In the darkness of the night, a small, hooded, four-legged figure scurried through the night. The moon was bright, so she made sure to stay in the shadows. A group of people came walking by, on their way home from one of Nerima's several inns.

The unicorn rogue made sure to stay hidden while the chattering and laughing men walked past her. When the coast was clear, she ran along.

Nabiki was quickly getting used to her new skills and the gear that came with them. Acting sneaky and underhanded wasn't new to her, the practices were just different. There were a lot more physical activities involved, of course. She was glad the class change also gave her a new, fit and dexterous body. The leather outfit she wore was colored dark grey and blue, perfect for blending in with the shadows. The masked hood kept her face hidden, and wrapped around her body were several belts that held an assortment of pockets, pouches, knives and small vials.

Tonight, she was on a mission.

She reached a run-down storehouse at the edge of town, pretty far away from Kuno Castle's area of influence. This was not a very pleasant neighborhood, lots of shady bars and dealers for the local black market were around. This was something she knew already before becoming a rogue. She had never planned on going here in person, of course… not until now, that is.

She hid behind a pile of garbage and watched the warehouse carefully. She saw several dark figures carrying wooden boxes insides. In the moonlight, she could clearly see their huge ears and green skin… they were goblins.

"Hurry up with that!" one of them said in an unpleasant, screeching voice. "The boss wants this load out of town before that pale-skinned corpse lady's henchmen or any of the local do-gooders show up and ruin everything."

Nabiki waited for the right opportunity to follow them inside. But just when she wanted to run for it… she felt a hand on her shoulder. Nabiki spun around, using her unicorn telekinesis to draw her dagger.

"Whoa, sis, calm down! It's just me…" Akane said.

Nabiki groaned. "Akane… what are you doing here?" she whispered, praying to the gods of commerce and thievery that the goblins' huge ears were just for show.

"What am I doing here? What are YOU doing here?" Akane shot back, making sure to keep her voice down. She was in full ranger gear and stayed hidden behind the trash pile… and Nabiki had to admit, her stealth skills were almost as good as hers. Akane gestured towards the warehouse. "Do you know who those guys are? They are THIEVES! Kasumi already told me how she and Dr. Tofu had a run-in with them and…" She blinked. "Nabiki… WHAT on earth are you wearing?"

"What?" Nabiki snidely asked. "Am I the only sister not allowed to have a change of wardrobe? I'll explain everything when I get back, now go home already! You're putting my mission in jeopardy."

"Your mission?" Akane stared at her. "I don't believe this… Nabiki, I saw you sneaking out of the house and got worried. I didn't want to let you out of my sight, so there was no time to inform father or Kasumi. So I just grabbed my gear and followed you. And now you're in this horrible part of town… Sis, what is this about? I get that you bought an orb from June's store as well, but you're not doing this just to try out your new skills, right? I know you…"

"You're going to get both of us killed," Nabiki said through gritted teeth. "Okay, fine! If that what it takes to make you leave… I'm here on a mission for Cologne."

"Cologne?" Akane gasped. "You're telling me you're working for her? That little forest sprite is nothing but trouble."

"She's not a sprite, she's a Kokiri," Nabiki corrected her sister. "And I'm not saying she's my friend or anything. This is just business. Cologne noticed that several boxes of alchemy ingredients were stolen from the Nekohanten. She said that she's not the only one being robbed… several other stores in the area also reported stolen wares. The police isn't doing a damn thing about it, and to be honest, usually I don't care about such stuff. But she paid me a decent amount of money to sneak into their warehouse, find out what I can and maybe even take back some of the goods. Got it? Now if you'd hurry up and leave, I might be able to continue this without getting spotted…"

"I don't get you sometimes, Nabiki," Akane sighed. "You know, I was afraid you were going to do something criminal in that getup. But if you're honestly just trying to help Cologne and the merchants in town, you could have said so. I'm sure Kasumi and Ranma would have wanted to help. And now that I'm here, I'm not letting you do this on your own."

"What part of STEALTH mission don't you understand?" Nabiki almost hissed. "The more there are of us, the more likely we are to get caught."

"Maybe, but two people aren't that more than just one," Akane pointed out. "And I'm a ranger… sneaking up on my prey is what I do, so I know a thing or two about being stealthy. Now are we going to do this or not?"

