(Here's another Twific for everyone. It's a Mobward story. My first so please be kind on FFN. This is also up on STARS and AO3. As always: I don't own it! Enjoy!)

Part 1


I could smell Victoria's perfume before the elevator door opened. If I can smell it, then she's standing right in front of the doors waiting on me for something. Sighing, I pulled my phone out and busied myself. Maybe if I ignore her then she'll leave me alone. As the door opened, there she stood. Her flaming red hair contrasting with her hooker red dress. It looks like she got dressed in the dark. Her perfume wafted around us threatening to choke me in my spot.

Ignoring her, like I do most mornings, I walk past her. "Mr...Cullen" she says slowly. That stops me. Turning around to her, I waited for her to continue. "There is someone in your office.."

"Already?" I glance at the clock over her desk. It's barely 9am. Who in the fuck is in my office at 9am? She nodded quickly and scuttled past me. Ever since I yelled at her, she's steered clear of me. In my line of work, an unannounced person is never a good thing. Pushing the door open, I expected the worst.

But there she sat. My sister. Let the games begin, I thought closing the door behind me. Let's see what the fuck she wants and how much she's gonna beg for it? Walking toward my desk, the natural light from the large windows illuminated the room. Making it seem brighter than what it was. The dark mahogany desk where my sister had perched herself on was the most expensive, yet oldest thing, in the room. The couches and chairs that adorned the office, according to my other sister, Rose, complimented the dark interior. She said I needed some light in my life. Whatever the fuck that meant.

She is wearing a dark green dress that I'm surprised that Father let her out of the house with. From the front of the dress was modest but I knew the back of the dress wasn't. The slit along the dress showed off her tanned leg. Before, I get any further, I have to say this she is my adopted sister. She's my sister but she's fuckhot and she knows it. My parents adopted her when she was six.

My parents, especially my mother, felt horrible for and convinced Father to adopt her. She was so tiny that I didn't even want to be around her. Rose, being the only girl at that time, had a harder time getting used to a little sister. After a while, everyone got used to have Ana with us. She even told Father that she wanted the Cullen name. My mother cried tears of joy.

Seeing me, she smiled. In that mischievous I want to fuck you smile. The one that made every man do whatever she asked of them. Including me. She was up to something. Whatever she wanted, Father must have already told her no. Or else she wouldn't be here. Waiting on me at 9AM.

"Annlisse…." I said, watching her eye me. "What are you doing here?" Her honey colored eyes roamed over me. Appraising my choice of clothes. Armani….the only thing I'll wear.

"Edward…" she pouted, puckering out her lower lip, her nimble fingers playing with the lapels of my jacket.

I waited patiently. My own hands itching to caress her inner thigh. There's this little game we play. It can be innocent. It can be dirty. I don't love her and she doesn't love me. She likes to use me to flirt and tease and I do the same to her. Whatever is between us is pure lust. And it's wrong. It's very wrong. Somewhere in the back of my head, I know once -if ever, I find someone else I'll have to give this up. But for now….plunging ahead, my fingers do touch her skin. Enjoying her smooth skin while I keep my green eyes on her honey ones.

"What do you want Ana?"

"I want to open a nightclub." she replied, chewing on her pouty lower lip.

"A nightclub?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. I figured it would be something else. Like a wild weekend in Vegas. Our parents still don't know about it. Or the time she wanted to try pot and got high as fuck. They still don't know about that.

"Yes, a nightclub…."

"And I suppose you want me to fund it?" I asked, watching her lick her lips while nodding. I leaned away from her touch knowing that I would fund it for her but giving her what she wanted without a fight wasn't my style. "No….Did Father say you could?"

She growled, her eyes narrowed into slits. "Of course he said no! His little princess doesn't have to lift a finger for anything. I'm a grown woman Edward!" Oh yes you are…"Besides Rose has THREE restaurants! I went to school for business too and now I want my own."

I chuckled at her little tantrum. While it's true that Father dotes on her. He dotes further onto Rose. He did that by letting Rose open her own restaurant. All Rose has to do is bat her eyes at Father and he caves. Ana, on the other hand, is the baby of the family and the one that Father refuses to let her do anything but go to school, find a husband and be a wife. Don't get me wrong, he wants the same for Rose and mom still pushes for her to get married and settle down.

Rose isn't having it. At least for right now. She has her own money, her own home; everything she wants. Except for a husband. It's hard for the girls to date considering I am their brother and who their father is. As for me, mom keeps pressing the fuck out of me to find me a nice Italian girl and give her grandbabies. I tell her no every time she brings it up.

"But Edward…" Ana pouted, trying to convince to me. Crossing her legs, she showed off a lot more of leg, trying to appeal to the man, not the brother, in me to get her way. "I'll do anything…"

Smirking, "Anything?" I watched her nod her head slowly. A million thoughts ran through my head. Most of them weren't appropriate. I'm going to Hell. I just know it. I'll be in confessional this Sunday hoping that God hasn't damned me for this.

She really wanted this. I can tell. Backing away from her, I sauntered around my desk, knowing her eyes were following me. "If I fund this...endeavor, do you have any idea how to run a business?"

She scoffed, "I went to business school, Edward. We all did. Besides, I can hire a manager to help me, set me up an accountant-one that won't fuck me over." She slipped off my desk, her heels clacking against the marble flooring. Tossing my phone on my desk, I slipped off my jacket; hung it on the back of my chair and sat down. Once I was done with her, I had a slew of shit to do.

"Come here Ana…"I beckoned her to me. She had the option of sitting in my lap or on my desk again. She opted for my desk. Her in my lap would be dangerous. Her honey eyes looked at me, wondering if I was going to cave. Scooting my chair in front of her, I rested my hands on her thighs. "How much do you need?"

"Maybe eight million. I can take a…"

"No. No loans. We're Cullens. We don't do loans." I warned her. She nodded. "Do you have a business plan ready for me?"

She reached over, unfortunately exposing more of her leg and grabbed a folder. Handing it to me, I flipped it open and scanned it. Finally having something to distract me. She had been very thorough. All she needed was the money. The location would bring in good revenue. Not millions a year but it would be substantial. I'd take a small cut as interest. Closing it a few minutes later, I nodded at her. She squealed and threw herself in my lap. Her warm body pressing into mine. As usual girl fashion she peppered my face with kisses. Her squirming body wreaking havoc with mine.

She slipped off my lap before I could do something stupid. "I'll have the money by the end of the closing day." I told her as I watched her walk out of my office.

Before she left, she turned around, "Mom wants you for dinner on Sunday. She said be there or she'll shoot you."

