Note: Aside from celebrating my birthday between the break, I have nothing to say. Enjoy!

PS- This is just a warning for something else entirely. If any of you see the name Daisy in this story, it is Donna. I'm getting her name confused more and more, and I hopefully don't have any more name mistakes. If you do see any though, Daisy is Donna, and Donna is also Donna.


Chris stood on the Cliff of Shame.

"Last time, on Total Drama, a simple key challenge was in store for our campers. Some, more successful than others, heh. Connor and Olive worked together to prevail in the challenge, and we also had other duos team up, like Fletcher and Gabriel, Butch and Veronica, even Aaron and Eric!"

"Ivy and Tessa's alliance grew with adding Shane, Pearl grows suspicious of Olive, Holly struggles to stray from Kimberly and Rubi, and Donna begins to crush on Xander! Lots of drama starting to arise."

"Minor note, that Holly had found an idol at the end of the night! The World Tour idol is a powerful one to have."

"The end of the challenge saw Yoshi prevail over Wanda. The racist, after having a sit down with Yoshi, realized her racist views had actually hurt people's feelings a bit. She promised Yoshi she'd change her ways, but personally, I don't see it happening. Yoshi, however, seemed glad with Wanda in the end, hurt, but still wanting to be a friend."

"24 remain, and today, we see how the campers deal with a partner to worry about as well! Who will be paired with who, and what will they do? Find out on this episode of Total Drama: A-Z!"


Chris sat in the intern tent again, as everyone else ate their breakfast. To his surprise, Andrew was the only one who stayed again, pulling out a lunchbox as he sat with the host.

"Kid, why do you want to stay here with me? Don't you have any other intern buddies?" Chris asked.

"Not really, no." Andrew said, looking towards the floor. "Plus, I just really like your company when you're not busy."

Chris looked touched. "You're not too bad, kid. How'd you like camera duty for today's challenge?"

Andrew smiled, and nodded furiously. "Yes, sir!"

"Call me Chris, since the other campers already do. I'm not one for formalities."


Andrew: I don't think I'm allowed to use this, but I want to get this off my chest, and talking to myself isn't gonna help me, in fact, I'd look weirder than I already am. This is pretty big news, as I only found about this a few weeks before the show started. -he pulls out a picture, then took a deep breath-

I am… Chris's son. I always thought my dad died before I was born, but my mom revealed to me everything when she found out I was interning for this show! I was mad at her at first for not telling me sooner, but she had reasons for it, that I won't bother explaining for now. All I need to do is find a good time to tell Chris he's my father…

How would he react to such a thing?


Aaron woke up in the forest, stirring. He noticed Eric next to him, still holding onto the spoon firmly as he snored. Aaron looked around, and saw a note next to him.

"Hello, A and E. I bet you guys must be shocked after waking up in this location. I spiked your dinners last night for today's challenge! You and your partner have to make your way back to the campsite. The first six teams back win immunity, The last six teams are up for elimination. Only the losing teams will be able to vote tonight. With you are enough provisions to last you guys the whole night, if need be."

"Both members have to arrive for you to win immunity. Any one who shows up solo will not win. Better treat your partner nice!"


Aaron noticed a duffel bag of provisions next to Eric. He picked it up and shook Eric awake.

"Huh? What are we doing out here?" the bad boy yelled.

"It's today's challenge." Aaron explained. "We have to get back to camp, and our food is in the bag."

Eric glanced at the duffel bag, and smirked. "Seems simple enough. Let's get going."


Aaron: Eric seems like he's having an easier time without his cigarettes. The spoon surely does help, doesn't it?


Chris: I paired the duos, due to the interactions they've made over the past couple days. If there's any random duo, then that means I had no one else to pair them with.


At the same time, all of the other duos had woken up, almost reading the rules at the exact same time as the skater did. Butch and Veronica started the challenge, after a brief distraction from the bully, wanting another peek at Veronica's chest. She simply replied with a kick to his nuts, and walked away, the bully yelping at a higher pitch he wanted to.

