"It's good to have you back" April smiled, wrapping her arms around Don quickly. Don chuckles as well.

"It's good to be back honestly" He says, glancing at us. I laugh, waving at him to go. He grinned, allowing April to pull him away from us, probably to catch him up with everything that has been going down at school. We hadn't seen our friends much lately with everything that had happened.

It had all happened so quickly also. Saki's trial was still going, dad was meeting with Mikey's therapist today to see if it was the right one for our youngest brother. But the move just finished 2 days ago, and we were still getting used to our new home, especially dad and Miwa since they moved quite a distance.

But we had all agreed that going back to school was the best thing to do, even for Mikey.

I glance down at my youngest brother at the thought.

"Can't believe you two are siblings, fuck" Shini grins, and Miwa chuckles at her best friend's antics. "Does this mean you won't get high with me again?" She asks, and I'm ready to walk over to them, but Miwa already speaks up.

"Not anytime soon Shini, but nobody's stopping you" Miwa says, smiling at Mikey. Shini snickers, rolling her eyes.

"Got that right" She says with a stern voice, glancing at me and Raph for a moment.

"We should head to class soon" Mikey mentions, looking at Miwa, who looked around with a slightly confused expression on her face. It was her first day on this school after all. And while she was obviously glad to be wearing her own clothes at school for once, she did seem hesitant.

"Don't worry girl, we have the same classes this morning" Shini snickers, nudging Miwa.

"See you at lunch?" Miwa asks, glancing at me.

"Of course" I confirm, waving at Miwa as Shini drags her away. "We should head to class as well, bell's about to ring" I say, glancing at Mikey and Raph. All Mikey's classes were with at least one of us today, for which I glad. I wouldn't want to leave him alone right now, even if I knew he had enough friends.

While not the most popular guy, he has never been shy, and most students really liked Mikey, he was funny, helpful and selfless. And he had a great group of friends, and I trusted them with Mikey's safety any day, but I felt better knowing at least one of us was with him during the day.

Just to make sure he knew he could come to us if something was bothering him. His friends knew about what happened, he didn't like to keep it a secret, but they didn't understand it like Raph, Don and I did. They didn't grow up with Saki, and while we weren't emotionally abused, we experienced Saki's coldness.

We discovered him that day, we rescued Mikey.


"We're home!" I announce as we walk inside, Miwa and Leo close behind me. Raph and Mikey still had one more class, but since school was close to home right now, we decided to just go home already.

"I am in the kitchen" Dad spoke, and I could immediately hear the tense tone in his voice, I frown, glancing at Leo and Miwa, but they too seemed to hear it. I turn left, walking over to the kitchen. Dad was standing in the kitchen area, glancing at the three of us before softly gesturing to the chairs.

I obeyed, sitting down without question, Leo and Miwa sitting down as well.

"What is it dad?" Miwa asks, but dad shakes his head.

"I assure you it is nothing negative my daughter" He says, turning to us. "The jury has decided on Saki's sentence today" He tells, and I could feel myself freezing just ever so slightly. I knew it was a possibility that happened today, but there was also a chance that they would need another hearing to decide.

And in all honestly, reuniting with my friends, and catching up with school had taken the majority of my attention today.

"Shouldn't we wait and tell Mikey and Raph?" Leo asks, but dad shakes his head.

"I wanted to discuss something with you about Michelangelo, am I correct to assume both Raphael and him have one remaining class?" He asks, and I nod.

"They won't be home in another 30 minutes at least" I tell him, and dad smiled, nodding.

"The jury gave Saki 42 years in prison for emotional and physical abuse of Michelangelo, neglect of behalf of the four of you, and manipulating and threatening Shen."

"So the diary was enough to prove that Saki really threatened mom?" Miwa asks, and dad nods with a sigh. It would be a sore subject for a while, that's for sure. Miwa had grown up for 16 years not knowing what to think of her mom. Dad knew nothing more than the fact that mom choose Saki over him.

And while Dad had always tried to convince Miwa that she was free to choose, Miwa had resented her mom for leaving her without a second though, even if she knew mom loved her. Now, however, it was revealed that her mom left to protect her.

"It was, my daughter" He spoke gently.

"What else did you want to talk about?" Miwa instead asks. I frown, looking at dad.