Groaning, I closed my eyes, willing myself to shut up and get focused. The knock on my door meant game time. The first in a long line of men that needed to make payments, requests, finding out who's been neglecting payment. Lucky for me, I don't have to get my hands dirty unless it directly affects me.

A knock on the door a few minutes later indicated that my job was beginning. The sign out front says "Cullen Real Estate' but on the inside; especially my office, is hardly real estate. See, we're one of the two of the four families. The Cullens runs New York and Jersey. The Volturi's run all of Pennsylvania and Chicago. That fuck for that. I hate them fuckers. The other two handle the West Coast and we hardly see them unless something important is happening.

Marcus, my grandfather is still head of the family but has semi retired for 'medical reasons' leaving the work up to my Father, Carlisle and myself. I scoff-retired. You're in this for life. The only way out is death.

The door opened letting in Jasper and Henry. Two of my guys. Since Marcus's retirement and my promotion, I don't deal with the shit they do. They are my capo's. I guess you can say that Henry is my right hand man. It would have been Jasper, but my Father insisted that Henry be my right. It helped that he put a bullet in Paul Rossi's ass the day they tried to kill me. It was just another business day with the Volturi scum that we ran into at Atlantic City. We were meeting with the Japanese for Ecstasy. It was going well until the Volturi's found out that we were branching off again.

Anyway to get their fingers in the pot. Needless to say, it didn't end well. Paul got a bullet and I walked away pissed off but Henry was the hero. Each week they meet with me to discuss the various businesses that we all own. Now I will have to bring up Ana's new business.

Even though, Rose might own her restaurants, we still do business in them. She hates every fucking second of it but there isn't anything she can do about it. Ana will have to just deal as well. Jasper owns and runs a bar called Twilight that is more successful than we imagined. Despite everything, Jas knows how to bring the cash in.

Both of them sat down and waited on me. They must have seen Ana leave the office a few minutes ago. Whether they know what she and I do is our business. I know they won't say shit. Not to anyone. They're loyal to me. Not my father.

"So what do we have….?"

Hours later and a skipped lunch, I finally put my jacket back on and told Victoria that no one should contact me until Monday. Sunday was for family and if I didn't show my face for Sunday lunch, Ma would shoot me. Stepping off the elevator, everyone hurried past me keeping to themselves. The car was waiting for me to take me back to my apartment. The great thing about it is that it overlooks Central Park. We all live close to one another. Only the best for our family.

My parents have a house in Tuxedo park where Rose, Ana, and I grew up far from the city life, but that was during the summer. We attended the best schools and each of us attended the best Universities. The only stipulation Mother had when Rose and I moved out was that we would live close by. I can see their brownstone as I pass by it knowing that I'll be there tomorrow after Church.

Entering into my apartment building, I gave a slight nod to the doorman, John, who was always there to greet me whether I liked it or not. Taking the elevator, I briefly thought about buying this place. Of course, it would have to wait a few weeks. The money I'd given to Ana today put me back a little.

Just a little.

Swinging the door open to my place, It had my office and a workout room. The master bedroom was big enough for just me. I like to live alone. No broads for me. Fortunately for me, I have a severe lack in taste for decor-or so says my mother and my sisters. They decorated it for me, but kept it as if it were a bachelor pad. Skipping the workout, I undressed and fell asleep instantly.

The next morning, I awoke to the shrill sound of my phone ringing. Groaning, I rolled over and tried to ignore the ringing noise. It silenced after a minute but started back again. Cracking an eye open, I glanced over at my clock. It read 8am. Damn! I was going to be late for church. Scrambling out of bed, I showered quickly and found a suit of no importance. It didn't matter who I wore as long as I showed my ass to Church today. Calling downstairs to bring my car around, I waited impatiently for the elevator to descend.

As I leapt into my car, I put it in gear before I could blink. Traffic in New York was horrendous. I'd rather burn alive than drive in this city. I had less than twenty minutes to get to Saint Anthony's. We only go there because my great-grandfather dragged my grandfather Marcus there every Sunday and Wednesday and now he drags the rest of us there. Although, it does make a good front for the assholes Feds that follow us occasionally.

Like I give a damn.

Sneaking in, I realize I was only ten minutes late. Not bad, if I say so. Ignoring the glares of the other parishioners, I sat down with the rest of my family. My father and mother glared at me but said nothing. They wouldn't make a spectacle in church. Nah, they'd wait until we got back to their house before they would say anything. Ana and Rose sat diligently, but bored, listening to today's service.

Behind us were our guards and driver. Jasper Whitlock-Cullen, Felix Agosti, Demetri Bacchi, Henry Marcato and Emmett McCarty. Along with the dozen or so other family members. Coming to church every Sunday is a regular family reunion. We sat there for another two hours before we were finally released. No one said anything to me.

Stepping outside in the Spring air, a breeze past by us making it seem colder than normal. I fucking hate the cold. Always have but I bear with it. Especially living here. Heading to my car, a hand jerked my arm. Reacting quickly, I reached for my gun ready to shoot whoever the fuck grabbed me.

"You're going to shoot your sister?" the voice asked. Turning around, I saw Ana staring at me. I visibly relaxed as she rolled her eyes at me. "Really Edward…."

Her flippancy angered me. Marching over to her, my eyes narrowed dangerously, "Never fucking do that again. I don't give a fuck who you are, I will shoot anyone who grabs me like that."

She didn't say anything. I know she won't. She, like Rose, are handy with a gun and I knew if I shot her, she'd shoot me back. "Fine. But you're coming to lunch…"

"Yea, yea, I'll be there." I said casually.

"I'm serious Edward. Ma is pissed that you showed up late. You better be groveling when you get home." she stated hotly.

Narrowing my eyes at her again, "I said I'll be there. Leave it the fuck alone will ya?"

She started to roll her eyes again but thought better of it. Turning around, she climbed in the waiting Rolls Royce. Inside were our parents. Rose was behind them in her BMW. As they passed me, Ma glared at me letting me know that she was pissed. Fuck. Now, I will have to grovel.

Getting in my Aston Martin, I turned it over and followed Rose. If Ma had it her way, we'd be heading to the Hamptons to eat lunch and dinner. Then she'd keep us hostage for a few days, but Father won't go for it. There's too much business in the city for him to stay away for long periods of time.

