Hello everyone. Here is the next chapter. Many thanks to all for your support with your reviews, favourites, follows, and messages.
Hope you guys like this chapter. Enjoy
Chapter 15
Serena was sitting on the bed doing a bit of research on her opponent for the next day. She was trying to guess what Pokemon her opponent was going to use when she heard her husband.
"As far as I know Dawn, she will most probably use her Empoleon and Lopunny. Lopunny because it can mega evolve and is one of her oldest Pokemon. Empoleon is her first Pokemon and from what I have seen in her previous rounds, her strongest. Almost at the level of Mega Lopunny. I know her Piplup was very determined and Empoleon probably the only Pokemon in her team that could cause a few problems. The best thing is if you could do beat it first up, then you will get through the others pretty easily."
"You are right, I think. I have many options for her Lopunny, especially if she mega evolves it. Apart from that, I feel she will go for her powerful and experienced Pokemon against me. Pachirisu is out as well a couple of more Pokemon. She might go for her Mamoswine or Ambipom. Chances of Togekiss and Dusknoir may have an appearance but whatever it is I will be prepared."
"I know you will be. I just want to see how much has Dawn improved. She is surely going to use some of my old tactics if you know what I mean."
"I get it and I have also found the perfect Pokemon to lure her to use her Empoleon if the computer chooses me to go first. I have decided three of my Pokemon for tomorrow as per my strengths; I will keep three options open and use according to her strategy."
"Well, looks like you are all set. You should sleep early today and we will celebrate after your victory tomorrow." Ash said grinning.
"Ya. Goodnight Ash." Serena said as she kissed Ash.
"Goodnight dear."
They drifted off to sleep peacefully.
Dawn had strategized for her battle with the Kalos Queen after properly analysing the techniques and strategy of the Top Coordinator. They seemed similar to Ash, yet were more stylish and glamourous. It was obvious but Serena's choice of Pokemon was not. Dawn was unable to work out the possible plans of her opponent and decide to play on her strengths. She was going to use her two oldest and most powerful Pokemon along with a couple of experienced ones. She heavily relied on her Empoleon, Lopunny for this match and was determined to defeat the champion trainer. She was not the 'Shining Star of Sinnoh' for nothing. She was going to win and avenge her boyfriend's defeat.
"The match between Dawn of Twinleaf Town and Kalos Queen Serena of Vaniville Town will now begin. Trainers, be ready to choose your first Pokemon. The computer will decide who will go first." The referee announced. Everyone's eyes were on the big screen as the computer showed Serena to go first. She smirked and sent out her first Pokemon.
"Come on out my friend. Let us battle." She said as she released her Pokemon.
Dawn saw the Pokemon and was in mixed feelings. She wanted to keep her Empoleon for the next rounds. However, if her starter could get her off to a good start and then she could rest it for the subsequent rounds. After some thought, she released her Pokemon, "Empoleon spotlight."
Empoleon came out of its Pokeball with confidence as Dawn grinned inwardly. The ghost-grass type was going down.
"Let the battle begin." The referee declared.
"Will-O-Wisp," Serena called out the first attack.
"Empoleon, use Whirlpool to counter." The Whirlpool negated the Will-O-Wisp in mid-air.
"Shadow Claw." The attack successfully hit Empoleon causing it a bit of pain.
"Use Hydro Pump Empoleon," Dawn called out the attack in the offence.
"Counter it with Wood Hammer." The Wood Hammer blocked the Hydro Pump attack.
"Use Ice Beam."
"Wood Hammer again." The attack stopped the Ice Beam from reaching its target. The super-effective attack could have caused damage to its target. Dawn now decided to use her ace.
"Use Aqua Jet Empoleon." She called the next attack.
"Let it come nearer." Serena knew what she was trying to do. After all, her husband was the first person to perfect it. She had thought of it and its counter.
"Now Ice Beam." As Empoleon had reached halfway, she called out the next attack. Ice formed in place of the water as Empoleon attacked its opponent with the famous Ice Aqua Jet.
"I was waiting for this," Serena said as Dawn heard it. She was confused to see the smirk on her face. The Ice Aqua Jet came nearer as Serena said, "Dodge it, Trevenant." Empoleon was fast but Trevenant was much faster as the ghost-grass type dodge the attack perfectly.
"Our turn. Use Shadow Ball, rapid-fire.' Serena called the attack calmly.
"Empoleon, use Drill Peck to counter and dodge." The Drill Peck cut through some of them gave Empoleon speed to dodge the barrage of Shadow Balls. It was not enough as a couple of them hit the penguin Pokemon. "Empoleon, are you alright?" Dawn was now concerned.
"Looks like Empoleon has taken some damage from the powerful Shadow Balls of Trevenant but wants to continue. Can it make a comeback?" The commentator announced
"Use Horn Leech," Serena said as Trevenant moved forward.
"Empoleon, use Ice Aqua Jet," Dawn called for the special attack. Neither Pokemon backed down as the attacks resulted in a head-on collision. Empoleon felt pain as the Horn Leech sucked its energy. It had taken a lot of damage. Trevenant, on the other hand, felt the effects of the super-effective attack and flinched a little for the first time in the match. Serena did not like that her Pokemon got hurt by Empoleon.
