Disclaimer: I claim no ownership over 'Mulan' nor am I profiting from this.

Pairing(s): gen.

Warning(s): none.

Word Count: 100.

Mushu curls around her neck when the noise from Shang and their children becomes too much. His scales are losing their color and shimmer. Her neck no longer overheats when he lingers there.

"I can take you somewhere quieter," she offers. "I hear the ancestors are beginning to tolerate you."

Mushu grunts and presses his face into her shoulder, "I deserve more than tolerance. I deserve my very own house with fancy statues of Cri-Kee everywhere."

Statues will never bring Cri-Kee back, but she allows him the dream. Her petting almost relaxes him.

"Let's go somewhere quieter."

"I owe you."