Like he does anything. Ever since my grandfather Marcus 'semi-retired' I've been the one doing all the work that he should be doing. I meet all the capo's when they make their bi-monthly drop off, the businesses, the deals, making sure no one decides to kill us off, etc. Don't get me wrong, Father might look soft to most but he can be a vicious motherfucker. I've seen him do shit to squealers that would give anyone nightmares. Like myself, he hates liars and squealers. He might be 'acting boss' but I do the work. Figures. He and Marcus joke that I'm young and can handle the dirty work.

Fuck that. I've been doing dirty work since my initiation at eighteen.

Parking my car behind Rose's, she got out and I can tell that she wasn't pleased to be here either. Dressed in a red hot number, she seemed taller but then I realized the slits she was wearing. Shaking my head, I'm fucking glad I have a dick and don't have worry about that shit. She inherited Father's blonde hair and eyes and I inherited Ma's. Luckily for Ana, being dark haired, she sort of fit in.

Getting out, Rose eyed me but said nothing. What the fuck was wrong with the women in this family today? Are all of them pissed that I was late for church? Shaking my head, I followed her up the small steps to the house. Damn woman about slammed the door in my face, but I caught it before it could break my nose.

Inside was all Ma. Everything was white with odd colors like gold, grey, and browns? I could care less but it was the home we grew up in. She had great taste, always did. She had this thing for lots of light in the house. And the more windows we could color and paint on the better. We kept the cleaning staff busy as fuck when we were kids. As we got older, it became more of showpiece. Just wait until my sisters started popping out kids...what they gonna do then?

Passing the den, I entered the kitchen. It was a madhouse. Food was being pulled from the fridge, ovens etc. Grabbing a beer, I snuck out before I could get whacked. I wasn't in the mood for a beat down. Heading up the stairs, I bypassed the elevator. I'd rather walk. I have my own elevator to deal with at home. Reaching the third floor, I entered into Father's study where I knew he would be.

"Edward!" he gave me a tight smile. Yea, I was in deep. Getting up from his chair, he greeted me with as much enthusiasm as he could muster. "How are you son?"

"Fine..Fine. Sorry about this morning. Didn't hear the alarm." I quickly apologized. At least if I did apologize to him, Ma would go a little easier on me.

"No worries. How is business? I know you took care of the drop off the yesterday." He asked, ushering me into a seat. Taking it, I opened my beer and took a swig. I'm glad he forgo'd the frown that I was drinking. I knew he hid a bottle of scotch in here and cigars.

"They're doing well. Both the nightclubs have been packed for weeks now with no slowing down. Had to fire two people though. Or Jas did. Rose's restaurants are doing excellent regardless if we do business there.."

He sighed and nodded, "Yes, I heard about Igor pulling a gun on you. What was that about?"

Scoffing, I shook my head at him, "Nothing. Just a disagreement."

Disagreement my ass. Igor didn't want to fair deal with me. I offered him 25% of the gun profit and he wanted more. Greedy Russian bastard. They want their guns they have to go through us. We are the largest gun traffickers in the East Coast. We deal in guns, drugs and we own two 'gentlemen's clubs' that serve as brothels and nightclubs, on paper is legit. Under the table isn't. That's where we make our money.

"You have heard that Ana wants to open her own nightclub?" he asked, eyeing me. Knowing full well that she's run to me and begged me for the money. The money he adamantly refused to give her to do this. I didn't see what the fucking problem was. She wanted a business. I would get a small cut. Everyone was happy. Besides I didn't make her beg too much for it. Staring him down, as if he could do something about it, I kept my mouth shut. I know my silence was all he needed.

"Damn it, Edward!" He seethed, his fist banging the desk. "I didn't want her to do this. I promised her mother before she died that her daughter would stay far away from this life."

"Far away from it? Dad who the fuck do you think we are?" My anger beginning to spike.

"Watch your fucking tone."

Yea, father of the year right there.

Ignoring him, "She wanted this. The girl can wield a gun like a motherfucker and she's smart." And fucking sexy as hell with a gun. "She knows what we do and what I do." Shaking my head, I had about enough of this. "And what's so damn important that she doesn't?"

"What if something happens to her?" he asked playing the 'what-if' game.

"Like what? We're all targets. You know this. The Feds follow us every so often." Running my hand through my hair, fucking it up even more. "Listen, the business will be legit. All of the paperwork down to her employees. I won't even conduct business there or have anyone else we know or associated with do business there, OK?"

"Fine." He conceded. His face very much tired of arguing with me. "But something happens..this is on you. You got me?!"

"I got you. If I have too, I'll keep Henry or Jace there with her at all times."

"Use Jace. Henry's supposed to stick with you. Besides he's bigger than Henry. Should scare off anyone that tries to come sniffing around. And make fucking sure you screen every and I mean EVERYone is screened. We don't need some Fed pretending and getting good with your sister to trick her into saying something."

"You know…"

"I don't give a damn if she knows not to talk." He said getting angry again. Standing up, he towered over me but just barely. I hadn't realized I was standing up as well. "You will make fucking sure Edward!"

"You know I won't let you down. Have I ever let you down, dad?" my eyes narrowed and my hand inches to grab my nine. Would I pull a gun on my father? No. But I would on an asshole talking to me like this. Definitely.

I watch as he deflated. "No, you haven't, but she is my daughter Edward. I would expect you to do the same with Rose or your mother."

"And I would take a bullet for all three of them." I said with conviction and I meant it. There was the rule of never harming women and children. Like dad, I could give a fuck what you do to me, but don't ever fuck with the ladies. Family always comes first with us. No matter how fucked up we are.

A knock on the door interrupted us. Turning around, it was Ma standing there waiting on us. Lunch must be ready. "You boys coming down to eat?"

A smile as wide as Niagara broke out on my father's face. I stood back, kept my head down, and waited as he embraced my mother. "Of course we are. We're just wrapping up in here."

"Good." I could hear the happiness in her voice. "Edward…" her voice turning a touch to chill for me. "I'm still pissed that you were late for church for the past couple of weeks."

"Alarm didn't go off and I've been busy." I offered lamely. I might be a feared motherfucker but around my mother, I always feel like a damn teenager.

"That's no excuse. I want you here with your family on Sundays. It's important." she lectured. I tried paying attention but I've heard this before. She gives the same lines every time I miss lunch, church, or dinner.

"Yes ma. I'll be here." I vowed coming to kiss her on the cheek.

"Now, get downstairs before your cousins eat all the food." she smiled at the both of us as we followed her out the study. There would be no more talk of business today.

Entering the dining room on the second floor, the pantry was full of food. Good food that I was ready to gorge myself on. Italian women, especially my mother and two aunts, can cook. No wonder so many of us men are fat fucks. We can't stop eating.

