff (Pop-tarts, the Weather Channel, etc.). Think about it: If I owned it, I'd be too busy counting my money than to write useless stories about an animated TV show! So DON'T SUE ME!

. : : Chapter 1 : Coming to Town: : .

"Mom, Mom, are the cookies done yet?" A little girl with jet-black hair ran into the kitchen and stopped to stare up at her mother eagerly. Her hair stood on end like Vegeta's, and she had two tufts of bangs hanging at her forehead. She was wearing a long-sleeve black T-shirt and a pair of stretch jeans.

"Almost, Leah," Adrienne said, smiling down at her. Adrienne had medium-length brown hair, and was wearing a white long-sleeve top that stopped at her waist and baggy orange pants that sat on her hips. "Go get your brother."

"He's out playing with Dad," Leah said. "I don't think he'll *want* to come in…" She stared up at her mother hopefully. Adrienne laughed.

"Go get him." Leah sighed. Now Jamie would get most of the cookies! He and Dad always ate them all… She walked out of the kitchen, disappointed. This was just great. Leah walked out the door to the backyard where her father and brother were throwing a football around and stood on the top step. Jamie looked exactly like his father, and his grandpa, Goku. He even had the outfit to match! Goten, on the other hand, was wearing a long sleeve green shirt and khaki pants.

"Dad, Jamie! Mom says the cookies-" Jamie dropped the football and he and his father rushed into the house before Leah finished her sentence. "Hey, wait for me!" She ran in the house after them and followed them to the kitchen. Adrienne was just pulling out the pan of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.

"Careful, they're hot," she told them. "Give them some time to cool." Goten ignored his wife and picked up the nearest cookie.

"AH!" He dropped it and blew on his red fingers. "They're hot!"

"Told you," Adrienne said calmly. Leah snickered.

"You should listen to Mom more, Dad," she said. Goten smiled.

"Good thing you do, right?" he asked. The doorbell rang

"I'll get it!!!" Jamie ran off to answer the front door. Goten followed. Before Jamie got to the door, the doorbell rang again. …And again. Ringringringringring!

"Brian, stop," said an adult male voice from the other side of the door. Ringringringringringring! "Brian!" Ringringringring! "Brian, I said stop!" Ringringringringring-"BRIAN ALEXANDER!" The ringing stopped immediately.

"Sorry Dad, didn't hear you," came another voice. Jamie hurriedly opened the door and grinned at the lavender-haired boy standing in the doorway. He was wearing a dark blue Capsule Corp. T-shirt and olive green pants.


"JAMIE!" The two boys hugged. Trunks laughed. He stood just outside the doorway, his hands in his pockets. He was wearing a teal, long-sleeve shirt with khaki pants.

"You two are acting like you haven't seen each other in years!"

"But Dad," Brian said, "I haven't seen Jamie for a whole two days!"

"Yeah!" Jamie exclaimed.

"Well, that *is* a problem," Trunks said. Goten laughed.

"Come on in, Trunks," he said. "Adrienne just pulled out some cookies."

"Really?!" Brian exclaimed. He rushed off to the kitchen, with Trunks close behind.

"Daddy, Daddy, wait for me!" A little girl with cropped lavender hair rushed in the front door. She was wearing a red Capsule Corp. T-shirt and white jeans.

"Hey, Rienna," Goten greeted her, smiling.

"Hey, Uncle Goten!" She hugged him as best she could, being so short. "Where'd Daddy go?" Goten nodded toward the kitchen.

"In there. Your aunt just brought out some fresh cookies."

"Really?! Cool! Let's go get some!"

"Okay!" She took her uncle's hand and let him lead her into the kitchen. Trunks, Brian, and Jamie were helping themselves to the cookies, Trunks with one in each hand.

"Hey, Rienna, come try these," he said, his mouth full of chocolate chip cookie. "They're delicious!"

"You shouldn't talk with your mouth full, Dad," Brian said. Trunks swallowed and grinned.

"You're one to be talking." Goten grabbed a cookie and bit half of it off.

"Hey, these are good!"

"I want one, I want one!" Rienna said, jumping up and down.

"I want another!" Jamie yelled.

"Let me have one!" Leah protested.

"Hold on, hold on!" Adrienne exclaimed. "There's plenty for everyone! Right, Goten?" Goten had just snatched two cookies off the sheet and was already in the process of cramming the first into his mouth.

"Wha?" Adrienne sighed.

"Never mind." She handed a cookie to each of the girls.

"Thanks, Mom!" Leah said, taking a big bite out of her cookie.