"Shadow Claw, Trevenant." She said with a bit of anger in her voice as the attack hit Empoleon head-on.
"Use Drill Peck." Empoleon managed to launch the super-effective attack on its opponent. Serena nodded at Trevenant who understood what its trainer wanted to say and nodded in return. She waited until Empoleon was near enough to avoid its escape from her next attack.
"Focus Blast." She said as Trevenant released it immediately as it was prepared for the attack.
"NO… Get out of there, Empoleon." Dawn said panicking but there was no time. The super-effective fighting type move hit its target as Empoleon fell on the ground still trying to get up.
"Don't let it get up. Finish it with Focus Blast."
"EMPOLEON DODGE IT…" Dawn shouted but her starter was unable to dodge the incoming attack. Empoleon fainted.
"Empoleon is unable to battle. The round goes to Trevenant," declared the referee.
Dawn was shocked to her core. She had lost her strongest Pokemon in the first battle itself. She stood there, thinking about how it was possible. She had it all under control, and then her Empoleon was taken down in just two attacks. She snapped out of her trance when the referee asked her to recall and send her next Pokemon. She thought maybe she was going down, but she would fight with the best she had. She sent her next Pokemon.
"Mamoswine, spotlight."
"Rest Trevenant, you did a fine job. Let us battle my dear. Come on out." Out came the graceful partner of the Kalos Queen, Delphox.
"The next round is going to be between Delphox and Mamoswine. Though it may seem that Delphox has a clear advantage being fire type over the ice type, I must remind you that Mamoswine is part ground type too against which Delphox has a great disadvantage. It is going to be a battle of speed, strength and strategy people." The commentator announced as the battle began.
"Mamoswine, use Earthquake." The Earthquake was a ground type attack and it would have caused severe damage to Delphox. However, Serena was ready for that.
"Delphox Telekinesis on yourself." Delphox levitated, as the Earthquake was unsuccessful.
"What a master move from our Kalos Queen. Delphox is now immune to ground type attacks for the next three turns. What is the Shining Star of Sinnoh going to do now?" The commentary could be heard.
"Mamoswine, use Stone Edge." The attack approached Serena as she called for the next attack.
"Counter it with Flamethrower." The Flamethrower was able to nullify the Stone Edge. Dawn was getting desperate, as none of her attacks was successful.
"Use Ice Shard." Dawn knew it would not cause much damage but she was looking for an opening.
"Melt it" Delphox used Flamethrower to melt the ball of ice. "Now, use Future Sight," Serena commanded.
"Now Mamoswine, use Mud Bomb." As soon as the effects of Telekinesis were over, Dawn called for another ground type attack.
"Shadow Ball to counter." The Shadow Ball hit the Mud Bomb to create an explosion in mid-air.
"Use Earthquake again."
"Delphox, again Telekinesis on yourself," Serena commanded as she smiled. The same trick worked again. She knew anytime now, Mamoswine was going to be hit.
"Mamoswine, use St…" Before she could complete, the forgotten Future Sight hit Mamoswine from above as it went down. "Shit," was all Dawn could mutter.
"Now is your chance. Fire Blast, Delphox."
"Dodge it Mamoswine." Mamoswine was not fast enough to pull itself out of the way of the super-effective attack as it hit head-on.
"Mamoswine is unable to battle. This round goes to Delphox." The referee declared.
"You were wonderful as always Delphox. Now take a nice rest." Serena recalled Delphox. She was not going to exhaust her ace Pokemon. There were many more battles to come in the tournament. Dawn also recalled her Mamoswine thanking it. They both then sent their Pokemon.
"Oranguru let us show them our power." Out came the grandfather looking Pokemon native to Alola. It could give Mega Alakazam a run for the money in the contest for wise looks. Looks could be deceiving though.
"Togekiss, time to shine." Dawn thought for quite some time before calling out her old partner.
"Oranguru, Calm Mind." Serena was quick to call the first move.
"Use Air Slash." Dawn took advantage of the status move.
"Take it and use Calm Mind again."
"Togekiss use Signal Beam." Seeing that Serena was not using any offensive attacks yet, she decided to use one of the few attacks that were super-effective against the Sage Pokemon.
"You just blew your element of surprise. Counter with Psychic." Serena smirked.
"Use Extreme Speed."
"Take it and use Future Sight." Serena knew Oranguru could not dodge the super-fast attack but it had a very good defence. She used a similar strategy with Future Sight.
"Togekiss let us finish this before the Future Sight hits. Use Signal Beam again." Dawn did not want the Future Sight to cause problems for her again. She wanted to finish this quick.
"Counter with Psychic."
"Use Extreme Speed." Déjà vu? Well, the same trick does not work twice. At least not against the Kalos Queen. Well from trick, she called the next move.
"Trick Room." A box appeared around the two Pokemon on the battlefield and disappeared.
"Use Sky Attack, Togekiss." Dawn was out of her wits. Trick Room caused a severe disadvantage for her Togekiss.