Connor and Olive wasted no time working together, hiking immediately.

Donna and Xander started the challenge as well, but after a silent squeal from Daisy as she could finally have some alone time with the boy.

Fletcher and Gabriel exchanged no words, except a high five, when they woke up.

Holly and Kimberly smiled at each other, but Holly inwardly cursed that today was a pairs challenge instead of a solo one.

Ivy and Tessa behaved similarly to that of Connor and Olive, wasting no time to get up and go.

Logan seethed with Miles being his teammate. Miles didn't know why Logan was mad, and tried to cheer him up. The sarcastic one tried not to pay attention to him.

Natalya and Yoshi were shocked to be paired together, but accepted it, thinking it'd be great to work with the friendly rival, to know their strengths and weaknesses.

Pearl and Quentin didn't know why they were paired together, but tried to maintain teamwork regardless.

Rubi and Shane were okay with working together, making small talk as they trekked through the forest.

Zayn shuddered as Unique silently gazed towards him. She hasn't spoken a word, and the boy tried to get the challenge done as soon as possible.

All in all, mostly everyone was happy.


Quentin: Why Pearl? I have no problems with her, it's just that I thought I'd be paired with Butch. Maybe Pearl has a secret side to her… nah. It's just coincidence.


Zayn: Unique hasn't said a word since stepping off the boat on the first day. She's a little creepy, but why me? Surely, there was anyone else!?


Shane: Shame I couldn't be with the other girls, but Rubi's fine. From the small talk we've already made, I already see her as like a big sister to me, so hopefully she could answer some questions I have. -smiles-


Donna: -shrieks- Finally! No more watching from the shadows like a shy boy! I can finally get to talk with him!


Holly: Ugh, it's the third day, and I've only worked solo once! And when I did, I almost lost! I would kill for one solo challenge about now, I need to prove myself more!


Logan: -sighs- I'm sure Miles isn't a bad kid. Maybe in his own world, but he's not anything I consider bad. I just don't have the mental tolerance for personalities like his, loud, repetitive, and annoying. To make it easier on myself, I should just talk with him calmly.


Tessa: Good thing I made friends with the outdoorsy chick! Without her as a friend, I would have never known what to do. Shame Shane wasn't with us.


Xander and Donna walked in silence for a bit, before Donna finally asked him questions, a lot of them.

"So, handsome, what was your reason to sign up for Total Drama?" she asked, in a way that she hoped wasn't too forward.

"Well, aside from the prize, I needed a getaway. My brothers and sister are great, but they are quite the annoyance." he said, looking out to hopefully see the campsite.

"Where are you from?" she asked.

He quirked an eye, but answered the question. "Montana. Are you okay? You're never this talkative."

Donna was about to answer, but paled when she looked behind Xander. Worried, Xander looked behind him to see the marshmallow stealing bear from the first season, not a robotic copy from Pahkitew.

The duo screamed and ran the other way, away from him.


Xander: I thought Zayn was kidding when he said she had a crush on me. I thought it was just a looks thing, but it must've been where our boats collided before the show. I don't know what to do, as believe it or not, I've never been in a relationship before. Pray that I don't make a fool out of myself.


Logan gave Miles a protein bar, and the goofy boy started to nibble at it. Logan hadn't said a word to his partner, only talking to respond to him. He feared he might have lost his temper on Miles, and he didn't deserve that.

"Logan, do you know where the camp is?" Miles had asked him.

"Hopefully. My guess, is that we keep walking this way." he pointed in front of him.

"Whatever you say!" Miles agreed happily.

Logan raised an eye, but no one saw the tiny genuine smile on his face.


Tessa was looking up a tree. "Ivy! You see the camp yet?!"

Ivy was in the tree, towards the top of it, scouting the island for any buildings. She smiled, and slid down the tree.

"Follow me, Tess!" Ivy said, running to the campsite.

"Wait up!" the short girl cried out. "I'm not as fast!"


Ivy: A challenge meant for me, is a challenge I can deal with. I forgive the whole drugging the food thing if it meant an outdoor day!