"I wanted to ask you two something" He continues, looking at Leo and me. "Do you know if Michelangelo is interested in arts?" He asks, and I could feel my frown deepen. Before I could question his question however, Dad pulls a piece of paper from his pocket, handing it to Leo and me.

Leo carefully took it from dad, showing it to me, and simultaneously looking at it himself.

It was a drawing of a forest, just black and white without any colours. It was beautiful, despite the lack of colours, there was so much debt in the drawing, and so much detail. I frown slightly, the drawing was beautifully drawn, and yet so dark and grim.

"Mikey drew this?" Leo whispers softly, and Dad nods slightly.

"I believe so, yes" He says. "If it is the case, your brother is very talented. Drawing could help him mentally also"

"I never really realised, I knew Mikey loved drawing but he never showed us" I mumble

"Maybe he was ashamed?" Leo asks softly, glancing at Miwa and dad, who were both looking at Leo with astonished looks. I knew what they were thinking though. The thought of Mikey being ashamed of something, our youngest brother being scared of our reactions to the drawings would've shocked me…

If it weren't for the fact that we knew Mikey. We knew how insecure he actually was, the insecurities about himself, about his value.

"Mikey isn't as confident as he looks." I explain, glancing at Leo. "I guess we now know why" I mutter after the sentence, and a dark look fills Leo's eyes. He knew what I was talking about without a doubt. Dad talking down on Mikey for so many years. He had the biggest heart of us all.

And that's also why Mikey took everything so hard. Dad telling him constantly that he wasn't worth anything, that he didn't contribute anything useful to the family was devastating for his confidence.

I glare at the ground, to nothing in particular. Saki was wrong, so wrong. It didn't matter in the first place, but Mikey contributed so much. Both Leo, Raph and I had the tendency to be too serious, to let ourselves get depressed. Mikey was the one to always cheer us up, he was the one to help us so unconditionally.

He was what made us laugh most of the time, kept us together as well. He was the glue of the family.

And what Saki didn't realise, was that Mikey was talented. Saki never cared to know about his talents probably, or deemed them not good enough. The drawing that was still in front of us already showed this, without taking any classes he could already draw like this.. that was impressive.

Raph was the athletic one, universities lining up to give him a scholarship. Leo was both smart and athletic. Not to brag, but not as smart as I was, and also not as athletic as Raph. He was still fairly above average, and what he lacked in knowledge and athletic ability, he made up for it with insight.

I was the brains, as Mikey had often described me.

But Mikey? Mikey was the creative one, always had been. The drawing only adds to this. And I would be damned if I allowed Saki to take away the confidence in his creative ability as well.


"So nobody's telling me where we're going?" Mikey sighs, turning to Don with a hopeful look. I snicker, shaking my head.

"Nobody's telling ya just yet bonehead" I roll my eyes, nudging him with a grin plastered on my face.

"It's not much Mikey, but those two wanted to surprise you" Leo says, glancing at us from the mirror. He was, as the oldest, sitting in the front of the car next to dad. Mikey, Don and I were sitting in the back of the car, currently on our way to the 'surprise' we had for Mikey.

Miwa wasn't with us, she was working on catching up on schoolwork together with Shini.

"Don't be so pessimistic fearless" I snort, glancing at Mikey. Truth be told, Leo was right, it wasn't a really exciting surprise, but definitely, hopefully, one Mikey would appreciate. And most specifically, one that would help Mikey heal, make him recover a bit better after all the shit Saki did to him.

So the four of us keep our mouths shut, not telling Mikey where we were going. It didn't take long for dad to park the car, and Mikey glanced out of the window.

"No way!" Mikey grins, turning back to me. "Are you guys serious?" He asks, glancing back at the store again. DaVinci Artist Supply, a store where you could buy all the art supplies you could even think of. And a perfect place for Mikey to snoop around. I snicker, nudging Mikey, but he was too focused on the store.

"Told you it wasn't that exciting" Leo says, and Mikey turns around.

"You kidding?! This is amazing" Mikey cries out, turning to dad. "How did you know?" He asks, much softer and much more hesitant this time.

"I found your drawing, my son" Dad spoke. "I came to the conclusion that you would appreciate some real supplies to work with" He continues, and Don nods shyly. Mikey's smile just widens.

"I don't know what to say" Mikey mutters, and I snicker.

"Then don't, just go in there and pick stuff ya like" I tell him, nudging him slightly.

