"What the fuck do you mean she's gone?" InuYasha screamed, causing the monk to flinch from the sheer volume. The hanyou was seething and beyond angry that his friend was gone. He hadn't seen her lately and finally approached Sango, just to learn that Kagome left without even saying Goodbye.

"She couldn't stay, InuYasha." Sango replied calmly, stirring the rabbit soup in her pot to insure it wouldn't burn. They knew this day was coming, but that hadn't thought it would take so long. It was just another reason for Sango and Miroku to be upset with their half demon friend. They are especially happy that Kagome would not learn of this transgression. It would hurt her heart even farther.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean? All her damn friends are here. The bitch should have come said something to me instead of running off." InuYasha argued and Sango cut her eyes towards him, once again hating the way he spoke to and about Kagome. She never did understand how he could talk like that about someone he cared for.

"Yes, her friends are here, but that doesn't mean she felt she belonged. The only ones who talked to her were Miroku and myself. It took days before you even noticed she was gone." Sango reminded, and Inuyasha took a step back. Had she really been gone that long?

"Her words, InuYasha, was that she couldn't stay and be a constant reminder of the tragic past you and Kikyou share. She also felt that you would not miss her either way. You have Kikyou and had not spoken to Kagome for some time before she left. Shippo is also to blame, for he followed you, also forgetting Kagome's existence." Miroku interrupted, and Inuyasha's shoulders slumped. Shippo, who had been silent this who time also felt guilty. He had been with Inuyasha, because the hanyou was teaching the kit more about his magic. They had both been so absorbed in their wants that they forgot about the person who brought them together in the first place.

"Where did she go?" InuYasha asked, his voice subdued and soft.

"We will not tell you." Sango replied and instantly InuYasha was angry again. He crossed his arms over his chest in an attempt from attacking his friends hut. He really felt like lashing out and his friends needed their home. Miroku and sango simply glared at him, very much disappointed in him and Shippo.

"Because she needs time to settle before you go barging in on her." Miroku replied while Sango nodded, agreeing with her husband. This of course did not set well with the irate, foul mouthed hanyou.

"That's bullshit. She doesn't need time to settle because she coming right back home!" He yelled, stomping his foot as his hands fisted at his side. He refused to give up this argument. He would get Kagome back. She had promised never to leave him.

"Look at your mate, InuYasha. She does not want Kagome back." Sango stated bluntly and Inuyasha spun around to face Kikyou. She was sitting in a corner her head looking down guiltily. She looked up and met the eyes of Inuyasha and he could see everything. She felt bad that Kagome had to leave her friends behind, but she was relieved she was gone.

"Why?" InuYasha asked, surprised at the woman he loved. He thought she didn't have a problem with Kagome anymore. She had no reason to.

"When I looked at her, I saw competition." Kikyou admitted. "For So long, She was the other woman."

"I chose you, Kikyou. She is my friend, but nothing more. She didn't even try to break us up once I made my choice." Inuyasha argued softly and Kikyou just looked down. InuYasha hadn't even really had to tell Kagome. She just knew. Kikyou knew this, which is why she felt bad. But she just couldn't shake the feeling that Kagome would steal InuYasha away.

Turning back around to face Miroku and Sango Inuyasha decided to have a long talk with his mate later on. But for now there was something else he needed to do.

"Tell me where she is. Well go get her and bring her back. Kikyou has nothing to worry about and we can get Kagome to tell her that." He ordered and promptly growled when Sango shook her head.

"Kagome is no longer yours to order around, Inuyasha. She left of her own free will. Now all you need to do is focus on your mate." The slayer explained and InuYasha shook his head, still not wanting to accept that Kagome was gone.

"How do I know shes safe? How do you know shes not dead right now because you let her run off alone." He snapped. He didn't even notice as Kikyou stood and silently made her way out of the hut. She didn't want to hear anymore about Kagome. Even with the younger miko gone, she was all Kikyou would hear about.

"We never said she was alone. She is just fine and with friends." Miroku soothed and Inuyasha narrowed his eyes. Kagome had a lot of friends in this era so he still had no idea where she was. And that didn't sit well with him.

"Let It go, my friend." Miroku said, standing up and squeezing InuYasha's shoulder. "In time we shall pay her a visit. But for now she must settle in her new home."

"I don't like it." Inuyasha mumbled and Sango rolled her eyes. The day Kagome left, she was tempted to kill the hanyou but only stopped because Miroku made her. And now Inuyasha stood hell bent on finding Kagome when he didn't even notice she had left until almost a week later. If he wasn't careful, she would hurt him.

"Fine. She has another week and then we are heading out to see her." He demanded and then turned on his feet and stalked out of the hut. He had a mate to find and he also planned to think up a good apology for his best friend. He never meant to forget her so easily. He had been happy that Kikyou was back and his, and then training with Shippo and all his time was gone. He should have made some more for Kagome, and for that mistake he would pay dearly. He refused to lose his friend.

"I really am sorry." Shippo whispered, looking at his little feet. Kagome was his friend and he hurt her. She didn't deserve that.

"Remember to tell her that when we go for a visit." Sango replied her voice soft but firm. "Making time for our friends are important. It's something we all need to remember."

The little kit nodded and jumped to his feet before slowly making his way out of the hut and following Inuyasha. His shoulders were slumped in guilt and sadness and Miroku sighed felling sorry for the child.

"He is mad now, however I dread the day we tell him exactly who she went with." Miroku commented and Sango scoffed.