Around the table was most of my family. Jasper and his parents and sister. Rose, Ana, Marcus, my grandmother, Didyme, and my Uncle Ben and his wife Angela with their two kids. I swear this family keeps getting bigger. Now, if only, the Cullen kids had children….

God forbid.

Taking a seat between Rose and Ana, we dug into the food. There was carbonara, lasagna, gnocchi, and one of my favorites, caponata. I'm sure there was plenty of other dishes, but I focused on this one.

As long as ma made tiramisu, we'll all be good. One look from her and I know she made it for me. This was going to be a good day. Lunch was loud and the kids were louder. Eventually, they broke away from the adults and ran around the room screaming in a mix of English and Italian at each other.

Dad and Marcus talked quietly with my uncle Ben and the ladies of the house ignored us and talked amongst themselves. Sitting so close to Rose, I couldn't talk with Ana. Nor speak to her about what went down at her restaurant a week ago.

"You know I'm still pissed at you.." Rose hissed quietly.

"I had nothing to do with that…" I began to protest.

"Fuck you. You know you did. When your...associates pull a gun in a restaurant full of people; it has to do with you."

"If the asshole had listened to me, none of that would have happened. You should know that." I watched as she rolled her eyes at me. Fucking women and their eye rolling.

"I don't want you to do business there anymore." she said, her eyes narrowed at me.

"You'll have to take that up with dad."

Checking a nail, she glanced at my way. I knew that look. She had already talked to him. Batted her lashes and pouted. Got her way and now I'm fucked out of a meeting place. I realize I had other places but this one had food.

"I already did. He told me to pass along the message. Oh, and you can't do business in NONE of my restaurants. You have other places, don't you?"

I bit my tongue and took a swallow of wine instead of bitching her out. Setting the glass down, I felt a small hand on my left thigh. It slid up and down my thigh slowly, reminding me to keep my cool, but to tease the fuck out of me. I didn't even look over to see who it was.

"Fucking no one got hurt. What's the fucking problem?"

"The fucking problem? You wanna know the fucking problem? It's my fucking business. I can say who can and cannot come in. I don't need some fuckhead Russian -who by the way was checking my ass out; to shoot someone. It's bad for business." she snarled thoroughly pissed off.

"Maybe I should have shot him." I grumbled. I didn't like being booted from the food but I also didn't like that he was eye fucking my sister. She's as scary as Ma when she's pissed and you better believe she can use a gun and make it look like an accident. God forbid she had been born with a dick. "Fine, we'll go elsewhere, but I'm still coming to eat."

"That's fine with me. I like having paying customers." she snarked.

Paying customer my ass. She didn't pay for cover charge at any nightclub we owned and I know she won't when Ana opens hers. She smiled at me and I knew we were going to fine. Maybe this is why she looked like she wanted to kill me earlier. In this family, you have no fucking clue who wants your ass dead for something insignificant or something big. Fucking whiplash.

Excusing myself, I found a spare chair and sat with the men who were talking quietly about a horse race that they were planning on going too in a few days. Uncle Ben didn't have much of a hand in this business, being married and not born into it, but he liked to gamble and we would always make sure he was taken care of. As long as my aunt Angie didn't find out and kill him with that fabled frying pan of hers.

Knowing that I would be there, I made a note to tell Victoria to clear my day. I would be at Belmont Park hoping to start making back my money that I let Ana borrow. Maybe we'll head down to Atlantic City for a few hours.

"I think I'll head down to Atlantic City for the night." I said causally. It would help replenish and then I could have a night or two without someone breathing down my neck.

"I think that's a good idea." my father, Carlisle said giving me a look. There was only one reason why I would traipse down to Atlantic City. To make a quick dollar. "You mind if I join you?"

Yea, I fucking mind… "Not at all. I'm leaving after the race. Should be there all night. Can you handle gambling all night old man?"

He scoffed and rolled his eyes at me, "Yea, I think I can handle it. I'll just let your Mother know what's doing and I'll be there."

"Now that...is why I'm not married. I don't have anyone to answer too."

The married men laughed at me. "You'll change your tune when the right lady shows up, Edward." Marcus said nudging me like old men do.

"Right. Be my luck the broad that I choose will hate this fucking life."

"Then she's not the one for you."

I shook my head at them. My phone buzzed in my pocket. Ignoring it, I focused on the conversation around me. Sitting back, I realize I actually miss this. I didn't realize that it was finally getting dark out.

Excusing myself, I made my quick rounds to say goodbye to everyone. I had to be at the office at 8 in the morning and I needed to get home. I haven't slept very well in years. Had to be something that happened with I was a teenager. I went from sleeping like a rock to being a light sleeper. Every fucking sound can and will wake my ass. It's why I have the walls extra insulated to keep the noise level down.

The next morning, it was raining. Just fucking perfect. Today I actually had to do my real job in Real Estate. While my job was acting Underboss, I still showed and sold houses. Legit businesses. My phone rang while I was having my coffee.

"Yea." It was Jace.

"I was told I'm to help Ana with a new project."

"And what of it?" I asked, irritated already.

"Just checking to make sure that was correct. What's she up too now?"

"A nightclub. You'll be there keeping an eye on her and everyone else that comes in. You'll help her with hiring people. Running checks on them. Carlisle wants her safe and no Feds sneaking in, ya feel me?"

"Yea, I feel ya." I can tell that he wasn't really wanting to play babysitter. Tough shit. Not my call. I just deal with this and hand out assignments. I really wanted Henry on it but the Boss had said no to that. Henry would keep a better eye on her than Jace would.

"But until the place is up and running you will be with her wherever and whoever she talks too." I didn't mean to sound like an asshole, but if I didn't do this right, Father will have my ass.

"Yes sir. I'll be at the Boss's house in an hour." He hung up a second later.

Checking my watch, I realized I had to go. Walking out of my apartment, Henry was waiting for me in the car. He's not so much my driver but my bodyguard. Everyone, including Rose, had one. Hers was Vinnie. A family member from the boot. She didn't like him, but he didn't work for her. He was there to keep her safe and report back to me. Same with Jace.

"You good boss?" Henry asked as I climbed into his BMW x5. Handing me a coffee, I gratefully accepted it. The second round of caffeine would boost my ass through lunch.

"Yea, I'm good." I muttered, taking a sip of the hot as fuck coffee. Navigating through Manhattan traffic was a bitch early mornings. Too many fucks living here trying to drive in a city that was too fucking full.