"Anything?" He asks, much more hesitant again.

"I will pay for anything you want to buy my son, if it is within reason. It is the least I can give you for letting you suffer under Saki's watch" Mikey's smile falters ever so slightly, and he reaches forwards, putting a hand on dad's shoulder. The latter smiled, putting his hand on top of Mikey's.

A silent conversation seemed to be going on between Mikey and dad, but it was all so clear what Mikey wanted to say.

I don't blame you, it wasn't your fault.


One month later.

"Mikey?" I found myself asking, simultaneously knocking on the door. From the other side of the door, I could hear my only little brother hum slightly, and I carefully open the door. I glance around the room, eyes falling on Mikey's form after a few seconds.

My youngest brother was sitting on the ground, sitting cross legged and facing the easel in front of him. He looked calm, peaceful as his eyes were trained on the canvas that was attached to the easel. I smile gently, just like dad had predicted, Mikey loved everything that had something to do with art.

He loved drawing, he loved painting, and he loved spending hours writing whatever poems or stories he came up with.

"What's up?" Mikey asks, not taking his eyes off the canvas. It was turned away from me, so I couldn't see what was on it. Which wasn't uncommon, while we knew Mikey loved being creative, it was also evident that he didn't like sharing those creations with us. He was still insecure about them.

"Dad asked me to get you, dinner's almost done" I tell him, glancing at the canvas. Mikey sighs, putting down his brush for a moment. "Almost done?" I snicker slightly, and Mikey glances at me.

There was a strange kind of calm aura around him. He was always at ease painting, or losing himself in his head. It helped him heal over the last month, helped him come to terms with the insecurities Saki forced upon him. He was still bubbly as ever, that wasn't something he pretended, that was just how Mikey was.

But Mikey also needed some peace and quiet, a time for himself.

"Almost" Mikey nods, not really looking at me. He puts the brush in the water next to him to avoid it drying out. He takes a deep sigh, glancing at the panting. "You can look if you want" He adds, almost hesitantly.

"You sure?" I ask, and he nods again.

"I want you to see it" He says, glancing at me. I comply, walking over to him, and turning around to look at the drawing. My breath hitches slightly at the painting, it was beautiful. Unlike his earlier drawings, the painting was full of warm and colourful lights. He had drawn a canal of some sorts, surrounded by scenery.

I didn't even have the right words to describe it other than beautiful.

"It's beautiful Mikey" I whisper, putting a hand on his shoulder. Mikey grins slightly, gazing at the drawing again.

"Thanks D" He mutters. I grin, leaning down and wrapping an arm around him.

"Don't doubt yourself little bro" I whisper in his ear, and Mikey chuckles, pushing me away.

"I know, I know" He waves off, climbing to his feet.

"Not like I don't appreciate it, but why are you showing it now?" I ask, almost hesitantly. I didn't want Mikey to take this the wrong way. But I was curious why he was showing me. Of course he had shown us some doodles, or some small drawings, but art he was serious and passionate about weren't shown.

Mikey looks at the window at the question, and for a second I'm worried I did say something wrong.. until I saw the tiniest smile on Mikey's face.

"I talked about it with Willow, about the drawings" He stops for a moment, glancing at me. Willow was his therapist, someone he had been talking with for about a month now. "We talked about me not showing the drawings.. and she encouraged me to show them"

"But you're still afraid?" I ask, and he nods.

"I mean it's stupid really.. I'm just afraid of your reactions, da- Saki never appreciated art. Thought it was useless" He takes a deep breath. "I know you don't feel the same, or.. but I guess I'm still afraid"

"That's totally normal Mikey" I say, and Mikey chuckles.

"That's what Willow said as well" He says, an amused smile on his face. "But you're right Don.. that's why I'm showing you, to get over it"

"But you don't have to show us, or me, if you don't want to" I urge, but Mikey frowns before shaking his head.

"That's where you're wrong dude. I always wanted to show you everything. I want to show you I'm good at something.. but I'm afraid you won't like it, or won't think it's something special" He explains, taking another breath. "I showed Saki when we were younger, and he told me the drawing wasn't good, and that I should focus on school instead"

"I never knew" I whisper, but Mikey shakes his head.