"Yeah, thanks, Aunt Adrienne!" Brian and Rienna chorused.

"You make the best cookies, Mommy!" Jamie said, beaming.

"Well, thank you, Jamie!" Adrienne replied. She picked up one of her cookies and took a bite. "Hey, these are better than I expected!"

"Hey Trunks," Goten said, swallowing his last cookie, "where's Chloe?"

"She had to work a little later than usual tonight," Trunks said, a hint of disappointment in his voice. "But she said she'd be here later."

"Hey Brian, you wanna go play in the backyard?" Jamie asked his cousin eagerly.

"Sure!" The two boys ran off to play.

"Hey, wait for me!" Rienna called, running after her brother.

"Me too!" Leah said, also taking off after the boys. Trunks laughed and shook his head.

"Those kids…"

"Trunks, are your parents coming?" Goten asked. Before Trunks could answer, Adrienne gasped.

"I forgot to call Mom!" she exclaimed. Goten laughed.

"That's ok. Where my dad is, yours will be too. Things always seem to turn out that way."

"Yeah," Trunks said with a laugh. "I think Dad's still sore about last time we all got together." Adrienne snickered, and Goten laughed a bit nervously.

"I don't think he took the old worm-in-the-ice trick too well," Adrienne said. Goten rubbed the back of his head and grinned.

"Dad has a cruel sense of humor."

"At least to my dad." The three adults laughed when the doorbell rang.

"Must be my parents," Goten said. He was walking out the kitchen door when he suddenly jumped back to avoid the small stampede in the hall. Jamie, Brian, Rienna, and Leah had just run by.

"I'll get it!" both boys yelled at the same time.

"But I want to!" Rienna said.

"You always get to answer the door!" Leah complained. Jamie got to the door first and opened it.

"Grandpa!" He jumped into Goku's open arms and laughed.

"Hey, Jamie!" Goku said, grinning his usual grin. "How are you doing?"


"Hi Jamie!" Chi-Chi said, peering out from behind Goku.

"Hi Grandma!"

"Hi Grandma, Hi Grandpa!" Leah shouted. She hugged her grandmother.

"Hey, Leah!" Goku said.

"Hi Goku!" Brian said. "Come on in!"

"Don't mind if I do!" Goku walked in the door as Trunks' children moved out of the way to make room.

"Hey Dad!" Goten, Trunks, and Adrienne were heading for the front door.

"Hiya, Goten!" Both of them hugged.

"Hi Goku, Hi Chi-Chi," Adrienne said cheerfully.

"Hello, Adrienne!" Chi-Chi hugged her daughter in law.

"Hey Adrienne, we ran into Vegeta and Bulma on the way here," Goku said, looking a bit confused. "I think they were having a bit of car trouble…" Adrienne sighed.

"Again?" Goku nodded.

"You'd think they'd get a new car by now," Trunks said. Goten nodded.

"Kami knows they can afford one."

"Grandpa, Grandpa, come play with us!" Jamie called, tugging on Goku's pants.

"Ok, ok!" Goku grinned as his grandson led him outside.

An hour later, Yamcha, Gohan, Videl, Krillin, and Eighteen had arrived (Marron, Bra and Pan were at their husbands' parents'), but there was no sign of Vegeta or Bulma.

"I wonder if we should go looking for them," Adrienne said.

"Don't know," Goten said, looking out the window for headlights again.

"If they're not here in fifteen minutes I'm going out there," Trunks said.

"Dad?" It was Brian. "Where're Grandma and Grandpa?"

"I don't know, Brian," Trunks said. "They were having a bit of car trouble, and they might be stuck out there. ' Course, knowing my dad, he's probably pouting by the side of the road.' Chi-Chi put her hands on her hips and glared at Goku.

"I *told* you to pull over and ask if they needed any help, but do you ever listen to me? NO!"

"Aw Chi-Chi-"

"Don't you "Aw, Chi-Chi" me!"

"But Vegeta wouldn't ever accept help from me anyway!" Goku protested.

"He's right, Mom," Gohan said.

"Which is why we would have asked *Bulma*!" Chi-Chi crossed her arms.

"Do you think Grandma's bringing Darrin?" Leah asked. Adrienne shrugged.

"I dunno, Leah. He might come, but he might not."

"Oh…" Darrin was a baby Saiyan Adrienne had found about ten years ago. He was originally part of a project called "The Devil"- a plan to revive the Saiyan race- and had been obsessed with training (and beating up on Vegeta) since he was two. He was extremely attached to Adrienne and her family. "I hope he comes…"

"Me too," Adrienne said.