The car ride was silent. There are some mornings that Henry knows when to keep his mouth shut. This morning was one of them. Arriving at 'Cullen Real Estate', I climbed out of the car, ducking my head as the rain poured around us. Just what I fucking needed. Knowing my fucking luck, I'd have to show a few homes today.

Following behind me discreetly, Henry kept to himself but I knew he was packing more than what I was. All I needed was my nine. He was carrying at least two and a set of knives that he was particular over. The fucker was the only reason I'm still alive. Stepping into the elevator, we stood side by side. Neither us in the mood to talk. I'm not sure what was up his ass. Frankly, I couldn't give a shit, but something was wrong.

The door opened again and this time Victoria wasn't standing in my way. She was at her desk, acting like she owned this place. When she saw me, she straightened up and put her bluetooth in. Stupid whore. As many years as I've been doing this, she's tried to fuck me at least four times. I couldn't bring myself to do it. I've had plenty in the past and still get it fine, but that...no.

It was almost as bad as Tanya and Kate Camargo. Both have chased me for years until I finally fucked them both. Now when they are around me, they act like the whores they are. Thankfully, I don't see much of them since they are cousins to the Volturi's.

Escaping to my office, Henry took a seat in the waiting room like he does every morning. He'll be there in case someone comes in that isn't looking to buy a house or apartment. Being my second gives him leeway to handle things for me if I'm tied up.

Halfway through my day, I was already tired and ready to bail on the last showing. Felix stopped by to drop off a kick up that was finally delivered earlier this morning. We spoke for a minute before he left. Told him to keep an eye on his guy. Money is supposed to be turned in on Fridays...not in the middle of a fucking Monday.

Hearing a female voice, I hoped it was lunch being delivered but it was Ana and Rose. They were outside the office and I could hear the yelling like I was standing beside them. Texting Henry, I told him to let them in.

When the door pushed open, it slammed hard into the frame. Narrowing my eyes at Rose, she looked pissed off once again. Ana didn't look too happy either. Great…

"You're letting her open a nightclub?" Rose seethed.

"Yes." I said simply, eyeing her.

"When I asked daddy to let me four years ago he said no. What the fuck?" she demanded. I looked toward Ana. She shrugged her shoulders lightly.

"I don't see what the damn difference it makes. You have three businesses." Ana pointed out. Rose huffed and rolled her eyes. " I'm getting one! And I had to come to Edward. Daddy said I couldn't do it."

"And just like that…" Rose snapped her fingers, "he gave you the go ahead? How'd the fuck you get the money? You're not old enough to have full access to your trust fund."

Ana said nothing but looked at me.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me!? You gave her the money?"

"Yes, I did. What you gonna do about it?" My anger beginning to show as she finally struck a nerve. "You coming in here to tell me this is all fucking unfair to you? Or do you have a real reason to bitch?"

"Fuck you. I'm more pissed that YOU were the one to give the money to her. I had to use part of my fucking trust fund then ask Daddy for the rest. He said he wouldn't pay for any of it, but nooo….Ana gets the whole fucking thing paid for."

"And, unlike your restuarants, I'm taking a larger cut from her monthly earnings too. Even though, you kicked me out of your restaurants; I still take a 10% cut from what you make. It kicks back to Father. Ana's nightclub-I'll be taking anywhere between 20-25% until it's paid back." Leaning onto my desk, my glare on my younger sister. She actually had the audacity to shrink back. "Don't fucking think I'm stupid Rosalie Maria Elena Cullen. I know what the fuck I'm doing."

Huffing, she raised a perfect eyebrow at me. Turning to Ana, after hearing how much of a cut I was taking, she gave her little sister a smug smile. At least for the next few years, Ana wasn't making shit. Not like it mattered. This was just for legitimate business. Something to give her to do until she married and started popping out grandbabies.

Italian women are fucking scary when they're pissed but ya gotta know how to shut them up. Make them see reason. Rose is a smart woman but she reacts before she thinks. This could have been handled quite nicely without the shouting but she had to make it personal. Ana said nothing through this. I wondered why she was here. It wasn't to bust my chops or claw the fuck out of her sister. Maybe Rose dragged her along. Through the crack in the door that had come open, I saw Jace and Vinnie standing around with Henry. I couldn't' hear what they were saying thank fuck.

"Are we done here?" I asked impatiently.

"I'm done." Rose said, getting up. Stomping out of the room, we watched her go. Shaking my head, I turned to see Ana watching her sister walk out of the room. She had her eyes on the lobby but wasn't staring at anything important. Or at least, I think, it wasn't important.

"She drag you into this?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Ya she did. I asked her who did the interior decorating for one of the restaurants and she flipped the fuck out. Dragged my ass down here as fast as her six inch heels could go." Frowning, she shook her head.

"Talk to ma, she'll point you in the right direction. You know that. Just don't let her design it. You want a nightclub not a bed and breakfast." I informed her. She nodded and walked out.

A small throbbing begun behind my eyes. I swear on all that is holy that Monday would hurry the fuck up and be done. I never noticed that Ana stopped and spoke with Henry before she left.

"Everything all right in here boss?" he poked his head in.

"Yea. Family squabble. Ya know how those two are. Always finding a fucking reason to argue about nothing."

He grinned and nodded. "I know the feeling. Got a little sister of my own. Drama fucking queen. She can put Rose to shame…."

I highly doubt that since Rose is the Empress of fucking drama. If it has something to do with someone else-no matter who, she has to find a reason to bitch or be better than the other female. Nodding at him, he stepped aside as lunch was brought in. Some red head giving me the eye. Right now, I wasn't even interested. Funny how a headache ruins my mood. Actually my mood was fucked as soon as Ana and Rose stormed in.

Devouring lunch, I checked my watch. It was after 2pm. I had one more showing and I could escape for the night. Taking a glance out the window, the rain had finally let up and the sun was starting to peek. Good. Maybe this won't take long. Informing Victoria to cancel all my appointments late Thursday afternoon and all day Friday, Henry and I headed out.

Of course, traffic was fucked. As the day progresses here, the traffic gets worse. At least this weekend I can get away. First the horse race where I know I'll make thousands back. Which reminded me, I need to call our bookie and figure out who's likely to be winner. Then, a weekend in Atlantic City. It would be nice for it to be a quiet weekend of gambling and sex, but Father was following me.

Gambling with him, fine.

Fucking whatever had two legs and a pussy, definitely not.

Maybe he'll stay in the casino's the whole weekend.

Showing the last apartment went fairly quickly. It was barely 2000 sq feet so it was a quick walk around and time to talk about it and it's location. They wanted to check out another place but I asked them to stop by tomorrow for another listing of available showings and times. Agreeing, we parted ways and Henry and I left again.

