Disclaimer – I do not own anything
The auroras danced across the sky bringing more elegance to the land. The wind blew, causing the branches of the trees to shuffle their leaves in protest. The trees casting long shadows covering much of the landscape, even with the ever looming moons Secunda and Masser. The shadows did not manage to cover Fort Kastav, the moons shining their light down upon it giving all clear view of all who resided.
Recently it had been attacked by bandits, who had managed to succeed in capturing the fort. Due to too many soldiers and mercenaries have been sent to eradicate the problem, but none have returned. Eventually one of the guards sent a messenger to go and seek the professional. It has been two weeks since the man was sent.
As the moons reached their peak, whistling was heard down the road from the fort. The bandit that stood at the gate, turned and saw a lone figure slowly making his way past the fort. He called out at the figure and slowly approached.
"You there, this is a toll road. If you want to pass you're going to have to pay five-hundred gold septims." He commanded.
The man who wore farmer clothes did nothing except for stopping what he was doing, turned and walked up to the man. The silence was starting unnerving the bandit, so he drew his weapon.
"I not going to ask again!" he shouted. The wanderer reached into his pocket and grabbed a sack full of gold coins, and slowly walked towards the bandit. As he was approaching the wanderer assessed the bandit before him, looking for a weakness.
As he reached the bandit he made a moved his hand towards the bandit with the sack. The bandit put out his hand to receive the gold, which he did receive in no time short. He started counting out the gold pieces when suddenly the gold sack turned into a wooden dagger, and the farmer clothes suddenly disappeared as a spell wore off, leaving behind a man in heavy armor towering over him, with his sword drawn.
The man plunged his sword into the bandit's chest before he could even blink, and swiftly pulled the blade out. And tossing the body to the side, and moving into the fort. Soon the other bandits realized that they were under attack and grabbed their weapons and began to retaliate. Advancing on the bandits, he shouted.
Their weapons were torn from their hands as if they had been burned, leaving them mostly defenseless. Advancing upon his enemies who either charged at him with the daggers they managed to keep, or ran to retrieve their weapons. The hulking man began to easily pick apart those who came at him with their daggers. The other didn't last much longer either, so begging him for mercy or divine intervention.
The man finally reached the chief's quarters, upon arriving he was struck with enough to send him into the wall, with a sickening 'crack'. As two of his ribs broke. As he rose to his feet he felt his strength leach away and was quickly drawn to the source. The chief was a massive orc warrior, encased in Nordic battle armor in his hands was an enchanted Warhammer.
"Ha, so you managed to kill the rest of my camp, such a shame to make it this far and die" The chief began to mock as he approached.
The man quickly dropped his shield and cast a healing spell, it felt strange as his bones began to bind themselves back together. He then charged the berserk chief and reengaged in combat. The chief raises his hammer in the air and performed a downward strike which the man counters with a barrel roll forward.
Every time the orc, tried to hit the man it was expertly parried by the man's sword or a well-performed roll. He was trying and managing to tire the berserk, waiting for the opportune moment to strike a blow. He moved in front a bookshelf and the chief swung his hammer with all his might at the man, only for his hammer to become stuck. He tried to pull the hammer out from the wood, but it was already too late.
The man was behind and slashed the orc's legs so that he could longer move and deliver the killing blow. Which was a horizontal slash through his neck which separated the orcs head from his body sending gouts of blood into the air and onto the floor. His body fell to the ground and it had the occasional twitch.
Turning around the man, went to chiefs bed and grabbed one of the blankets a cleaned off his sword. Approaching the chest near the wall, he opened it and went through what was there. Approximately four thousand gold coins, a few useless weapons, and some ingots. Taking only what he needed, he left the fort and made his way towards Windhelm to report that the chief and his bandits were dealt with.
As he entered the city most of the guards gave nods as he passed by, while the remaining citizens just stared in fear, awe, and respect. As he reached the palace of the kings, he approached the steward, informing him that the deed was done.
"Thank you, for your help Dragonborn, here's your reward," Kelsec Steelfist said as he handed the Dragonborn two hundred septims, which he respectfully refused and suggested he give it to the blacksmith.