"Headlights!" Goten exclaimed suddenly. "Oh, wait, never mind, they turned into some other drive."

"That's it, I'm going looking for them," Trunks said.

"I'll go with you," Krillin said.

"Me too," Yamcha and Gohan agreed.

"Maybe you won't have to," Goten said. "Here they come!"

"Really?" Everyone rushed to the window.

"Lemme see!" Brian said, trying to squeeze in among the adults. He finally stood on the back of the couch and climbed onto his father's back.

"You're right, Goten," Eighteen said.

"Good eyes!" Goku said, patting his son on the back.

"But Dad, it is dark outside…"

"Yeah, it's kinda hard to miss a pair of headlights!" Brian chimed in. The doorbell rang. "I've got it!" He whipped the door open. "Hi Grandma!" Bulma stepped in the door.

"Hey, Brian!" She hugged her grandson. "You're looking more like your father each day!" Videl laughed.

"Is that possible?" she asked.


"Yes, Brian?" Brian paused for a minute.

"…Where's Grandpa?" As if on cue, Vegeta came grumbling up the path.

"Stupid car… Breaking down in the middle of nowhere… Stupid mechanics… I'll teach them to flirt with my wife…!" He continued muttering as he came up the path.

"Grandpa!" Leah dashed into the room and jumped on Vegeta, almost knocking him down.

"Whoa!" Vegeta caught his balance and smiled at his granddaughter. "You're extra happy to see me!"

"Well Uncle Trunks said you guys had car trouble and that you'd be pouting by the side of the road instead of working on the car so I was worried!" she said all in one breath. Vegeta's smile faded and he looked past Leah at Trunks. Trunks laughed a little nervously.

"Hey Brian, why don't we go hook up that new video game I got you?" he asked all of a sudden.

"But I thought you said-"

"NOW." Trunks shot his son a look that gave him goose bumps.

"Ok." Brian ran up the stairs, Trunks following closely.

"We're glad you made it anyway," Chi-Chi said. "Of course if Goku had pulled over-"

"Chi-Chi!" Goku whined.

"So that *was* you that passed us!" Vegeta exclaimed putting Leah down. "I *thought* I recognized that piece of junk!"

"Junk?!" Goku exclaimed. "I love that car!"

"Which is why it's junk," Vegeta said plainly, crossing his arms.

"Now see here, Vegeta-"

"ENOUGH!" Eighteen yelled. Everyone stared at her, and she cleared her throat. "We need to set an example for the *children*." She nodded to her left, where Jamie, Rienna, and Leah were peering at them from the couch, mouths open and eyes wide. Goku cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry, Vegeta. It wasn't nice of me to yell at you like that," Goku said, glancing over at Jamie. Vegeta rolled his eyes.

"Oh shut it, Kakarott." Goku gasped.

"Why do you have to be such a pain in the butt?!" he asked, exasperated.

"I was born that way," Vegeta said with a smirk. Bulma hit him over the head with a book. "Ow!"

"Oh shut up, Vegeta!" she said sternly, putting the book on the table. She looked at Goten and Adrienne. "Sorry if I damaged your book." Goten shrugged.

"That's ok, I never really liked that one anyway."

"So Darrin didn't come?" Leah asked, a bit disappointed. Bulma shook her head.

"I'm sorry, Leah. We tried to talk him into it, but he was intent on training." Vegeta frowned.

"Don't know why I couldn't stay, too…"

"Because you came to 'check on Adrienne'," Bulma reminded him. "And besides, I wouldn't let you." Vegeta frowned even more and glared at her.

"Baka onna…"

"So what took so long?" Gohan asked. Bulma rolled her eyes.

"I'm still not sure," she said. "But we called the mechanics-" She glared at Vegeta. "-who were going to fix it, but Mr. High-and-Mighty Saiyan Moron over here blasted them!" Vegeta crossed his arms and glared at her.

"I didn't like the way those imbeciles were looking at you. Dirty savages!" Bulma rolled her eyes.

"He was just complimenting my shoes!" Bulma exclaimed.

"At least you know he cares," Chi-Chi suggested with a shrug. Vegeta scoffed and rolled his eyes. About the same time, Brian came sprinting down the stairs, with Trunks following.

"Jamie, Jamie, you have to come see this!" he said. "It's awesome!" Trunks smiled, then looked around the room. He spotted Vegeta and turned around to follow the children upstairs, but stopped when-

"TRUNKS." Trunks gulped and turned around to face Vegeta. Vegeta walked over to his son and placed a firm hand on his shoulder. "I think we need to have a little talk." Before Trunks could protest, Vegeta had pushed him into the kitchen. Bulma shook her head.