When Ivy stopped, Tessa came up to her, panting. She sat on the ground and looked up to Ivy.

"Do you," Tessa started, but was out of breath, "even know… where the… campsite is?"

"Yep!" she said as she pointed in front of her. "If we keep going that way, we'll reach the camp in no time. You ready?"

"Almost..." Tessa huffed.

Ivy rolled her eyes and picked up the smaller girl, and threw her over her shoulder. "Let's go, Tess. This is a good day so far, and I want us to win!"

Tessa only gave a shout before Ivy ran off, hopefully to the campsite.


"Fletcher, where are we?" the circus boy asked.

"Closer to the camp than we were a minute ago, that's where." Fletcher smiled as he brushed his developing beard. "I snagged a compass from the crew, and I know camp is north of where we started. I hiked around the island whenever I had spare time."

"When's that? Usually you're with me for the whole day." Gabriel asked.

"I have a little bit of insomnia, so usually when everyone heads to sleep that I hike alone" the daredevil responded. "Helps put me to sleep in the hardest times. What I wish for is an exciting challenge! The only exhilarating one we had was the battle royale on the raft! I'm aching for excitement!"

Gabriel didn't know how to respond to that at first. "I'm sure Chris has something planned for us next time. He doesn't go this many calm challenges in a row. He has to spice it up eventually."

Fletcher smiled at that. "Yeah, it'd be a pretty boring season without us defying death a minimum of five times."


Gabriel: Our walk was pretty much quiet after that. Even though we're friends here, we stick together solely because of the risk of losing. I want to know more about him, though, he's so secretive. This is the first about his insomnia I'm hearing about.


Fletcher: Boring, McLean! Do something cooler next time. -crosses arms and huffs, before snickering- Man, I seriously can't whine like that with a straight face..

00 Night Time 00

Rubi was setting up the campsite for the night. She and Shane didn't want to risk hiking all night, and didn't feel like they were targets for elimination, so they decided to relax for the night.

As Rubi laid down a big blanket to lay on instead of grass, she saw Shane walk back, presumably from going to the bathroom. He waved, and helped Rubi with the blanket.

"Rubi?" the boy asked.


"I need your advice on something." he said. She perked up at him saying this.

"What for?" she asked, as they both settled down on the blanket, looking up at the stars.


The flirt smiled, inwardly knowing he wasn't crushing on her, but rather someone else on the island. "Who is it you're crushing on?" she smiled.

"You won't tease me on it, will you? My parents tend to do that, and that's why I don't talk to them about this sort of thing."

"I promise not to tease you, Shane. I'll keep this talk a secret."

Shane relaxed, fixing his coat before speaking. "Well, I've been talking with Ivy and Tessa more as the show goes on, but I think I'm getting feelings for Tessa."

Rubi whispered an "aww" before letting him continue.

"I know not to rush on these feelings, because I barely know her and all, but my heart feels funny whenever she's around. It feels funny right now just talking about her! I just wanted to ask what you think I should do." he said, spreading his arms out on the blanket.

Rubi looked to be in thought for a few moments, then spoke. "Well, you're right about not rushing into it, but I would still do what you normally do. Just talk and hang out with her, and if these feelings intensify over the next couple of days, I would ask her. Nothing too serious, but something like asking for her phone number, or wanting to meet after the show. Don't hit her all at once, that might make her a little stressed."

Shane took all of her words into consideration. He smiled and hugged Rubi. "Thanks, Rubi. I'm gonna remember every word."

All Rubi did was smile back, accepting the small boy's hug.


Rubi: -sighs- He's like a little brother. It's cute, seeing him going through the stages of a crush. I hope my advice was good enough. -brushes hair out of her face-


Shane: Man, Rubi sure is wise. I wonder if she likes anyone on the island? She was looking at a lot of people on the first day, but I wonder why she looked at their shirts rather than their faces.


Connor and Olive were leaning against a tree, both looking rather sleepy. Olive sat close enough to Connor to warrant a blush, but either the author didn't see, or didn't care.