"Counter with Foul Play." Before the Sky Attack could reach Oranguru, the Future Sight hit Togekiss making it easier for Oranguru to land a perfect Foul Play. Serena did not give breathing space to her opponent as she called the next attack. "Now end this with Thunder."
The part flying type could not dodge the Thunder as it fainted.
"Togekiss is unable to battle. Oranguru wins."
"You did good Togekiss. Now rest well." Dawn said as she returned her Pokemon into the Pokeball. She then looked at Serena with rage and shouted. "This isn't over Serena. I still have one more Pokemon to go."
"I am waiting for that. Well, let me first show you, my final partner. Go Gardevoir." Serena said smiling, calm as always.
"Come on Lopunny into the spotlight." Dawn was determined to win this as she called the first attack.
"Lopunny, Use Shadow Ball."
"Moonblast." The Moonblast hit the incoming Shadow Ball.
"Use Bounce," Dawn called the next attack but Serena and Gardevoir did not move. Just as the attack was about to hit, Serena said coolly.
"Teleport and use Moonblast." Gardevoir vanished from the battleground but did not reappear.
"Lookout Lopunny. Gardevoir can come from anywhere." Dawn shouted.
"Now," whispered Serena.
"Look back." The Moonblast hit its mark as Lopunny took some damage.
"Lopunny are you alright?" Dawn panicked. She had to make a quick decision whether to Mega Evolve Lopunny or not. It would give more power and speed to Lopunny but Mega Lopunny would become vulnerable to fairy and psychic type attacks. She then made her decision. It was do-or-die. She was going all out now. "We have taken enough. Now with the power of our bond, Mega Evolve."
"Big mistake." Serena smiled. "We will not hold back either. Let's show them our power Gardevoir. Mega evolve."
"Lopunny, Shadow Ball."
"Teleport Gardevoir." Mega Gardevoir vanished. Serena said the next move, "Dazzling Gleam."
"Lopunny, use Bounce and then Iron Tail." Dawn and Mega Lopunny were ready this time as the Pokemon just managed to evade the Dazzling Gleam and went on offence with Iron Tail.
"Let it come close. Now Double Team." Mega Gardevoir used Double Team as the Iron Tail hit a fake one. "Use Moonblast," said Serena as all the copies of the Embrace Pokemon attacked with Moonblast.
"Counter with your Shadow Ball." Mega Lopunny sent a barrage of Shadow Balls but a few of them hit it anyways as it fell on the ground with a very little energy to get up.
"Finish it with Psychic." The finishing move. Dawn's journey in the Masters' Victory Tournament ended.
"Lopunny cannot battle. Mega Gardevoir wins. The victory goes to Serena." The crowd went bonkers as the referee announced the result.
"Dear ladies and gentlemen, what a battle. At one point, it all seemed even when Empoleon was battling Trevenant but eventually, the tide turned in favour of our beloved Kalos Queen. She has moved to the next round without losing a single Pokemon yet. This means the journey ends for the Shining Star of Sinnoh. Wishing all the best to Serena Ketchum for her next round. Stay tuned for the upcoming battles." The commentator announced excitedly.
Dawn was on her knees with tears filling her eyes as she recalled her Lopunny. It was then she heard a voice talking to her.
"Your Empoleon was quite good. The others did not do justice to its efforts. You can do better." Serena said with a stern voice and expressionless face. She was being genuine with her comments but Dawn mistook it as a mockery of her battle. She was filled with rage as she shouted back at her. "I don't need your lectures." She said as she took off from the stadium. Serena was a bit surprised at her reaction. She thought Dawn was mature in comparison to Misty, Iris or May and wanted to end the match with sporting spirit.
'Well you just cannot expect that from them I believe,' she thought as she waved at the crowd before leaving the stadium.
Ash met her at the Pokemon centre. After getting back her Pokemon, they went to check on their Pokemon who were training under the watchful eyes of Mewtwo except some. Pikachu and Sylveon were sitting at a corner curled around each other while Greninja and Lucario were waiting for their 'girlfriends'. After a short practice session in the evening, Ash and Serena returned with only Meowth. Post dinner, they went straight to bed as they had a lot of work to do at night and prepare for their strategies of the battles the next day.
Serena was up against Astrid whereas Ash was battling an old rival, Tobias.
I know Dawn's Piplup did not want to evolve in the anime and got an everstone to prevent his evolution. However, in seven years I believe circumstances and as long as a Pokemon holds everstone, it can't evolve but once it gets rid of the item, it can evolve. And the battle would have been much shorter had it been Piplup with absolutely no resistance. Ash's Bulbasaur has also evolved into Venusaur in my story, who resisted its evolution in the anime.
It is going to be Ash against Tobias in the next chapter. Again, it is a 4 vs 4 battle. Tobias will have four legendaries as his Pokemon (Including Darkrai and Latios of course). Other two will be from different Generation but I haven't decided yet. I am open to suggestions though. Which Pokemon do you think will defeat Darkrai and Latios? Do tell me what you think.
Thank you for your reviews and messages. It really helps me to know how people perceive my story and what all I can do to improve it further.
Stay tuned! Hope you like the story so far!
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