"I don't know how I've put up with his stupidity all these years."

"Frankly, neither have I," Krillin said, staring at the kitchen door.

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"The children!" Eighteen yelled. Yamcha shook his finger at the two of them.

"You should be ashamed," he said.

"Oh shut up, Yamcha," Krillin, Eighteen, and Bulma said in unison. He frowned and slumped down on the couch, arms crossed. Rienna came into the room, rubbing her eyes sleepily.

"Where's Daddy?" she asked drowsily. Goku glanced at Chi-Chi, who started to explain.

"He's talking to your grandpa in the kitchen, dear," she said.

"Oh, ok." Rienna headed for the kitchen door.

"But it's a very private and adult conversation, and I don't think they'd want to be interrupted!" Goku said quickly.

"Oh." She stopped and stared at the floor for a minute, as if deep in thought. "Aunt Adrienne?"

"Yeah, Ri?"

"When's Mommy gonna be here?"

"I don't know," Adrienne replied. "But your dad said she'd be here a little late. Let's just give her some time, ok?"

"But I wanted her to tuck me in," Ri said.

"Then I will!" Everyone turned around to find a woman with short lavender hair wearing a short, pale blue floral spaghetti-strap dress standing in the foyer, hanging her coat on the coat rack. She had slipped in without anyone noticing.

"Mommy!" Rienna ran and jumped in her arms. Chloe laughed.

"Did you really miss me that much?" Rienna nodded and grinned.

"Yep!" Chloe tapped the tip of her daughter's nose, making her laugh.

"Glad you could make it, Chloe," Bulma said, hugging her with one arm. "C'mon in, we've got cookies and hot chocolate, if you want."

"Thanks, Bulma." After everyone had given his or her round of hugs, Chloe suddenly felt something was missing. "Where's Trunks?" she asked, a bit concerned. The adults all looked at each other. "C'mon, what's going on?"

"Daddy's having a talk with Grandpa in the kitchen!" Rienna said, happy to be of service. Chloe quickly put Rienna down.

"Oh dear." Chloe quickly put Rienna down and walked briskly into the kitchen to save her husband.

"Chloe!" came Trunks' voice.

"Oh, hello, Chloe. How was work?"

"It went well, Vegeta," Chloe said, giving her father-in-law a look.

"You made good time! We weren't expecting you for another hour!" Trunks said, happy to see his wife.

"I know. Vegeta, may I have my husband, or are you not quite through with him?" Vegeta opened his mouth to say he wasn't near finished, but the look his daughter-in-law gave him told him to keep his mouth shut. There was a long silence.

"Take him," Vegeta said finally.

"Thank you!" Chloe said cheerfully. Vegeta grunted and walked out of the kitchen muttering. Once he was gone, Chloe wrapped her arms around Trunks' neck and kissed his cheek. "What did you do *this* time?"

"Nothing serious. Dad always blows things out of proportion." Chloe smiled.

"Were the kids good?" Trunks laughed.

"Ri was, but you know Brian… I had to yell at him just to get him to stop ringing the doorbell! I mean, he claimed he couldn't hear me!" It was Chloe's turn to laugh.

"Just like his father."


"Mom?" Brian peeked into the kitchen. "Mom!" Chloe kneeled down and he rushed into her open arms.

"Hi Brian!" Chloe kissed his forehead. "Your father tells me you were a bit mischievous today," she said with a smile. Brian grinned back.

"Maybe a little," he said.

"A little?" Trunks asked, raising an eyebrow at his oldest child.

"Like I said, just like his daddy," Chloe said. Brian beamed.

"If that's supposed to be a joke, it was completely lacking in humor," Trunks said, an offended look on his face.

"But Dad, it's fun to be you!" This made Trunks smile, and he ruffled Brian's hair.

"C'mon, let's go sit in the living room."

"Ok!" Brian half-skipped out of the kitchen, his parents close behind.

Everyone was sitting around the fire, enjoying hot chocolate, Christmas cookies, and sharing old Christmas memories in the living room.

"I still remember the time Gohan got a carrot stuck up his nose," Trunks said with a smirk.

"How did that happen, anyway?" Chi-Chi asked. "I can't remember…"

"He was-" Gohan clapped a hand over his little brother's mouth and stared him down.

"Say another word," he hissed, "and you're DEAD." Goten nodded.