Nabiki rolled her eyes. "You'll never change, sis."

"Nope… and neither will you," Akane smirked. "That's why I know you need my help."

The two sisters managed to sneak into the warehouse. Inside, huge piles of crates, boxes and stolen goods were everywhere, so staying hidden was an easy task. Each of the boxes was marked differently, each of them carrying the name of a known store or other place in Nerima. The big box they were crouching behind was signed with 'Ucchan's'.

'So they stole from Ukyo too?' Nabiki thought. 'She's not going to be happy about that. All the more reason to do this mission, though.'

A loud cackle coming from the middle of the room caught their attention. Akane gestured over to where a small group of goblins was gathered. One of them was opening a crate and lifted a small crossbow from it.

"Get a load of this, Grak," the spindly creature snickered. "I think these weapons are enchanted… this baby's shooting magic sparks instead of crossbow bolts. I think the boys swiped it from the Kuno bitch's castle."

"Sweeeeeet…" his companion grinned. "Stupid vampires, always hogging the cool stuff. Hey Zee… you think the boss is gonna let us keep one or two of them?"

"Are you dense?" The goblin called Zee gave the other one a bop on his prominent schnoz. "We're getting loads of money for each of these boxes. And if the delivery isn't complete, the boss is gonna flip!"

"I was just saying…" Grak grumbled, rubbing his nose. "It's such a rip-off that we get to steal all these cool things and we never get to use any of it."

"Stop complaining and let's get this stuff loaded on the truck. YO THOG! Help me with this box, will ya?"

Nabiki started to feel a bit uneasy when she saw the tower of bulging muscles that was Thog the troll. And when she watched him pick up the heavy box of weapons with ease, she felt glad that she was safely hidden.

"Nabiki…" Akane whispered. "If they're moving all the stolen goods away from here… we'll never have a chance to get any of it back, and neither will the police. What do we do?"

"There's not really much we can do," Nabiki muttered. "My job was to sneak in and gather information. I definitely can't reclaim any of the goods… not with this many goblins around. Not to mention the troll…"

"Well, I won't be standing idly by and watch these… rogues steal all these things from Ukyo and the other Nerima merchants." She looked down at the hooded pony. "Um, no offense, sis." She then stood up, took one of her arrows from the quiver and took aim.

"Akane, wait! We can't let them find us…"

"Oh, don't worry," Akane smiled. "I'm not gonna let them catch us." And she shot her arrow directly into the middle of the room."

"Hey, Zee?" Grak asked as the projectile landed directly next to him and got stuck in one of the wooden crates. "What's that?"

Zee came closer and took a look. "It's an arrow, dummy."

"I know that, but what's it doing here?" Grak asked.

Without a warning, the arrow exploded and released a thick cloud of smoke that engulfed the whole area, including Thog and the goblins.

"What? What's happening?" Grak screeched. "Thooog! Stay close to the merchandise!"

The troll grunted, even though he sounded pretty confused.

"There must be intruders," Zee shouted. "Gazzy… go find the boss. The rest of you… spread out and find the trespassers!"

The goblins drew their weapons, while Thog picked up his heavy club. Carefully, they started searching between the crates.

"This is spooky…" Grak muttered. "And I can't see a thing in this confounded smoke… Zim, you got something?"

He heard nothing, except for a dull thud coming from his right.

"What the hell is going on here?" Grak whispered, suddenly afraid. He followed the sound… and almost stumbled over a lifeless goblin body lying on the ground.

"Oh crap…" he gulped. He turned his head and shouted. "Zee! They got Zim! Whoever we're dealing with… they're good."

"Okay, quit panicking and keep your eyes open," Zee shouted back. "Whoever it is, he must be on his own… he can't take us all down… MMMMMPH!" Zee's words ended in a muffled scream.

"ZEE!" Grak yelled. "Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap… I am sooo out of here! The boss can keep his reward… ack!" He found himself pinned against the floor, held in place by a heavy hunting net. "What? Where… where did this thing come from?"

"That would be mine," a female voice behind him chuckled. "Sorry, but it's nighty-night for you." And then he saw blackness.

One after another, the goblins got picked out and removed from the field. In the end, only Thog the troll remained standing. The smoke started to dissipate after some time, so he was able to see all the unconscious, trapped or even dead goblins lying around.