"It was no problem, you needed help and I simply carried out the task." The Dragonborn replied as he left the palace. He slowly made his way through the streets and left the city. He departed down the road, getting into a pace he liked, which to most was almost faster than a horse.
After about a day's run, he returned to his home in Whiterun, Breezehome. As he entered his home he went upstairs and opened one of his chests and pulled out some materials needed to sharpen and improve his weapons and fix his armor. He left his house and went to the Skyforge.
When he arrived there he removed his armor, revealing an Imperial. Standing at six foot three inches, he was tall for an Imperial. Staring aimlessly over the city with his emerald eyes.
He began to repair and the dents and cuts in his armor, and then sharpened his sword. As he did so, his mind began to drift away, today was the day he dreaded the most each year, the same day he has dreaded for the past ninety years, the day he bested the First-Born of Akatosh, Alduin.
The day where his life ended.
His mind drifted off to their final meeting in the Sovngarde, the Nordic afterlife. He had arrived in the place where only he could defeat the bringer of the end-times.
As he ran through the mist, that had encompassed the entire area. He witnessed Alduin dive down and grab the souls of fleeing soldiers that had become ensnared in the mist, which he quickly devoured to regain more of his power.
He passed the test Tsun gave him, he managed to get the original three Tongues to come and help me defeat Alduin. We charged into the mist and we all used the clear skies shout to the clear area.
Alduin came forth and attacked them. After a long-waged battle only he remained to stand against the power of the World-Eater.
He charged forth and viciously attacked Alduin's wings. He ducked at the last second before the massive spiked tail swung over his head, quickly rolling to the side as the tail came back down where he previously was. But he was now in front of the dragon-god, and Alduin opened his maw and unleashed his flames. Raising his shield 'Spellbreaker' to block the coming flames.
He lunged straight for dragon ducking under more dragon fire. Jumping straight at the head of the dragon and managed to evade the oncoming snap of his jaw and cut his the left eye. Which resulted in a godly shout which slammed him back into a rock. Alduin took advantage of this and picked Dovahkiin up in his talons, bypassing his armor and digging into his flesh and carried him into the air, and then dropped him. Only for him to grab right before he hit the ground.
The bastard was toying with him, he sees it in his eye the pure amusement of watching him struggle, to find his own bearings. He finally had enough and took Dovahkiin higher into the sky and released him. His limbs were flailing in random directions and he plummeted towards the ground and shouted.
His body changed from a solid to a gaseous form. He hit the ground without sustaining any damage, and ran to his weapon, Alduin was still circling above him, just waiting for the battle to recommence. Dovahkiin grabbed his sword and turned towards the sky and witnessed Alduin's descent towards the ground. Deciding that it would be time to unleash his soul, Dovahkiin unleashed my Thu'um.
He felt my power increase as well as all his sense became inhumanly sharp, and his Thu'um recharged faster.
"I see you have learned the secrets of the First. Tahrodiis mey, Miraak. Treacherous Dragon Priest!" Alduin spoke. "But it will not be enough to save you!"
"Enough! It is time to end you!" He bellowed and unleashed the words that would give him an advantage.
As it collided with Alduin, he lost control and plummeted towards the ground. He managed to slow himself to land properly, but Dovahkiin was upon him instantly. Slashing up his entire body with renewed energy and stronger attacks, as he attacked his dragon soul sung with glee as he fought the first born on even terms.
"TIID KLO UL" He shouted as time itself bent to his will. He ran around Alduin delivering heavy blows. He could only slowly turn as blades sank deeper and deeper into his flesh. Eventually, the shout wore off and time restarted again, he unleashed frost at him. He ran through the frost and jumped onto his head, he began to thrash around making it harder and harder to maintain a grip. Dovahkiin raised his sword and impaled it into Alduin's skull, he shook him off and shouted into the sky.
"Dovahkiin! Zu'u stin hin kopraan nol tiid. Aav hin fron ko vozahlaas!"
"Zu'u unslaad! Zu'u nis oblaan"
Dovahkiin prepared to take his soul, but the 'god's' soul went up into the heavens. And his body exploded blasting him back, towards the bridge. He watched as the pieces of Alduin's body littered the grounds of Sovngarde slowly began to fade away.
Tsun approached him and said that this day would be remembered for as long as Sovngarde stands. After our brief conversation sent him back to Nirn. He awoke back in Nirn and was hailed a hero by the land. Life continued, he eventually had to pick a side to join.