"I still say we could've gone a little farther." Olive yawned as she rubbed her eyes.

"Nonsense, Picasso." Connor smirked, bags under his eyes. "With you being drowsy, and with those clouds rolling in, we're better off sitting for the night."

"What clouds?" she asked, looking up.

Indeed, rain clouds were rolling over the island. Not lightning and thunder clouds, but enough to give a good rain storm. Olive looked back down and grumbled to herself.

"I hate it when you're right." she grumbled playfully.

"That must be all the time then." he teased. She just blew a raspberry in response, before laughing.

Right before she settled in to sleep, a tree had fallen nearby, creating a thunder-like sound. Reacting, Olive yelped right into Connor's lap. They made eye contact, and that moment felt like it made time stop to them.

"Um, uh, it's gonna get cold soon because of the rain, I just thought we might need some extra warmth." she said, not too convincingly.

"Uh, sure. Don't wanna freeze tonight." he said awkwardly.

She awkwardly got off his lap and snuggled against his shoulder, not lying about the warmth idea, but also wanting to ignore the awkwardness. Connor, for the first time, didn't have a smart-ass comment to his situation. He shut his mouth and closed his eyes, enjoying the moment, before eventually falling asleep.


Connor: That felt… nice. I've never felt like that before, all happy and excited… what's happening to me?


Olive: I hoped I wouldn't become too distracted on the show, but getting to know Connor in our alliance… he's everything I want for a boyfriend! He's sarcastic, but with a secret sweet side, and he's smart! I'm typically not one to be chasing after someone like this, pardon my French, but hot damn!


Intern 2: -smirks- Hi, I'm Clint. The island's not exactly all the way offline, so I was the reason why the tree fell. Those two would benefit greatly just by cutting to the chase. I bet they're all over each other by the end of the week.


Natalya and Yoshi were still hiking, not letting something like rain slow them down. They made small talk here and there, but they let their friendly rivalry get the better of them, and they rather competed on who would step in the camp first. Even though they were tired, they trekked on, not wanting to lose to the other. Pride was at stake.

Andrew sat in the middle of the campsite with popcorn and an umbrella. As he munched on the kernels, he almost choked when he saw Natalya and Yoshi appear in camp. He pulled out a walkie-talkie and said a duo was there.

On the other side of the walkie, was Chris. He groggily went through cameras to see the duo out of breath, and asking Andrew who he saw get here first. As the intern struggled to answer, Chris wrote down to say a duo arrived tomorrow morning. He and the other campers were too tired for one more announcement. He put it on a sticky note and smacked the screen with it, causing the yellow slip to stick in place.

"Those two would be great tv if they weren't so good at the challenges." he muttered before going to sleep.


Yoshi: It turns out, that Andrew liked to think of it as a tie. While I hold no ill will to Natalya, I don't do well with ties! Today won't be the last time we face off, mark my words.


Natalya: -smirks- Ditto. -referring to Yoshi's confessional, she heard his calm rant about ties-


Zayn sat awake as Unique fell asleep under their tree. She was a great distance away from him, he assumed she thought it was to avoid "funny business".

"Thanks, McLean. Lame challenge, lame partner, and stuck out in the rain. Today sucks." Zayn muttered. "Stuck here twiddling my thumbs, because she doesn't want to hike anymore, and I can't ditch even ditch her!"

He looked around, before standing up. "Need to piss. Holding it in all day." he walked away from the make-shift campsite to go further in the woods.

Once he was at his destination, he was about to do what he went there for, before he saw something shine from the moon. The moon shone from behind the clouds onto a bush, which Zayn noticed. He went to the bush, and picked up the shiny object.

It was the Ridonculous Idol.


Zayn: Score! At least one good thing came from this stupid challenge. From my memory, this just gets me an advantage for a challenge. Better than nothing!