"Oh rats," Trunks whined.

"Did Uncle Gohan really get a carrot stuck up his nose, Mommy?" Jamie asked Adrienne.

"Yeah," she said. "But don't you go trying it," she added. Jamie sighed.

"Oh well…"

"Anyone else got a story?" Krillin asked.

"What about the time Vegeta actually got coal in his stocking?" Goku said gleefully.

"That was a very cruel joke," Vegeta said, "and had I not had such a rock-solid disposition I probably would have been scarred for life." Goku laughed.

"Sure, Vegeta."

"What did he say?" Brian asked his father, a bit confused. Why did grown-ups always have to use such big words?

"Never mind, Brian," Chloe said, pulling Rienna off the floor and setting her in her own lap.

"Well, it's getting late," Yamcha said, standing up and stretching his arms. "I'd better be getting back to the family."

"Aw, can't you stay?" Rienna whined. Yamcha smiled and messed up her hair. She giggled.

"Sorry, kid, but I promised them I'd be home by ten-thirty." Rienna sighed.

"Ok." She stood up in her mother's lap and gave Yamcha a hug. "Bye Uncle Yamcha."

"Bye Yamcha!" Brian said. "Next time you'll have to come try out my new video game!"

"It's a deal." One by one, everyone said their good-byes and Yamcha grabbed his coat. "Bye, everyone!" he said, waving as he went out the door. "Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas, Yamcha!" Chi-Chi called. "Tell your wife I said hi!"

"I will, Chi-Chi!" The door shut behind him.

"We'd better go too, right Krillin?" Krillin was playing cards with Leah on the floor. He looked up at his wife.

"Oh, right. I suppose," he said reluctantly.

"Can't we finish the game?" Leah asked.

"Krillin has to go, Leah," Goten said.

"Ok… Bye Krillin!" She hugged him, and again everyone said their good-byes, and the couple left.

"What now?" Videl asked.

"I think someone's getting sleepy…" Trunks said, pointing at Brian, who was leaning against his father's chest, eyes half open.

"Am-" Brian yawned. "-not."

"I'm not tired at all!" Rienna said, suddenly popping up from where she had been laying down a moment ago.

"All right, to bed, you two," Chloe said, a hint of amusement in her voice.

"But Mom!" her children whined in unison.

"Now." They sighed, stood up, said their goodnights, and trudged upstairs. "And don't forget to brush your teeth!"

"You two should hit the sack, too," Goten said.

"Ok, Dad," Leah said, packing up the cards that were lying on the floor.

"Night Mommy!" Jamie hugged Adrienne. "Night, Daddy!" Jamie said, hugging his father. "Night Grandpa!" Goku hugged him back. "Night Grandpa!" Jamie hugged Vegeta, too. Goten laughed. He hadn't realized before that they were both "Grandpa."

"Night Grandpa! Night Grandma!" Leah was saying her goodnights as well.

"Good night, Leah, Jamie," Bulma said. Both children ran up the stairs.

"Well, I guess we had better get to bed too," Chloe said. "I'm beat!"

"Me too," Trunks said. "See you guys in the morning!" He and Chloe walked out of the room.

"Yeah, see ya!" Goku said with a short wave. Videl sighed and stood.

"I guess I'm going to bed. Coming, Gohan?" Gohan laughed.

"You sound like you're talking to the kids," he said.

"Sometimes I feel like I am," she said with a smirk. She walked out of the room confidently.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, following her.

"We're gonna hit the sack, too, Mom," Adrienne said. "We'll see you in the morning!"

"Alright," Bulma said, "but remember: I'm cooking tomorrow!"

"Alright, alright." Adrienne walked over to Vegeta and kissed his cheek. "Good night, Dad."

"Good night, Adrienne." Goten and Adrienne left the room.

"I guess it's just you and me," Bulma said, looking at her husband.

"So?" Vegeta asked, shrugging. Bulma sighed, annoyed, and began to walk up the stairs.

"You're so impossible! I don't know how I've put up with you all this time!" Vegeta tapped her on the shoulder. "What?"

"The fire's nice and warm," he said with a small smile. "Wanna go sit down for a while?" Bulma smiled.

"I thought you'd never ask."

Ok, what do you think? I know you're thinkin', "CUT THE FILLER CRAP AND GET ON WITH THE STORY ALREADY!" I'll try not to do it again.... ^^; And besides, if DBZ can get away with it, so can I! I mean, what do you think HERCULE is?? LOL! Anyway, thanks for reading, please r/r! ^____^ Arigato!