Thog tightened his grip around his club. While he wasn't very intelligent, he could get angry very quickly with the right motivation. And taking out all of his gang members was a pretty good motivation. He let out a bellowing roar and started smashing boxes.

Fortunately, Akane and Nabiki's current hiding place was at the other side of the warehouse, so they had a moment to breathe until the troll found them. "What now, fearsome ranger?" Nabiki quipped sarcastically. "Your plan worked well against goblins, but do you have something in that bag of tricks of yours against an angry, rampaging troll?"

"Um, to be honest…" Akane sheepishly replied. "I don't. Any ideas?"

Nabiki rolled her eyes. "Looks like it's up to me to save the day… watch and learn, sis…"

She jumped out of her hiding place and yelled on top of her lungs: "Hey, wart face! Over here! Come and get me!"

Thog turned around, saw the hood-wearing pony and roared once more as he charged at her, trampling everything that stood in his way.

Nabiki started running as well, directly towards the approaching troll. She ignored Akane's frightened gasp, used her magic to take a small pouch from her belt and telekinetically threw it into his face. Thog gasped and sputtered when the pouch burst apart and released a strange black powder that covered his whole face. He whined in confusion and pain as his eyes started to sting and he was unable to see anything. Nabiki skillfully slid underneath the legs of the blinded troll and watched him run into a pile of boxes that collapsed on top of him. He instantly tried to push them of his back, flailing his huge arms around blindly. Nabiki once again ran at him, dodged his arms, jumped on his back… and drove her daggers into the right spot, right below his neck.

Thog chocked a couple of times, but then his flailing stopped, his arms turned limp and his whole body came crashing down to the floor.

Satisfied with the results of her actions, Nabiki leapt to the ground and sheathed her daggers. "Now that's what I call a job well done," she smiled.

Akane came closer, staring at the troll. "I… I don't believe it… what you did…"

"I know, pretty amazing, right?" Nabiki smirked.

Akane shook her head. "That's not what I'm saying. You KILLED that troll!" She looked around. "And… and some of those goblins, too… How could you do that? Taking a life? That is NOT what dad is teaching at the dojo!" She angrily stood in front of her unicorn sister. "Anything Goes is meant to defend yourself and beat your opponent… not KILL them!"

"Well, then I suppose my techniques are not Anything Goes," Nabiki shrugged. She sighed as she saw the appalled expression on Akane's face. "Oh, give it a rest. Those were just goblins and a troll. You're not seriously going to say their lives were worth a single yen."

"EVERY life is worth something!" Akane shouted. "You know, I honestly wanted to help you because I was worried about you… and then, when I found out that you wanted to help people, I was even happy. I was starting to get hope that you're actually trying to do something better with your life than cheating and swindling others. But THIS…" She once again stared at the dead troll. "This is much worse!"

Nabiki was about to make a snappy remark, but suddenly, the two of them heard the sound of someone clapping.

"Amazing work, girls. Seriously, I never imagined someone would be able to stop my little operation here. And to be honest, I doubt that a regular martial artist would have had the right skills to do the job. But you two really changed since the last time I've met you. Especially you, Nabiki-chan… you've become so much more ruthless." An evil chuckled followed. "I'm proud of you. You may not be a martial artist, but you show so much more promise than Soun or Genma ever did."

And with that, the ringleader of the goblins, the diabolical mastermind behind the robberies and a person both Tendo girls wished they didn't have to see again so soon, stepped into the room.

It was Happosai.

"Y… you?" Nabiki muttered. "It was you?"

"And it was such an ingenious plan, too," the wrinkled master of Anything Goes martial arts snickered. "Kodachi-chan with all her power, money and magic is capable of causing sooo much chaos and confusion for Nerima, again and again… so much that she doesn't even realize that some of the stuff stolen from her wasn't even taken by adventurers. And for the same reason, the merchants in town never expected anyone else but Kodachi to loot and plunder their storerooms and shops. And while they all continued to play their little game, my little goblin friends here stayed hidden. In this business, staying out of sight is a great advantage to have."

He looked over to Nabiki. "A lesson you seem to have taken to heart, Nabiki-chan. You'd make an excellent pupil, I must say. You even took out the competition…" He looked around the lifeless bodies in the warehouse.