00 Morning 00

Holly and Kimberly packed their camp up and were currently hiking again. They didn't talk much due to Kimberly being deaf, but they didn't mind the silence. It stopped raining a couple hours ago, and the two girls constantly stepped in puddles and damp grass. Holly cursed when it got into her shoes, but luckily, Kimberly couldn't hear her.

Holly led Kimberly into a clearing, which turned out to be the camp. Chris was there instead of Andrew, and the girls noticed Yoshi and Natalya sparring in the middle of camp.

Chris grabbed a microphone. "Attention campers! Two teams have made it to camp, only four more teams can grab immunity! Better put a step on it!"

Holly smiled at grabbing immunity, and signed to Kimberly saying they had won. Kimberly smiled, and she went to go watch the spar between Natalya and Yoshi.

Holly, meanwhile, went to look for more idols, but Chris said no one could go into the forest until the challenge was over. She grumbled and went to the Mess Hall.


Holly: I get why we can't. That way we won't run into any other teams and tell them the way, but doesn't mean it still stinks. At least I got this. -holds up World Tour Idol-


Ivy and Tessa arrived shortly after, as well as the pair of Fletcher and Gabriel. As the duos arrived in the campsite, Pearl and Quentin were still hiking a ways in the forest. They were far from the camp, but they didn't know that.

Quentin wanted to talk to Pearl about any secrets she might've had for the game, but was stopped at every time by the girl interjecting, mostly about where they should go, or other trivial stuff.

Quentin was finally going to speak what was on his mind, but he tripped over a tree root, and was sent rolling down a muddy hill. Pearl ran after him, not being able to complete the challenge without him.

"Stupid nerd." Pearl muttered. "Get back here!"


Quentin: -coated in at least 3 coats of mud from head to toe- Not a good day!


Pearl: Something about Quentin seems off. He doesn't act like the typical nerd, and he's in the shadows way too much. Part of me feels like he wanted to ask me something, but the other part feels like I should focus on other competitors aside from him. Olive and Fletcher are other sneaky figures I should keep an eye on.


Logan and Miles arrived at the campsite. Logan was happy that they had won immunity, while Miles looked a little confused.

"Did we win?" Miles asked.

Logan smiled. "Yes we did! We're both safe for the night."

"Oh." he smiled.


Logan: To my surprise, he was pretty quiet throughout the night. Occasionally, he made conversation about his favorite superheroes, or video games. It seems I was wrong about the kid… but to be fair, it's been three challenges so far, he might have another side…

-looks unsure- I seriously doubt it though. Man, I feel bad ragging on the kid.


Chris's announcement about only having one duo left for safety got all of the pairs into overdrive. The host put together a small little montage of the duos still in, saying it was a while before the last team showed up.

Aaron and Eric were at the lake of the island, splashing some more water on Eric. The bad boy said he didn't need any, but Aaron didn't want to take any risks. The poor spoon in Eric's hands had been bent all out of shape, but it was not being squeezed at the moment, and still had the functionality of a normal spoon.

Butch and Veronica were snooping around for any idols, not really caring about the challenge. Butch was wary at first, but the bombshell promised that he wouldn't leave tonight. His worries dissipated and he helped her search.

Connor and Olive hiked in silence. Both thought that last night was really nice, but neither of them wanted to bring up the circumstances that brought them to it. Olive even noticed a feint blush on the author's face whenever he turned away, something she usually never sees from him.

Donna and Xander were found again by the bear that chased them earlier. Xander had Daisy in a bridal hold as he ran away from the bear, and the self proclaimed princess didn't complain as Xander ran away from the pursuing bear.

Pearl was chasing after Quentin, who was still rolling down the hill with such momentum, it was a mud-covered snowball effect. Pearl didn't give up chasing him for the hope of him rolling into camp. She was covered in mud, but nowhere near the extent that Quentin was.

Rubi and Shane were conversing as they hiked. Not much of importance was going on, all they really talked was how Rubi was going to help Shane with Tessa.

Zayn sat alone near a tree, sighing. Unique was gone, and he had given up, figuring by the time he found her, the challenge would be over. He pocketed his idol and tried to make it back to camp on his own, not wanting to be out here another night.


