The Frontier Spark
Episode 1: One Bad Day
"So, Doc, this is all for one of those precursor relics I've heard about?" An assault class pilot dressed in full combat gear said as he walked alongside a scientist in a white lab coat.
"Zat is correct, and you must be 2nd lieutenant Thomas Burke. I am doctor Mira Vahlen, or perhaps you may simply call me Mira." The scientist replied. She was a woman with brown hair tied into a bun on top of her head and blue eyes.
"I still don't see why exactly I was brought here with my Vanguard class titan. Other than not going to military jail." The pilot said grumpily.
"Your titan VX-1887 is here just in case a situation arises that asset containment is not equipped to deal with. You are a Pilot and a Titan is useless without one, even a Vanguard class." The doctor said frankly.
"What, like in case aliens or something worse jumps through instead of me?" The man said sarcastically.
"There is good reason to fear the unknown. I am quite sure a soldier like you would understand that fact." Doctor Vahlen stated matter-of-factly.
"You're right I'm still a soldier doc. So yeah, I'll give you that in the face of danger fear is an appropriate response. That doesn't mean I'm going to like being a lab rat or a guard dog." The experienced 19-year-old warfighter replied.
"Men like you are trained to face the unknown lieutenant, to overcome that response and fight on in spite of it against the IMC." The doctor retorted.
"Spoken like either a true patriot or a master of propaganda. Look her doc, just get me to that lab doc and I'll be ready to do my job as a glorified doorman." Burke said coolly.
"Actually, I was considering more of an adventurous approach with your impressive record in combat herr Burke. You did say something about jumping through." Mira replied cheekily.
"I have a feeling I'm not going to like this one bit, am I?" The assault pilot replied skeptically from behind his armored visor.
"Science demands the need to leave one's comfort zone Lieutenant. Especially, when it is in the name of discovery. This is your punishment for disobeying your orders after all. Working with me is a far more lenient punishment than the brig as I am sure you are aware. Aren't you?" The doctor spoke as if she were talking to a crowd of nerds and reminded the young man of his accidental crime.
"Don't remind me of that doc, I hate, hate, remembering the stupid thing that got me roped into this.*sigh* Are we there yet?" Burke asked his temporary superior.
"Very well, we are almost there, Lieutenant." Doctor Vahlen relented and they entered the sector of the laboratories that housed the test chamber. Lieutenant Burke looked around the large room that chock full with all kinds of expensive prototype gadgets and astronomically advanced tech being moved around or currently being developed/operated by the small legion of people in jumpsuits, hard hats, and lab coats. Scientists and maintenance personnel busied themselves with their work to earn a paycheck on the militia's dime.
"*whistle* Wow, command didn't spare any expense on all your shiny toys doc." Thomas said in awe of all the advanced tech and highly specialized personnel in the research facility.
"Yes, well here is where we have been developing breakthroughs in advanced technology and other scientific fields for the Militia High Command. This is in fact where your titan's core was created and programmed, essentially this is where the Vanguard class AI program was born. So yes Lieutenant, command spared no expense on this facility." Mira said with an almost zealous tone as casually flaunted her work in front the frontline soldier.
"That's the thing in that room over there?" Burke asked bluntly.
"If you are referring to the ring device yes. So far our preliminary research reveals it to be a portal of unknown origin that was discovered in an IMC dig site now controlled by the Militia. We like to believe it was built by the precursors, the ones who originally created the fold weapon that destroyed the IMC fortress world Typhon." Mira said with an almost zealous tone. "Now imagine what other worlds that the precursors may have accessed and left behind these technological gifts."
"That's actually kind of scary when you think of it from my perspective since it was a rebuilt alien super weapon that blew that planet up. Anyway, as interesting as the whole new worlds thing sounds, let's just get this over with." The soldier wanted to cut to the chase.
"I agree. Your titan should be arriving now." The doctor said as stomping could be heard outside. A large door slid open and a pristine Vanguard Class titan strolled into the building. Its black paint was gleaming brand new like the chassis had just rolled off the assembly line.
"Woah VEX is that you?! I really dig the new look partner!" The assault pilot gave his partner a thumb's up.
"Affirmative pilot, same titan, new chassis." VX answered and gave a salute.
"Great, well at least my partner cleans up nice." Burke crossed his arms. After several minutes and much preparation, the experiment had begun. Burke stood watch in front of the portal with his R201 rifle loaded for bear. As the portal fired up, a glitch made itself known. The scientists at the controls tried to correct it but the glitch soon caused a cascade of system crashes and the device began act erratically. Within moments of the system failure the alarm sounded and the scientists began trying to shut down the device. Thinking it would explode, Burke and VX began running towards the exit. A bolt of electricity raced out of the portal and struck the pilot. After that it began sucking things in like a black hole. VX rammed his arm into the wall but was unable to catch Burke before he was hurled through the event horizon. Burke passed through several different sub-portals as he tumbled through a tunnel of time and space itself.