"Wait a minute… since when are you a criminal mastermind?" Nabiki frowned. She seemed to have ignored everything he told her. "You enjoy spreading chaos, you're a nuisance and a lecherous imp, and sometimes even downright dangerous… but since when have YOU been interested in stealing wares? Running a gang? And selling the goods for money? That doesn't sound like you at all." She narrowed her eyes. "Tell us what's really going on here."

For a moment, Happosai seemed surprised. Then he grinned. "Very good, Nabiki-chan. Your mind is sharp as ever, my little pony. Of course I'm not doing this for the money. And being the boss of these thugs is just a means to an end. You see, one of the advantages of running a band of thieves is…" He ran over to one of the bigger crates and opened them. "That you can decide what your men are stealing for you."

Akane and Nabiki didn't believe their eyes when they saw the objects spilling out of the crate. White, colored, plain, patterned, frilly, simple, big, small… it was a sight that was synonymous with the ancient martial arts master's depraved mind.

"You're telling me…" Akane said. "That you put together a band of thieves… stole all these goods… and put Kodachi and the townspeople against each other… just so you have a safe way of stealing UNDERWEAR?"

"Yes!" Happosai giggled as he dove into the pile of panties and bras. "I'm such a genius!"

"Yeah, well, we're gonna put an end to this," Akane shouted and raised her bow.

"Um, Akane?" Nabiki asked. "Do you honestly think a novice archer and amateur rogue are able to take on a martial arts master? I mean… even Ranma had his problems with the old lech…"

"I don't know, but I can't let him get away with it either," Akane said.

Happosai chuckled. "Oh, you girls are just too precious. I hate to rough up a pair of cuties like you… especially you, Akane-chan… but if you insist, you leave me no choice. HAPPO DAIKARIN!"

"Aaah! Akane, watch out!" Nabiki shouted as she pushed her sister out of the way. Happosai's deadly firecracker flew past them and exploded, destroying several crates with stolen goods inside.

"What are you doing?" Akane gasped. "That belongs to someone… did you steal it just to blow it up?"

Happosai laughed gleefully. "Who cares about that stuff, I told you it's all about the underwear. You girls should be careful though, if you don't want to be blown up alongside it."

"Not if I can help it," Akane said as she drew a net arrow and took aim… only to see that Happosai was nowhere to be found. "Wh-what? Where did he go?" That's when she felt something touching her backside.

"Mmmmmmm… so soft…" the ancient pervert sighed dreamily as he clung onto Akane's butt cheeks.

The younger Tendo's face turned red with embarrassment and anger as she set aside her ranger skills for a moment and instead summoned her mallet. "Happosai no baka!" She tried pounding him, but he was just too fast for her.

"Hey, Happosai!" Nabiki suddenly shouted. "Catch this!"

Happosai turned around… to see a white cotton bra flying in his direction. "Oooooh, how beautiful…" he sighed as he jumped to embrace the object of his desire…

…only to realize that one of his own firecrackers was wrapped inside the piece of underwear. "Oh no…" he managed to mutter, before it exploded.

As the smoke cleared, the girls saw Happosai, still standing, but his face covered in soot. He coughed a couple of times. "N-nice trick, Nabiki… exactly what I would have done in your position."

"Would you stop comparing yourself to me?" Nabiki asked in annoyance.

"But I'm afraid that's not enough to stop me," Happosai said as he jumped on top of another pile of crates. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a bottle. "Behold! One of the finest results of my robbing spree!" He grinned. "This looks just like a normal bottle of grape juice, wouldn't you say? Yes, that's what I first thought, too… BUT! This actually contains a magical essence that is capable of turning regular humans into fantastic creatures with powers beyond your wildest imagination!" He laughed. "At least that's what that dryad girl and her friends were discussing while I was spying on them. Well then… let's figure out what this stuff can do to an already powerful master like myself. Bottoms up!"

As Happosai uncorked the bottle and drank its entire contents, the Tendo sisters looked at each other.

"Nabiki… isn't that…?" Akane wondered.

Nabiki nodded. "Yup… sure looks like it."

Happosai liked his wrinkly lips as he threw the empty bottle behind him. "Hmmmm, not too bad. A very sweet taste. Grapes, plums and a trace of… peppermint? But enough of the taste, let's see the effects!"