Dropping me off at my place around five, I walked into a silent condo. Relief flooded me as my headache receded. Maybe I should get a dog. At least I would have someone to keep my ass company. Not feeling the mood to 'attempt' to cook, I ordered in. Halfway through my dinner, my phone buzzed.

Shipment arrived at One 15 Brooklyn. You need to be there to receive the shipment, Edward. Take Henry and Felix with you.

Fuck. Now I'll have to leave again. Texting both Henry and Felix. Henry wrote back saying he'll be by the grab me after he picks up Felix. Since my great-grandfather Marcus Sr's time, we have been using the marina's to receive drugs and guns. Taking that shit on land where they could meet us closer was stupid. Marcus Jr, my grandfather, tried that once and we lost nearly two million in cocaine and a smaller shipment of guns.

Since then, we've used the East River. And even further out when we need completely discretion, we use Kings Plaza. It's smaller and no one gives a shit. Shrugging my jacket back on, my phone buzzed again letting me know they were here.

Shaking my head, I headed back down and away from the quiet of my home. Getting in the BMW, Felix nor Henry said anything on the ride to Brooklyn. Not even the radio was playing. This was just a pick up. Two soldato's would be driving the van to the warehouse/nightclub that Demetri owns.

Hell, maybe I'll stop inside and see what's doing. Have a drink or something. Until Ana opens her nightclub in Manhattan, I'm stuck driving to Brooklyn for the moment. We have another nightclub in Midtown that I own but I could give a fuck less about going there unless I need it for business. Which I'll have to do since Rose kicked me out.

It was little past ten when we arrived at the marina. It was dark with a few lampposts to keep away intruders. A soldato was waiting to let us in. All he did was tip his hat and let us through. Driving around, we parked across from the where all the boats were docked. Checking my Glock, I heard the other two do the same. Making sure that we had enough bullets between the three of us in case shit went bad.

"Where are they?" Felix asked, looking around. Before Henry or I could answer, we heard the subtle roar of a boat engine. We were here to pick up a shipment of cocaine tonight. Later next week, we were owed guns from the Irish.

When the engined died we waited for fifteen minutes when we saw Santiago Garcia climbing out of the Escalade that had pulled up beside us. Getting out of the BMW, my Glock hidden safely behind my back, he and I shook hands.

Two of his guys were hauling duffle bags out of the boat and onto the dock. Mick, one of our guys gave us a nod letting us know that he had already tasted the coke to make sure it was up to par. He and Felix were loading it into a van that would transport the coke to our warehouse fifteen minutes away.

We didn't make talk. We never did. This was all business. Santiago was good at what he did and we never had any problems with him nor his boss. Once the van was filled, Henry handed over a suitcase that he procured from the backseat of his BMW. Handing it over to Santiago, we watched as he snapped it open to quickly check. It was payment as well as his cut. Giving us a nod, we waited as they climbed back into the Escalade and drove off before we could breathe.

Letting out a breath, I turned to look at Henry who was already walking back to his BMW. Felix was still beside me. The two soldato's were already in the van. "Go with them and let them in the warehouse, right? Make sure they drop everything off. I don't want any fucks stealing coke, ya got me?"

"Got ya boss." he nodded and I watched as he climbed into the van.

Getting into the BMW, Henry looked over at me, "Where too boss?"

"Follow them. We'll have a drink before we finish tonight." He nodded and followed the van. Traffic wasn't too bad and we made it fifteen minutes later. You could hear the thumping of the music from outside the building. It was an old warehouse that we converted into a nightclub. Since no one could come up with a decent name, it was called "The Club". Lame, I know. Split off into two parts. One side held the nightclub, where party goers would have their fun and the second part held our actual warehouse where we'd store guns and drugs.

We followed the van closely till we reached a door that would lead us into the warehouse. No one could access this part of the warehouse unless you had a a key. And I carried the key. Stopping behind the van, you could nearly feel the pulse of the music through the BMW. Shaking my head, I climbed out and found the right key. Felix was standing beside the soldatos, keeping an eye on them as they grabbed the bags to haul inside.

Opening the door, I let them in. Flicking a light on, they set the bags down on a nearby table. As they unzipped the bags, I loosened the buttons on my jacket. Henry was behind me while Felix was guarding the door. Reaching in, I pulled a brick of cocaine and set it down on the table. Fingering my knife, I cut a small hole and dipped a finger inside. I trusted our guy but you still have to sample.

The shit we always ordered was always cut before we did any dealings. We don't have the manpower to do that ourselves. Tasting the coke on my tongue, I felt a small rush and nodded briefly to Henry. He smiled knowing it was about to be pay day when this shit hit the streets.

"You guys go have a drink." I told the soldatos. Eagerly they nodded and left us alone.

"Good shit, boss?" Felix asked closing the door.

"Always. Sanny never lets us down." I said, smiling. Now I've had a taste, I was itching for a line. "In three days I want this stuff baggied up and to our dealers. Keep the same prices. If they run out, they come to you." I informed, nodding at Felix. "Let Henry know and we'll make sure they have a new supply."

They nodded and we walked out. Making sure to lock up, we turned toward the front where we were instantly let in. The long line of patrons groaned as we past them. Inside the club, it was packed. It looked more like an upscale bar but it brought in good money especially for being located in Brooklyn.

Eyes followed us as we bumped our way over to the office. Not knocking, I walked in seeing Dee on his phone. Whatever they were talking about, I tuned it out. Taking a seat, I waited until he was finished.

"Good night?"

"Yea. Numbers are excellent. We're up from last quarter." Dee beamed giving me a toothy grin.

"Shipment in the warehouse. Felix already knows what to do, so he'll be here a few times this week getting shit ready."

"That's fine. I'll make sure they day crew leaves him alone and not to ask questions. They never do but you always one or two."

"You're packed for a Monday night." I observed.

"New DJ. Apparently, he's hot right now. Third time this month he's been here."

"Whatever brings them in, right?"

"Riiight." he chuckled, then turned serious. "We had a guy trying to sell X about a week ago."

I raised an eyebrow. We were in the market to sell X. "Was he one of ours?"

"Nah," he shook his head. "Some out of towner that thought he could score big in my club."

"What you do to him?"

"Fucked him up and sent him on his way. He's lucky we didn't call the cops." he gruffed, leaning back in his chair. "How long you staying tonight?"

"Just long enough to have a drink and go. I'm leaving at the end of the week so I'm getting shit squared away before I go." I replied, not giving away too much detail. He gave me a slight nod of his head and turned to his ringing phone.

