The End Starts Now

Summary- As the Talon Ranger, Heckyl is finally starting to move on from his past. But when Snide comes back to settle the score, Heckyl and the rangers know it's going to end with one of them destroyed. He's prepared to face the consequences and will do everything in his power to make sure Snide is gone, once and for all.

Crickets chirped in the otherwise still night air. Heckyl grew to enjoy the sound. It was much better than crackling branches and twigs, alerting him to the danger coming near him. There were too many threats to him now. Too many of his former cohorts that knew of him and Snide, that knew of his and Snide's split. It was only a matter of time until someone came for him.

He did his best to stay away from the rest of the rangers. Just for the time being. They needed to stay safe while he figured things out. Couldn't have them become blindsided and maimed all because…well…because they'd grown to be his friends? Grown to be his teammates? There were too many risks. He couldn't risk them anymore.

Besides, he wasn't someone who could sit back and let it happen. Not anymore. There were too many things at stake now. Besides, he'd grown used to being in the woods. Those house comforts…the places the rangers lived…it wasn't his home. No. He couldn't stand sleeping in beds. They were too uncomfortable; too worrying. If he slept as soundly as he did on those beds, he'd let himself be a target for anyone who came too close. Koda had it right; sleeping in trees, sleeping on the ground, it was easier for him. Not comfortable in the slightest, but at least there was enough space around him to hear whatever may be coming. No way to hide.

And as Heckyl sat in front of the roaring fire, he'd grown very adept at making them in a flash, his sense of comfort was immediately shattered. Pain shot through his neck, making his eyes slam shut. The pain exploded through the rest of his body, like a sledgehammer smashing against his skull. His teeth clenched together, breath halted, gasps gurgled in his throat.

How long had it been? How long had he been a ranger? How long had he been at peace? Not long enough. The pain slowly subsided,

Heckyl opened his eyes, bringing his fingers to press against his neck. Even in the dim lighting he could see the blue hue emanating from him. A wave of dread flowed through him. He knew it was coming, knew it was only a matter of time until his sense of peace was shattered.

Knew the connection they had was never going to be completely severed until one of them was dead. That day was drawing closer.

Snide had returned.

A/N: Finally, the last story is up. I'm sorry it took so long, but I wanted to be able to get a good chunk of the story done before I posted. First time I've done that, I'm pretty sure. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed the prologue and I'll have the next part up soon.