"We already established that dude" He says, but I just frown. It wasn't a secret that Mikey was still insecure about his own self worth because of Saki beating him down all those years. But it was no secret that we all felt guilty about not noticing sooner. Leo, Raph and I all felt guilty about not noticing that Saki was abusing Mikey.

Emotional abuse mostly, but it was still too much. And Mikey still bore vague scars on his back for the one time dad truly hurt Mikey.

"Well Willow was right Mikey, the painting is beautiful, you should be proud" I tell him, and I can practically see his eyes light up with excitement. This was something he needed to hear, something he loved to hear.

And if it helped Mikey heal, I would repeat it as many times as I had to.


"I'm proud of ya little brother" Raph grinned, forcing Mikey into his side and ruffling his hair. Mikey laughed, trying to twist out of Raph's grip.

"Thanks Raphie" Mikey snickered, glancing around before his eyes landed on us.

"It's really beautiful otouto" I add, smiling as well. Mikey's face fell slightly, before another smile spread across his face. He walks over to me, and I wrap an arm around him as well. Just like Raph had done, but not as rough.

"Thanks Leo" He whispers, and I chuckle.

"It is indeed truly magnificent my son" Dad spoke, and Don nodded along as well. Mikey smiled, glancing at the painting that hung on the wall in front of him. Unlike his previous paintings, this one was bright, colours all over the painting that somehow made sense. Much like Mikey's mind himself.

We were currently at a museum exposing numerous high school paintings. Mikey's paintings was one of the few that had been picked to be shown. And it was an understatement to say we were all proud of him, even if Mikey didn't believe in his own talents just yet.

I sigh slightly, and I lower my arm around Mikey's shoulder but neither of us move away. I glance to the right, smiling again. It was weird to think how far Mikey had come in the last 4 months. He had come so far in those months, especially after the trial of Saki was over, and we got used to our new life again.

"Thanks dad" Mikey spoke softly, grinning before turning around to us again. Dad.

It was still so weird to actually realise that this was our life right now, that our biological dad was actually our dad. I shake my head slightly, it was our life right now, and I was grateful for it. It was silent for a moment, and I could see Mikey's smile falter.

"Turn that frown upside down little bro" Miwa grinned, nudging Mikey's side. The latter snickers, grabbing his head, and pretending to snap it. Turning his frown upside down.

"What has my life come to" Don exclaims, turning to me. I shake my head with an amused grin.

"Just roll with it Don" I say, slinging an arm around him as well. Dad was, however, looking at us with a confused look. "Don't ask" I snicker, and that seemed to be enough for dad. This wasn't the first time Miwa and Mikey had thrown around references like that. Over these 4 months they had really bonded, they had the exact same humour.

Dad first learned that the hard way when he asked who ate his sandwich.

"How about we go out for dinner tonight instead?" Dad asks softly, looking at us. "I do not particularly feel like cooking, and this accomplishment is worth a proper celebration" Dad suggest, glancing towards the painting again with a smile of pride on his face.

"Thanks dad" Mikey whispers with a bright smile, hugging dad, who in turn returned the hug as well. He glances at us, motioning us to join in. I shake my head, willingly joining the hug. We were family right now. And even if Mikey wasn't completely healed, and would probably never be.

He was okay, we were all okay. Dad loved us, Miwa did as well. Raph and Don still had their scholarships waiting for them, but we didn't need them anymore. Dad had enough money to send us anywhere in the world. I smile slightly, glancing at Mikey. I wouldn't pretend I wasn't a tiny bit jealous.

But Mikey had gotten numerous offers as well, universities asking Mikey to join them. All art related. Neither of us had decided yet on where to go, but for now that didn't matter. We were still together, free from Saki. And we still had years to decide where we'd go.

For now, all that mattered was that Mikey was getting better, and we were together.


So because we never actually got to see Miwa's personality in the series, because Karai was heavily influenced by Shredder and all, I was pretty much free in creating her personality. And I just saw Black Panther when I got to sort of creating Miwa. And I just fell in love with Shuri. So I gave her her personality. And of course with her personality, the meeemess.

My friends and I used to do this so often back in high school. Like blurt out one of the asdf movies skits, and finish it without hesitation. Everyone was always so confused xD Especially my teacher when I blurted out "I can dream Harold!" Out loud.. his name was also Harold.

Sooooo... This is officially the end of the story. So I hope you guys liked it! Let me know what you thought *Hint*

*Hugs for everyone* See ya!