When he brought an end to the civil war in Windhelm, he promised Ulfric that he would stop the Thalmor. With the death of Ulfric, the Thalmor no longer had an unwilling puppet to cause a civil war to weaken the empire. The Thalmor soon started a second Great War. He managed to get the remaining Stromcloaks to rejoin the Empire, unifying their forces and fight the Thalmor. Which lasted for six years.
When the war had ended, realized what exactly Alduin had done to him. His body became ageless. He watched as those around him slowly grow old and begin to perish one by one.
/End of flashback/
He hadn't realized that he had zoned out for such a long period of time. Dawn was soon to rise, the light began to rise on the horizon. With his weapon and armor finished he started making his way towards his house. But decided to go The Bannered Mare for a quick drink, instead.
Marius made his way inside and smiled at Beira the current owner of the Inn. He approached her and asked for the usual drink and paid for it slipping in a few extra coins just because he could. Went and sat down in the corner, and drank his mead in peace, thinking back to all the crazy times he had in here with his comrades.
Realizing that he had finished his mead he left and went Breezehome to gather some supplies. He grabbed Auriel's bow, his sword, and shield and a variety of arrows. He was off to the Forgotten Vale to go and clear his mind and possibly commune with his father, Akatosh or Auri-El in the Elven religion.
He traveled for four days to arrive at the first Wayshrine, having to deal with the occasional falmer attack or vale sabercats. He used the magical gates inside to travel the rest of the way to the Chantry of Auri-El. He slowly approached the massive elven statue of his father and began to meditate. He sat there for hours, it began snowing at some point but that did not faze him.
His meditation was interrupted by a flash of light and a sudden sensation of being pulled forward and then vertigo. Marius opened his eyes and when they adjusted to the brightness he got up and approached. As he got closer he saw that it was a sphere of some sort giving of a magical signature that he did not recognize.
The magical sphere was beautiful, it was emitting a pulsating emerald light. Marius barely had time to react as it suddenly shot towards him hitting him square in the chest. In another blinding light, he disappeared from Nirn.
The space around the Menoa tree was crowded with all kinds of elves. From regular elves to elves with fur and scales; all dancing, singing and laughing as they celebrated the Agaetí Blödhren or the Blood-Oath Celebration in the human tongue. They were celebrating in frenzy and madness. The tree was glittering beautifully with thousands of teardrop-shaped flameless lanterns.
The elves had begun to finish presenting their gifts when two elves, Iduna and Nëya the caretakers, came before Eragon and dropped their white robes and exposed their dragon tattoo extending down their bodies. They started to dance, twirling around to the beat of the drum. Faster and faster they went, hair whipping about. Sweat began to coat their bodies, but the beat of the drum only increased and so did their dance.
Suddenly, their tattoo flared with a bright light. It separated itself from the twins, becoming real and hovering above the crowd, its eyes which seemed to be made fire watching all. It roared. The roar was loud and long, challenging the world. As it finished, its gaze settled on Eragon.
The phantom dragon bent down and touched the Eragon's palm. He let an ear-piercing cry as he crashed to the ground unconscious. The spectral dragon disappeared in another flash.
The elves stared at the prone form of the rider. Arya and Oromis rushed forward to check on Eragon. Queen Islanzadí stood there simply observing with a white raven, Blagden, perched on her shoulder.
Jumping from his spot on her shoulder and Blagden began to fly over the crowd. Blagden cried "Wyrda" getting those gathered attentions. The white raven spoke.
By beak and bone,
Fate is rewritten.
A timeless hero,
Fierce and noble,
Kin of both man and dragon,
A dark soul unshackled,
Salvation or destruction shall they bring.
The Last shall find a flame,
Life or Death they will hold,
A choice will be made.
It became eerily quiet as no one dared to make a sound. The entire crowd was absolutely silent at the prophecy that was just spoken.
"Oromis-elda, what does he speak of?" an elf questioned another. Their voice full of fear and concern.
"I do not know, Arya, I do not know..." he trailed off in the end, seeming to be lost deep in thought. But he remembered they had more pressing matters to attend to. "Here help me take Eragon back to his quarters."