"He will explode. Literally." She laughed, smiling up to her husband.

"At least we will be seeing Kagome very soon. Within two to three weeks." He stated, turning to his wife as she stirred their dinner. It was beginning to smell delicious.

"Good. I have some news I want to tell her and I cant wait. She'll be just as excited as I am." Sango smirked, knowing exactly how these next few moments were going to work out.

"News?" Miroku asked, looking at her confused.

The next words that slipped out of her mouth had Miroku hitting the ground out cold while Sango threw her head back in laughter. He was a pervert most of the time, but he was also wise and funny, and that was why she loved her monk.



That's all they were. There was no way Kouga brought in a human woman as a mate. He wouldn't doom the east that way. He was loyal and smart and a perfect leader, and these rumors absolutely argued against that point.

Slowly and softly the person continued to sneak closer and closer to Kouga's cave. They were going to find out for sure if this rumor was true. They knew it wasn't possible, but it was their job to be sure. However sneaking into territory covered by wolves was tricky and it was taking some time. They were having to stay downwind while jumping from tree to tree. Silence and timing was a must. It would not do well for them to get caught.


It was only rumors. It was all that was going through their head. They had themselves convinced that Kouga would never allow a human into his pack. Humans were fine from a distance. They had no real problem with them, but that didn't mean they belong amongst demons. Especially a demon pack or tribe. There were rules and instincts, and they must be followed. Quite a few of those wouldn't be understood by a human.

And this is why they were jumping tree to tree to be sure these rumors weren't true. It just couldn't be. Kouga wouldn't jeopardize his pack or the east this way. He was smarter than that. They refused to believe other wise.

Finally they jumped to a tree that was far enough away not to be detected, but close enough to see into the cave. And what they saw shocked them. At first they thought their eyes were seeing things. That couldn't be a human woman sitting on the cliff face in front of the cave opening, petting a pregnant wolfs belly. That couldn't be Kouga sitting beside her, talking to her and smiling as he kissed her on the cheek.

It was all wrong.

This scene was wrong. Their eyes were wrong. Kouga was wrong. All of it. But the scent. The smell of the human carried on the wind, forcing the being to realize those rumors were true. A sudden rage filled their soul, their eyes bleeding that fury. How dare he. That damn wolf would dare to invite a human to his home. His pack, and even his affection.

This would not stand. This would be war. The being took one last lingering look and turned from the scene, jumping through the trees once more and fleeing out of the east. They had planning to do. Because in that moment they made a promise to themselves. A promise to teach Kouga a lesson on his mistakes and just why he should not have humans in his pack.

As the being ran darkness filled their heart as that promise filled their soul. The human would die by their hands, and Kouga would never make this mistake again. They promised it to themselves and any who would listen.


"How has living here been?" Kouga asked, sitting next to Kagome as they stared out towards the sunset. Hazel was on the other side of the woman, while Kagome petted her. Kagome brought her legs up from dangling over the edge and pulled them to her chest as she gazed at the beauty before her. She could honestly admit she never felt this at peace before.

"I love it here Kouga. Its so beautiful. I love this spot and several others." She admitted to him, turning her head just enough to smile at him. He smiled back, glad that she was able to make this her home.

"Good. We need to have a talk, Kagome." He started and she tensed immediately. Conversations that started like that were never good. She relaxed her legs, letting them dangle again and gave Kouga her full attention.

Kouga sighed as he thought about what he was going to say. He hoped that it would be enough to get what he wanted, but only time would tell. With a deep breath, he spoke. "I know you don't love me Kagome. I know your heart still belongs to InuYasha."

She opened her mouth to say something, but Kouga shook his head, stopping her. He needed to say this. "It would mean the world to me if one day I could have your heart instead, but I am willing to settle with just having you. Kagome, I want you to be my mate. I know I'm not him, and maybe you can think of me as him." He grumbled that last part hating the idea, but continued on. He would do anything for her. "But I can promise you I will treat you with respect, kindness, and most importantly love. I will cherish you, Kagome. If you will only give me the chance."

He swallowed then and lifted his blue eyes towards her own. "I am asking you here and now, will you become my mate?"

Kagome was silent, tears filling her eyes at his declaration. No one had ever said anything like that to her before and she couldn't help but to soak it all up. She smiled to him and finally spoke through a tight voice. "I accept Kouga." She had already came to the decision, simply because she was stuck in an era where marriage was common. If she didn't marry, she wouldn't amount to anything. But hearing what he said made her happy about her choice. "and I promise you, that when we mate and throughout our future together, I will never think of you as InuYasha. You will always be Kouga to me."

Kouga's smile was large by time she finished and he couldn't help but to lean over and kiss her cheek. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to have the woman he has wanted for sometime and soon it would be official.

"I will have Ginta and Hakkaku set up the mating ceremony then. Will tomorrow night work for you?" he asked eager to have her as his mate. He didn't want anything to ruin what he was about to get. Kagome nodded while she blushed deeply. She had one day to mentally prepare herself and she could only hope it would work.

Kouga's head snapped out towards the forest below him, his eyes narrowed as he looked out. He could have sworn he heard something growling, but the wind was blowing, making it hard to tell. He stood, holding his hand out to Kagome determined to get her inside and away from possible trouble. He refused to let anything ruin his future with his soon to be mate.


Sorry it took so long. Life got in the way. I hope you all enjoy.

Poll question. How many animals do you have? I have nine snakes, five cats, four tarantulas, and a whip scorpion(which is actually a spider). I have a husband too, if that counts.