Getting up, I left the office and headed toward the private VIP area. Taking a seat, both Henry and Felix sat down as well and flagged a server. Blonde, leggy and big chested giggled her way up to us.

Felix and I were checking her out, but Henry acted like she didn't exist. Normally, he's the one getting numbers and hardly ever calling them back. Two beers and a Jack and Coke for me, we waited on giggles to come back with our drinks.

Relaxing, it felt like, for the first time all night. I sighed and closed my eyes. Listening to the music, I ran over the shit I had to do before I left. Getting out my phone, I sent Father a text. Letting him know that the shipment had been received, checked out, and put in warehouse.

I put my phone away just as giggles came back. Thank fuck she didn't drop the drinks. But we found a slip of paper with her number on it. Handing it to Felix, he grinned like a motherfucker. His lucky fucking night.

Not that I wasn't interested. I was. But giggles wouldn't cut it. I like my sex hard and fast and I would break her and those fake tits. Sipping on my Jack and Coke, I looked around the VIP room and into the crowd of human cesspool that was before us.

Nothing caught my eye tonight but I did see Jas dancing with a cute short girl. Giving him a nod, he went back dancing with his date. My eyes roamed the crowd again. This time Jas was trying to get my attention. Following his head jerk, I saw a woman dancing in a cage. I could give a fuck less about it but when I caught his eye again, he looked a bit more frantic.

Sending Henry to investigate, I watched as he walked onto the dance floor. Catching up with Jas, I could see them frantically talking about something. I watched as Henry ran his hands over his face in exasperation. When they looked back at me, I knew something was up. Before I could get up, Henry had disappeared over to the woman in the cage. I could see him telling her something but it looked like after a few minutes, she relented and stepped down.

He took her by the arm and led her over to us. Jas and his date following. As they stepped inside the VIP room, I caught a glimpse of the woman. She was in a skimpy black dress and she looked like she either had too much to drink or was high as fuck. She wrenched her arm away from Henry and I finally got a good look at her.


The fuck?

Not this shit again.

"The fuck you doing here dressed like that?"

"What's it to you?" she slurred rolling her eyes.

"You look like a fucking whore. That's what!" I snarled coming up to her. Gripping her chin, I forced her to look at me. "You fucked up?"

"Like I'm stupid to fucking do drugs." she seethed, trying to push me away from her. It only made me hold her tighter. In the corner of my eye, I could see Jas's girl try to step in. He stopped her from making a fucking mistake.

"You might be smart but you were just up in a cage dancing."

"Damn right I was. I'm here having fun."


"Jas is here." she countered, pointing at him.

"Where the fuck is Jace?"

"I don't fucking know. I'm not his damn owner." she snarked. I'll have to deal with Jace tonight then. Leaving her unattended like this. Unacceptable.

Turning to Henry, "Henry take her home. Make sure she gets home and in bed. I don't give a fuck if you have to bound and gag her."

He nodded and gently tugged on Ana. "I'm not fucking leave Ed. I'm a grown woman. I'll drink and I'll dance and I'll hook up with anyone I fucking choose to do so!"

It took every ounce of my willpower not to slap the fuck out of her. Balling my fists, I glared at her hoping she'd get that I was far pissed off to keep myself from killing something. Rage built up in me fast and hard. My own fucking volcano was about to blow its fucking top.

"Get. Her. The. Fuck. Out. Of. Here." I enunciate slowly, willing myself to stay calm as fuck. Henry tugged on her again and this time she left with him. Jas's girl had a look of fear on her face. Like she was ready to run away from him for good.

Sighing, I took a seat and ran my hands through my hair. Jesus, it's like the time I caught Rose at one of the strip clubs we owned. It was her birthday apparently and she was up on stage trying to pole dance. I about bent the pole in half dragging her ass off it and into a car. I might have ruined her birthday, but fuck it. Neither of my sisters needed to act like fucking whores to have fun.

I remember it was a Tuesday and that normally meant I would be at Red Dawn, my business. Red Dawn is a strip club that I invested in when I turned 21. It was profitable and only the best strippers, dancers and gentlemen with deep pockets could join the club. Tonight I was sitting down to check the books and have a drink or two and watch a show. Something about a Jungle night.

Getting there early, the patrons hadn't started showing yet. Good. This mean it will be quiet while I work. A few hours went by and the music started to beat through the walls. The party must be in full swing. In a good mood, which was rare these days, I left the office and headed toward the dance floor. Henry and Jas were giving a disapproving look but when they fully saw me, Jas disappeared quickly as if he was trying to hide something.

Looking around, I noticed there was indeed a party. From the balloons it looked like a birthday party. I didn't remember being told there was going to be a party tonight. Pam, my manager, hurried over to me. A frown set on her face. I could almost hear her heels clacked on the floor. Now, I was starting to get pissed off. What the fuck was going on?

"Mr. Cullen, I swear I didn't know." Pam confirmed quickly.

"What is going on?"

"You don't know?" she asked, incredulously. The fear in her eyes was plain as day.

"No. Should I?" I asked getting impatient.

"Boss, we can handle it." Henry said coming over to interrupt.

Looking at the both of them, I realized they were blocking me from entering the dance area. The fuck is going on out there. I could hear the catcalls and female screaming and cheering. Must be a great party to me, but the look on their faces warned me of something else.

Pushing past them, I wish now they had actually stopped me from entering. On the stage, there was a party alright. A birthday party and the birthday girl was on the stage dancing around. I couldn't miss the blonde hair and the slutty dress.

My vision darkened and narrowed. Anger coursed through my veins setting me on fire. What the fuck was my sister doing here? Up on stage like some fucking whore? Storming up to the stage, everyone had it in their right minds to keep their distance.

She was drunk as fuck and didn't see me coming. Grabbing her by the arm, I dragged her off the stage and toward the bar. My sister, the tiger, scratched and fought me until I knew if she had a weapon on her she'd kill my ass.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I seethed.

Pushing her hair from her face, she glared at me. "It's MY fucking birthday, Edward! I'm here celebrating!"

"I don't give a fuck if it's your birthday. Go somewhere else. The fuck you doing on stage?" I shouted.

"I wanted to try it. Fuck you Edward. You had to go and ruin. The fuck you doing here?"

"I own this place remember, Rosalie?!" I growled coming a step closer to her. "Get the fuck out now."

Before I could blink, she had swung at me. Catching her fist in mine, I spun her around and locked her arms in front of her. As she struggled, I caught Vinnie's attention.