Chris: Some campers ooze drama more than others do, so it pained me to set up that montage.

-banging from the outside, a voice can be heard, sounding to be Clint- Clint: You didn't set up anything! You sat and watched us do it!

Chris: Hmm. Must have slipped my mind.

-grumbling from the outside-


The ten safe campers sat near Chris, wondering who the last team would be. The host sipped on a latte as he waited, already on his second refill.

Clint grumbled as he sat down near Andrew and the other interns. "Why do we not get paid again? You figure with helping Chris out, we'd at least get some form of compensation."

A girl with long, wavy, blonde hair answered him. "We're getting paid. Our contracts say we get paid in one whole paycheck at the end of the season. It goes to our families, so we'd have it by the time we go home."

Clint raised an eye at this. "I didn't see that in my contract."

"It's there. Trust me, with Courtney threatening to sue over and over, Chris has to have some stuff in everyone's contracts."

"REFILL!" Chris called.

Clint cursed under his breath as he got up to go to the host. When he left, Andrew turned to the girl that had talked with Clint.

"W-What's your name?" he stammered.

She smiled. "Edith. You're Andrew, right?"

He nodded fervently. She giggled sweetly in response.

The last duo crossed the line into the camp. Everyone turned towards them, as Chris sounded his airhorn.

"The challenge is over! There are now twelve people up for elimination, but they are only allowed to vote. The safe twelve are free to do whatever they want for the rest of the night. That is all."

Yoshi went over to the duo and gave them congratulations, and extended his hand…

Shane returned the handshake proudly.

Rubi just thanked Yoshi for the nice sportsmanship, and shook his hand after Shane was done. When she let go of him, she was hugged by Kimberly from behind. Holly went up to say well done, something Kimberly wanted the both of them to do.

Ivy and Tessa were with Shane, applauding him for getting immunity. Shane tensed up when he saw Tessa smiling at him, and the vampire "hunter" hoped no one saw him like this.

Two did, Rubi and Ivy.


Rubi: It seems he'll need a little bit more help on the subject of romance. Hopefully I'll be able to assist him in a helpful way!


Ivy: Aww, Shane has a little crush on Tessa! I don't think she noticed him, strangely enough. The little romantic in me hopes she has the same feelings, but maybe that's hoping too much?


The twelve losers sat in the mess hall eating their dinner. (quick list for those who don't have the losers memorized: Aaron, Butch, Connor, Donna, Eric, Olive, Pearl, Quentin, Unique, Veronica, Xander, and Zayn)

Aaron and Eric were a little peeved (Eric moreso), Butch and Veronica weren't fazed, Connor and Olive didn't make eye contact, Xander raised an eye towards Donna staring at him dreamily, Quentin dumped out another glob of mud from inside his ears, Pearl was pissed at the nerd, and Zayn stared at Unique, pissed off.

Chris walked in with his usual gusto. "Man, the tension's so thick, you could cut it even with one of Chef's rusty knives!" he exclaimed. "You'll be voting soon, so be prepared within the next hour." he informed before walking back out.

Xander looked at Donna. "You have an idea on who to vote off?" he asked.

"Eh, I was just going to vote for Butch. Not really much reason to keep him." she said, jerking her thumb towards the bully's direction.

"Good a plan as any." Xander muttered, before going back into his dinner.

Connor sat across from Olive, wordlessly eating dinner. Olive grew tired about this way of behaving, so she finally broke the silence. "Do you want to talk about last night, at all?" she asked, a hopeful tone in her voice.

"How do we talk about it?" Connor asked her. "How can we? You leaped into my lap when that tree fell, and…"

"And what?" Olive asked.

"And, it felt nice. Like really nice. I don't know what's going on with me, I'm not usually like this." he said, brushing his hair out of his face.

Olive got up to put her tray back. "If it's any consolation, I like this side of you. I like it a lot." she said sweetly before going to return her tray.

Connor just put his head on the table. Aaron pat the author's shoulders in a consoling matter.