Aboard the airship castle wulfenbach, the Baron was examining the hive engine with his scientists. A lamp had fallen and caused the large device to tumble to the floor. After capturing a boy who owned up to it, the baron let him go and went back to studying the demonic machine. A strange electrical anomaly violently sparked to life in the center of the room. The ball of electricity grew to the size of a large globe. A moment later a figure in the shape of a man was hurled out of it.
"Aw hell this is gonna huuuuurt!" the man cried as he slammed into a wall. "OOF!" Though pilots normally land with an assist from the jump kit this time Burke was unlucky for his to be temporarily disabled by the energy bolt. The disgruntled soldier shook his head as he reeled from the shock of the impact. He'd been through falling flat before during training so he was able to deal with it. It didn't change the fact that he was disoriented and dazed from the whole thing.
"What in the name of castle Wulfenbach is this?!" The Baron shouted as the man careened through the air, landing with a loud thud.
"It appears to be a portal of some kind herr baron!" One of the two scientists exclaimed.
"Amazing!" The Baron said as he looked at the glowing energy vortex.
"It's closing." The other Scientist said in disappointment as the anomaly slowly shrunk.
"No matter, what came out of it?" The baron waved his hand dismissively.
"It appears to be a man in some strange kind of armor!" A guard said as he approached the man.
"Look at the advanced design of his gear!" One of the scientists said as he briefly examined the armor of the stranger. He wore a strange helmet with a glowing blue visor. One of the markings on the helmets was a label SRS. His armor was black with various military markings adorning it including a white star patch on his shoulder.
Burke shook his head and gritted his teeth. "Hey back off!" The assault pilot jumped to his feet and prepared his fists.
"Who are you mein freund? Are you a soldier of some kind?" The Baron asked the armored stranger.
"The guy who will kick your German ass if you don't let me jump back through that portal to where I belong." The future soldier threatened as he drew a set of dual P2016 Hammond service pistols.
"That is a finely crafted set of weapons. You seem very interested in returning to where or perhaps when you came from. Tell me are you a time traveler of some sort? I am Baron Wulfenbach and you will not be leaving this ship." The baron said as guards flooded into the room.
"Get out of my way, I have to get back! I'll go through you if I have to!" The man in the futuristic armor growled menacingly to the baron.
"DO NOT THREATEN ZE BARON!" A jagermonster growled to the intruder.
"Shut it ugly! I just want to go home to where I came from that's it!" Thomas pointed one pistol to the humanoid creature.
"I AM NOT UGLY!" The creature roared, pointing his own weapon at the warfighter from another world.
"I'm afraid not, you are now a permanent guest of mine. Surrender, and you will not be harmed." The baron offered to the man who come from the sparking vortex of energy.
"No way baron whatever your name is, that's my ticket back to Harmony!" The future soldier refused. The warfighter knew he couldn't trust the man as far as he could throw him. Just then, a giant metal fist reached into the room through the portal knocking away all the enemy guards.
"Pilot grab on!" An electronic voice said from beyond the portal.
"VEX!" The soldier shouted happily.
"Guards restrain him!" The recovering Baron shouted to his jagermonster troops.
"VEX don't! It's going to close on you!" The man revealed to be a pilot ordered to his friend.
"Pilot Burke protocol 3 dictates-!" The electronic voice started to say something but was cut off.
"Tell the doc to reopen it again later, I have to move now!" The pilot said as he ran for it, wounding two guards in his path with his pistol.
"Affirmative Pilot, closing portal!" The voice said as the large mechanical arm retreated into the portal.
"Get back here!" The Baron roared.
"Sorry but I can't stay Baron von Wolfenstein!" The pilot said as blue flames erupted from a pack on his back while he ran down a hallway into the depths of the airship.
"That's Wulfenbach to you! I want all guards to capture the intruder ALIVE!" The Baron was furious now that the mystery man was running loose.
"Ya herr baron!" One of the guards saluted and they began to chase the man. The pilot dashed through the hall at a lightning fast pace, sidestepping passing personnel and humping from wall to wall despite the cramped nature of his surroundings. One guard tried to hit him as he slid right under without stopping and even slightly increasing his speed.
"Stop zat human!" A guard yelled as alarms blared throughout the section of the massive airship.
"Catch me if you can!" The pilot shouted tauntingly to his pursuers. All he had to do was keep running until another portal opened somewhere that he could get to. Hopefully doctor Vahlen could get him home as he did not want to end getting trapped in another dimension of steampunk weirdos.