He spread his arms and waited. "Nothing yet…"

He started shrinking in his clothes. His skin turned smoother at the same time. "Still nothing…"

His martial arts clothes transformed as well, forming a pretty, purple dress that wrapped itself around Happosai's slender legs and bulging chest. "Nnnope…" he said in a voice that was much higher than before. "Nothing's happening."

His hair turned from sparse, poofy and white to shoulder-length, luxurious and blonde, while his face turned from wrinkly and horrifying to adorable and cute. "Seriously… why in the world is nothing happening?" she squeaked in frustration.

And finally… a pair of fluttering dragonfly wings sprouted from the new girl's backside and her whole body was surrounded in a spherical aura of purple light. "I don't get it!" the master of Anything Goes martial arts, forest fairy Happy shouted as she bobbed up and down in the air in annoyance. "It was supposed to make me suuuuper powerful! Why did NOTHING happen?"

"Seems like you were tricked by those twerps and their dryad friend, too," Nabiki chuckled. "Those bottles actually do contain only refreshment drinks. Too bad, Happy."

"Sh-shut up!" the martial arts fairy yelled in her high-pitched voice. "I still have my beloved underwear… and this! Happo Daikarin!" She produced another firecracker… which was the size of a cherry… and threw it.

Before it could reach the sisters though, a young girl wearing green clothes jumped up in the air, intercepted the firecracker's path… and sent it flying upwards with a single kick, where it harmlessly exploded in a small puff of smoke.

"That's a baaad fairy!" Cologne scolded as she landed in front of Akane and Nabiki. "No more stealing from your mistress and other people. It's about time you came home."

"Nooooo!" Happy wailed as she recognized the Kokiri girl. "Ko-chan, pleeeeaaaase… I didn't really want to steal anything from you. I didn't know those goblin chumps would target the Nekohanten too… I was only doing it for the underwear. You understand, riiight?" And the fairy dove head-first into the giant pile of panties. "Wonderful underwear…"

With a frown, Cologne picked the fairy up by her wings and pulled her out of the undergarments. "You are one perverted, lesbian fairy. No more leaving your room for several months, young lady! And for that time, you'll have to address me as…" She thought about it. "Mistress Cologne."

"B-but Ko-chan…" Happy pleaded.

"What did I just say?" Cologne glowered.

The fairy winced. "M-mistress Cologne… I didn't do anything wroooong! Those stupid goblins just couldn't follow orders and… and then those Tendo girls blew everything up…"

"I think I've heard enough," Cologne said as she took a small bottle and out the fairy inside. "I'm so sorry about this, girls," she sighed. "A fairy is supposed to watch over her Kokiri, but Happy has been unreasonable for a long time. I had no idea she would actually as go so far and use a gang of thieves to satisfy her twisted desires. I'll keep a closer eye on her from now on."

"You better," Nabiki grumbled. "And just because you jumped in there at the end doesn't change the fact that I still want to be paid my entire fee. This mission was hard to accomplish, even without giant trolls, perverted martial arts fairies and little sisters who decide to join the mission uninvited."

"Hey!" Akane shouted. "I helped, didn't I?"

"Yes, but you're also the one who complained about my methods," the unicorn rogue snapped. "If you hadn't followed me, you wouldn't have found out that I killed some goblins in the first place."

"Just because I don't know about it doesn't change the fact that it's a horrible thing to do!" Akane yelled. "By the way, you would never have been able to deal with the entire goblin gang AND the troll by yourself. You needed my help."

"I would have been able to figure something out. A rogue works best all on her own."

"Oh yeah? Even an amateur rogue?"

Cologne cleared her throat. "Ahem. Pardon the interruption, girls. But I want you to know that I intend on paying you the full price we agreed on, Nabiki-san. You can come by my restaurant any time you're close by… but for now, I need to take this naughty fairy back home." She looked into the bottle, where Happy pounded her little fists against the glass of her prison.

Glass… a fairy's only weakness.

Ranma ½ belongs to Rumiko Takahashi.

The Dryad (NPC) and everything Terraria belongs to Re-Logic.

Derpy Hooves and My little Pony belongs to Hasbro.

Wonder Woman belongs to DC Comics.

World of Warcraft belongs to Blizzard.

The Legend of Zelda belongs to Nintendo.

Dungeon Keeper belongs to Bullfrog Productions.

Fire Emblem belongs to Nintendo.