Xander: As long as I don't leave, I say voting for Butch is good. Though, I do have to talk with Donna about the lovey dovey eyes.

00 Voting Ceremony 00

The 12 sat in the booths. Chris stood near his podium with a cheesy grin.

"Well, this is about who I expected to see tonight." the host said. "Nevertheless, you guys know the rules, so, begin voting, as I get the marshmallows."

There wasn't a long wait, as everyone had voted before Chris got the bag out. He smirked. "Excited, are we? The ones safe are… Zayn, Donna, Veronica, Olive, Eric, Connor, Pearl, Unique, Quentin, and Aaron."

As the ten munched, Xander and Butch both looked nonchalant. They both assumed the other was going.

"This is the final marshmallow. To cut to the chase, it goes to…














… Butch."

Xander's eyes bugged as he saw Butch catch his marshmallow. Donna had a sad look on her face.

"Xander, please meet me at the Sling. Everyone else can go."

People dispersed, except for Donna. "Figure I could see you off." she said to him.

He smirked, as they both walked to the Sling of Shame.


The two sat, near the slingshot, in silence. Xander did speak up when he was about to leave.

"So, I noticed the way you look at me." he began, noticing the girl's blush on her face.

"Well, you're extremely handsome, pardon if I couldn't look away." she joked. "I wanted to get to know you better, but I have nerves of jello."

"Well, it's sort of a good thing we talked about it now. I'm sorry, but if you were beginning to crush on me, I wanted to tell you that I do have a girlfriend back home." Xander told her gently.

"Oooh, yeah, it's a good thing I didn't think about you any further than I did, I wouldn't know how to deal with that." she smiled. "What's her name?"

"Bailey. If anything, she's sort of like you." he said.

"I'll take that as a compliment." she teased.

They both looked at Chris, who gestured to the Slingshot, implying that it was ready for take-off. Xander shrugged, and climbed in.

"You better win, girl." he teased. "Or else, I'd think this show was a waste of time."

"I won't let you down." she promised.

Chris activated the slingshot, causing the boy to fly off into the horizon, hollering all the way. She sighed, before going back to the cabins.


Olive was on a late night stroll, hoping to find some idols. After peering into the nth bush, she kicked the ground in frustration.

"Where could they be?" she asked herself.

Then her ears perked up. She heard something. Someone. Getting closer to the person, it sounded like they were crying. She wondered who would be crying out in the forest in a time like this?

Her eyes widened when she found out who.



BOOM. Cliffhanger!

Sorry for the small wait on this one, personal life got in the way, as well as motivation issues. Hopefully, this is the longest you guys have to wait between chapters, but alas, that would be in an ideal world.

Now, sadly, I wish I had done more with Xander besides the one joke with him and Donna. With a cast this size, I wish I had done more with anyone, really. Who knows, maybe there's room for an aftermath? That would help with some development. Let me know if you're interested in that.

Lastly, thank you guys for the support! It makes me smile when I read those reviews.

I hope you enjoyed!

00 Contest Standings 00

Still In:

Aaron, Butch, Connor, Donna, Eric, Fletcher, Gabriel, Holly, Ivy, Kimberly, Logan, Miles, Natalya, Olive, Pearl, Quentin, Rubi, Shane, Tessa, Unique, Veronica, Yoshi, Zayn

Eliminated: Jordyn, Wanda, Xander


Idol List:

Island: Brings back teams for a challenge. (hidden)

Action: Pick 10 random confessional tapes to watch. (hidden)

World Tour: Exempt three people from voting. (HELD BY HOLLY)

Revenge: Pick someone to return to the contest. (hidden)

All Star: Give a penalty vote to someone, but if the victim is not eliminated on the same night, the player of the idol receives a penalty vote as punishment. (hidden)

Pahkitew: Gain control of the island for a day. (hidden)

Ridonculous: Gain an advantage for a challenge. (HELD BY ZAYN)

Chris: Immunity. (hidden, still in play until the final 5)