"You. Ta-ke her h-ome NOW!" I stuttered, still fighting with my sister. Vinnie nodded quickly and left to bring the car around. She was still thrashing in my arms when he came back a few minutes later. Gently, he placed his hand on her and we slowly released her.

When she was safely in Vinnie's arms, she lurched at me again. Stepping back, Vinnie held onto her tighter.

"Leave NOW Rose." I seethed, glaring at her. Vinnie took her out of the club and out of my eyesight.

Rose didn't speak to me for almost six months after that. I expected the same with Ana. Like I give a fuck. Giggles showed back up with another drink and sat it down on the table in front of me. She didn't say anything. Probably too fucking scared now after that show. Good. Let her be fucking scared.

Throwing my Jack and Coke back. I didn't see that Giggles had brought me two of the drinks. Someone must have told her to keep them coming. After downing this one, I hauled Felix, "Find Dee and then find Jace. I know the fucker is still here. Get him out of here and over to "Main St." He nodded and left to do what needed to be done.

When he left, I waited patiently. Jace was getting his ass beaten tonight. The fuck he thinks he's doing leaving her alone like that? Knowing him, he was trying to hook up. Tonight, I planned on fixing that. When my sister is out, his eyes stay on her. Make sure she's taken care of whenever possible.

I know I sound like a controlling asshole. And I am. I really am. I didn't have to give the same speech to Vinnie over Rose's birthday dance but he knew better. All he could do was advise her not to do it. He, at least, was close by if someone tried to get grabby. This is the sort of thing, I try to keep Father's nose out of it. If he had it his way, the girls would never leave the house. That was Ma's influence to let the girls live their lives. Yea, I get that. I fucking do but they can do shit without acting like this.

When Demetri returned, I stood up and followed him out. Climbing into his Jeep, we took off following, what I assumed, was Felix with Jace. Hopefully in the trunk. Taking us back toward Midtown, we followed him all the way to 9th Ave. We had a bar there run by a 'friend'. He's been running it for several years now. It's a popular place but that's only on the surface.

Down below in the store rooms, he's got a spare room that we use to garner information or perform a good old fashion beat down. Tonight it was the latter. Turning down W 39th, we turned into the narrow alleyway that would led us directly to the storerooms. I sat in the Jeep while Felix hauled Jace's ass out of the trunk of the car that he must have borrowed and dragged Jace through the door.

I hope he didn't fuck him up before I could get a hold of him. Waiting a few minutes longer, I climbed out along with Dee. Following him into the storerooms, only a single light bulb illuminated the room. Good thing we know our fucking way around. Making our way toward a set of stairs, there was a strip of light flooding the staircase that led down to the basement.

As we reached the bottom, Felix was sitting in a chair a few feet away from where he had quickly tied Jace up. The poor fucker looked around wildly until he saw me. Sweat broke over his forehead and his breathing sped up. Good, he was fucking scared. I could barely hear him begging through his gag. I didn't care about excuses. I just wanted to fucking know why he left my sister alone instead of doing his job. A simple fucking job. Keep an eye on her. Make sure no harm came to her. And he couldn't fucking do that.

Removing my jacket, I laid it across the back of a nearby chair. Rolling up my sleeves, I was preparing myself for anything. That old familiar anger boiled in my veins, my vision turning red. Standing before him, I steadied my breathing. Before I opened my mouth, the door behind us opened revealing Henry. I could see the anger in his eyes, but he stayed back.

"I'm going to ask you one fucking time. Where were you?" I fumed.

He strained against the gag trying to give his excuses. Snarling, I ripped it out of his mouth. Blood seeped from his lips and I knew I had jerked out a tooth. Spitting the blood onto the floor, he glared up at me.

Big mistake.

Grabbing him by the collar, I jerked him forward bringing him closer to me. "The fuck you giving me that look for?"

"N-Nothing boss." he stammered trying to look contrite. Fuck him, I wasn't buying it. Letting go of him, he and the chair fell backward and landed with a sickening thud. Seconds went by and unfortunately he groaned. I didn't kill him.

Grabbing him again, I jerked him back up into a sitting position. "Where the fuck were you?"

"Sh-.." he panted, "She was fine. I c-could see her boss. I swear it."

"You were watching her so close that you saw her climb into a cage? Watch her so close that it took Henry to get her down and bring her to me? What if we hadn't been there, huh? Relying on your good watching skills? Do you know how many people would want to get their hands on one of my sisters?!" my voice thundered in the room.

"Or were you content that Jas was there as well that you could slack off your job, hmm? She is NOT his responsibility Jace. You. Are." I pointed out the obvious.

"I-I-I'm sorry boss. How much trouble could she get into too?" he asked.

I could feel my face twisting in a cruel smile. Rearing back, I punched him as hard as I could. Hearing something break was satisfying. God help Vinnie had he left Rose unattended that night….Fucker would probably be dead. Pulling a knife from my pocket, I opened it up and slashed the ropes that bound him to the chair. I had no patience to untie them.

Grabbing a hold of his bloodied shirt, I threw him on the ground and hovered over him as I began beating his face in. No, I wouldn't kill him, but I'd fuck him up. When I was done, I stood up, sweat dripping down my face. Heaving a breath, I stepped away from him and sat down.

Looking at Henry, he nodded. I watched as he walked over to Jace and grabbed him. Forcing him to stay conscious and listen. "This is your final warning. Don't fuck up again, ya got me?"

I could see him nod his head in affirmation. Satisfied, I turned to Felix. "Get him home. I don't give a fuck if you nurse him or not."

"Got it boss." he said, getting up and removing Jace from the room.

"Until that fuck is healed." I turned to Henry, "You'll be keeping an eye on Ana. I told Carlisle that you should have been the one to do it. He didn't fucking listen."

"Fine with me boss. You know she's pretty pissed at you."

"Don't give a fuck if she is." I sighed and closed my eyes. "Do I have any clothes here?"

"Yea…" Dee said tossing me a bag. Leaving them for ten minutes, I came back with fresh clothes. The bloodied ones would be burned later on. Leaving them in the bag, Dee took it from me and tossed them in a trash barrel. Tossing a match in, we watched as the evidence burned.

Checking my watch, it was after 2am. Fuck. "I've gotta bounce. I've got work in the morning."

They nodded and I followed Dee and Henry up the stairs and into the storerooms. Making sure no one saw us, we closed the door and slipped into our respected vehicles. Henry nor I said anything on the way back to my apartment. Fucking tired with a fucking headache. Closing my eyes, I wished to sleep but didn't. When he dropped me off, I slipped into my apartment and crashed out for the next few hours.